Wed Jul 17 2024 22:32:11 PDT
  • Keywords: sec508

18 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
350615 Subscription options on feed preview page are not accessible Firefox Graveyard RSS Discovery and Pr asaf RESO FIXE 2018-12-20
461981 Keyboard navigation broken in feed preview page Firefox Graveyard RSS Discovery and Pr bugzilla RESO FIXE 2018-12-20
67604 js console buttons should have corresponding menu items Core Graveyard Error Console pilgrim RESO EXPI 2010-05-04
256232 cannot scroll Javascript Console entries with keyboard arrows Toolkit Graveyard Error Console doronr RESO WORK 2016-06-29
288356 Java applet + screen reader: heap corruption brings down Firefox Core Graveyard Java: OJI aaronlev RESO FIXE 2010-10-16
312932 Java applet + screen reader no longer crashes; allow that combo Core Graveyard Java: OJI aaronlev RESO FIXE 2010-10-16
160192 loading page that contains java applet steals focus from other windows Core Graveyard Java-Implemented Plu blackconnect RESO WORK 2012-04-09
451693 Make live chat accessible using WAI-ARIA live region markup Chat gijskruitbosch+bugs RESO FIXE 2013-01-15
363182 Talkback crashes when I hit the "Details" button to view the crash log Core Graveyard Talkback Client jaymoz RESO WORK 2009-05-27
1108998 Buttons for actual share providers in Social API sharing panel (e.g. Facebook share) are unlabeled for accessibility Firefox Graveyard SocialAPI mixedpuppy RESO FIXE 2019-02-25
111526 link focus outline (invert) invisible on gray backgrounds Core Graveyard GFX nobody RESO WORK 2014-04-26
472377 drag this way items need alt text Firefox for Android General nobody RESO WORK 2010-09-15
1108995 Social API Providers Directory items need alternative text and keyboard interaction Firefox Graveyard SocialAPI nobody RESO FIXE 2019-02-25
86647 OK button not active on Restore Cert password dialog box Core Graveyard Security: UI rangansen VERI FIXE 2016-09-27
66617 [regression] if tabbing scrolls page, focus outline doesn't leave first link Core Graveyard GFX bryner VERI FIXE 2009-01-22
101436 Security warning is not accessible Core Graveyard Security: UI ssaux VERI WORK 2016-09-27
84622 keybindings documentation for users Documentation Gravey Help Viewer jruderman VERI DUPL 2005-03-14
89410 help window lacks key shortcuts Documentation Gravey Help Viewer oeschger VERI FIXE 2003-04-21
18 bugs found.