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BRSKI with Pledge in Responder Mode (BRSKI-PRM)

The information below is for an old version of the document.
Document Type
This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Active".
Authors Steffen Fries , Thomas Werner , Eliot Lear , Michael Richardson
Last updated 2022-10-24 (Latest revision 2022-07-08)
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Additional resources Mailing list discussion
Stream WG state WG Document
Document shepherd (None)
IESG IESG state I-D Exists
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
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ANIMA WG                                                        S. Fries
Internet-Draft                                                 T. Werner
Intended status: Standards Track                                 Siemens
Expires: 27 April 2023                                           E. Lear
                                                           Cisco Systems
                                                           M. Richardson
                                                Sandelman Software Works
                                                         24 October 2022

            BRSKI with Pledge in Responder Mode (BRSKI-PRM)


   This document defines enhancements to bootstrapping a remote secure
   key infrastructure (BRSKI, RFC8995) to facilitate bootstrapping in
   domains featuring no or only time limited connectivity between a
   pledge and the domain registrar.  It specifically targets situations,
   in which the interaction model changes from a pledge-initiated-mode,
   as used in BRSKI, to a pledge-responding-mode as described in this
   document.  To support the pledge-responding mode, BRSKI-PRM
   introduces a new component, the registrar-agent, which facilitates
   the communication between pledge and registrar during the
   bootstrapping phase.  To establishment the trust relation between
   pledge and domain registrar, BRSKI-PRM relies on object security
   rather than transport security.

   The approach defined here is agnostic with respect to the underlying
   enrollment protocol which connects the pledge and the domain
   registrar to the Domain CA.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Status information for this document may be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 April 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Scope of Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.1.  Supported Environments and Use Case Examples  . . . . . .   7
       3.1.1.  Building Automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       3.1.2.  Infrastructure Isolation Policy . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       3.1.3.  Less Operational Security in the Target-Domain  . . .   9
     3.2.  Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  Requirements Discussion and Mapping to Solution-Elements  . .   9
   5.  Architectural Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  Pledge-Responder-Mode (PRM): Registrar-Agent Communication
           with Pledges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.2.  Agent-Proximity Assertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.3.  Behavior of Pledge in Pledge-Responder-Mode . . . . . . .  16
     5.4.  Behavior of Registrar-Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       5.4.1.  Discovery of Registrar by Registrar-Agent . . . . . .  19
       5.4.2.  Discovery of Pledge by Registrar-Agent  . . . . . . .  19
   6.  Bootstrapping Data Objects and Corresponding Exchanges  . . .  20
     6.1.  Request Objects Acquisition by Registrar-Agent from
           Pledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

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       6.1.1.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (PVR) - Trigger  . . . . . . .  24
       6.1.2.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (PVR) - Response . . . . . . .  26
       6.1.3.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) - Trigger . . . . . .  29
       6.1.4.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) - Response  . . . . .  29
     6.2.  Request Object Handling initiated by the Registrar-Agent on
           Registrar, MASA and Domain CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
       6.2.1.  Connection Establishment (Registrar-Agent to
               Registrar)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       6.2.2.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (RVR) Processing by
               Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
       6.2.3.  Registrar-Voucher-Request (RVR) Processing (Registrar
               to MASA)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
       6.2.4.  Voucher Issuance by MASA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
       6.2.5.  MASA issued Voucher Processing by Registrar . . . . .  39
       6.2.6.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) Processing
               (Registrar-Agent to Registrar)  . . . . . . . . . . .  42
       6.2.7.  Request Wrapped-CA-certificate(s) (Registrar-Agent to
               Registrar)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
     6.3.  Response Object Supply by Registrar-Agent to Pledge . . .  44
       6.3.1.  Pledge: Voucher Response Processing . . . . . . . . .  45
       6.3.2.  Pledge: Voucher Status Telemetry  . . . . . . . . . .  46
       6.3.3.  Pledge: Wrapped-CA-Certificate(s) Processing  . . . .  47
       6.3.4.  Pledge: Enrollment Response Processing  . . . . . . .  48
       6.3.5.  Pledge: Enrollment Status Telemetry . . . . . . . . .  48
       6.3.6.  Telemetry Voucher Status and Enroll Status Handling
               (Registrar-Agent to Domain Registrar) . . . . . . . .  49
     6.4.  Request Pledge-Status by Registrar-Agent from Pledge  . .  52
       6.4.1.  Pledge-Status - Trigger (Registrar-Agent to
               Pledge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
       6.4.2.  Pledge-Status - Response (Pledge -
               Registrar-Agent)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
   7.  Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
     7.1.  Voucher Request Artifact  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
       7.1.1.  Tree Diagram  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
       7.1.2.  YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  58
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
     8.1.  BRSKI .well-known Registry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
   9.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
     10.1.  Denial of Service (DoS) Attack on Pledge . . . . . . . .  63
     10.2.  Misuse of acquired PVR and PER by Registrar-Agent  . . .  63
     10.3.  Misuse of Registrar-Agent Credentials  . . . . . . . . .  64
     10.4.  Misuse of mDNS to obtain list of pledges . . . . . . . .  64
     10.5.  YANG Module Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . .  65
   11. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  65
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  67

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   Appendix A.  Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     A.1.  Example Pledge Voucher Request - PVR (from Pledge to
           Registrar-agent)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     A.2.  Example Parboiled Registrar Voucher Request - RVR (from
           Registrar to MASA)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
     A.3.  Example Voucher Response (from MASA to Pledge, via
           Registrar and Registrar-agent)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  75
     A.4.  Example Voucher Response, MASA issued Voucher with
           additional Registrar signature (from MASA to Pledge, via
           Registrar and Registrar-agent)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
   Appendix B.  History of Changes [RFC Editor: please delete] . . .  78
   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  86

1.  Introduction

   BRSKI as defined in [RFC8995] specifies a solution for secure zero-
   touch (automated) bootstrapping of devices (pledges) in a (customer)
   site domain.  This includes the discovery of network elements in the
   customer site/domain and the exchange of security information
   necessary to establish trust between a pledge and the domain.

   Security information about the customer site/domain, specifically the
   customer site/domain certificate, is exchanged utilizing voucher
   request objects and voucher response objects as defined in [RFC8995].
   Voucher objects are specified in [RFC8366].  Vouchers are signed
   objects from the Manufacturer's Authorized Signing Authority (MASA).
   The MASA issues the voucher object and provides it via the domain
   registrar to the pledge.

   For the certificate enrollment of devices, BRSKI relies on EST
   [RFC7030] to request and distribute customer site/domain specific
   device certificates.  EST in turn relies on a binding of the
   certification request to an underlying TLS connection between the EST
   client and the EST server.

   BRSKI addresses scenarios in which the pledge initiates the
   bootstrapping acting as a client (this document refers to this
   approach as pledge-initiator-mode).  In industrial environments the
   pledge may behave as a server and thus does not initiate the
   bootstrapping with the domain registrar.  In this scenarios it is
   expected that the pledge will be triggered to generate bootstrapping
   requests in the customer site/domain.  This document refers to this
   approach as pledge-responder-mode and

   *  introduces the registrar-agent as new component to facilitate the
      communication between the pledge and the registrar, as the pledge
      is in responder mode, and acts as server.  For the interaction

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      with the domain registrar the registrar-agent will use existing
      BRSKI [RFC8995] endpoints as well as additional endpoints defined
      i this document.

   *  specifies the interaction (data exchange and data objects) between
      a pledge acting as server and a registrar-agent and the domain
      registrar.  The security is addressed on application layer only to
      enable usage of arbitrary transport means between the pledge and
      the domain registrar via the registrar-agent.  Connectivity
      between the pledge and the registrar-agent may be via IP-based
      networks (wired or wireless) but also via Bluetooth or NFC.

   *  allows the application of registrar-agent credentials to establish
      TLS connections to the domain registrar.  These registrar-agent
      credentials are different from the pledge's IDevID.

   The term endpoint used in the context of this document is similar to
   resources in CoAP [RFC7252] and also in HTTP [RFC9110].  It is not
   used to describe a device.  Endpoints are accessible via .well-known

   To utilize the EST server endpoints on the domain registrar, the
   registrar-agent will act as client towards the domain registrar.

   The registrar-agent also acts as a client when communicating with a
   pledge in responder mode.  Here, TLS with server-side, certificate-
   based authentication is not directly applicable, as the pledge only
   possesses an IDevID certificate.  The IDevID does not contain any
   anchor for which any kind of [RFC6125] validation can be done.
   Second, the registrar-agent may not be aware of manufacturer trust
   anchors to validate the IDevIDs.  Finally, IDevID do not typically
   set Extended Key Usage (EKU) for TLS WWW Server authentication.

   The inability to effectively do TLS in responder mode is one reason
   for relying on object security.  Another reason is the application on
   different transports channels, for which TLS may not be available,
   such as Bluetooth and NFC.

   Therefore, BRSKI-PRM relies on an additional signature wrapping of
   the exchanged data objects . For EST [RFC7030] the registrar then
   needs to do some pre-processing to verify this signature, which is
   not present in EST.

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2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document relies on the terminology defined in [RFC8995], section
   1.2.  The following terms are defined additionally:

   authenticated self-contained object:  Describes an object, which is
      cryptographically bound to the end entity (EE) certificate (IDevID
      certificate or LDEVID certificate).  The binding is assumed to be
      provided through a digital signature of the actual object using
      the corresponding private key of the EE certificate.

   CA:  Certification authority, issues certificates.

   Commissioning tool:  Tool to interact with devices to provide
      configuration data

   CSR:  Certificate Signing Request

   EE:  End entity

   mTLS:  Mutual authenticated Transport Layer Security.

   on-site:  Describes a component or service or functionality available
      in the customer site/domain.

   off-site:  Describes a component or service or functionality not
      available within the customer site/domain.  It may be at a central
      site or an internet resident "cloud" service.  The connection may
      also be a temporary and, e.g., only available at times when
      workers are present on a construction side, for instance.

