Wed Jul 17 2024 23:36:06 PDT
  • Keywords: topcrash-b2g

21 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1031527 b2g crashes during boot during receiving call Core Graphics: Layers sotaro.ikeda.g RESO FIXE 2014-10-29
878366 Crash on abort in mozilla::dom::ContentChild::ProcessingError Firefox OS Graveyard General cervantes.yu RESO FIXE 2014-01-08
932046 crash in mozilla::net::HttpChannelChild::OnRedirectVerifyCallback(unsigned int) Core Networking honzab.moz RESO FIXE 2014-01-06
949667 crash in mozilla::net::HttpChannelParent::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest*, nsISupports*) Core Networking honzab.moz RESO FIXE 2014-01-16
1114667 crash in js::VectorToIdArray(JSContext*, JS::AutoIdVector&, JSIdArray**) Core DOM: Geolocation huseby RESO FIXE 2015-03-02
878542 crash in on Keon / [@ ] on inari Firefox OS Graveyard General nobody RESO WONT 2018-03-02
891160 [Fireweb][inari][bluetooth] Bluetooth crash in mozilla::dom::bluetooth::PBluetoothRequest::Transition with abort message: "__delete__()d actor" after trying to send to the Mac and then switching to camera app Firefox OS Graveyard Bluetooth nobody RESO WORK 2014-09-17
905818 crash in mozilla::dom::sms::SmsMessageData::Assign Core DOM: Device Interfac nobody RESO WORK 2017-03-14
925819 crash in js::jit::Assembler::bind(js::jit::Label*, js::jit::BufferOffset) Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO DUPL 2022-11-29
964328 crash in mozilla::layers::DeprecatedContentClientRemoteBuffer::CreateAndAllocateDeprecatedTextureClient(mozilla::RefPtr<mozilla::layers::DeprecatedTextureClient>&) Core Graphics: Layers nobody RESO INCO 2015-10-02
967075 crash in GrDrawTarget::getClip() const Core Graphics nobody RESO INCO 2015-10-02
970403 crash in android_atomic_add Core Graphics: Layers nobody RESO WONT 2014-04-23
978816 crash in js::jit::EnterBaselineMethod(JSContext*, js::RunState&) Core JavaScript Engine: J nobody RESO DUPL 2014-03-03
1071462 Crash in mozilla::MediaOmxReader::NotifyDataArrived() with specific mp3 file Core Audio/Video nobody RESO DUPL 2014-09-24
1114673 crash in __wrap_epoll_wait Firefox OS Graveyard Gaia::System nobody RESO WONT 2022-11-29
1226030 crash in android::BlockIterator::seek Core Audio/Video: Playbac nobody RESO INVA 2015-11-20
975384 crash in mozilla::layers::GrallocTextureHostOGL::GrallocTextureHostOGL Core Graphics: Layers sotaro.ikeda.g RESO FIXE 2014-03-17
1016677 crash in mozilla::layers::ContentClientRemoteBuffer::EndPaint() Core Graphics: Layers sotaro.ikeda.g RESO FIXE 2014-06-06
914823 crash in mozilla::gl::SharedSurface_Gralloc::~SharedSurface_Gralloc Core Graphics jacob.benoit.1 VERI FIXE 2013-11-26
929004 crash in mozilla::system::SetStatusRunnable::Run() Firefox OS Graveyard GonkIntegration dhylands VERI FIXE 2013-12-03
927413 crash in mozilla::gfx::DrawTargetSkia::DrawSurface Core Graphics: Canvas2D matt.woodrow VERI FIXE 2013-11-28
21 bugs found.