We're so glad you're here! Read on for some welcome notes and get an introduction to the Splunk Community Team.

Welcome to the Splunk Community!

Community Manager
Community Manager

We're so glad you're here!

The Spunk Community is place to connect, learn, give back, and have fun! It features Splunk enthusiasts from all kinds of backgrounds, working at just about every kind of organization, and working in a variety of roles and functions. If you're landed here, you belong here. And we welcome you!

This space is home to several community programs and supported by both a team at Splunk and growing group of our community members, including the SplunkTrust. Please connect with any and all of us, and we've made it pretty easy to tell who's who by their Ranks and profiles. 

Meet the Splunk Community Team!

Meet the folks who make up our Community Team! If you ever have any questions, concerns, or just want someone to digitally high-five, we're here for you!

Community Team.jpg

Anam S, Community Manager (Splunk Answers)

Renee W, Sr. Community Manager (SplunkTrust)

Brian W, Sr. Community Technology Manager

Gretchen F, Sr. Content Manager, Community (Blogs & Announcements)

Kara D, Associate Community Manager (User Groups)

Jenny B, Community Specialist (Slack)

Looking for a spot to introduce yourself?  Drop us a comment below and let us know where you're joining us from! 

To get started...

  • Have a look around! You can navigate through our community and programs by using the main navigation, and you can learn a little more about specific programs and areas in this post.
  • Review our Community Guidelines! These spell out some of our expectations and requirements of all community members. So be sure to take a few minutes to review them, and be sure to abide by them. 
  • Ask questions! Splunk Answers is the place to ask questions, get answers, and find technical solutions, for any product in the Splunk portfolio.
  • Join us on SlackThere, you'll have even more opportunities to ask questions, get answers, and connect with your fellow Splunk practitioners.

Again, we're so glad you're here! 

-- Splunk Community Team 

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