   PER:  Pledge-enrollment-request is a signature wrapped CSR, signed by
      the pledge that requests enrollment to a domain

   POP:  Proof of possession (of a private key)

   POI:  Proof of identity (see Section 4)

   PVR:  Pledge-Voucher-Request is a request for a voucher signed by the
      Pledge to the Registrar.

   RA:  Registration authority, an optional system component to which a

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      CA delegates certificate management functions such as
      authorization checks.

   RER:  Registrar-enrollment-request is the CSR of PER send to the CA
      by the registrar (RA/LRA)

   RVR:  Registrar-Voucher-Request is a request for a voucher signed by
      the Registrar to the MASA.  It may contain the PVR received from
      the pledge.

   This document includes many examples that would contain many long
   sequences of base64 encoded objects with no content directly
   comprehensible to a human reader.  In order to keep them readable the
   examples use the token "base64encodedvalue==" whenever such a thing
   occurs.  This token is in fact valid base64.  The full examples are
   in appendix.

   This protocol unavoidably has a mix of both base64 encoded data (as
   is normal for many JSON encoded protocols), and also BASE64URL
   encoded data, as specified by JWS.  The later is indicated by a
   string like "BASE64URL(THING)"

3.  Scope of Solution

3.1.  Supported Environments and Use Case Examples

   BRSKI-PRM is applicable to environments where pledges may have
   different behavior: pledge-responder-mode, or pledges may have no
   direct connection to the domain registrar.  Either way pledges are
   expected to be managed by the same registrar.

   This can be motivated by pledges deployed in environments not yet
   connected to the operational customer site/domain network, e.g., at a
   construction site where a building is going up.

   Another environment relates to the assembly of cabinets, which are
   prepared in advance to be installed on a customer site/domain.

   As there is no direct connection to the registrar available in these
   environments the solution specified allows the pledges to act in a
   server role so they can be triggered for bootstrapping e.g., by a
   commissioning tool.

   As BRSKI focuses on the pledge in a client role, initiating the
   bootstrapping (pledge-initiated-mode), BRSKI-PRM defines pledges
   acting as a server (pledge-responder-mode) responding to PVR and PER
   and consumption of the results.

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   The following examples motivate support of BRSKI-PRM to support
   pledges acting as server as well as pledges with limited connectivity
   to the registrar.

   While BRSKI-PRM defines support for pledges in responder mode, there
   may be pledges, which can act as both initiator or responder.  In
   these cases BRSKI-PRM can be combined with BRSKI as defined in
   [RFC8995] or BRSKI-AE [I-D.ietf-anima-brski-ae] to allow for more
   bootstrapping flexibility.

   A pledge which can initiate, SHOULD listen for BRSKI messages as
   describe in [RFC8995], Section 4.1.  Upon discovery of a potential
   Registrar, it SHOULD initiate to that Registrar.  At the same time
   (so as to avoid the Slowloris-attack described in [RFC8995]), it
   SHOULD also respond to the pledge-responder-mode connections
   described in this document.

   Once a pledge with such combined functionality has been bootstrapped,
   it may act as client for enrollment or re-enrollment of further
   certificates needed, e.g., using the enrollment protocol of choice.
   If it still acts as server, the defined endpoints can be used to
   trigger a Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) for further certificates.

3.1.1.  Building Automation

   In building automation a typical use case exists where a detached
   building (or a cabinet) or the basement of a building is equipped
   with sensors, actuators and controllers, but with only limited or no
   connection to the central building management system.  This limited
   connectivity may exist during installation time or also during
   operation time.

   During the installation, for instance, in the basement, a service
   technician collects the device specific information from the basement
   network and provides them to the central building management system.
   This could be done using a laptop, common mobile device, or dedicated
   commissioning tool to transport the information.  The service
   technician may visit every new house in a subdivision collecting
   device specific information before connecting to the Registrar.

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   A domain registrar may be part of the central building management
   system and already be operational in the installation network.  The
   central building management system can then provide operational
   parameters for the specific devices in the basement.  This
   operational parameters may comprise values and settings required in
   the operational phase of the sensors/actuators, among them a
   certificate issued by the operator to authenticate against other
   components and services.  These operational parameters are then
   provided to the devices in the basement facilitated by the service
   technician's laptop.

3.1.2.  Infrastructure Isolation Policy

   This refers to any case in which the network infrastructure is
   normally isolated from the Internet as a matter of policy, most
   likely for security reasons.  In such a case, limited access to a
   domain registrar may be allowed in carefully controlled short periods
   of time, for example when a batch of new devices are deployed, but
   prohibited at other times.

3.1.3.  Less Operational Security in the Target-Domain

   The registration authority (RA) performing the authorization of a
   certificate request is a critical PKI component and therefore
   requires higher operational security than other components utilizing
   the issued certificates.  CAs may also require higher security in the
   registration procedures.  There may be situations in which the
   customer site/domain does not offer enough security to operate a RA/
   CA and therefore this service is transferred to a backend that offers
   a higher level of operational security.

3.2.  Limitations

   The mechanism described in this document presume the availability of
   the pledge to communicate with the registrar-agent.  This may not be
   possible in constrained environments where, in particular, power must
   be conserved.  In these situations, it is anticipated that the
   transceiver will be powered down most of the time.  This presents a
   rendezvous problem: the pledge is unavailable for certain periods of
   time, and the registrar-agent is similarly presumed to be unavailable
   for certain periods of time.

4.  Requirements Discussion and Mapping to Solution-Elements

   Based on the intended target environment described in Section 3.1 the
   following requirements are derived to support bootstrapping of
   pledges in responder mode (acting as server).

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   *  To facilitate the communication between a pledge in responder mode
      and registrar, additional functionality is needed either on the
      registrar or as a stand-alone component.  This new functionality
      is defined as registrar-agent and acts as an agent of the
      registrar to trigger the pledge to generate requests for voucher
      and enrollment.  These requests are than provided by the
      registrar-agent to the registrar.  This requires the definition of
      pledge endpoints to allow interaction with the registrar-agent.

   *  The communication between the registrar-agent and the pledge MUST
      NOT rely on transport layer security (TLS) because the pledge does
      not have certificate a that can easily be verified by [RFC6125]
      methods.  It is also more difficult to use TLS over other
      technology stacks (e.g., BTLE).

   *  The use of authenticated self-contained objects provides a work
      around for both the TLS challenges, and the technology stack

   *  By contrast, the registrar-agent can be authenticated by the
      registrar as a component, acting on behalf of the registrar.  In
      addition the registrar must be able to verify, which registrar-
      agent was in direct contact with the pledge.

   *  It would be inaccurate for the voucher request and voucher
      response to use an assertion with value "proximity" in the
      voucher, as the pledge was not in direct contact with the
      registrar for bootstrapping.  Therefore a new "agent-proximity"
      assertion value is necessary for distinguishing assertions the
      MASA can state.

   At least the following properties are required for the voucher and
   enrollment processing:

   *  Proof of Identity (POI): provides data-origin authentication of a
      data object, e.g., a voucher request or an enrollment request,
      utilizing an existing IDevID.  Certificate updates may utilize the
      certificate that is to be updated.

   *  Proof of Possession (POP): proves that an entity possesses and
      controls the private key corresponding to the public key contained
      in the certification request, typically by adding a signature
      using the private key to the certification request.

   Solution examples based on existing technology are provided with the
   focus on existing IETF RFCs:

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   *  Voucher requests and responses as used in [RFC8995] already
      provide both, POP and POI, through a digital signature to protect
      the integrity of the voucher, while the corresponding signing
      certificate contains the identity of the signer.

   *  Certification requests are data structures containing the
      information from a requester for a CA to create a certificate.
      The certification request format in BRSKI is PKCS#10 [RFC2986].
      In PKCS#10, the structure is signed to ensure integrity protection
      and proof of possession of the private key of the requester that
      corresponds to the contained public key.  In the application
      examples, this POP alone is not sufficient.  A POI is also
      required for the certification request and therefore needs to be
      additionally bound to the existing credential of the pledge
      (IDevID).  This binding supports the authorization decision for
      the certification request may be provided directly with the
      certification request.  While BRSKI uses the binding to TLS,
      BRSKI-PRM aims at an additional signature of the PKCS#10 using
      existing credentials on the pledge (IDevID).  This allows the
      process to be independent of the selected transport.

5.  Architectural Overview

   For BRSKI with pledge in responder mode, the base system architecture
   defined in BRSKI [RFC8995] is enhanced to facilitate the new use
   cases in which the pledge acts as server.  The pledge-responder-mode
   allows delegated bootstrapping using a registrar-agent instead of a
   direct connection between the pledge and the domain registrar.

   Necessary enhancements to support authenticated self-contained
   objects for certificate enrollment are kept at a minimum to enable
   reuse of already defined architecture elements and interactions.

   For the authenticated self-contained objects used for the
   certification request, BRSKI-PRM relies on the defined message
   wrapping mechanisms of the enrollment protocols stated in Section 4

   The security used within the document for bootstrapping objects
   produced or consumed by the pledge bases on JOSE [RFC7515].  In
   constraint environments it may provided based on COSE [RFC9052].

   An abstract overview of the BRSKI-PRM protocol can be found in

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5.1.  Pledge-Responder-Mode (PRM): Registrar-Agent Communication with

   To support mutual trust establishment between the domain registrar
   and pledges not directly connected to the customer site/domain, this
   document specifies the exchange of authenticated self-contained
   objects (the voucher request/response as known from BRSKI and the
   enrollment request/response as introduced by BRSKI-PRM) with the help
   of a registrar-agent.

