Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Focus Rings, Donut Scope, More em Units, and Global Privacy Control

Weekly Platform News: Focus Rings, Donut Scope, More em Units, and Global Privacy Control

In this week’s news, Chrome tackles focus rings, we learn how to get “donut” scope, Global Privacy Control gets big-name adoption, it’s time to ditch pixels in media queries, and a snippet that prevents annoying form validation styling.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: The :not() pseudo-class, Video Media Queries, clip-path: path() Support

Weekly Platform News: The :not() pseudo-class, Video Media Queries, clip-path: path() Support

Hey, we’re back with weekly updates about the browser landscape from Šime Vidas.

In this week’s update, the CSS :not pseudo class can accept complex selectors, how to disable smooth scrolling when using “Find on page…” in Chrome, Safari’s …

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Šime Vidas on (Updated on )