Wed Jul 17 2024 22:03:16 PDT
  • Resolution: ---
  • Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted

325 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1406694 font rendering become too dark / bold @FF56 Core Graphics: Text nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1471405 Back button doesn't work with Firefox 61 with Google Container addon Core DOM: Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-26
1778037 TB 102.0 repeatedly downloads same email messages (POP, Norton AV) - after using Get Messages button (to fetch all) MailNews Core Networking: POP nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-08
1794080 102 will not connect to CardDav Resources - NS_ERROR_FAILURE: No directory for uri=jsaddrbook://abook-1.sqlite AddrBookManager.jsm:266 Thunderbird Address Book nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-09
1306752 Scrolling does not work with Elantech Touchpad/Trackpoint and e10s enabled Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1334533 Update 51 with hardware acceleration enabled makes Firefox UI glitch and crashes browser Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1355770 and are broken in Firefox 54 on Ubuntu 17.04 Core Graphics: Text nobody UNCO --- 2023-08-07
1362790 since FF 53.0, activeidentity PKCS ##11 security device is failing to login automatically. NSS Libraries nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1363015 Images are reloaded and redrawn when e10s is on and bypass cache and cause a huge jank and high CPU/Ram/Bandwidth usage Core Graphics: ImageLib nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-19
1364140 canvas drawImage ignores clipping for various globalCompositeOperation values (regression) Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1365023 MP4 video blobs flicker with hardware-acceleration enabled, v50+ Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1375181 color management destaturated image Core Graphics: Color Mana nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1385616 Rendering delay Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1388571 100% cpu usage on latest nightly Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1392019 on my NIGHTLY browser the tool tips box is empty of text. Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1392708 File save dialogues do not sort folders first in FF 55 (64-bit Linux Mint Debian) Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1393591 FIrefox reports incorrect screen resolution on Retina Macbook Pro Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1396410 Links in external application open in the current tab instead of a new one Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1397700 fillText does not draw anything in some special cases Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1398777 Enabling of webgl angle causing a performance hit in Cesium map when using AMD graphics cards Fire pro m6100 . Core Graphics: CanvasWebG nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1402524 Firefox 57 does not prevent GNOME from going to sleep/black screen in fullscreen mode Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1411496 Checkboxes are rendered using oversized GTK widgets in the bookmark popup dialog Core Widget: Gtk nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1418040 Location bar font looks *slightly* blurry in 57 (+ arbitrary sub pixeling) Core Graphics: Text nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1418419 Printers are set to User Defined Paper after update to “Quantum” version 57 in Windows. Toolkit Printing nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-12
1419263 element.value = '' does not change the value Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1420694 dragging a tab from one window to the first slot in another window causes the "tab here" icon to remain displayed Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1422489 US international keyboard no quotation marks, tilde, accented characters Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1425806 Clear recent history shortcut doesn't work in chrome pages on macOS Firefox Keyboard Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1426435 Portrait Orientation Results in Duplicate Site Content Rendered Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1428578 crashed tab opened in background loses the URL Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1431159 External links to Firefox are not opening correctly when Firefox is already running Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2024-01-01
1434092 Closing a tab sometimes closes all tabs to the right of that tab Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1437902 window sizing controls don't work unless window is maximized and then reduced Core Widget: Win32 nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1450262 SVG feColorMatrix bug with alpha column Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1469506 [e10s] Firefox 60 won't open any local file if a <SYMLINKD> is in the path to that file Core Networking: File nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1484858 Some times the Compositor process spikes the CPU above 100%, in ASAN Nightly Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1486651 Clicking the "New Tab" button in the tab bar opens a seemingly random link at random times after waking up from sleep Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1674520 External dictionaries cannot be used Core Spelling checker nobody UNCO --- 2023-11-06
1740160 Sometimes tab list button gets broken Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-26
1816347 Repeated requestAnimationFrame callback can be triggered by clicking Core Layout nobody UNCO --- 2023-03-06
1249882 Selecting text from pages does not allow you to select multiple lines (Nightly for Android) Core DOM: Selection nobody UNCO --- 2020-12-16
