Wed Jul 17 2024 21:08:41 PDT
  • Keywords: verified1.8.0.2

127 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
282105 [FIX]BoxObject's InvalidatePresentationStuff needs ability to tell document to remove it from its boxobject table Core XUL bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2008-09-26
307867 [FIX]Setting capability.policy.default.*.focus to noAccess no longer works Core Security: CAPS bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2007-04-01
322461 [FIX]FF 1.5 doesn't apply CSS stylesheets in document after XSLT transformation Core XSLT bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2007-01-17
322678 [FIX]Crash [@ nsIFrame::GetParent] with evil testcase position:relative/absolute/display:table-column, etc Core Layout bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2019-04-09
322683 [FIX] Yahoo Beta Mail related crash [@ nsScriptSecurityManager::CheckSameOriginPrincipalInternal()] Core XSLT bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2006-11-10
323028 [FIX]Using background-image CSS style for treechildren::-moz-tree-row causes excessive CPU load Core XUL bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
325297 [FIX]Various window properties are allAccess and should not be Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
325947 [FIX]Site can cause user's file to be uploaded by changing input type Core Layout: Form Control bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2006-06-03
325991 [FIX]js exploit via "print preview" Core Printing: Output bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2009-07-15
326248 [FIX]uncaught exception: Permission denied to create wrapper for object of class UnnamedClass Core XUL bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
328839 [FIX]print preview causes memory corruption at least via <xul:editor src='javascript Core XUL bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2008-10-17
307989 Crash [@ GetWrapperFor] [@ nsIView::GetViewFor] dragging selection within evil changing document Core DOM: Copy & Paste an dbaron RESO FIXE 2007-04-16
325236 memory corruption probably caused by chrome alert() Firefox Page Info Window RESO FIXE 2010-02-24
180849 Mail loss in import of NC4 mail when 0x5C(\) is used as 2nd byte of muti-byte character in folder name. MailNews Core Internationalization masayuki RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
323318 [RFC 2231] when the attachment file name is separated, should append semi-colon(';') MailNews Core Attachments masayuki RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
327303 Accept languages empties when IE profile migration is selected.(when with --enable-official-branding) Firefox Migration masayuki RESO FIXE 2006-07-07
310508 Calling method on another window crashes when the function uses XMLHttpRequest and alert() [@ js_FreeStack] Core DOM: Core & HTML mrbkap RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
315286 Crash [@ nsGlobalWindow::RunTimeout ] Core DOM: Core & HTML mrbkap RESO FIXE 2009-12-08
325540 Javascript library jsMath causes Firefox to crash [@ ClaimScope][@ WillDeadLock] Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap RESO FIXE 2011-06-13
327066 document.createEvent('TextEvent') crashes Core DOM: Events mrbkap RESO FIXE 2006-03-02
321522 The sandbox object's prototype comes from the calling code Core XPConnect mrbkap RESO FIXE 2016-05-11
323367 When calling XPCNativeWrapper's toString method, content-defined toString method can be called Core Security mrbkap RESO FIXE 2007-04-16
323833 JS Error: Uncaught Exception using "for (key in array)" statements Core DOM: Core & HTML mrbkap RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
205778 document('') load of stylesheet conflicts with http cache Core XSLT peterv RESO FIXE 2006-07-06
327139 uncaught exception: Unexpected error ... tabbrowser.xml :: setFocus :: line 749 Firefox Tabbed Browser RESO FIXE 2007-08-06
322185 Crash [@ nsBox::DoesNeedRecalc] with <svg:g style="display: -moz-grid-line; overflow: hidden;"> Core SVG bernd_mozilla RESO FIXE 2007-12-13
326615 CVE-2006-1530 compareDocumentPosition with E4X crashes [@ XPCWrappedNativeScope::SystemIsBeingShutDown] Core XPConnect brendan RESO FIXE 2007-12-23
327014 Clicking <html:a> link in XUL document makes a browser window invisible Core Security bryner RESO FIXE 2007-04-19
319463 display:none iframe pointing to a xul document stops main document from finishing to load. Core XUL bugs RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
322513 Can't getRowCount() in listbox in prefwindow Core XUL bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
