Wed Jul 17 2024 23:24:44 PDT
  • Keywords: spain

17 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1851510 Pasting images on twitter editor doesn't work consistently. Core DOM: Copy & Paste an nobody UNCO --- 2023-09-11
1533422 Crash in [@] External Software Af Other nobody NEW --- 2024-04-16
1860566 website displays an empty page when Firefox history is set to "Never Remember History" Firefox Private Browsing nobody NEW --- 2023-10-24
1846711 “Extension Not Allowed on Restricted Sites” status message, “Allow on Restricted Sites” context menu option and prompt not localized for ES-ES WebExtensions General nobody NEW --- 2023-08-30
1861432 Localization metrics page is empty General nobody NEW --- 2023-10-31
1875942 FNMT: Certificates issued included Policy qualifiers other than id-qt-cps CA Program CA Certificate Compl amaya.espinosa ASSI --- 2024-02-24
868370 Provide a way to import user certificates (with their private keys) from PKCS#12/PFX files (Firefox for Android) GeckoView General nobody REOP --- 2024-05-21
1867624 Massive main process jank when some spanish websites are used and you have the DNIe card reader software installed Core Security: PSM dkeeler RESO FIXE 2023-12-18
1475617 safebrowsing page still uses old Firefox logo Toolkit Safe Browsing nobody RESO FIXE 2023-09-25
1709082 Crash in [@ usrdniecertstore.dll | CertControlStore] - Spain national ID card DNIe External Software Af Other yjuglaret RESO FIXE 2023-12-11
1881787 Add support for Spain to Data Platform and To General bewu RESO FIXE 2024-03-18
1850235 Update built-in es-ES dictionary to version 3.2.8 Mozilla Localization es-ES / Spanish francesco.lodolo RESO FIXE 2023-08-30
1850052 Bedrock includes link to external metadata causing bad SEO listing in Edge Pages & Content nobody RESO FIXE 2024-03-29
1861628 Progress bars on Localization dashboard are not displayed Localization tasos RESO FIXE 2023-11-08
1841998 Enable Credit Card Autofill in ES and IT in release Toolkit Form Autofill mtigley VERI FIXE 2023-08-24
1891046 Outlook Web logout daily Web Compatibility Site Reports nobody VERI WORK 2024-04-29
1804673 Add es-ES dictionary to Firefox Mozilla Localization es-ES / Spanish francesco.lodolo VERI FIXE 2023-08-26
17 bugs found.