1355461 colors of images over saturated in 52.0.2 Core Graphics: Color Mana nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1491297 strange icon and menu font colors on sparc Solaris Firefox Theme nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
624806 Repeated rebuild of msf summary files beginning in version 3. profile on Samba network share (CIFS) MailNews Core Database nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-08
671447 Unable to view images with mime-type image/x-citrix-jpeg MailNews Core MIME nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
703644 Forwarded MIME message has garbage at the top of the forward , multipart/alternative (HTML comments or a part of HTML comment is quoted as if message body by Forward inline) Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody UNCO --- 2016-07-06
743463 SM not completing path from Alias for on-disk .html SeaMonkey OS Integration nobody UNCO --- 2015-08-01
914957 TB 24 b2 does not recognize email format specified in the address book MailNews Core Address Book nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
960713 Message Pane keeps opening SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di nobody UNCO --- 2016-05-27
967062 Empty inbox tab and folder pane when mail.rights.version=1 (prevent the "Know Your Rights" info bar) Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1043357 Moving more than 1 SubDirs into another Dir only move 1 of marked SubDirs. And all moves fail after that. Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody UNCO --- 2017-01-07
1073655 Starting TB24 stops getting new mail (stuck) after mesage with attachment. GDATA Thunderbird Untriaged nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1098026 Cannot import certificate from smtp server/validate preference dialog broken Thunderbird Security nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1301759 Mail PDF function Not Attaching to Email - Mac OS Core Printing: Output nobody UNCO --- 2023-06-05
1327057 Bookmarks panel blinks if I try to close it when context menu is open Core XUL nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-10
1329408 Selected tab color does not look good in dev theme Firefox Theme nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1335412 Shortcut for History opens along with the window I'm trying to open when I'm using Alt S in online work application. This started today after Firefox update. Firefox Keyboard Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2024-02-27
1335696 An unknown error occured while printing - It will not print after latest update Core Printing: Output nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1615785 Search results list in "Advanced Search" no longer accessible for screen readers Thunderbird Search nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1627151 Set default columns via autoconfig Thunderbird Preferences nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-11
1643405 User scripts don't run on pages with a caching service worker Core DOM: Service Workers nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-28
1655661 Korean text garbled, broken with Firefox 78.1.0esr, regression from 68.10.0esr, font WenQuanYi Micro Hei Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody UNCO --- 2020-11-08
1666587 Canvas shows content from other tab Core Graphics nobody UNCO --- 2020-11-04
1667747 PNG incorrectly decoded (rounding errors) [regression] Core Graphics: Color Mana nobody UNCO --- 2021-12-08
1677479 rss feed asks for password every start MailNews Core Feed Reader nobody UNCO --- 2023-01-09
1687214 Work offline statusbar icon overloaded with extra meaning, unreadable when physically offline MailNews Core Networking nobody UNCO --- 2023-12-31
1704072 browserAction popup redraw issues with WebRender enabled and `gfx.webrender.allow-partial-present-buffer-age` set to true Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1732878 Support for multiple pens on touchscreen Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2022-01-24
1734808 Screen flicker when new tab is opened Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody UNCO --- 2021-11-11
1740235 Key `^` with keycode 229 on AZERTY french keyboards not properly registering on Firefox Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-26
1768322 mail.imap.expunge_after_delete not working properly in 101.0b1 MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-14
1796589 IRC chat screen jumps down when a new message appears Thunderbird Instant Messaging nobody UNCO --- 2022-10-24
1797708 Tab Navigation Does not Work after coming back from any other site Firefox Keyboard Navigation nobody UNCO --- 2022-11-29
1822418 After set Return receipts move to Sent folder, TB keeps showing an MDN filter that should be hidden in the UI Thunderbird Filters nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-06
1852586 Local folders symbolic link breaks Mail tab Thunderbird Untriaged nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-12
1855231 LDAP InetOrgPerson mail attribute can no longer be used for multiple addresses Thunderbird Address Book nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-27
1858351 With Do Not "Automatically mark messages as read", messages change to unread in 4 min, 30 seconds. If Keep messages in all folders for this account on this computer is Unchecked Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-13
1865680 No emails or calendars since forced update to Thunderbird 115. Only works in troubleshoot mode. Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-27
1869002 shape-rendering not working for <line> in SVG (always crispEdges) Core Graphics: WebRender nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-02
1877690 Thunderbird 115.7.0 startup Crash [@ nahimicosd.dll | nsThread::Dispatch ] Thunderbird General nobody UNCO --- 2024-03-30
1880874 Thunderbird is very slow writing, deleting, sending email Thunderbird General nobody UNCO --- 2024-07-07
1886073 Search for text does not scroll to appropriate place Toolkit Find Toolbar nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-09
