Splunk Cloud Platform

Is there any other checks we need to perform to solve data quality issues?

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Hi All,


We are receiving below timestamp  issues,

0000 WARN DateParserVerbose [104706 merging_0] - Accepted time format has changed ((?i)(?<![\d\.])(20\d\d)([-/])([01]?\d)\2([012]?\d|3[01])\s+([012]?\d):([0-6]?\d):([0-6]?\d)\s*(?i)((?:(?:UT|UTC|GMT(?![+-])|CET|CEST|CETDST|MET|MEST|METDST|MEZ|MESZ|EET|EEST|EETDST|WET|WEST|WETDST|MSK|MSD|IST|JST|KST|HKT|AST|ADT|EST|EDT|CST|CDT|MST|MDT|PST|PDT|CAST|CADT|EAST|EADT|WAST|WADT|Z)|(?:GMT)?[+-]\d\d?:?(?:\d\d)?)(?!\w))?), possibly indicating a problem in extracting timestamp

12-27-2021 14:33:04.972 +0000 WARN DateParserVerbose [104095 merging_0] - Accepted time format has changed ((?i)(?<![\w\.])(?i)(?i)(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])(?:st|nd|rd|th|[,\.;])?([\- /]) {0,2}(?i)(?:(?i)(?<![\d\w])(jan|\x{3127}\x{6708}|feb|\x{4E8C}\x{6708}|mar|\x{4E09}\x{6708}|apr|\x{56DB}\x{6708}|may|\x{4E94}\x{6708}|jun|\x{516D}\x{6708}|jul|\x{4E03}\x{6708}|aug|\x{516B}\x{6708}|sep|\x{4E5D}\x{6708}|oct|\x{5341}\x{6708}|nov|\x{5341}\x{3127}\x{6708}|dec|\x{5341}\x{4E8C}\x{6708})[a-z,\.;]*|(?i)(0?[1-9]|1[012])(?!:))\2 {0,2}(?i)(20\d\d|19\d\d|[9012]\d(?!\d))(?![\w\.])), possibly indicating a problem in extracting timestamps

All the Linux servers that are sending logs to Splunk are in EST timezone and we are expecting the same timezone to be indexed at. But we are still seeing issues not able to identify which of the servers are causing timezone issues. Is there any other checks we need to perform to solve the above errors.



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What values have you set at props.conf for this source? Do you have a regex based extraction?
If you haven't configured any props, I suggest you to write one.

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