Wed Jul 17 2024 23:06:00 PDT
  • Keywords: verified1.9.0.12

43 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
478297 Upgrade to SQLite 3.6.10 Toolkit Storage sdwilsh RESO FIXE 2009-07-22
460882 setTimeout loses XPCNativeWrappers Core XPConnect bent.mozilla RESO FIXE 2018-06-06
489050 [FIX]Strange rendering bug when javascript is executed: everything is rendered twice Core Layout bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2009-07-21
461861 Set aside the frame chain when firing synchronous events Core XPConnect smaug RESO FIXE 2010-03-11
480134 Heap/integer overflows during font glyph rendering reachable in FF and Camino (libpango, CoreGraphics) Core Graphics vladimir RESO FIXE 2013-03-31
492583 Change of registry-controlled-domain status for .pw Core Networking agl RESO FIXE 2009-07-06
495798 background-color:transparent on button not honored in high contrast mode Core CSS Parsing and Comp bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2012-12-18
498132 Assertion: "Unknown NPVariant type!" will freeze Firefox 3.0.11 and 3.0.12pre on with Java 6 update 14 installed Core Graveyard Plug-ins honzab.moz RESO WORK 2022-05-16
455633 XPCNativeWrapper Crash [@ XPCNativeWrapper::GetNewOrUsed] Core XPConnect mrbkap RESO FIXE 2009-07-08
501270 Assertion failure: !fp->fun || !(fp->fun->flags & JSFUN_HEAVYWEIGHT) || fp->callobj Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap RESO FIXE 2009-09-18
313057 Automatic updater downgrades/overwrites browser version when an older/identical version is in the queue Toolkit Application Update robert.strong.bugs RESO FIXE 2010-02-24
445177 Crash [@ nsContentUtils::ComparePosition(nsINode*, nsINode*) ] with multipe identic ids Core XUL smaug RESO FIXE 2009-07-21
495098 Crash when using single XMLHttpRequest object for two simultaneous requests; test case included [@ nsXMLHttpRequest::StreamReaderFunc ] Core DOM: Core & HTML smaug RESO FIXE 2019-03-13
496308 Crash [@ nsDOMPopupBlockedEvent::GetRequestingWindow] Core DOM: Events smaug RESO FIXE 2011-06-09
493697 Update Favicon Mozilla Localization zh-TW / Chinese (Tra timdream RESO FIXE 2009-07-02
479442 Can't log in to Entrust Certificate Management Service Core XPConnect mrbkap VERI FIXE 2009-07-21
493281 Possible Stack Corruption starting at Unknown Symbol @ 0x6d89c0006d89c Core DOM: Core & HTML mrbkap VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
489443 Places depends on a buggy behavior of SQLite's GROUP_CONCAT Toolkit Places edilee VERI FIXE 2009-07-06
488995 Exploitable crash with watch and __defineSetter__ on nsIDOMSVGAnimatedLength::animVal Core JavaScript Engine igor VERI FIXE 2009-11-19
454704 Crash [@ JS_HashTableRawLookup] with XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper, getter, toSource Core JavaScript Engine jimb VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
465980 crash in array push exceeding length limit [@ @0xffff07c7 - InitArrayElements] Core JavaScript Engine jwalden VERI FIXE 2011-06-18
488989 Boundary condition error in Array.prototype.push implementation for non-arrays near max-array-index limit Core JavaScript Engine jwalden VERI FIXE 2009-08-18
480430 cannot attach files on gmail Core XPConnect nobody VERI FIXE 2009-07-06
468491 Crash [@ gfxTextRun::`vector deleting destructor'][@ nsTextFrame::ClearTextRun] with first-letter, float: left and display: table-cell Core Layout roc VERI FIXE 2011-06-09
468211 Crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::AdjustParentFrame] with DOMAttrModified, observes, binding and focusing Core XUL smaug VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
380359 Crash [@ nsEventStateManager::GetContentState] [@ nsNativeTheme::CheckBooleanAttr] with -moz-appearance and position: fixed Core Widget vladimir VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
413085 "ASSERTION: SetMayHaveFrame failed" and crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::CreateFloatingLetterFrame] with Arabic, floating first-letter Core Layout: Text and Fon dholbert VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
463350 Crash [@ GetLastSpecialSibling] with -moz-column, fieldset, select Core Layout roc VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
472668 Crash [@ nsFrame::GetBoxAscent] with binding, observes and DOMAttrModified Core XUL smaug VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
442227 Crash [@ nsFrameManager::GetPrimaryFrameFor] with mathml, DOMAttrModified doing stuff Core XUL arno VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
493601 Investigate crash involving Flash module unloading Core Graveyard Plug-ins jmathies VERI FIXE 2022-05-16
466576 Null deref [@ nsSVGTransformList::GetValueString] after failed appendItem Core SVG longsonr VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
434035 Crash [@ nsGlobalWindow::FindInternal] when doing find on a deleted window Core DOM: Core & HTML martijn.martijn VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
441785 crash when closing open rdf files or right click on tree after opening rdf files [@ nsXULTemplateQueryProcessorRDF::CheckIsSeparator] Core XUL mike.kaplinskiy VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
497102 Bypassing XOW by using a shallow XPCNativeWrapper and a numeric property Core Security mrbkap VERI FIXE 2009-07-23
502458 Crash [@XPCNativeWrapper::GetNewOrUsed] with Adblock Plus 1.1 installed Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2011-06-09
497792 When home directory is on AFP server, 3.0.11 has problems with bookmarks, search field, etc. Firefox Bookmarks & History sdwilsh VERI FIXE 2009-11-26
491134 nsDOMOfflineResourceList uses its own (unsafe) way to dispatch events Core DOM: Core & HTML smaug VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
493366 Assertion failure: (cx)->requestDepth || (cx)->thread == (cx)->runtime->gcThread, at mozilla/js/src/jsapi.cpp:5196 Core XPConnect smaug VERI FIXE 2010-01-19
494150 plugin test url is out of date Plugins Graveyard Java (Java Embedding smichaud VERI FIXE 2016-04-28
495278 JEP 0.9.7/ break mouse-move tracking in Java-created windows Plugins Graveyard Java (Java Embedding smichaud VERI FIXE 2016-04-28
466763 Crash [@ nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame] with RTL, floating first-letter Core Layout smontagu VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
493652 First-line style applies to two lines when first-letter style also used Core Layout smontagu VERI FIXE 2009-07-16
43 bugs found.