1890760 Character combinations change the calendar print preview in list mode Calendar Printing nobody UNCO --- 2024-04-11
1894679 Focus does not move to next email after delete Thunderbird Untriaged nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-06
1896408 Google Docs erratic navigation (mouse/keyboard) on recent versions of Firefox Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-16
1901385 Selecting a button is ignored Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody UNCO --- 2024-06-12
1905481 Cannot enter some Thai alphabet in the input text on a webpage on Linux Core DOM: Editor nobody UNCO --- Tue 07:09
1907603 TypeError: aPart is null MimeMessage.sys.mjs:142:7 Thunderbird General nobody UNCO --- Tue 03:49
1908056 Slack huddles are not working anymore with Firefox 128 on MacOS Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody UNCO --- Wed 01:57
1851254 keyboard covers text field AGAIN. Same bug reported in 2012 and 2019. In chat scroll field is behind keyboard and scroll is frozen Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1873134 Crash in [@ OOM | large | NS_ABORT_OOM | nsTSubstring<T>::AllocFailed | nsTSubstring<T>::Append | MimeRebuffer::IncreaseBuffer] MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2024-06-04
1907867 - Options are being overlapped by the "Back/Next" action bar Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- Mon 08:12
1830755 space bar no longer does a page down in RSS - for feed messages showing as webpage. Thunderbird Message Reader UI arschmitz NEW --- 2024-05-28
1606875 replaceTrack of an enabled track with a disabled one (and vice versa) doesn't work reliably Core WebRTC: Signaling docfaraday NEW --- 2023-01-26
1327973 Autocomplete suggestions in inspector are too aggressive: Enter replaces typed text with suggestion DevTools Inspector nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1393313 Favicons in Bookmarks menu flicker rapidly; menu lags a lot Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1410625 Closing a tumblr tab or similar sites results in a noticeable delay (related to beforeunload/ipc ?) Core DOM: Content Process nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1418627 Intermittent browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_524745.js | uncaught exception - TypeError: selectedWindow is undefined at test/</</<@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_524745.js:27:12 Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2024-05-19
1429826 SourceMediaStream aren't removed from MSG Core WebRTC: Audio/Video nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1464540 [Regression] Drag&drop drags the entire message list rows, makes drop target invisible Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2021-11-02
1497803 Video tags / html content not properly displayed in inspector DevTools Inspector nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1593262 timings.REQUEST_HEADER is undefined DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1596525 Assertion failure: data.mPrevLines == 0 (Shouldn't have prev lines), at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/layout/generic/nsRubyBaseContainerFrame.cpp:146 Core Layout: Ruby nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1614774 Tabs become empty: the page turns white and the URL disappears from the address bar Core DOM: Content Process nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1760749 page timings delayed more than 10 sec with esr91.7.1 with devtools DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2022-09-25
1790269 Session restore/recovery fails when rebooting on linux Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2023-10-05
1793315 unified folder doesn't have correct unified-specific attributes Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2023-09-17
1830230 Server sent events not displayed in the Network panel DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2024-03-13
1849794 Crash in [@ GeckoAppShellSupport::ReportJavaCrash] Fenix Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2024-01-11
1871524 Stuck at tabswitch spinner when opening a new tab Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-05-09
1875103 Deleting or moving a message from the message list pane, message preview for next message is slow, up to 2 minutes to appear. Progress bar is in "indeterminate" state Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- Sat 06:48
1892234 org.mozilla.experiments.nimbus.Nimbus$applyLocalExperiments$2$1.invoke blocks startup for 110ms while it's loading libxul Fenix Experimentation and nobody NEW --- 2024-06-27
1898299 - The sidebar list "recent activity" does not work [ESR] Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1260698 Compact folders - shows wrong estimated and compacted size. Compacts too often. totalExpungedBytes number is wrong. MailNews Core Backend nobody NEW --- 2024-04-08
1274006 woff2: reference binding to null pointer in src/ Core Graphics: Text nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1291279 Websites logout after upgrading to ff48 and restart Core Networking: Cookies nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1302505 Jumpy scrolling in latest 49 beta Core Panning and Zooming nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1329333 autocomplete becomes visually detached from field Toolkit Form Manager nobody NEW --- 2022-07-01
1346156 2nd last painted frame is shown when stalling Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1351858 Invalidation bug with the caret in an arrow panel textfield on macOS Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1374216 Add-on icons should be in the navbar by first paint Firefox Toolbars and Customi nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1374224 SVG toolbar icons load after the button is shown on the toolbar Core SVG nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1382519 Rendering glitch: GitHub "tooltip" leaves bar on screen [Linux] Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1389578 "Always check if Nightly is your default browser" is not triggering set default dialog (OSX) Firefox Settings UI nobody NEW --- 2023-06-26
