Wed Jul 17 2024 21:10:24 PDT
  • Keywords: verified1.9.0.10

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
479880 Non-200 responses to proxy CONNECT requests lead to attacks on HTTPS Core Networking: HTTP jduell.mcbugs RESO FIXE 2019-05-24
489322 3.0.10 pre crashes with HTML validator when viewing source [@ @0x0 | nsTextFrame::ClearTextRun() ] Core Layout dholbert RESO FIXE 2011-06-09
489647 New topcrash [@nsTextFrame::ClearTextRun()] Core Layout dholbert VERI FIXE 2017-03-14
472998 [pl] Reword issuerNotTrusted strings in cvs-trunk Mozilla Localization pl / Polish marcoos+bmo VERI FIXE 2009-07-13
4 bugs found.