   This leads to extensions of the logical components in the BRSKI
   architecture as shown in Figure 1.  Note that the Join Proxy is
   neglected in the figure as not needed by the registrar-agent.  The
   registrar-agent interacts with the pledge to transfer the required
   data objects for bootstrapping, which are then also exchanged between
   the registrar-agent and the domain registrar.  The addition of the
   registrar-agent influences the sequences of the data exchange between
   the pledge and the domain registrar as described in [RFC8995].  To
   enable reuse of BRSKI defined functionality as much as possible,

   *  uses existing endpoints were the required functionality is

   *  enhances existing with new supported media types, e.g., for JWS

   *  defines new endpoints were additional functionality is required,
      e.g., for wrapped certification request, CA certificates, or new
      status information.

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      +---- Drop Ship ----------| Vendor Service         |
      |                         +------------------------+
      |                         | M anufacturer|         |
      |                         | A uthorized  |Ownership|
      |                         | S igning     |Tracker  |
      |                         | A uthority   |         |
      |                         +--------------+---------+
      |                                       ^
      |                                       |  BRSKI-
      |    BRSKI-PRM                          |   MASA
      |          .............................|.........
      V          .                            v        .
   +-------+     .  +-----------+       +-----------+  .
   |       |     .  |           |       |           |  .
   |Pledge |     .  | Registrar | BRSKI | Domain    |  .
   |       |     .  | Agent     |  EST  | Registrar |  .
   |       |<------>|           |<----->| (PKI RA)  |  .
   |       |     .  |     LDevID|       |           |  .
   |       |     .  +-----------+       +-----+-----+  .
   |IDevID |     .                            |        .
   |       |     .         +------------------+-----+  .
   +-------+     .         | Key Infrastructure     |  .
                 .         | (e.g., PKI Certificate |  .
                 .         |       Authority)       |  .
                 .         +------------------------+  .
                          "Domain" components

           Figure 1: Architecture overview using registrar-agent

   The following list describes the components in a (customer) site

   *  Pledge: The pledge is expected to respond with the necessary data
      objects for bootstrapping to the registrar-agent.  The protocol
      used between the pledge and the registrar-agent is assumed to be
      HTTP in the context of this document.  Other protocols may be used
      like CoAP, Bluetooth, or NFC, but are out of scope of this
      document.  A pledge acting as a server during bootstrapping leads
      to some differences to BRSKI:

      -  Discovery of the pledge by the registrar-agent must be

      -  As the registrar-agent must be able to request data objects for
         bootstrapping of the pledge, the pledge must offer
         corresponding endpoints.

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      -  The registrar-agent may provide additional data to the pledge
         in the context of the voucher triggering request, to make
         itself visible to the domain registrar.

      -  Order of exchanges in the call flow may be different as the
         registrar-agent collects both, PVR and PER, at once and
         provides them to the registrar.  This approach is used in order
         to allow for bulk bootstrapping of several devices in a single
         pass through a new site by the commissioning personnel.

      -  The data objects utilized for the data exchange between the
         pledge and the registrar are self-contained authenticated
         objects (signature-wrapped objects).

   *  Registrar-agent: provides a communication path to exchange data
      objects between the pledge and the domain registrar.  The
      registrar-agent brokers in situations in which the domain
      registrar is not directly reachable by the pledge.  This may be
      due to a different technology stack or due to missing
      connectivity.  The registrar-agent triggers a pledge to create
      bootstrapping artifacts such as the voucher-request and the
      enrollment-request on one or multiple pledges and performs a
      (bulk) bootstrapping based on the collected data.  The registrar-
      agent is expected to possess information about the domain
      registrar: the registrar EE certificate, LDevID(CA) certificate,
      IP address, either by configuration or by using the discovery
      mechanism defined in [RFC8995].  There is no trust assumption
      between the pledge and the registrar-agent as only authenticated
      self-contained objects are used, which are transported via the
      registrar-agent and provided either by the pledge or the
      registrar.  The trust assumption between the registrar-agent and
      the registrar is based on the LDevID of the registrar-agent,
      provided by the PKI responsible for the domain.  This allows the
      registrar-agent to authenticate towards the registrar, e.g., in a
      TLS handshake.  Based on this, the registrar is able to
      distinguish a pledge from a registrar-agent during the TLS session
      establishment and also to verify that the registrar-agent is
      authorized to perform the bootstrapping of the distinct pledge.
      The registrar-agent may be implemented as an integrated
      functionality of a commissioning tool or be co-located with the
      registrar itself.

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   *  Join Proxy (not shown): same functionality as described in
      [RFC8995] if needed.  Note that a registrar-agent may use a join
      proxy to facilitate the TLS connection to the registrar, in the
      same way that a BRSKI pledge would use a join proxy.  This is
      useful in cases where the registrar-agent does not have full IP
      connectivity via the domain network, or cases where it has no
      other means to locate the registrar on the network.

   *  Domain Registrar: In general the domain registrar fulfills the
      same functionality regarding the bootstrapping of the pledge in a
      (customer) site domain by facilitating the communication of the
      pledge with the MASA service and the domain PKI service.  In
      contrast to [RFC8995], the domain registrar does not interact with
      a pledge directly but through the registrar-agent.  The registrar
      detects if the bootstrapping is performed by the pledge directly
      or by the registrar-agent.

   *  The manufacturer provided components/services (MASA and Ownership
      tracker) are used as defined in [RFC8995].  For issuing a voucher,
      the MASA may perform additional checks on a voucher-request, to
      issue a voucher indicating agent-proximity instead of

5.2.  Agent-Proximity Assertion

   "Agent-proximity" is a statement, that the proximity registrar
   certificate was provided via the registrar-agent as defined in
   Section 6 and not directly to the pledge.  "Agent-proximity" is
   therefore a weaker assertion then "proximity".  It is defined as
   additional assertion type in [I-D.ietf-anima-rfc8366bis].  This can
   be verified by the registrar and also by the MASA during the voucher-
   request processing.  Note that at the time of creating the voucher-
   request, the pledge cannot verify the registrar's registrar EE
   certificate and has no proof-of-possession of the corresponding
   private key for the certificate.  The pledge therefore accepts the
   registrar EE certificate provisionally until it receives the voucher
   as described in Section 6.3.  See also [RFC8995] "PROVISIONAL accept
   of server cert".

   Trust handover to the domain is established via the "pinned-domain-
   certificate" in the voucher.

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   In contrast to the above, "proximity" provides a statement, that the
   pledge was in direct contact with the registrar and was able to
   verify proof-of-possession of the private key in the context of the
   TLS handshake.  The provisionally accepted registrar EE certificate
   can be verified after the voucher has been processed by the pledge.
   As the returned voucher includes an additional signature by the
   registrar as defined in Section 6.2.5, the pledge can also verify
   that the registrar possesses the corresponding private key.

5.3.  Behavior of Pledge in Pledge-Responder-Mode

   The pledge is triggered by the registrar-agent to generate the PVR
   and PER as well as for the processing of the responses and the
   generation of status information.  Due to the use of the registrar-
   agent, the interaction with the domain registrar is changed as shown
   in Figure 3.  To enable interaction with the registrar-agent, the
   pledge provides endpoints using the BRSKI defined endpoints based on
   the "/.well-known/brski" URI tree.

   The following endpoints are defined for the _pledge_ in this
   document.  The URI path begins with "
   known/brski" followed by a path-suffix that indicates the intended

   Operations and their corresponding URIs:

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   | Operation                 | Operation path             | Details |
   | Trigger pledge-voucher-   | /pledge-voucher-request    | Section |
   | request creation -        |                            | 6.1     |
   | Returns PVR               |                            |         |
   | Trigger pledge-           | /pledge-enrollment-request | Section |
   | enrollment-request -      |                            | 6.1     |
   | Returns PER               |                            |         |
   | Provide voucher to pledge | /pledge-voucher            | Section |
   | - Returns pledge-voucher- |                            | 6.3     |
   | status                    |                            |         |
   | Provide enrollment        | /pledge-enrollment         | Section |
   | response to pledge -      |                            | 6.3     |
   | Returns pledge-           |                            |         |
   | enrollment-status         |                            |         |
   | Provide CA certs to       | /pledge-CACerts            | Section |
   | pledge                    |                            | 6.3     |
   | Query bootstrapping       | /pledge-bootstrap-status   | Section |
   | status of pledge -        |                            | 6.4     |
   | Returns pledge-status     |                            |         |

                     Table 1: Endpoints on the pledge

5.4.  Behavior of Registrar-Agent

   The registrar-agent as a new component provides connectivity between
   the pledge and the domain registrar and reuses the endpoints of the
   domain registrar side already specified in [RFC8995].  It facilitates
   the exchange of data between the pledge and the domain registrar,
   which are the voucher request/response, the enrollment request/
   response, as well as related telemetry and status information.  For
   the communication with the pledge the registrar-agent utilizes
   communication endpoints provided by the pledge.  The transport in
   this specification is based on HTTP but may also be done using other
   transport mechanisms.  This new component changes the general
   interaction between the pledge and the domain registrar as shown in
   Figure 1.

   For authentication to the domain registrar, the registrar-agent uses
   its LDevID(RegAgt).  The provisioning of the registrar-agent LDevID
   is out of scope for this document, but may be done in advance using a

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   separate BRSKI run or by other means like configuration.  It is
   recommended to use short lived registrar-agent LDevIDs in the range
   of days or weeks as outlined in Section 10.3.

   The registrar-agent will use its LDevID(RegAgt) when establishing a
   TLS session with the domain registrar for TLS client authentication.
   The LDevID(RegAgt) certificate MUST include a SubjectKeyIdentifier
   (SKID), which is used as reference in the context of an agent-signed-
   data object as defined in Section 6.1.  Note that this is an
   additional requirement for issuing the certificate, as [IEEE-802.1AR]
   only requires the SKID to be included for intermediate CA
   certificates.  [RFC8995] makes a similar requirement.  In BRSKI-PRM,
   the SKID is used in favor of a certificate fingerprint to avoid
   additional computations.