1391797 Hovering inactive tab makes favicon blink Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1392911 startup Crash @ GlyphDataElement<T>::GetExistingGlyphs Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-05
1393163 Rendering of some website behaving differently on Linux than on other platforms Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1395458 Property alpha:false is lost when resizing canvas (spec violation) Core Graphics: Canvas2D nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1407462 Janky close tab animation with Touch Density UI Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2021-12-09
1411493 Input balloons doesn't move/disappear when scrolling Core Layout: Form Control nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1417308 Navigation timing responseStart reported wrong Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1418815 Https to Http redirect does not work on sandbox level 3 (default) Core Security: Process Sa nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1423166 Degradation in rendering performance (v52 vs v57) Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1429839 Command clicking on a link in the Hashnode navbar switches to the tab upon opening new tab Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1445689 Tab audio indicator sticks around long after audio ends Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1446619 there is a line in top of tabbar when using multiple monitors Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1449956 |Undo Close Tab| or |Restore All Tabs| fails if |New Tab| entry is in Closed tab list Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2022-10-17
1461336 Hangs with Wasm WebGL game Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1462884 Status code flag sometimes doesn't work DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1467830 listelement :after element jumps on second page load Core Layout: Block and In nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1473566 Intermittent Copy-using-keyboard-shortcut failure Core DOM: Core & HTML nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1475583 Globe icon in switch-to-tab awesomebar results is always black Firefox Theme nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1477966 When a tab is deselected, its title should appear immediately Core Widget: Cocoa nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1479372 images being replaced with grey rectangles; looks like gfx/platform issues (Spin Off from Bug 1237654) Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1490873 Toggling SVG graph elements on and off leaves artifacts and erases parts. Core Web Painting nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1492523 Youtube dropping large number of frames Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2022-08-24
1495211 Fieldsets are displayed in the wrong order when toggling "display: table-column" / "display: none", if a div is present next to the fieldsets Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1495568 Printing scale on MacOS is doubled Core Printing: Output nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1496040 Downloads in private mode via view-source: don't show up in about:downloads Firefox Downloads Panel nobody NEW --- 2024-05-13
1499027 Inline position absolute layout bug Core Layout: Block and In nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1519268 Firefox is freezed every time I switch to another user and back (macOS 10.14 mojave) Core Widget: Cocoa nobody NEW --- 2023-06-05
1533422 Crash in [@] External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1557731 After updating Firefox does not remain pinned to the taskbar after restarting Firefox Installer nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1587237 ReferenceError: MigrationWizard is not defined Firefox Migration nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1611870 Restoring pinned tabs sometimes leaves the tab with the right favicon but an empty url Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2023-10-12
1619936 The yellow button reading "S'Abonner" flickers when scrolling up and down Core Layout: Flexbox nobody NEW --- 2024-04-17
1624083 After loading restored tab, firefox navigates to new URL Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2022-09-26
1636578 Master password dialogue box pops up again after putting in master password, even though it accepts password Toolkit Password Manager nobody NEW --- 2022-08-15
1656671 Browser Toolbox interferes with extension content scripts WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2020-09-28
1667585 WebExtensions API tab type: audible property incorrect when tab is muted WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2021-12-14
1670501 Inconsistencies with storage.StorageArea.get({prop: undefined}) WebExtensions Storage nobody NEW --- 2020-10-31
1683432 Firefox add-on shortcut setting unreliable Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2021-01-11
1697135 Downloading Files fires Filesystem created event twice Firefox File Handling nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1697142 Add-ons in-content Options cropped / in-content Options <body> height scaled incorrectly Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-07-27
1715255 [Ubuntu] X11/HiDPI Hamburger menu is misplaced after modifying the display scale Core Widget: Gtk nobody NEW --- 2021-06-16
1721605 Tab drag image when dragging a tab flashes white even with Dark theme Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1744018 External scheme handler launched by an add-on can be blocked despite user action WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2023-03-27
1744992 Loading of XML resources never ends and extension content is never injected WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2023-08-02