325005 Documents parsed as data load subframes and objects Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
327078 [FIX]Shouldn't set owner to chrome JS principal for subframe loads Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
321013 Line breaks in document.title cause entire title to disappear Core Security dveditz RESO FIXE 2006-06-03
327126 generateCRMFRequest() allows privilege escalation Core Security dveditz RESO FIXE 2008-07-08
328692 Fix for Bug 319846 doesn't prevent overlong attribute names Core Security dveditz RESO FIXE 2006-06-03
323805 Fix for bug 175893 breaks tab switching if content is not HTML Firefox Tabbed Browser enndeakin RESO FIXE 2007-07-14
320851 http authentication (401) prompt no longer displays scheme Core Networking: HTTP RESO FIXE 2006-03-12
316191 Focus stays in tab with focused SVG element after switching tabs Core SVG general RESO FIXE 2008-02-12
310436 Crash [@ IsContinuationPlaceholder] involving mixed SVG and HTML Core SVG jonas RESO FIXE 2007-12-13
317549 Crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted] [@ PresShell::ContentInserted] involving MathML Core Layout jonas RESO FIXE 2011-06-13
318419 window.setTimeout() goes crazy periodically - functions are immediately called repeatedly Core DOM: Core & HTML jstenback+bmo RESO FIXE 2012-07-25
294476 Text boxes ignore keyboard on opening URL from an external app Core Graveyard Widget: Mac mark RESO FIXE 2009-11-21
318283 [10.2] Hangs on data entry when autofill popup menu should shrink Toolkit Form Manager mark RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
328981 History DB page titles are displayed corrupt in url bar autocomplete, endian problem turns Latin characters into Chinese Firefox Bookmarks & History mark RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
328982 formhistory.dat is endian Toolkit Form Manager mark RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
111428 If a folder name ends '\' or '/' in IE Favorites, the folder cannot be imported NSPR NSPR masayuki RESO FIXE 2006-03-17
310638 Crash [@ DoDeletingFrameSubtree] [@ DeletingFrameSubtree] Core Layout MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2007-12-15
326644 Crash when changing enumerated properties of objects in xul Core DOM: Core & HTML MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
298375 drawWindow() reverses red and blue channels in 16 bit color desktop Core Graphics: Canvas2D mcs RESO FIXE 2006-05-21
329278 Bump 1.8.0 branch version number to for Firefox, Thunderbird, and platform Firefox Build System General mozpreed RESO FIXE 2018-11-26
315254 CVE-2006-1529 Crash [@ js_FreeStack] involving the unknown protocol error dialog Core Networking mrbkap RESO FIXE 2007-04-05
329406 bug 329364 is probably exploitable Core DOM: HTML Parser mrbkap RESO FIXE 2007-04-16
315625 When forwarding a message inline, Thunderbird strips inline-images Thunderbird General mscott RESO FIXE 2010-01-28
319858 javascript execution when forwarding or replying (CVE-2006-0884) MailNews Core Composition mscott RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
328917 Mail Multiple Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities MailNews Core Security mscott RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
323634 Unprivileged access to window.controllers is possible Core XUL neil RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
320621 Crash [@ nsFrameLoader::CheckForRecursiveLoad ] on loading of moz-icon:// URI in an iframe. Core Graphics: ImageLib pavlov RESO FIXE 2006-03-02
324746 XPathResult object can crash brower when calling iterateNext() or snapshotItem() Core XSLT peterv RESO FIXE 2006-03-02
309120 MathML crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended] [@ nsCachedStyleData::GetStyleData] [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::GetFloatContainingBlock] [@ PresShell::ContentRemoved] Core MathML rbs RESO FIXE 2007-04-01
325403 CSS Letter-Spacing Heap Overflow Vulnerability (ZDI-06-010) Core Layout: Text and Fon rbs RESO FIXE 2007-04-01
315245 Can't install extensions; installDroppedInFiles throws during startup Toolkit Add-ons Manager robert.strong.bugs RESO FIXE 2008-07-31
319107 One SVG file crashes firefox 1.5 [@ nsSVGGradientFrame::GetNextGradient] Core SVG scootermorris RESO FIXE 2006-03-02
328566 Can steal (upload) files by changing input type to file during DOMNodeInserted mutation event Core Security smaug RESO FIXE 2006-07-11
321132 Japanese font grouping is not correct on font pref dialog Core Graveyard GFX: Win32 VYV03354 RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