   Using an LDevID for TLS client authentication of the registrar-agent
   is a deviation from [RFC8995], in which the pledge's IDevID
   credential is used to perform TLS client authentication.  The use of
   the LDevID(RegAgt) allows the domain registrar to distinguish, if
   bootstrapping is initiated from a pledge or from a registrar-agent
   and to adopt different internal handling accordingly.  If a registrar
   detects a request that originates from a registrar-agent it is able
   to switch the operational mode from BRSKI to BRSKI-PRM.  This may be
   supported by a specific naming in the SAN (subject alternative name)
   component of the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate.  Alternatively, the
   domain may feature a CA specifically for issuing registrar-agent
   LDevID certificates.  This allows the registrar to detect registrar-
   agents based on the issuing CA.

   As BRSKI-PRM uses authenticated self-contained data objects between
   the pledge and the domain registrar, the binding of the pledge
   identity to the requests is provided by the data object signature
   employing the pledge's IDevID.  The objects exchanged between the
   pledge and the domain registrar used in the context of this
   specifications are JOSE objects.

   In addition to the LDevID(RegAgt), the registrar-agent is provided
   with the product-serial-number(s) of the pledge(s) to be
   bootstrapped.  This is necessary to allow the discovery of pledge(s)
   by the registrar-agent using mDNS (see Section 5.4.2) The list may be
   provided by administrative means or the registrar agent may get the
   information via an interaction with the pledge.  For instance,
   [RFC9238] describes scanning of a QR code, the product-serial-number
   would be initialized from the 12N B005 Product Serial Number.

   According to [RFC8995] section 5.3, the domain registrar performs the
   pledge authorization for bootstrapping within his domain based on the
   pledge voucher-request object.

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   The following information MUST be available at the registrar-agent:

   *  LDevID(RegAgt): own operational key pair.

   *  Registrar EE certificate: certificate of the domain registrar.

   *  Serial-number(s): product-serial-number(s) of pledge(s) to be

5.4.1.  Discovery of Registrar by Registrar-Agent

   The discovery of the domain registrar may be done as specified in
   [RFC8995] with the deviation that it is done between the registrar-
   agent and the domain registrar.  Alternatively, the registrar-agent
   may be configured with the address of the domain registrar and the
   certificate of the domain registrar.

5.4.2.  Discovery of Pledge by Registrar-Agent

   The discovery of the pledge by registrar-agent should be done by
   using DNS-based Service Discovery [RFC6763] over Multicast DNS
   [RFC6762] to discover the pledge.  The pledge constructs a local host
   name based on device local information (product-serial-number), which
   results in "product-serial-number._brski-pledge._tcp.local".

   The registrar-agent MAY use

   *  "product-serial-number._brski-pledge._tcp.local", to discover a
      specific pledge, e.g., when connected to a local network.

   *  "_brski-pledge._tcp.local" to get a list of pledges to be

   A manufacturer may allow the pledge to react on mDNS discovery
   without his product-serial-number contained.  This allows a
   commissioning tool to discover pledges to be bootstrapped in the
   domain.  The manufacturer may opt out of this functionality as
   outlined in Section 10.4.

   To be able to detect the pledge using mDNS, network connectivity is
   required.  For Ethernet it is provided by simply connecting the
   network cable.  For WiFi networks, connectivity can be provided by
   using a pre-agreed SSID for bootstrapping.  The same approach can be
   used by 6LoWPAN/mesh using a pre-agreed PAN ID.  How to gain network
   connectivity is out of scope of this document.

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6.  Bootstrapping Data Objects and Corresponding Exchanges

   The interaction of the pledge with the registrar-agent may be
   accomplished using different transport means (protocols and/or
   network technologies).  This specification descibes the usage of HTTP
   as in BRSKI [RFC8995].  Alternative transport channels may be CoAP,
   Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), or Nearfield Communication (NFC).  These
   transport means may differ from, and are independent of, the ones
   used between the registrar-agent and the registrar.  Transport
   channel independence is realized by data objects which are not bound
   to specific transport security.  Therefore, authenticated self-
   contained objects (here: signature-wrapped objects) are applied for
   data exchanges between the pledge and the registrar.

   The registrar-agent provides the domain registrar certificate
   (registrar EE certificate) to the pledge to be included in the PVR
   leaf "agent-provided-proximity-registrar-certificate".  This enables
   the registrar to verify that it is the desired registrar for handling
   the request.

   The registrar certificate may be configured at the registrar-agent or
   may be fetched by the registrar-agent based on a prior TLS connection
   with this domain registrar.  In addition, the registrar-agent
   provides agent-signed-data containing the pledge product-serial-
   number, signed with the LDevID(RegAgt).  This enables the registrar
   to verify and log, which registrar-agent was in contact with the
   pledge, when verifying the PVR.

   The registrar MUST fetch the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate based on the
   SubjectKeyIdentifier (SKID) in the header of the agent-signed-data
   from the PVR.  The registrar includes the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate
   information into the RVR if the PVR asked for the assertion "agent-

   The MASA in turn verifies the registrar EE certificate is included in
   the PVR ("prior-signed-voucher-request" of RVR) in the "agent-
   provided-proximity-registrar-certificate" leaf and may assert the PVR
   as "verified" or "logged" instead of "proximity", as there is no
   direct connection between the pledge and the registrar.

   In addition, the MASA can state the assertion "agent-proximity" as
   follows: The MASA can verify the signature of the agent-signed-data
   contained in the prior-signed-voucher-request, based on the provided
   LDevID(RegAgt) certificate in the "agent-sign-cert" leaf of the RVR.
   If both can be verified successfully, the MASA can assert "agent-
   proximity" in the voucher.

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   Depending on the MASA verification policy, it may also respond with a
   suitable 4xx or 5xx status code as described in section 5.6 of
   [RFC8995].  The voucher then can be supplied via the registrar to the

   Figure 2 provides an overview of the exchanges detailed in the
   following sub sections.

 +--------+    +-----------+    +-----------+    +--------+  +---------+
 | Pledge |    | Registrar |    | Domain    |    | Domain |  | Vendor  |
 |        |    | Agent     |    | Registrar |    | CA     |  | Service |
 |        |    | (RegAgt)  |    |  (JRC)    |    |        |  | (MASA)  |
 +--------+    +-----------+    +-----------+    +--------+  +---------+
    |                 |                  |              |   Internet |
    |   discover      |                  |              |            |
    |    pledge       |                  |              |            |
    | mDNS query      |                  |              |            |
    |<----------------|                  |              |            |
    |---------------->|                  |              |            |
    |                 |                  |              |            |

    trigger PVR (tPVR) and PER (tPER) generation on pledge
    |<----- tPVR -----|                  |              |            |
    |------ PVR ----->|                  |              |            |
    |                 |                  |              |            |
    |<----- tPER -----|                  |              |            |
    |------ PER ----->|                  |              |            |
    ~                 ~                  ~              ~            ~

    provide PVR to infrastructure
    |                 |<------ TLS ----->|              |            |
    |                 |          [Reg-Agt authenticated |            |
    |                 |           and authorized?]      |            |
    |                 |------ PVR ------>|              |            |
    |                 |          [Reg-Agt authorized?]  |            |
    |                 |          [accept device?]       |            |
    |                 |          [contact vendor]       |            |
    |                 |                  |------------ RVR --------->|
    |                 |                  |           [extract DomainID]
    |                 |                  |           [update audit log]
    |                 |                  |<--------- Voucher --------|
    |                 |<---- Voucher ----|              |            |
    |                 |                  |              |            |

    provide PER to infrastructure
    |                 |------- PER ----->|              |            |
    |                 |                  |---- CSR ---->|            |
    |                 |                  |<--- Cert ----|            |

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    |                 |<-- Enroll-Resp---|              |            |
    |                 |                  |              |            |
    query cACerts from infrastructure
    |                 |--- cACert-Req -->|              |            |
    |                 |<-- cACert-Resp---|              |            |
    ~                 ~                   ~              ~            ~

    provide voucher and certificate and collect status info
    |<--- Voucher ----|                  |              |            |
    |---- vStatus --->|                  |              |            |
    |<--- cACerts ----|                  |              |            |
    |<--Enroll-Resp---|                  |              |            |
    |--- eStatus ---->|                  |              |            |
    ~                 ~                  ~              ~            ~

    provide voucher status and enroll status to registrar
    |                 |<------ TLS ----->|              |            |
    |                 |----  vStatus --->|              |            |
    |                 |                  |--- req device audit log-->|
    |                 |                  |<---- device audit log ----|
    |                 |           [verify audit log]
    |                 |                  |              |            |
    |                 |----  eStatus --->|              |            |
    |                 |                  |              |            |

           Figure 2: Overview pledge-responder-mode exchanges

   The following sub sections split the interactions between the
   different components into:

   *  Section 6.1 describes the request object acquisition by the
      registrar-agent from pledge.

   *  Section 6.2 describes the request object processing initiated by
      the registrar-agent to the registrar and also the interaction of
      the registrar with the MASA and the domain CA including the
      response object processing by these entities.

   *  Section 6.3 describes the supply of response objects between the
      registrar-agent and the pledge including the status information.

   *  Section 6.4 describes the general status handling and addresses
      corresponding exchanges between the registrar-agent and the

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6.1.  Request Objects Acquisition by Registrar-Agent from Pledge

   The following description assumes that the registrar-agent has
   already discovered the pledge.  This may be done as described in
   Section 5.4.2 based on mDNS or similar.

   The focus is on the exchange of signature-wrapped objects using
   endpoints defined for the pledge in Section 5.3.


   *  Pledge: possesses IDevID

   *  Registrar-agent: possesses/trusts IDevID CA certificate and has
      own LDevID(RegAgt) credentials for the registrar domain (site).
      In addition, the registrar-agent MUST know the product-serial-
      number(s) of the pledge(s) to be bootstrapped.  The registrar-
      agent MAY be provided with the product-serial-number(s) in
      different ways:

      -  configured, e.g., as a list of pledges to be bootstrapped via
         QR code scanning

      -  discovered by using standard approaches like mDNS as described
         in Section 5.4.2

      -  discovered by using a vendor specific approach, e.g., RF
         beacons The registrar-agent SHOULD have synchronized time.