1748411 Bottom of extension popup cut off; lacks scroll bar WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2023-09-25
1758224 I cannot input "Chinese character" into web_address column for searching purpose. Firefox Address Bar nobody NEW --- 2022-11-03
1773150 "tabs.warmup" API doesn't help with rendering in inactive tabs WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2022-07-22
1781264 Encoded Umlauts %C3%BC are passed as decoded umlauts ü when passing different protocol URLs to external handlers on windows (e.g. mailto, custom schemes) Firefox File Handling nobody NEW --- 2024-04-24
1787119 webRequest.StreamFilter errors for downloads WebExtensions Request Handling nobody NEW --- 2024-06-07
1795300 Enabling an add-on for use private mode re-prompts for installing the search engine as default WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2023-06-16
1808329 Opened tabs from first profile are not displayed in the Tab pickup section on second profile Firefox Firefox View nobody NEW --- 2023-01-11
1818484 mozregression should clean up the files that Firefox puts in the update directory Testing mozregression nobody NEW --- 2023-03-06
1833322 - Overlapping elements when in "Print Preview" Core Print Preview nobody NEW --- 2023-06-02
1847526 The input fields on the login page have unnecessary boxes inside at Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1851430 Crash in [@ mozilla::PresShell::DoFlushPendingNotifications] Core XUL nobody NEW --- 2024-06-17
1869797 "Get Facebook for Android" banner is missing at Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-03-12
1877359 Crash in [@ java.lang.IllegalStateException: at androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Size.getWidth-impl(Size.kt:29)] Fenix Homepage nobody NEW --- 2024-04-11
1898716 - Design of the page is broken [ESR] Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody NEW --- 2024-05-28
1398763 When using displays with different scaling factors, tabs don't react to clicks on the topmost pixel in maximized mode Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1686588 Version 84.0.2 do not set properly its window identification on Windows 10 Core Widget: Win32 nobody NEW --- 2021-01-20
1696958 [regression] File downloads failing with sandboxing Core Security: Process Sa landry NEW --- 2022-09-15
1243998 Leak with accessibility, document.fonts, and geolocation prompt in background Core DOM: Geolocation nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1383671 Standardize extreme left and right margins of buttons in Address Bar and Bookmark Toolbar Firefox Theme nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1412634 corrupted content error instead of offline when restoring page with wifi disabled Core Networking: HTTP nobody NEW --- 2022-11-02
1413613 Open Menu button opens truncated menu at certain text zoom Firefox Menus nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1440408 Some dynamic page state changes are not being restored Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2023-07-14
1454943 ..\testing\mozbase\mozrunner\tests\ [firefox] TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL if Unicode in profile name Testing Mozbase nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1479098 Mysteriously Disappearing Pinned Tabs Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1783217 Intermittent [tier 2] CCOV Windows Wd TEST-UNEXPECTED-TIMEOUT | expected OK (shutdown hang - WARNING: Process <PID> may be hanging at shutdown; will wait for up to <TIME>ms) Testing Code Coverage nobody NEW --- Sun 23:42
521484 virtual / saved search folders are mistakenly considered being newsgroups MailNews Core Search acelists NEW --- 2022-10-10
1856701 Flashes of uncorrected color during CSS transitions Core Graphics: Color Mana jgilbert NEW --- 2023-11-09
437679 copy paste add space even if not exist in selection, pasting end of line texts of format=flowed emails Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
456156 Exception in "messengerdnd.js :: DropOnFolderTree", on canceling folder drop to Trash dialog MailNews Core Backend nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
481745 Unexpected interaction between the header text and "view" type menu SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di nobody NEW --- 2010-05-06
499301 News: "Remove bodies from messages more than ... days old" retention setting not functional MailNews Core Networking: NNTP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
503486 When a Thread is selected in summary view it changes state Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
516279 Check possible drop targets and behaviour for drag & drop of .eml files (nothing happens for allowed targets; should open the .eml file in most non-folder cases) Thunderbird OS Integration nobody NEW --- 2024-02-22
531509 UI issues with invalid certificates dialog Thunderbird Security nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
533766 can't move saved search/virtual folder via drag and drop - NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS folderPane.js :: ftv_drop Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2023-11-24
576663 TB3.1 does not recognize the action of the NZB file. TB Does it correctly. (if .NZB file=XML_format is sent with application/octet-stream instead of correct application/x-nzb, Tb 3.1 adds ".xml" to file name when Tb passes data to application.) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
582175 Remember last selected message should work across sessions (after restart) Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2023-08-27
595005 toggling "Show Ignored Threads" menu check state in 3.1.x doesn't update message list Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
606472 Image Properties dialog fails to read back height and width attributes from current HTML, removing custom dimensions MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