321814 [Win95-JA only] &trade; is displayed as ^(TM) Core Graveyard GFX: Win32 VYV03354 RESO FIXE 2009-01-22
321874 for-in doesn't allow call, grouped, or XMLName LHS expressions Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2008-10-17
323529 non-minimum-sized GC arena pools have wrong alignment modulus Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2006-11-10
324650 infinite loop in switch-statement with 1800 cases Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2008-03-26
325269 GC hazard in js_ConstructObject from jsobj.c Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2007-05-22
327564 Hang involving E4X (cycle in an XML object?) Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2006-08-17
317275 Evil float:right testcase causes assertions and can crash [@ nsFrame::GetFirstLeaf] Core Layout bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
322701 When opening Options dialog second time Options window is empty Core XUL bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
326834 CVE-2006-1531 [FIX]Crash with evil xul testcase, using listbox/listitem and display: table-cell Core Layout bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2009-04-24
296687 TSM (IME) candidate window is displayed at wrong position (too below) Core Internationalization katsuhiromihara VERI FIXE 2010-06-18
319683 mozilla crashes [@ call_enumerate] running a not so special script Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
323501 security check of js_ValueToFunctionObject() can be circumvented Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-10-30
324422 Crash when creating a new E4X XML object using a large string Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-09-09
327170 Reuse of RegExp in string.replace(rx.compile(...), function() { rx.compile(...); }) causes a crash Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-10-30
327608 Crash [@ js_SetCallVariable] or "Assertion failure: prop, at jsfun.c:1046" Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2016-05-11
327697 Make XPConnect refuse to wrap E4X (was: HTMLSelectElement.add hangs if second parameter is E4X) Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-07-07
327897 Crash [@ js_GetStringBytes] involving apply, __proto__, E4X Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
328249 E4X crash due to infinite recursion in js_IsXMLName Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-03-02
328769 assertion running e4x tests Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-11-10
329364 Crash with iExploder testcase 10158270 Core DOM: HTML Parser mrbkap VERI FIXE 2007-05-17
323338 When E4X code is run twice (or more), the SpiderMonkey engine crashes [@ js_AllocStack 0deb057d] Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
291902 Crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::WipeContainingBlock] with path:hover {display:block} Core SVG bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2007-02-04
326778 [FIX]document.getBoxObjectFor({}) crashes Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
319872 CVE-2006-0297 probably an integer overflow in jsxml.c Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-04-18
326998 [FIX]Crash [@ nsBoxFrame::AttributeChanged] when changing ordinal value of a xul element in html Core Layout bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
327776 [FIX]boxobj.setPropertyAsSupports(undefined, undefined) crashes [@ nsBoxObject::SetPropertyAsSupports] Core DOM: Core & HTML bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
323979 E4X literals with embedded expressions unsufficiently constant-folded Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2006-03-02
324688 reports that XML.ignoreWhitespace is true but acts as if it were false, in a XPCOM callback Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2007-04-30
317554 Crash with evil display: table-footer-group testcase [@ nsCellMap::GetCellInfoAt] Core Layout: Tables bernd_mozilla VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
326453 JS_Assertion while decompiling Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2006-07-07
317380 The status bar domain name display is not updated when the "back" button is clicked (bfcache, XSLT) Firefox Security bryner VERI FIXE 2007-04-05
320742 crash [@ nsSHistory::EvictGlobalContentViewer] because session history listener shouldn't get called in middle of nsSHistory::AddEntry() Core DOM: Navigation bryner VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