   *  Registrar: possesses/trusts IDevID CA certificate and has own
      registrar EE credentials.

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   +--------+                             +-----------+
   | Pledge |                             | Registrar |
   |        |                             | Agent     |
   |        |                             | (RegAgt)  |
   +--------+                             +-----------+
       |                                        |-create
       |                                        | agent-signed-data
       |<--- trigger pledge-voucher-request ----|
       |-agent-signed-data                      |
       |                                        |
       |----- pledge-voucher-request ---------->|-store PVR
       |                                        |
       |<----- trigger enrollment request ------|
       |       (empty)                          |
       |                                        |
       |------ pledge-enrollment-request ------>|-store (PER)
       |                                        |

          Figure 3: Request collection (registrar-agent - pledge)

   Note: The registrar-agent may trigger the pledge for the PVR or the
   PER or both.  It is expected that this will be aligned with a service
   technician workflow, visiting and installing each pledge.

6.1.1.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (PVR) - Trigger

   Triggering the pledge to create the PVR is done using HTTP POST on
   the defined pledge endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-voucher-

   The registrar-agent PVR trigger Content-Type header is: application/
   json.  Following parameters are provided in the JSON object:

   *  agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert: base64-encoded registrar
      EE TLS certificate.

   *  agent-signed-data: base64-encoded JSON-in-JWS object.

   The trigger for the pledge to create a PVR is depicted in the
   following figure:

     "agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert": "base64encodedvalue==",
     "agent-signed-data": "base64encodedvalue=="

             Figure 4: Representation of trigger to create PVR

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   The pledge provisionally accepts the agent-provided-proximity-
   registrar-cert, it SHOULD verify it after a voucher is received.  The
   pledge will be unable to verify the agent-signed-data itself as it
   does not possess the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate and the domain trust
   has not been established at this point of the communication.  It
   SHOULD be done, after the voucher has been received.

   The agent-signed-data is a JSON-in-JWS object and contains the
   following information:

   The header of the agent-signed-data contains:

   *  alg: algorithm used for creating the object signature.

   *  kid: MUST contain the base64-encoded bytes of the
      SubjectKeyIdentifier (the "KeyIdentifier" OCTET STRING value),
      excluding the ASN.1 encoding of "OCTET STRING" of the
      LDevID(RegAgt) certificate.

   The body of the agent-signed-data contains an "ietf-voucher-request-
   prm:agent-signed-data" element (defined in Section 7.1):

   *  created-on: MUST contain the creation date and time in yang:date-
      and-time format.

   *  serial-number: MUST contain the product-serial-number as type
      string as defined in [RFC8995], section 2.3.1.  The serial-number
      corresponds with the product-serial-number contained in the
      X520SerialNumber field of the IDevID certificate of the pledge.

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   # The agent-signed-data in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-voucher-request-prm:agent-signed-data)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "ietf-voucher-request-prm:agent-signed-data"
     representation in JSON syntax

   "ietf-voucher-request-prm:agent-signed-data": {
     "created-on": "2021-04-16T00:00:01.000Z",
     "serial-number": "callee4711"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "kid": "base64encodedvalue=="

        Figure 5: Representation of agent-signed-data in General JWS
                            Serialization syntax

6.1.2.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (PVR) - Response

   Upon receiving the voucher-request trigger, the pledge SHALL
   construct the body of the PVR as defined in [RFC8995].  It will
   contain additional information provided by the registrar-agent as
   specified in the following.  This PVR becomes a JSON-in-JWS object as
   defined in [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher].  If the pledge is unable to
   construct the PVR it SHOULD respond with a HTTP error code to the
   registrar-agent to indicate that it is not able to create the PVR.

   The following client error responses MAY be used:

   *  400 Bad Request: if the pledge detected an error in the format of
      the request, e.g. missing field, wrong data types, etc. or it's
      not valid JSON even though the PVR media type was set to

   *  403 Forbidden: if the pledge detected that one or more security
      parameters from the trigger message to create the PVR were not
      valid, e.g., the LDevID (Reg) certificate.

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   The header of the PVR SHALL contain the following parameters as
   defined in [RFC7515]:

   *  alg: algorithm used for creating the object signature.

   *  x5c: contains the base64-encoded pledge IDevID certificate.  It
      may optionally contain the certificate chain for this certificate.

   The payload of the PVR MUST contain the following parameters as part
   of the ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher as defined in [RFC8995]:

   *  created-on: SHALL contain the current date and time in yang:date-
      and-time format.  If the pledge does not have synchronized the
      time, it SHALL use the created-on time from the agent-signed-data,
      received in the trigger to create a PVR.

   *  nonce: SHALL contain a cryptographically strong pseudo-random

   *  serial-number: SHALL contain the pledge product-serial-number as

   *  assertion: SHALL contain the requested voucher assertion "agent-

   The ietf-voucher-request:voucher is enhanced with additional

   *  agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert: MUST be included and
      contains the base64-encoded registrar EE certificate (provided as
      trigger parameter by the registrar-agent).

   *  agent-signed-data: MUST contain the base64-encoded agent-signed-
      data (as defined in Figure 5) and provided as trigger parameter.

   The enhancements of the YANG module for the ietf-voucher-request with
   these new leaves are defined in Section 7.1.

   The PVR is signed using the pledge's IDevID credential contained as
   x5c parameter of the JOSE header.

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   # The PVR in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded Payload "ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher" Representation
     in JSON syntax
   "ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher": {
      "created-on": "2021-04-16T00:00:02.000Z",
      "nonce": "eDs++/FuDHGUnRxN3E14CQ==",
      "serial-number": "callee4711",
      "assertion": "agent-proximity",
      "agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert": "base64encodedvalue==",
      "agent-signed-data": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" Representation in JSON syntax
       "alg": "ES256",
       "x5c": [
       "typ": "voucher-jws+json"

                      Figure 6: Representation of PVR

   The PVR Content-Type is defined in [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher] as

   The pledge SHOULD include this Content-Type header field indicating
   the included media type for the PVR.  Note that this is also an
   indication regarding the acceptable format of the voucher response.
   This format is included by the registrar as described in Section 6.2.

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6.1.3.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) - Trigger

   Once the registrar-agent has received the PVR it can trigger the
   pledge to generate a PER.  As in BRSKI the PER contains a PKCS#10,
   but additionally signed using the pledge's IDevID.  Note, as the
   initial enrollment aims to request a generic certificate, no
   certificate attributes are provided to the pledge.

   Triggering the pledge to create the enrollment-request is done using
   HTTP POST on the defined pledge endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-

   The registrar-agent PER trigger Content-Type header is: application/
   json with an empty body by default.  Note that using HTTP POST allows
   for an empty body, but also to provide additional data, like CSR
   attributes or information about the enroll type "enroll-generic-cert"
   or "re-enroll-generic-cert".  The "enroll-generic-cert" case is shown
   in Figure 7.

     "enroll-type" : "enroll-generic-cert"

                Figure 7: Example of trigger to create a PER

6.1.4.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) - Response

   In the following the enrollment is described as initial enrollment
   with an empty HTTP POST body.

   Upon receiving the enrollment-trigger, the pledge SHALL construct the
   PER as authenticated self-contained object.  The CSR already assures
   proof of possession of the private key corresponding to the contained
   public key.  In addition, based on the additional signature using the
   IDevID, proof of identity is provided.  Here, a JOSE object is being
   created in which the body utilizes the YANG module ietf-ztp-types
   with the grouping for csr-grouping for the CSR as defined in

   Depending on the capability of the pledge, it constructs the
   enrollment request (PER) as plain PKCS#10.  Note, the focus in this
   use case is placed on PKCS#10 as PKCS#10 can be transmitted in
   different enrollment protocols in the infrastructure like EST, CMP,
   CMS, and SCEP.  If the pledge has already implemented an enrollment
   protocol, it may leverage that functionality for the creation of the
   CSR.  Note, [I-D.ietf-netconf-sztp-csr] also allows for inclusion of
   certification requests in different formats used by CMP or CMC.

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   The pledge SHOULD construct the PER as PKCS#10.  In BRSKI-PRM it MUST
   sign it additionally with its IDevID credentials to provide proof-of-
   identity bound to the PKCS#10 as described below.

   If the pledge is unable to construct the PER it SHOULD respond with a
   HTTP 4xx/5xx error code to the registrar-agent to indicate that it is
   not able to create the PER.

   The following 4xx client error codes MAY be used:

   *  400 Bad Request: if the pledge detected an error in the format of
      the request or detected invalid JSON even though the PER media
      type was set to application/json.

   *  403 Forbidden: if the pledge detected that one or more security
      parameters (if provided) from the trigger message to create the
      PER are not valid.

   *  406 Not Acceptable: if the request's Accept header indicates a
      type that is unknown or unsupported.  For example, a type other
      than application/jose+json.

   *  415 Unsupported Media Type: if the request's Content-Type header
      indicates a type that is unknown or unsupported.  For example, a
      type other than 'application/json'.

   A successful enrollment will result in a generic LDevID certificate
   for the pledge in the new domain, which can be used to request
   further (application specific) LDevID certificates if necessary for
   operation.  The registrar-agent SHALL use the endpoints specified in
   this document.

   [I-D.ietf-netconf-sztp-csr] considers PKCS#10 but also CMP and CMC as
   certification request format.  Note that the wrapping signature is
   only necessary for plain PKCS#10 as other request formats like CMP
   and CMS support the signature wrapping as part of their own
   certificate request format.

   The registrar-agent enrollment-request Content-Type header for a
   signature-wrapped PKCS#10 is: application/jose+json

   The header of the pledge enrollment-request SHALL contain the
   following parameter as defined in [RFC7515]:

   *  alg: algorithm used for creating the object signature.