629444 [Debug Linux] Long buildbot timeout fires instead of shorter mochitest harness timeout, at least for mochitests-4 test_value_cloning.html SeaMonkey Testing Infrastructu nobody NEW --- 2021-03-10
684924 Cannot drag and drop .eml file from Windows folder into email client folder SeaMonkey MailNews: General nobody NEW --- 2022-03-25
696608 Adding or removing addresses to or from the home page group throws exceptions SeaMonkey Preferences nobody NEW --- 2011-10-22
699000 Vertical whitespace inflation on message printouts (wasted space around message body text and before attachment preview) Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2022-04-29
724293 SeaMonkey on Mac OS X does not open HTML files or hyperlinks correctly when using the profile manager SeaMonkey OS Integration nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
774193 select multiple folders in the folder left pane and update columns only works on first folder Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2023-09-26
775472 Saved Search virtual folder (collecting mails marked "Unread") doesn't update automatically when incoming new mail is filtered into folders other than inbox Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
779876 Composer View Mode Tabs become Ineffectual SeaMonkey Composer nobody NEW --- 2021-03-10
784267 No user feedback in conditions when delete mail with keyboard or delete button fails. Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIMsgDBView.doCommand] Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2023-05-08
794048 No visible doorhanger on add-on update SeaMonkey General nobody NEW --- 2021-03-10
854742 Rename of message folder is not reflected to virtualFolders.dat, property of (Saved) Search Folder(==Virtual Folder) MailNews Core Filters nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
874020 HTML domain settings are ignored if there is an entry in LDAP directory server MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2016-01-17
892885 No Safe Mode dialog after several startup failures Toolkit Startup and Profile nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
898686 Print preview on an .eml file fails MailNews Core Printing nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
905576 TB3 repeatedly rebuilding summary files for many folders when profile(mail directory) is on network drive. (Fileshare server is SAMBA on Linux, Fileshare client is Windows) MailNews Core Database nobody NEW --- 2023-11-23
917769 Gloda.index_msg ERROR Problem encountered during message move/copy: undefined, if "filter move with after Junk Classification" happens when outdated msf condition exists MailNews Core Search nobody NEW --- 2017-03-13
926467 imap error: "Could not parse command" started after upgrade to Version 24 (≪Body≫ or * is wrongly stored in mailnews.customHeaders by someone, then "fetch ... HEADER.FIELD (... ≪Body≫ * ...)" is sent by Tb 24, thus IMAP server returns BAD) MailNews Core Networking: IMAP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
986874 Empty message pane opens by itself after marking a message as junk in the messages list SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di nobody NEW --- 2023-09-22
1065842 caret becomes invisible and hangs at it's place when stepping through mathematical formula with arrowright key SeaMonkey Composer nobody NEW --- 2021-03-10
1067052 downloads/uploads last location used no longer website specific Toolkit Downloads API nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1067972 slow "Search Subject or Adress" process after upgrade to SM 2.29 SeaMonkey MailNews: Message Di nobody NEW --- 2014-10-25
1106251 popstate-N.dat folders appear in folder pane MailNews Core Networking: POP nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1215933 FIlter loop moving messages using post-processing filters(infinite loop of filter move when "Filter after Junk Classification" is used. caused by bug 770137 and bug 1320676) MailNews Core Filters nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1246865 UI Language related: Menu 'Format → Background Image' Path Input Line height too small Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1257189 Control shift right arrow selects way too much, even invisibly selecting following blank lines and into following <div> elements Core DOM: Selection nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1276414 Opening Plain Text Message Draft adds additional leading blank in text line starting with leading blanks SeaMonkey MailNews: Compositio nobody NEW --- 2016-06-09
1298065 Regression - Nightly does not remember Privacy History settings correctly Firefox Settings UI nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1320146 Async pan/zoom can lead to smeared fonts Core Graphics: Text nobody NEW --- 2023-11-06
1323607 CustomizableUI.reset() moves buttons to overflow panel Firefox Toolbars and Customi nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1347370 Spinners rapidly blink in all tabs with gray spinners (sometimes) Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1381485 Hangs sending mail while copying message to Sent folder on Mac-only while displaying the progress bar. Deadlock in graphics on CGLClearDrawable. Workaround comment 349 Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2023-12-21
1400403 scrollbars missing in message print preview MailNews Core Printing nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1412419 CSS Grid Overlay doesn't show with hardware acceleration turned on Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1413133 Windows window snap state not restored for Thunderbird Thunderbird OS Integration nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1502298 [Windows 7] When using Foxit to print pdf not all pages are printed and text is wrongly displayed External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1508153 60.3.1 opens message and compose window (edit as new message) when opening a message by hitting the enter key on a numerical keypad on Mac Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2022-08-16
