Thu Jul 18 2024 00:14:31 PDT
  • Keywords: verified1.9.0.9

58 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
472064 Satchel needs better upgrade/downgrade logic Toolkit Form Manager jdinbox RESO FIXE 2009-12-16
484320 XUL <tree> _moveToEdgeShift garbage-collection exploit (zdi-can-465) Core XUL smaug RESO FIXE 2010-03-25
416942 [FIX]Give agent (and maybe user?) sheets the system principal Core CSS Parsing and Comp bzbarsky RESO FIXE 2009-04-15
479336 IDN blacklist needs to include box-drawing characters Core Networking dveditz RESO FIXE 2009-04-16
475636 Disallow refresh to javascript uris Core DOM: Navigation jonas RESO FIXE 2009-07-12
448329 Browser crashes after hitting the "tab" key within Smatermail webmail app [@ nsHTMLEditor::GetCSSBackgroundColorState] Core DOM: Editor MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2011-06-13
477128 XPCNativeWrapper("foo") shouldn't throw Core XPConnect mrbkap RESO FIXE 2009-04-03
459744 Javascript can consume all keystrokes in content area, including tab and app menu shortcuts Core DOM: Navigation nobody RESO DUPL 2010-06-18
374820 vertical scrollbars showing in the major update / EULA part of the software update UI Toolkit Application Update robert.strong.bugs RESO FIXE 2009-03-19
431341 use of the :first-letter selector causes text-transform:capitalize to capitalize the second letter too Core CSS Parsing and Comp roc RESO FIXE 2009-03-20
455826 Incorrect line wrap at wikipedia Core Layout: Block and In roc RESO FIXE 2009-04-22
464542 [te] Backport about:rights to 3.0.5 Mozilla Localization te / Telugu arjunaraoc RESO FIXE 2009-03-21
470578 corrupt cookies.sqlite prevents db opening Core Networking: Cookies dwitte RESO FIXE 2009-10-29
471962 When saving an inner frame as file only, the POST data of the outer page is sent to the address of the inner page Toolkit Downloads API RESO FIXE 2009-12-19
426991 Form submission extremely slow on large forms (with form history turned on) Toolkit Form Manager jdinbox RESO FIXE 2009-03-19
463154 Form history should record creation/usage timestamps. Toolkit Form Manager jdinbox RESO FIXE 2012-12-09
483096 Backport formhistory timestamps to FF3.0.x Toolkit Form Manager jdinbox RESO FIXE 2009-03-19
481558 Loading an untrusted stylesheet should not allow that stylesheet to inject script using XBL Core Security jonas RESO FIXE 2009-04-23
456727 document designMode on, replace/delete HTML tag, queryCommand*('backcolor'); causes NULL pointer Core DOM: Editor MatsPalmgren_bugz RESO FIXE 2009-04-01
476823 nsFileSystemDataSource doesn't implement nsISupports Core Graveyard RDF neil RESO FIXE 2018-08-03
479586 [et] Patch for changing title of Getting Started bookmark Mozilla Localization et / Estonian nobody RESO FIXE 2009-03-21
481624 nsTextAccessibleWrap::get_fontFamily leaks Core Disability Access AP surkov.alexander RESO FIXE 2009-04-23
453736 [FIX]Crash under nsSVGElement::BindToTree with <svg:use>, <svg:script> Core SVG bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2009-04-21
482659 [FIX] inline/attached images don't display Core Layout: Images, Vide bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2018-08-29
476049 JSOP_DEFVAR enables gvar optimization for non-permanent properties Core JavaScript Engine igor VERI FIXE 2009-08-07
485217 Exploitable crash in [@txMozillaXSLTProcessor::TransformToDoc ] Core XSLT mrbkap VERI FIXE 2010-09-19
483086 non-http[s] SearchForm URIs should be ignored (possible XSS if a malicious search plugin is installed) Firefox Search rflint VERI FIXE 2013-09-26
453955 "Assertion failure: sprop->setter != js_watch_set || pobj != obj, at jsdbgapi.c" Core JavaScript Engine brendan VERI FIXE 2009-03-23
467881 Crash [@ IsBindingAncestor] with frameset, iframe, {ib} Core Layout: Images, Vide dbaron VERI FIXE 2018-08-29
477775 Crash with iExploder test 2203 [@ nsComputedDOMStyle::GetWidth] Core Layout dbaron VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