   *  x5c: contains the base64-encoded pledge IDevID certificate.  It
      may optionally contain the certificate chain for this certificate.

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   The body of the pledge enrollment-request SHOULD contain a P10
   parameter (for PKCS#10) as defined for ietf-ztp-types:p10-csr in

   *  P10: contains the base64-encoded PKCS#10 of the pledge.

   The JOSE object is signed using the pledge's IDevID credential, which
   corresponds to the certificate signaled in the JOSE header.

   # The PER in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-ztp-types)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded Payload "ietf-ztp-types" Representation in JSON Syntax
   "ietf-ztp-types": {
     "p10-csr": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" Representation in JSON Syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [
     "created-on": "2022-09-13T00:00:02.000Z"

                      Figure 8: Representation of PER

   With the collected PVR and PER, the registrar-agent starts the
   interaction with the domain registrar.

   The new protected header field "created-on" is introduced to reflect
   freshness of the PER.  The field is marked critical "crit" to ensure
   that it must be understood and validated by the receiver (here the
   domain registrar) according to section 4.1.11 of [RFC7515].  It
   allows the registrar to verify the timely correlation between the PER
   and previously exchanged messages, i.e., created-on of PER >=
   created-on of PVR >= created-on of PVR trigger.

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   As the registrar-agent is intended to facilitate communication
   between the pledge and the domain registrar, a collection of requests
   from more than one pledge is possible.  This allows bulk
   bootstrapping of several pledges using the same connection between
   the registrar-agent and the domain registrar.

6.2.  Request Object Handling initiated by the Registrar-Agent on
      Registrar, MASA and Domain CA

   The BRSKI-PRM bootstrapping exchanges between registrar-agent and
   domain registrar resemble the BRSKI exchanges between pledge and
   domain registrar (pledge-initiator-mode) with some deviations.


   *  Registrar-agent: possesses it's own LDevID(RegAgt) credentials of
      the site domain.  In addition, it may possess the IDevID CA
      certificate of the pledge vendor/manufacturer to verify the pledge
      certificate in the received request messages.  It has the address
      of the domain registrar through configuration or by discovery,
      e.g., mDNS/DNSSD.  The registrar-agent has acquired one or more
      PVR and PER objects.

   *  Registrar: possesses the IDevID CA certificate of the pledge
      vendor/manufacturer and it's own registrar EE credentials of the
      site domain.

   *  MASA: possesses it's own vendor/manufacturer credentials (voucher
      signing key, TLS server certificate) related to pledges IDevID and
      MAY possess the site-specific domain CA certificate.  The latter
      is only necessary if the MASA needs to verify that the domain of
      the Registrar is a-priori authorized to enroll a particular
      pledge, or a particular type of pledge.  In such case is out of
      scope of this document how the MASA will obtain the domain CA
      certificate.  In other cases, a MASA may allow the pledge to
      enroll into an anonymous and/or yet-unknown domain and then the
      a-priori possession of the domain CA certificate is not needed.

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   +-----------+     +-----------+       +--------+   +---------+
   | Registrar-|     | Domain    |       | Domain |   | Vendor  |
   | agent     |     | Registrar |       | CA     |   | Service |
   | (RegAgt)  |     |  (JRC)    |       |        |   | (MASA)  |
   +-----------+     +-----------+       +--------+   +---------+
       |                   |                  |   Internet |
   [voucher + enrollment]  |                  |            |
   [PVR, PER available ]   |                  |            |
       |                   |                  |            |
       |<----- mTLS ------>|                  |            |
       |           [Reg-Agt authenticated     |            |
       |            and authorized?]          |            |
       |                   |                  |            |
       |--- Voucher-Req -->|                  |            |
       |       (PVR)       |                  |            |
       |           [Reg-Agt authorized?]      |            |
       |           [accept device?]           |            |
       |           [contact vendor]                        |
       |                   |------------- mTLS ----------->|
       |                   |--------- Voucher-Req -------->|
       |                   |             (RVR)             |
       |                   |                   [extract DomainID]
       |                   |                   [update audit log]
       |                   |<---------- Voucher -----------|
       |<---- Voucher -----|                  |            |
       |                   |                  |            |
       |--- Enroll-Req --->|                  |            |
       |      (PER)        |                  |            |
       |                   |<----- mTLS ----->|            |
       |                   |--- Enroll-Req -->|            |
       |                   |     (RER)        |            |
       |                   |<-- Enroll-Resp---|            |
       |<-- Enroll-Resp ---|                  |            |
       |                   |                  |            |
       |--- caCerts-Req -->|                  |            |
       |<-- caCerts-Res ---|                  |            |
       |                   |                  |            |

          Figure 9: Request processing between registrar-agent and
                           bootstrapping services

   The registrar-agent establishes a TLS connection to the registrar.
   As already stated in [RFC8995], the use of TLS 1.3 (or newer) is
   encouraged.  TLS 1.2 or newer is REQUIRED on the registrar-agent
   side.  TLS 1.3 (or newer) SHOULD be available on the registrar, but
   TLS 1.2 MAY be used.  TLS 1.3 (or newer) SHOULD be available on the
   MASA, but TLS 1.2 MAY be used.

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6.2.1.  Connection Establishment (Registrar-Agent to Registrar)

   In contrast to BRSKI [RFC8995] TLS client authentication to the
   registrar is achieved by using registrar-agent LDevID(RegAgt)
   credentials instead of pledge IDevID credentials.  Consequently BRSKI
   (pledge-initiator-mode) is distinguishable from BRSKI-PRM (pledge-
   responder-mode) by the registrar.  The registrar SHOULD verify that
   the registrar-agent is authorized to establish a connection to the
   registrar by TLS client authentication using LDevID(RegAgt)
   credentials.  If the connection from registrar-agent to registrar is
   established, the authorization SHALL be verified again based on
   agent-signed-data contained in the PVR.  This ensures that the pledge
   has been triggered by an authorized registrar-agent.

   The registrar can receive request objects in different formats as
   defined in [RFC8995].  Specifically, the registrar will receive JSON-
   in-JWS objects generated by the pledge for voucher-request and
   enrollment-request (instead of BRSKI voucher-request as CMS-signed
   JSON and enrollment-request as PKCS#10).

   The registrar-agent SHALL send the PVR by HTTP POST to the registrar
   endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/requestvoucher"

   The Content-Type header field for JSON-in-JWS PVR is: application/
   voucher-jws+json (see Figure 6 for the content definition), as
   defined in [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher].

   The registrar-agent SHOULD set the Accept field in the request-header
   indicating the acceptable Content-Type for the voucher-response.  The
   voucher-response Content-Type header field SHOULD be set to
   application/voucher-jws+json as defined in

6.2.2.  Pledge-Voucher-Request (RVR) Processing by Registrar

   After receiving the PVR from registrar-agent, the registrar SHALL
   perform the verification as defined in section 5.3 of [RFC8995].  In
   addition, the registrar SHALL verify the following parameters from
   the PVR:

   *  agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert: MUST contain registrar's
      own registrar EE certificate to ensure the registrar in proximity
      of the registrar-agent is the desired registrar for this PVR.

   *  agent-signed-data: The registrar MUST verify that the agent
      provided data has been signed with the LDevID(RegAgt) credentials
      indicated in the "kid" JOSE header parameter.  The registrar MUST
      verify that the LDevID(ReAgt) certificate, corresponding to the

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      signature, is still valid.  If the certificate is already expired,
      the registrar SHALL reject the request.  Validity of used signing
      certificates at the time of signing the agent-signed-data is
      necessary to avoid that a rogue registrar-agent generates agent-
      signed-data objects to onboard arbitrary pledges at a later point
      in time, see also Section 10.3.  The registrar MUST fetch the
      LDevID(RegAgt) certificate, based on the provided
      SubjectKeyIdentifier (SKID) contained in the "kid" header
      parameter of the agent-signed-data, and perform this verification.
      This requires, that the registrar can fetch the LDevID(RegAgt)
      certificate data (including intermediate CA certificates if
      existent) based on the SKID.

   If the validation fails the registrar SHOULD respond with HTTP 404
   Not Found status code to the registrar-agent.  HTTP 406 Not
   Acceptable status code SHOULD be used if the Content-Type indicated
   by the Accept header is unknown or unsupported.

   If the validation succeeds, the registrar SHOULD accept the PVR to
   join the domain as defined in section 5.3 of [RFC8995].  The
   registrar then establishes a TLS connection to MASA as described in
   section 5.4 of [RFC8995] to obtain a voucher for the pledge.

6.2.3.  Registrar-Voucher-Request (RVR) Processing (Registrar to MASA)

   The registrar SHALL construct the payload of the RVR as defined in
   [RFC8995].  The RVR encoding SHALL be JSON-in-JWS as defined in

   The header of the RVR SHALL contain the following parameter as
   defined for JWS [RFC7515]:

   *  alg: algorithm used to create the object signature

   *  x5c: base64-encoded registrar LDevID certificate(s) (It optionally
      contains the certificate chain for this certificate)

   The payload of the RVR MUST contain the following parameter as part
   of the voucher-request as defined in [RFC8995]:

   *  created-on: current date and time in yang:date-and-time format of
      RVR creation

   *  nonce: copied form the PVR

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   *  serial-number: product-serial-number of pledge The registrar MUST
      verify that the IDevID certificate subject serialNumber of the
      pledge (X520SerialNumber) matches the serial-number value in the
      PVR.  In addition, it MUST be equal to the serial-number value
      contained in the agent-signed data of PVR.

   *  assertion: voucher assertion requested by the pledge (agent-
      proximity).  The registrar provides this information to assure
      successful verification of agent proximity based on the agent-

   *  prior-signed-voucher-request: PVR as in [RFC8995]

   The RVR MUST be enhanced with the following parameter, when the
   assertion "agent-proximity" is requested, as defined in Section 7.1:

   *  agent-sign-cert: LDevID(RegAgt) certificate or the LDevID(RegAgt)
      certificate including certificate chain.  In the context of this
      document it is a JSON array of base64encoded certificate
      information and handled in the same way as x5c header objects.