1508649 Thunderbird Crash sending mail in shutdownhang | _PR_MD_WAIT_CV | _PR_WaitCondVar | PR_Wait | PR_CWait | nsMsgCopy::DoCopy - Error saving to Sent folder MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2024-05-03
1514671 AS gets set to ccache when ccache is used Firefox Build System General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1585560 Email window is not closed when deleted in unified inbox Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2022-10-12
1601096 saved files list empty after restart Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
1654934 Unable to open mobile share menu (because is different in Fenix for SVG nested in button, compared to Fennec) Core DOM: Events nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1655725 Youtube scrollbar width increased after zooming and closing the Wireless - PC ScreenShare Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2020-09-10
1657486 Dragging out a tab resulted in tab disappearing Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-07-27
1658875 Frontend should gracefully handle failure to create new remote browsers (instead of hanging the UI) Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-02-22
1659166 Very long reflows on Wikipedia Barack Obama page Core Layout: Columns nobody NEW --- 2023-08-14
1662620 Filter rule on To, Cc, Bcc "is in my address book" fails, always results in false match Thunderbird Filters nobody NEW --- 2021-07-13
1663570 Extremely slow rendering of SVG items. Impossible to scroll. Core Graphics nobody NEW --- 2022-08-03
1672637 Firefox hangs and doesn't react on stop button while loading a huge changeset from Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2020-11-11
1675668 When opening several selected messages in their own windows with Enter, cascading message windows appear out of order after the 6th message Thunderbird OS Integration nobody NEW --- 2022-05-01
1681988 list style type decimal producing wrong numbers Core Layout: Generated Co nobody NEW --- 2023-09-04
1689777 overflow:clip causes transformZ to stop applying to UI but not to the rendered result Core Layout nobody NEW --- 2021-02-16
1691301 Filter Log screen continually reverts to small default size Thunderbird Filters nobody NEW --- 2024-03-22
1692581 Topsite image only appears after clicking on a new tab Firefox Top Sites nobody NEW --- 2021-03-12
1703463 about:crashes - review Failed state button for un-submitted crash reports Toolkit Crash Reporting nobody NEW --- 2022-06-07
1708903 Repeating items on the screen Core Graphics: WebRender nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1714602 Font differences in drop down suggestions Core Layout: Form Control nobody NEW --- 2021-07-01
1715113 [Bug] CJK text with `monospace` font shows serif font instead of sans-serif since version 89 Core Layout: Text and Fon nobody NEW --- 2022-12-05
1715410 Session history forgets the title of pages with forms that POST to the same URL Firefox Session Restore nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1732917 Mini-month Calendar box defaults to yesterday’s date Calendar Calendar Frontend nobody NEW --- 2023-10-16
1769930 clipboard.writeText and nsIAlertService gnome system backend may cause temporary hang in KDE Toolkit Alerts Service nobody NEW --- 2023-06-22
1773792 No user feedback when clicking a link that uses an unrecognized protocol Core DOM: Navigation nobody NEW --- 2022-09-05
1777644 TypeError: can't access property "ownerGlobal", element is null on InlineSpellChecker.jsm Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-07-17
1778080 Ctrl+Page-up/down fails to switch tabs if focus is in tree lists (message pane, folder pane etc.) Thunderbird Toolbars and Tabs nobody NEW --- 2023-04-05
1789730 Slow startup due to recurring event with many annual occurrences Calendar Internal Components nobody NEW --- 2024-01-21
1791751 Correspondents column in message list blank after switching between folders Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2022-10-16
1792531 browser.anchor_color pref has no effect any more on the color of links Thunderbird Preferences nobody NEW --- 2023-07-23
1793788 Firefox Garbage Collection eagerly killing window reference when used with setTimeout WebExtensions Untriaged nobody NEW --- 2023-03-06
1799072 release notes link in "About Thunderbird" dialog is truncated in German build before updates Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2023-01-22
1799097 [iOS] Sent tabs from desktop are not opened on iOS if the user taps to open the tab from the notification screen Firefox for iOS Sync nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1800306 Crash in [@ atomic_refcell::AtomicRefCell<T>::borrow] Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2024-06-21
1807394 Cannot import vCard group with mailto members (KIND:group MEMBER:mailto:foo@bar) - creates new address book with single contact Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2023-02-04
1807799 Unable to multiselect address book contacts with command key [Mac] Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2023-01-03
1823308 Using menus, can't move/copy to subfolder which has more children than fits vertically Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2023-04-24
1834206 [Devtools] Unable to Receive 206 Response or Filter by Media Type, but Content Remains Playable. DevTools Netmonitor nobody NEW --- 2023-06-19
1840255 **Starting in version 102** New message indication in folder pane unreliable Thunderbird Folder and Message L nobody NEW --- 2024-03-28
1844329 [Flatpak] Seeking the progress bar on a video while the "Loop" option is enabled will freeze it Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody NEW --- 2023-09-19
1858782 browser.tabs.warnOnClose makes quiting from GNOME's menu bar a huge pain Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2024-01-30
1859474 Crash in [@ NS_CycleCollectorSuspect3 | nsCycleCollectingAutoRefCnt::decr] via mozilla::dom::TCPSocket::ActivateTLS Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2023-12-26
