See the supported connectors for Application Integration.

Quotas and limits

This document lists the quotas and limits that apply to Application Integration.

A quota restricts how much of a shared Google Cloud resource your Google Cloud project can use, including hardware, software, and network components. Therefore, quotas are a part of a system that does the following:

  • Monitors your use or consumption of Google Cloud products and services.
  • Restricts your consumption of those resources, for reasons that include ensuring fairness and reducing spikes in usage.
  • Maintains configurations that automatically enforce prescribed restrictions.
  • Provides a means to request or make changes to the quota.

In most cases, when a quota is exceeded, the system immediately blocks access to the relevant Google resource, and the task that you're trying to perform fails. In most cases, quotas apply to each Google Cloud project and are shared across all applications and IP addresses that use that Google Cloud project.

There are also limits on Application Integration resources. These limits are unrelated to the quota system. Limits cannot be changed unless otherwise stated.

By default, Application Integration quotas and limits apply on a per-project basis. Quotas and limits that apply on a different basis are indicated as such; for example, the default concurrent executions for each project, or the maximum numbers of integrations per project.

Resource quotas

The following quotas apply to Application Integration resources for each Google Cloud project. You can increase or decrease the quota by requesting for a quota change.

Resource Quota Value
Integration execution Default concurrent executions per project 50
Number of integration execution requests per minute 24000
Integration Connectors See Integration Connectors limits
Integration execution logs and monitoring Number of read executions requests per minute 18000
Integrations page

(This page lists all the available integrations in your project)

Number of read integration requests per minute 12000
Integration editor page

(This page loads a whole integration including all the integration versions and configured task entities)

Number of read task entity requests per minute 12000
Number of read integration version requests per minute 12000
Number of write integration version requests per minute 12000
Authentication profiles page

(This page lists all the available authentication profiles in your project)

Number of read requests per minute 12000
Number of write requests per minute 12000
Salesforce trigger Number of read Salesforce channel requests per minute 12000
Number of write Salesforce channel requests per minute 12000
Number of read Salesforce instance requests per minute 12000
Number of write Salesforce instance requests per minute 12000

Request a quota increase

To increase or decrease most quotas, use the Google Cloud console. For more information, see Request a higher quota.

Usage limits

Application Integration enforces the following usage limits. Your are responsible for tracking and ensuring that the values stay within the prescribed limits. Exceeding the limits might lead to reduced throughput, task failures, and increased latencies when running the integration.
Resource Limit Value
Applicable to the entire Application Integration Maximum characters in the integration name 64 characters
Maximum cumulative size of all the integration data (including input and output variables) 25 MB
Maximum cumulative size of all the integration data (including input and output variables) sent and received from connections 8 MB

Timeout for synchronous (SYNC) integration executions

The timeout duration includes any external system calls or sub-integration tasks of the integration during its execution. After the timeout duration, the execution status is set to CANCELED.

Examples of external system calls include, calling external endpoints, calling Salesforce using connectors, and calling Google Cloud functions

2 minutes

Timeout for asynchronous (ASYNC) integration executions

If your sub-integration takes longer than 2 minutes to run, consider executing your integration in ASYNC mode

10 minutes

Maximum time till which an older version of the integration can run after publishing the new version (system consistency)

This is because Application Integration is a distributed system that provides eventual consistency. It uses caches throughout the system that may take time to clear and refresh

10 minutes
Maximum numbers of integrations per project 1000

Maximum number of tasks in an integration

If there is a need for more tasks, it is recommended that you split your integration into multiple integrations

Maximum versions allowed for an integration 100
API trigger Maximum characters for TRIGGER_NAME in Trigger ID

Trigger ID format: api_trigger/TRIGGER_NAME

64 characters
Apps Script task Maximum active deployments for an Apps Script 50
Queries per second (QPS) for API executables 5000 per minute
Queries per second (QPS) for Webapp deployments 5000 per minute
Latency for API executables 1.5 seconds
Latency for Webapp 2.5 seconds
Maximum cumulative size of all the integration variables in an Apps Script 15 MB
Call REST Endpoint task Maximum number of concurrent REST calls 100
Maximum size of the request from the REST endpoint 25 MB
Maximum size of the response from the REST endpoint 25 MB
Call Integration task Maximum number of sub-integrations that can run from the main integration 10000
Connectors task Timeout for Connector task execution 3 minutes
Maximum size of the response from the connector 20 MB
While Loop task and For Each Loop task Maximum cumulative size of data processed 20 MB
Maximum number of iterations 8000
Maximum cumulative size of data collected from each sub-integration call 50 MB
For Each Parallel task Maximum cumulative size of data processed 20 MB
Maximum number of parallel executions 50
Data Mapping task Maximum size of an array data type variable 100000 elements
Maximum size of a JSON data type variable 20 MB
Maximum size of a string data type variable 20 MB
Data Transformer Script task Maximum memory available for script evaluation 300 MB

Data processing limits

We don't recommend using integrations in the following scenarios:

  • Integration requires movement of bulk data or focus on extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes
  • Cumulative size of all the integration data is greater than 10 MB during execution

    When calculating the cumulative data size, add the size of all types of data such as input variables, output variables, and other intermediate task variables