Cloud SQL

Cloud SQL

$9.36/ month
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server

PostgreSQL configuration

Advanced settings
  • Low CO2
    Iowa (us-central1)
  • South Carolina (us-east1)
  • Northern Virginia (us-east4)
  • Columbus (us-east5)
  • Dallas (us-south1)
  • Low CO2
    Oregon (us-west1)
  • Los Angeles (us-west2)
  • Salt Lake City (us-west3)
  • Las Vegas (us-west4)
  • Taiwan (asia-east1)
  • Hong Kong (asia-east2)
  • Tokyo (asia-northeast1)
  • Osaka (asia-northeast2)
  • Seoul (asia-northeast3)
  • Mumbai (asia-south1)
  • Delhi (asia-south2)
  • Singapore (asia-southeast1)
  • Jakarta (asia-southeast2)
  • Sydney (australia-southeast1)
  • Melbourne (australia-southeast2)
  • Warsaw (europe-central2)
  • Low CO2
    Finland (europe-north1)
  • Madrid (europe-southwest1)
  • Low CO2
    Belgium (europe-west1)
  • Low CO2
    London (europe-west2)
  • Low CO2
    Frankfurt (europe-west3)
  • Netherlands (europe-west4)
  • Low CO2
    Zurich (europe-west6)
  • Milan (europe-west8)
  • Paris (europe-west9)
  • Tel Aviv (me-west1)
  • Doha (me-central1)
  • Dammam (me-central2)
  • Low CO2
    Montreal (northamerica-northeast1)
  • Low CO2
    Toronto (northamerica-northeast2)
  • Low CO2
    Sao Paulo (southamerica-east1)
  • Low CO2
    Santiago (southamerica-west1)

Cloud SQL Edition
Specify usage time for each instance
Number of instances*
Total instance usage time*
Changing Total instance usage amount will automatically calculate number of instances
Changing Total instance usage amount will automatically calculate number of instances
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • per day
  • per week
  • per month
Select SQL instance type
  • Custom machine typeConfigure a machine type specific to your vCPU and RAM needs
  • db-f1-micro(Shared) vCPUs: 1, RAM: 0.6GB
  • db-g1-small(Shared) vCPUs: 1, RAM: 1.7GB
  • db-lightweight-1vCPUs: 1, RAM: 3.75GB
  • db-lightweight-2vCPUs: 2, RAM: 3.75GB
  • db-lightweight-4vCPUs: 4, RAM: 3.75GB
  • db-standard-1vCPUs: 1, RAM: 3.75GB
  • db-standard-2vCPUs: 2, RAM: 7.5GB
  • db-standard-4vCPUs: 4, RAM: 15GB
  • db-highmem-4vCPUs: 4, RAM: 26GB
  • db-highmem-8vCPUs: 8, RAM: 52GB
  • db-highmem-16vCPUs: 16, RAM: 104GB

Number of vCPUs
Amount of memory
Instance Type
Based on your selections
vCPUs: 1, RAM: 3.75 GB
Enable High Availability configuration
Storage (Provisioned Amount)*
  • GiB
  • TiB
  • PiB
  • GB
  • TB
  • PB
Storage Type
Backup size
  • GiB
  • TiB
  • PiB
  • GB
  • TB
  • PB
Committed use discount options

Cost details

Cloud SQL
Estimated cost
/ mo
Google Cloud
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Google Cloud