Getting Data In

How to edit my scripted input to collect and index data from scripts installed on forwarders?



I created a script input to collect data from scripts installed on forwarders and Splunk is not indexing.

Follow my steps to create a data input:

1.Forwarded inputs » Data inputs » Script » Add new
2.Create a server class.
Script Path: $SPLUNK_HOME\bin\scripts
Command: $SPLUNK_HOME\bin\scripts\script.ps1
Interval: 60.0


disabled = false
index = rois
interval = 60.0
sourcetype = rois

Whats wrong with my input?

Best regards,

0 Karma
1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi monteirolopes,

Please make sure that you have properly configured your deployment server and set up forwarder management in your implementation:

  1. On the deployment server, add one or more apps in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps
  2. In the Forwarder Management UI, create one or more server classes
  3. On forwarders, run splunk set deploy-poll Where port is the splunkd port on the deployment server - 8089 is the default
  4. Verify on deployment server:
  5. List of clients phoning home
  6. Deployment status
  7. Verify on forwarders: etc/apps folder for deployed apps

Hope it helps. Thanks!
Hunter Shen

View solution in original post

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hi monteirolopes,

Please make sure that you have properly configured your deployment server and set up forwarder management in your implementation:

  1. On the deployment server, add one or more apps in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment-apps
  2. In the Forwarder Management UI, create one or more server classes
  3. On forwarders, run splunk set deploy-poll Where port is the splunkd port on the deployment server - 8089 is the default
  4. Verify on deployment server:
  5. List of clients phoning home
  6. Deployment status
  7. Verify on forwarders: etc/apps folder for deployed apps

Hope it helps. Thanks!
Hunter Shen

  1. On Deployment Server: E:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\deployment-apps_server_app_roi
  2. Server Class is created: roi
  3. I using Splunk Deployment - Basic
  4. Phone home: a few seconds ago

On forwarder:

C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps_server_app_roi

Best regards,

0 Karma


My script was wrong, Now Its work!

0 Karma
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