289517 Crash in [@ BasicTableLayoutStrategy::AssignNonPctColumnWidths] with evil testcase, using display:inherit Core Layout: Tables bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
320459 Crash in Firefox 1.5 involving <legend>, <kbd>, and <object> [@ nsBlockFrame::IsFloatContainingBlock] [@ IsContinuationPlaceholder] Core Layout: Block and In bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
325045 Crash when scrolling listbox with modified content [@ nsListBoxBodyFrame::GetNextItemBox] Core XUL bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
325218 Crash with evil xul testcase, using box, tooltip, object, etc [@ DoDeletingFrameSubtree] Core Layout bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2019-04-09
328469 "print preview" continues to cause trouble, allowing chrome privilege Core Security bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2012-03-14
315411 fail to check the IDN is in whitelist with un-normalized URL Core Networking darin.moz VERI FIXE 2006-07-16
327941 CVE-2006-1723 JSXMLQName structure elements cause crash during gc Core JavaScript Engine daumling VERI FIXE 2012-03-14
319846 overlong data in localstore.rdf causes DoS on startup (persistent) Core Security dveditz VERI FIXE 2007-04-01
328937 Table Rebuilding Code Execution Vulnerability (ZDI-06-011, CVE-2006-0748 ) Core Layout: Tables dveditz VERI FIXE 2007-01-08
297919 Wrong buttons reported in mouseup and mousemove events Core DOM: Events events VERI FIXE 2007-12-06
321914 Crash if a download completes while its properties window is still open Core Graveyard Widget: Mac jaas VERI FIXE 2009-11-21
317544 Crash [@ VerifyContextParent() line 816] involving MathML Core Layout jonas VERI FIXE 2015-10-25
324031 Frame injection spoofing after xpinstall (bug 296850, 246448 returns - SA15601) Core DOM: Navigation jstenback+bmo VERI FIXE 2008-10-17
321791 mailViews.dat should be in mail.xpi Thunderbird Installer l10n VERI FIXE 2006-03-24
327850 User agents should be changed (1_8_0 to 1.0.0+, 1_8 to 1.0+, trunk to 1.2+) Camino Graveyard General mark VERI FIXE 2006-02-26
317782 A character is deleted on HTML Editor when running IME reconvertion with non-selected text Core DOM: Editor masayuki VERI FIXE 2010-06-18
308086 sometimes there is a crash when *:focus{display:none;} is set and I start tabbing around [@ nsPlaceholderFrame::GetRealFrameFor] Core DOM: UI Events & Foc MatsPalmgren_bugz VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
322283 Crash after filter operation with a missing destination folder [@ nsMsgFilterService::SaveFilterList] Thunderbird General mozilla VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
328187 crash at IMAP login with GSSAPI authentication using SSPI library Thunderbird General mozilla VERI FIXE 2006-03-23
307052 Spellchecker doesn't display suggestion list for misspelled words if Russian Spell dictionary is installed Core Spelling checker mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-03
315057 Display - Fonts tab: The pull-down menu of Character Encodings doesn't work. Thunderbird Preferences mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-03
316177 command-line options for "-compose" broken Thunderbird General mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-05
319210 crash [@ plc4.dll + (00001ae2)] on mail send (using SSL w/ sspi connection to SMTP) Thunderbird Message Compose Wind mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-06
320185 It's impossible to delete or detach attachment via File Menu Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-05
326846 read mail not marked as read Thunderbird Mail Window Front En mscott VERI FIXE 2007-04-02
319732 [@ nsTextEditorKeyListener::KeyPress] crash typing string to search for in page (find as you type) right after page is loaded; or in MailNews/emailCompose Core DOM: Editor neil VERI FIXE 2006-03-12
317546 Crash [@ 00000000()] called from nsMathMLContainerFrame::GetType() line 1162 Core MathML rbs VERI FIXE 2007-04-16
306426 Certain submenus blink (flash, flicker) rapidly and do not expand when highlighted (hovered over) Core Web Painting roc VERI FIXE 2018-08-29
312391 Accept languages empties when IE profile migration is selected. Firefox Migration sugar.waffle VERI FIXE 2006-03-17
311378 freeze/hang in several seconds when a character which does not exist in fonts is rendered Core Graveyard GFX: Win32 VYV03354 VERI FIXE 2010-05-03
316812 When address book name is Japanese character(doesn't contain ASCII alpha-numeric), address book is lost when new address book is created due to overlay of ldap_2.servers.user_directory_N.xxxx entries. MailNews Core Address Book VYV03354 VERI FIXE 2008-07-31
127 bugs found.