   If only a single object is contained in the x5c it MUST be the
   base64-encoded LDevID(RegAgt) certificate.  If multiple certificates
   are included in the x5c, the first MUST be the base64-encoded
   LDevID(RegAgt) certificate.

   The MASA uses this information for verification that the registrar-
   agent is in proximity to the registrar to state the corresponding
   assertion "agent-proximity".

   The object is signed using the registrar EE credentials, which
   corresponds to the certificate referenced in the JOSE header.

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   # The RVR in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher" representation
     in JSON syntax
   "ietf-voucher-request-prm:voucher": {
      "created-on": "2022-01-04T02:37:39.235Z",
      "nonce": "eDs++/FuDHGUnRxN3E14CQ==",
      "serial-number": "callee4711",
      "assertion": "agent-proximity",
      "prior-signed-voucher-request": "base64encodedvalue==",
      "agent-sign-cert": [

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [
     "typ": "voucher-jws+json"

                      Figure 10: Representation of RVR

   The registrar SHALL send the RVR to the MASA endpoint by HTTP POST:

   The RVR Content-Type header field is defined in
   [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher] as: application/voucher-jws+json

   The registrar SHOULD set the Accept header of the RVR indicating the
   desired media type for the voucher-response.  The media type is
   application/voucher-jws+json as defined in

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   Once the MASA receives the RVR it SHALL perform the verification as
   described in section 5.5 in [RFC8995].

   In addition, the following processing SHALL be performed for PVR
   contained in RVR "prior-signed-voucher-request" field:

   *  agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert: The MASA MAY verify that
      this field contains the registrar EE certificate.  If so, it MUST
      correspond to the registrar EE credentials used to sign the RVR.
      Note: Correspond here relates to the case that a single registrar
      EE certificate is used or that different registrar EE certificates
      are used, which are issued by the same CA.

   *  agent-signed-data: The MASA MAY verify this data to issue "agent-
      proximity" assertion.  If so, the agent-signed-data MUST contain
      the pledge product-serial-number, contained in the "serial-number"
      field of the PVR (from "prior-signed-voucher-request" field) and
      also in "serial-number" field of the RVR.  The LDevID(RegAgt)
      certificate to be used for signature verification is identified by
      the "kid" parameter of the JOSE header.  If the assertion "agent-
      proximity" is requested, the RVR MUST contain the corresponding
      LDevID(RegAgt) certificate data in the "agent-sign-cert" field of
      the RVR.  It MUST be verified by the MASA to the same domain CA as
      the registrar EE certificate.  If the "agent-sign-cert" field is
      not set, the MASA MAY state a lower level assertion value, e.g.:
      "logged" or "verified".  Note: Sub-CA certificate(s) MUST also be
      carried by "agent-sign-cert", in case the LDevID(RegAgt)
      certificate is issued by a sub-CA and not the domain CA known to
      the MASA.  As the "agent-sign-cert" field is defined as array
      (x5c), it can handle multiple certificates.

   If validation fails, the MASA SHOULD respond with an HTTP 4xx client
   error status code to the registrar.  The HTTP error status codes are
   kept the same as defined in section 5.6 of [RFC8995] and comprise the
   codes: 403, 404, 406, and 415.

6.2.4.  Voucher Issuance by MASA

   The expected voucher-response format for BRSKI-PRM (pledge-responder-
   mode) application/voucher-jws+json as defined in
   [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher] SHOULD be applied.  If the MASA detects
   that the Accept header of the PVR does not match the application/
   voucher-jws+json it SHOULD respond with the HTTP status code 406 Not
   Acceptable as the pledge will not be able to parse the response.  The
   voucher syntax is described in detail by [RFC8366].  Figure 11 shows
   an example of the contents of a voucher.

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   # The MASA issued voucher in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-voucher:voucher)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "ietf-voucher:voucher" representation in
     JSON syntax
   "ietf-voucher:voucher": {
     "assertion": "agent-proximity",
     "serial-number": "callee4711",
     "nonce": "base64encodedvalue==",
     "created-on": "2022-01-04T00:00:02.000Z",
     "pinned-domain-cert": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [
     "typ": "voucher-jws+json"

              Figure 11: Representation of MASA issued voucher

   The MASA returns the voucher-response (voucher) to the registrar.

6.2.5.  MASA issued Voucher Processing by Registrar

   After receiving the voucher the registrar SHOULD evaluate it for
   transparency and logging purposes as outlined in section 5.6 of
   [RFC8995].  The registrar MUST add an additional signature to the
   MASA provided voucher using its registrar credentials.  The signature
   is created by signing the original "JWS Payload" produced by MASA and
   the registrar added "JWS Protected Header" using the registrar EE
   credentials (see[RFC7515], section 5.2 point 8.  The x5c component of
   the "JWS Protected Header" MUST contain registrar EE certificate as
   well as potential intermediate CA certificates up to the pinned
   domain certificate.  The pinned domain certificate is already
   contained in the voucher payload ("pinned-domain-cert").

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   This signature provides a proof of possession of the private key
   corresponding to the registrar EE certificate the pledge received in
   the trigger for the PVR (see Figure 4).  The registrar MUST use the
   same registrar EE credentials used for authentication in the TLS
   handshake to authenticate towards the registrar-agent.  This ensures
   that the same registrar EE certificate can be used to verify the
   signature as transmitted in the voucher request as also transferred
   in the PVR in the "agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert".
   Figure 12 below provides an example of the voucher with two

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   # The MASA issued voucher with additional registrar signature in
     General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(ietf-voucher:voucher)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header (MASA)))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header (Reg)))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "ietf-voucher:voucher" representation in
     JSON syntax
   "ietf-voucher:voucher": {
      "assertion": "agent-proximity",
      "serial-number": "callee4711",
      "nonce": "base64encodedvalue==",
      "created-on": "2022-01-04T00:00:02.000Z",
      "pinned-domain-cert": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header (MASA)" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [
     "typ": "voucher-jws+json"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header (Reg)" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [

      Figure 12: Representation of MASA issued voucher with additional
                            registrar signature

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   Depending on the security policy of the operator, this signature can
   also be interpreted by the pledge as explicit authorization of the
   registrar to install the contained trust anchor.  The registrar sends
   the voucher to the registrar-agent.

6.2.6.  Pledge-Enrollment-Request (PER) Processing (Registrar-Agent to

   After receiving the voucher, the registrar-agent sends the PER to the
   registrar.  Deviating from BRSKI the PER is not a raw PKCS#10.  As
   the registrar-agent is involved in the exchange, the PKCS#10 is
   wrapped in a JWS object by the pledge and signed with pledge's IDevID
   to ensure proof-of-identity as outlined in Figure 8.

   EST [RFC7030] standard endpoints (/simpleenroll, /simplereenroll,
   /serverkeygen, /cacerts) on the registrar cannot be used for BRSKI-
   PRM.  This is caused by the utilization of signature wrapped-objects
   in BRSKI-PRM.  As EST requires to sent a raw PKCS#10 request to e.g.,
   "/.well-known/est/simpleenroll" endpoint, this document makes an
   enhancement by utilizing EST but with the exception to transport a
   signature wrapped PKCS#10 request.  Therefore a new endpoint for
   BRSKI-PRM on the registrar is defined as "/.well-known/brski/

   The Content-Type header of PER is: application/jose+json.

   This is a deviation from the Content-Type header values used in
   [RFC7030] and results in additional processing at the domain
   registrar (as EST server).  Note, the registrar is already aware that
   the bootstrapping is performed in a pledge-responder-mode due to the
   use of the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate for TLS and the provided PVR as
   JSON-in-JWS object.

   *  If the registrar receives a PER with Content-Type header:
      application/jose+json, it MUST verify the wrapping signature using
      the certificate indicated in the JOSE header.

   *  The registrar verifies that the pledge's certificate (here
      IDevID), carried in "x5c" header field, is accepted to join the
      domain after successful validation of the PVR.

   *  If both succeed, the registrar utilizes the PKCS#10 request
      contained in the JWS object body as "P10" parameter of "ietf-sztp-
      csr:csr" for further processing of the enrollment request with the
      corresponding domain CA.  It creates a registrar-enrollment-
      request (RER) by utilizing the protocol expected by the domain CA.
      The domain registrar may either directly forward the provided
      PKCS#10 request to the CA or provide additional information about

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      attributes to be included by the CA into the requested LDevID
      certificate.  The approach of sending this information to the CA
      depends on the utilized certificate management protocol between
      the RA and the CA and is out of scope for this document.

   The registrar-agent SHALL send the PER to the registrar by HTTP POST
   to the endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/requestenroll"

   The registrar SHOULD respond with an HTTP 200 OK in the success case
   or fail with HTTP 4xx/5xx status codes as defined by the HTTP

   A successful interaction with the domain CA will result in a pledge
   LDevID certificate, which is then forwarded by the registrar to the
   registrar-agent using the Content-Type header: application/

6.2.7.  Request Wrapped-CA-certificate(s) (Registrar-Agent to Registrar)

   As the pledge will verify it own certificate LDevID certificate when
   received, it also needs the corresponding CA certificates.  This is
   done in EST [RFC7030] using the "/.well-known/est/cacerts" endpoint,
   which provides the CA certificates over a TLS protected connection.
   BRSKI-PRM requires a signature wrapped CA certificate object, to
   avoid that the pledge can be provided with arbitrary CA certificates
   in an authorized way.  The registrar signed CA certificate object
   will allow the pledge to verify the authorization to install the
   received CA certificate(s).  As the CA certificate(s) are provided to
   the pledge after the voucher, the pledge has the required information
   (the domain certificate) to verify the wrapped CA certificate object.

