Thu Jul 18 2024 00:07:08 PDT
  • Keywords: ux-implementation-level
  • Resolution: ---

31 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
572664 tree lose focus after end of editing treecell Core XUL nobody UNCO --- 2024-05-25
460737 Quickfilter ignores searches for friendly display names from address book contacts, as displayed on message header and message list by default (no or incomplete results for From, To, CC, BCC) Thunderbird Search nobody NEW --- 2024-06-06
1716397 Double-click on various links fails to trigger link properties. For many basic cases, no in-place way of editing or checking link location with mouse Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-10-15
1727209 Printing OpenPGP encrypted message prints ellipsis instead of subject MailNews Core Security: OpenPGP nobody NEW --- 2023-03-31
587400 Closing a pinned-tab less window last removes all pinned tabs Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1320538 There is no confirmation dialog after completing bookmark importing/exporting task and when it's still going on during browser shutdown Firefox Bookmarks & History nobody NEW --- 2023-06-19
1564519 Display menu options in expanded card view (instead of 3-dot menu) Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2022-10-12
1782397 Drag and drop of contacts to a mailing list in another address book no longer works Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2024-03-10
1809425 [Meta] Ensure that yesterday's `Today` will always advance to the actual `Today` over midnight, everywhere in Calendar, regardless of sleep mode etc. Calendar General nobody NEW --- 2024-05-18
1385688 [Suggestion] Dictionary menu available by default Toolkit Add-ons Manager nobody NEW --- 2022-10-11
55696 "Force JavaScript link to open in new window or new tab" Firefox General nobody NEW --- 2024-02-21
316978 Add an option to sync the identity settings of the account with its sub identities - Incoming & Outgoing Thunderbird Account Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-03-09
528034 [tagging] user should be able to control the order (priority) of tags. Thunderbird Mail Window Front En nobody NEW --- 22:18:58
543416 advanced search messages option to search in message body is not available for local search (`run search on server` w/o IMAP synchronization not obvious, won't stick) Thunderbird Search nobody NEW --- Sat 17:58
594161 On Windows delay closing the application for a few seconds Firefox General nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
604027 Differentiate between connectivity states with throbber Firefox Tabbed Browser nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
882617 TB sends a message after being canceled !! Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-10-10
913768 [mime] structs not recognized across internal line wraps in plaintext messages, f=f (e.g. _/*foo bar*/_ with line break in the middle not displayed as bold) MailNews Core MIME nobody NEW --- 2023-12-31
1425187 Don't allow shield studies/experiments without any explanation in description what they do and without related Mozilla bug URL with more detailed information Shield Shield Study nobody NEW --- 2022-07-26
1525576 When writing a message: If <table> is the first or last element added, unable to add content outside the table (before or after respectively) Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2024-04-02
1635124 Navigating From selector identity list with cursor down/up prematurely applies each identity (with Auto-CC/BCC): 'Customize From Address' always uses last identity Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-01-13
1674359 Can't move caret cursor focus after `<table>` in `contenteditable` element if `<table>` is the last element (nor before table when it's the first element) Core DOM: Editor nobody NEW --- 2023-02-23
1686132 Bogus UI design and undefined UI states in "Message Synchronizing" IMAP Account Settings Thunderbird Account Manager nobody NEW --- 2023-03-16
1720311 CSS style="position:absolute; ..." of original message leaks into reply, and may cover reply text in odd ways - should be contained in quoted reply Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2024-05-21
1784149 Changing "Check for new messages every XX minutes" has no effect for the current session until restarting TB Thunderbird Account Manager nobody NEW --- 2022-08-11
1795118 mail.compose.warn_public_recipients fails for nested mailing lists Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2023-02-09
1797091 CSV export of address book silently drops all multiple field entries (e.g. 3rd email address etc.) which don't fit the old AB scheme Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2023-10-04
1799356 Adding a contact's secondary email address to a Mailing List adds the primary/default email address instead Thunderbird Address Book nobody NEW --- 2022-11-07
1800877 Autocomplete popup is not wide enough to display full addresses when editing a recipient pill (worse for short pills) Thunderbird Message Compose Wind nobody NEW --- 2022-11-17
790876 automatically detect/set filters to run before/after classification (plugins) as needed, without having the user to set it manually MailNews Core Filters rkent NEW --- 2022-10-10
849568 Selecting "No Style" to disable text/plain word wrap is confusing Firefox General nobody REOP --- 2022-10-10
31 bugs found.