1860296 Cursor jumps to wrong place when inserting text into text area Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2024-03-19
1861876 Crash in [@ shutdownhang | mozilla::SpinEventLoopUntil | mozilla::storage::Service::Observe] Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2024-01-28
1867094 part of the compose window editor content is not shown if compose window width is shrunk to smaller than the Formatting Bar width Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2024-05-26
1868160 Copy sent to folder is hanging MailNews Core Composition nobody NEW --- 2024-03-11
1868190 Hit MOZ_CRASH(Resolving style on <br> (0x1d9f1e0cc10) without current styles: ElementData { styles: ElementStyles { primary: Some(Some(0x1d9f2463060)), pseudos: EagerPseudoStyles(None) }, damage: GeckoRestyleDamage(nsChangeHint(0)), hint: RestyleHint(REST Core CSS Parsing and Comp nobody NEW --- 2024-02-13
1872641 address book search fails until switching address book Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2024-03-10
1872843 (xul) new mail notification opens mid screen (not at bottom right corner like it should) Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 2024-01-04
1876015 The participant invitation interface is no longer aligned if the number of participants exceeds the number of lines displayed on the screen Calendar Dialogs nobody NEW --- 2024-04-01
1879782 Controls missing in video player while in full-screen portrait mode Fenix Media nobody NEW --- 2024-05-27
1882757 Crash in [@ hashbrown::raw::Bucket<T>::as_ptr] working with attachment Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-17
1891962 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::Console::ShouldProceed] Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- Tue 00:59
1894317 Alert #34 - mozilla-central - 34.87% AndroidStartup:fenix cold_main_first_frame.median (android-hw-a51-11-0-aarch64-shippable) Fenix Performance nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1895101 Crash in [@ js::gc::HeaderWord::get] Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2024-06-03
1896633 Web requests created by extensions content scripts are not visible in the Developer Toolbox WebExtensions Developer Tools nobody NEW --- 2024-07-01
1896644 "Securely save this card?" prompt is displayed only after a refresh Fenix Autofill nobody NEW --- 2024-06-27
1897408 Crash in [@ OOM | large | XPCConvert::JSData2Native] trying to send attachment Thunderbird General nobody NEW --- 2024-07-08
1903728 Firefox becomes unresponsive after using an infinite loop while visiting about:config page DevTools Console nobody NEW --- 2024-06-20
1905103 Crash in [@ mozilla::dom::IOUtils::EventQueue::EventQueue] Toolkit IOUtils and PathUtil nobody NEW --- Mon 12:35
1906539 [Dark Theme][Windows10] Message body background is white - should be dark instead Thunderbird Message Reader UI nobody NEW --- Mon 05:30
1907813 imap drafts folder is not recognised by TB 128 Thunderbird Account Manager nobody NEW --- Tue 03:51
1908146 Pressing PageUp/PageDown consecutively doesn't work on Bugzilla Core DOM: UI Events & Foc nobody NEW --- 06:00:07
1111545 "TypeError: can't acess dead object" in client tab at startup. Other Applications ChatZilla rginda NEW --- 2015-01-22
1616753 Global Search: Attachments type subfilters return no results; then attachments facet disappears after two clicks, making the search no-op. Thunderbird Search alessandro ASSI --- 2022-08-24
1846937 Message list doesn't scroll downwards far enough when using down arrow key with increased font Thunderbird Disability Access elijmitchell ASSI --- Tue 08:15
1886210 Black screen when I go to the home screen, with a wallpapers set Fenix Homepage Vlad.DreghiciPopa ASSI --- 2024-04-16
1857469 pill context Move to Cc, Move to Bcc do not work Thunderbird Message Compose Wind mkmelin+mozilla ASSI --- 2024-01-26
1745446 Firefox 95.0 for Windows doesn't save Printer Page Orientation or query the Printer's Default Orientation Core Printing: Setup nobody REOP --- 2023-01-13
1387544 Page in pinned tab renders incorrectly on initial load Core Graphics nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1399835 Dragging a tab onto the browser window doesn't detach the tab while on secondary screen Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1496024 unable to delete/set URI protocol handlers Firefox File Handling nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1805956 browsingData API doesn't clear localStorage data set in private tabs WebExtensions Untriaged nobody REOP --- 2023-09-30
1848474 [116 Regression with RFP and "Dark Reader" extension] Pages stop showing midway, new pages don't load, refresh stops working Core Privacy: Anti-Tracki nobody REOP --- 2023-12-20
1670508 Firefox with profile in ram disk after update to 79, forcing users from local to sync storage for add-on and caused add-on fail to load data . WebExtensions Storage nobody REOP --- 2024-06-11
1791842 Android crash in [@ java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibraryFromClasspath] Data Platform and To Glean: SDK nobody REOP --- 2024-02-06
1868598 Intermittent TV docshell/test/mochitest/test_bug1747033.html | Test timed out. - Core DOM: Navigation nobody REOP --- 2023-12-13
1864374 Opening an SVG with certain large numbers in attributes crashes/freezes the entire PC Core Graphics: WebRender jfkthame REOP --- 2024-05-03
991003 Session Restore and XUL persistence don't work together due to the order windows are restored Firefox Session Restore nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1328073 [e10s] select scrolls down infinitely if I hover mouse over the bottom pixel Core Layout: Form Control nobody REOP --- 2022-10-11
1345442 Regression forward button in location bar performs distracting animation sometimes when switching to pending tabs Firefox Theme nobody REOP --- 2022-10-10
1714798 Firefox picks wrong orientation for USPS labels on brother ql-770 Toolkit Printing nobody REOP --- 2021-10-20
325 bugs found.