446568 New window losing focus in 3.0.1 Firefox General VERI FIXE 2012-01-23
478901 Upgrade libpng to 1.2.35 (libpng-1.2.34 and earlier might free undefined pointers) Core Graphics: ImageLib glennrp+bmo VERI FIXE 2009-09-02
474536 The jar: scheme ignores the content-disposition: header on the inner URI Core Networking: JAR jduell.mcbugs VERI FIXE 2012-10-26
460706 Crash [@ little2_updatePosition] with xmlhttprequest and large xml file Core XML mrbkap VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
478433 XPCNativeWrapper's toString's __proto__ comes from the wrong scope Core XPConnect mrbkap VERI FIXE 2010-02-13
483444 XSLT stylesheet compiler crashes Core XSLT peterv VERI FIXE 2009-05-20
317216 UTF16 and UTF32 decoders allow invalid UTF16 into the core Core Internationalization smontagu VERI FIXE 2009-06-04
432114 Crash [@ PL_DHashTableOperate][@ nsEditor::EndUpdateViewBatch] with DOMNodeInserted event listener removing window and frameset contenteditable Core DOM: Editor chris VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
421203 Crash [@ InlineBackgroundData::GetContinuousRect] with XUL, rtl, background image Core Layout dbaron VERI FIXE 2015-09-30
428113 [Win & Mac only] Crash [@ nsHTMLReflowState::GetNearestContainingBlock] with xul:listbox, position:absolute Core Layout: Positioned dbaron VERI FIXE 2014-10-20
431260 Crash [@ gfxSkipCharsIterator::SetOffsets] with ::first-letter, position: absolute and setting innerHTML on root Core Layout: Text and Fon dholbert VERI FIXE 2011-06-13
461935 Update libpng to 1.2.34 Core Graphics: ImageLib glennrp+bmo VERI FIXE 2009-04-05
444027 Crash with iExploder test 40129979 [@ BuildTextRunsScanner::FindBoundaries] Core Layout: Block and In MatsPalmgren_bugz VERI FIXE 2011-06-09
482206 [FIX]It's possible to create a document whose URI does not match the document's principal Core Security bzbarsky VERI FIXE 2013-08-25
481342 Adobe Flash loaded from view-source: protocol - network security policy bypass and localhost LSO reading/writing Core Security VERI FIXE 2015-07-08
468543 form autocomplete (and Firefox search bar) items are sorted case sensitively (A-Za-z) Toolkit Form Manager VERI FIXE 2009-05-06
355829 "Assertion failure: !argc || JSVAL_IS_NULL(argv[0]) || JSVAL_IS_VOID(argv[0])" Core JavaScript Engine igor VERI FIXE 2009-08-07
461158 js1_6/extensions/regress-456826.js: (Math|Date) is not defined Core JavaScript Engine igor VERI FIXE 2009-04-21
475971 js_CheckRedeclaration does not always unlock object on failures Core JavaScript Engine igor VERI FIXE 2009-10-14
401300 jsapi.h now depends on unpublished header jsutil.h Core JavaScript Engine jorendorff VERI FIXE 2009-03-23
480016 js/tests/js1_8_1/extensions/regress-477187.js uses timeout() but doesn't expectExitCode(6) Core JavaScript Engine jorendorff VERI FIXE 2009-03-19
450876 Crash [@ nsEventStateManager::GetNextTabbableMapArea] with img usemap and tabindex Core DOM: UI Events & Foc martijn.martijn VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
477928 "ASSERTION: wrong InlinePrefWidthData container for first continuation" with -moz-column Core Layout MatsPalmgren_bugz VERI FIXE 2009-06-10
400822 Cert Viewer crashes when encountering improperly encoded GeneralNames (in AIA or CDP extensions) [@ ProcessGeneralName] Core Security: PSM mozbgz VERI FIXE 2011-06-09
480096 mozillas implementation of [Array.lastIndexOf] handling [Undefined] types in comparison to its native [Array.prototype.lastIndexOf] Core JavaScript Engine mrbkap VERI FIXE 2009-03-26
485286 XSLT should heap allocate all evalContexts Core XSLT mrbkap VERI FIXE 2009-06-04
461053 [FIX] Crash [@ nsXULDocument::SynchronizeBroadcastListener] with command Core DOM: Core & HTML smaug VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
473284 Crash when calling advanceFocusIntoSubtree({}) Core DOM: UI Events & Foc smaug VERI FIXE 2019-03-13
58 bugs found.