   To support registrar-agents requesting a signature wrapped CA
   certificate(s) object, a new endpoint for BRSKI-PRM is defined on the
   registrar: "/.well-known/brski/wrappedcacerts"

   The registrar-agent SHALL requests the EST CA trust anchor database
   information (in form of CA certificates) by HTTP GET.

   The Content-Type header of the response SHALL be: application/

   This is a deviation from the Content-Type header values used in EST
   [RFC7030] and results in additional processing at the domain
   registrar (as EST server).  The additional processing is to sign the
   CA certificate(s) information using the registrar EE credentials.
   This results in a signed CA certificate(s) object (JSON-in-JWS), the
   CA certificates are provided as base64 encoded "x5b" in the JWS

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   # The CA certificates data with additional registrar signature in
     General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(certs)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "certs" representation in JSON syntax
     "x5b": [

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [

          Figure 13: Representation of CA certificate(s) data with
                       additional registrar signature

6.3.  Response Object Supply by Registrar-Agent to Pledge

   It is assumed that the registrar-agent already obtained the
   bootstrapping response objects from the domain registrar and can
   supply them to the pledge: * voucher-response - Voucher (from MASA
   via Registrar) * wrapped-CA-certificate(s)-response - CA certificates
   * enrollment-response - LDevID(Pledge) certificate (from CA via

   The registrar-agent will re-connect to the pledge.  To contact the
   pledge, it may either discover the pledge as described in
   Section 5.4.2 or use stored information from the first contact with
   the pledge.

   Preconditions in addition to Section 6.2:

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   *  Registrar-agent: possesses voucher and LDevID certificate and
      optionally CA certificates.

   +--------+                        +-----------+
   | Pledge |                        | Registrar-|
   |        |                        | Agent     |
   |        |                        | (RegAgt)  |
   +--------+                        +-----------+
       |                          [voucher and enrollment]
       |                          [responses available]
       |                                   |
       |<------- supply voucher -----------|
       |                                   |
       |--------- voucher status --------->| - store
       |                                   |   pledge voucher status
       |<----- supply CA certificates  ----|
       |                                   |
       |<--- supply enrollment response ---|
       |                                   |
       |--------- enroll status ---------->| - store
       |                                   |   pledge enroll status
       |<--- supply CAcerts (optional) ----|
       |                                   |

        Figure 14: Responses and status handling between pledge and

   The registrar-agent provides the information via distinct pledge
   endpoints as following.

6.3.1.  Pledge: Voucher Response Processing

   The registrar-agent SHALL send the voucher-response to the pledge by
   HTTP POST to the endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-voucher".

   The registrar-agent voucher-response Content-Type header is
   application/voucher-jws+json and contains the voucher as provided by
   the MASA.  An example if given in Figure 11 for a MASA signed voucher
   and in Figure 12 for the voucher with the additional signature of the

   A nonceless voucher may be accepted as in [RFC8995] and may be
   allowed by a manufactures pledge implementation.

   To perform the validation of multiple signatures on the voucher
   object, the pledge SHALL perform the signature verification in the
   following order:

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   1.  Verify MASA signature as described in section 5.6.1 in [RFC8995]

   2.  Install trust anchor contained in the voucher ("pinned-domain-
       cert") provisionally

   3.  Verify registrar signature as described in section 5.6.1 in
       [RFC8995], but take the registrar certificate instead of the MASA
       certificate for the verification

   4.  Validate the registrar certificate received in the agent-
       provided-proximity-registrar-cert in the pledge-voucher-request
       trigger request (in the field "agent-provided-proximity-

   If all steps stated above have been performed successfully, the
   pledge SHALL terminate the "PROVISIONAL accept" state for the domain
   trust anchor and the registrar EE certificate.

   If an error occurs during the verification and validation of the
   voucher, this SHALL be reported in the reason field of the pledge
   voucher status.

6.3.2.  Pledge: Voucher Status Telemetry

   After voucher verification and validation the pledge MUST reply with
   a status telemetry message as defined in section 5.7 of [RFC8995].
   The pledge generates the voucher-status and provides it as signed
   JSON-in-JWS object in response to the registrar-agent.

   The response has the Content-Type application/jose+json and is signed
   using the IDevID of the pledge as shown in Figure 15.  As the reason
   field is optional (see [RFC8995]), it MAY be omitted in case of

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   # The "pledge-voucher-status" telemetry in general JWS
     serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(pledge-voucher-status)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "pledge-voucher-status" representation in JSON
     "version": 1,
     "status": true,
     "reason": "Voucher successfully processed",
     "reason-context": {
       "additional": "JSON"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [

        Figure 15: Representation of pledge voucher status telemetry

6.3.3.  Pledge: Wrapped-CA-Certificate(s) Processing

   The registrar-agent SHALL provide the set of CA certificates
   requested from the registrar to the pledge by HTTP POST to the
   endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-CAcerts".

   As the CA certificate provisioning is crucial from a security
   perspective, this provisioning SHALL only be done, if the voucher-
   response has been successfully processed by pledge.

   The supply CA certificates message has the Content-Type application/
   jose+json and is signed using the credential of the registrar pledge
   as shown in Figure 13.

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   The CA certificates are provided as base64 encoded "x5b".  The pledge
   SHALL install the received CA certificates as trust anchor after
   successful verification of the registrar's signature.

   If validation of the wrapping signature or another security check
   fails, the pledge SHOULD respond with the HTTP 403 Forbidden status
   code.  The HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type status code SHOULD be
   used, if the Content-Type of the request is in an unknown or
   unsupported format.  The HTTP 400 Bad Request status code SHOULD be
   used, if the pledge detects errors in the encoding of the payload.

6.3.4.  Pledge: Enrollment Response Processing

   The registrar-agent SHALL send the enroll-response to the pledge by
   HTTP POST to the endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-enrollment".

   The registrar-agent enroll-response Content-Type header, when using
   EST [RFC7030] as enrollment protocol between the registrar-agent and
   the infrastructure is: application/pkcs7-mime.  Note: It only
   contains the LDevID certificate for the pledge, not the certificate

   Upon reception, the pledge SHALL verify the received LDevID
   certificate.  The pledge SHALL generate the enroll status and provide
   it in the response to the registrar-agent.  If the verification of
   the LDevID certificate succeeds, the status SHALL be set to true,
   otherwise to FALSE.

6.3.5.  Pledge: Enrollment Status Telemetry

   The pledge MUST reply with a status telemetry message as defined in
   section 5.9.4 of [RFC8995].  As for the other objects, the enroll-
   status is signed and results in a JSON-in-JWS object.  If the pledge
   verified the received LDevID certificate successfully it SHALL sign
   the response using its new LDevID credentials as shown in Figure 16.
   In the failure case, the pledge SHALL use the available IDevID
   credentials.  As the reason field is optional, it MAY be omitted in
   case of success.

   The response has the Content-Type application/jose+json.

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   # The "pledge-enroll-status" telemetry in General JWS Serialization
     "payload": "BASE64URL(pledge-enroll-status)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "pledge-enroll-status" representation in
     JSON syntax
     "version": 1,
     "status": true,
     "reason": "Enrollment response successfully processed",
     "reason-context": {
       "additional": "JSON"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [

        Figure 16: Representation of pledge enroll status telemetry

   Once the registrar-agent has collected the information, it can
   connect to the registrar-agent to provide the status responses to the

6.3.6.  Telemetry Voucher Status and Enroll Status Handling (Registrar-
        Agent to Domain Registrar)

   The following description requires that the registrar-agent has
   collected the status information from the pledge.  It SHALL provide
   the status information to the registrar for further processing.

   Preconditions in addition to Section 6.2:

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   *  Registrar-agent: possesses voucher status and enroll status from

   +-----------+        +-----------+   +--------+   +---------+
   | Registrar |        | Domain    |   | Domain |   | Vendor  |
   | Agent     |        | Registrar |   | CA     |   | Service |
   | RegAgt)   |        |  (JRC)    |   |        |   | (MASA)  |
   +-----------+        +-----------+   +--------+   +---------+
       |                      |              |   Internet |
   [voucher + enroll ]        |              |            |
   [status info available]    |              |            |
       |                      |              |            |
       |<------- mTLS ------->|              |            |
       |                      |              |            |
       |--- Voucher Status -->|              |            |
       |                      |--- req-device audit log-->|
       |                      |<---- device audit log ----|
       |              [verify audit log ]
       |                      |              |            |
       |--- Enroll Status --->|              |            |
       |                      |              |            |

                  Figure 17: Bootstrapping status handling

   The registrar-agent MUST provide the collected pledge voucher status
   to the registrar.  This status indicates if the pledge could process
   the voucher successfully or not.

   If the TLS connection to the registrar was closed, the registrar-
   agent establishes a TLS connection with the registrar as stated in
   Section 6.2.

   The registrar-agent sends the pledge voucher status without
   modification to the registrar with an HTTP-over-TLS POST using the
   registrar endpoint "/.well-known/brski/voucher_status".  The Content-
   Type header is kept as application/jose+json as described in
   Figure 14 and depicted in the example in Figure 15.

   The registrar SHALL verify the signature of the pledge voucher status
   and validate that it belongs to an accepted device in his domain
   based on the contained "serial-number" in the IDevID certificate
   referenced in the header of the voucher status.

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   According to [RFC8995] section 5.7, the registrar SHOULD respond with
   an HTTP 200 OK in the success case or fail with HTTP 4xx/5xx status
   codes as defined by the HTTP standard.  The registrar-agent may use
   the response to signal success / failure to the service technician
   operating the registrar agent.  Within the server logs the server
   SHOULD capture this telemetry information.

   The registrar SHOULD proceed with collecting and logging status
   information by requesting the MASA audit-log from the MASA service as
   described in section 5.8 of [RFC8995].

   The registrar-agent MUST provide the pledge's enroll status to the
   registrar.  The status indicates the pledge could process the enroll-
   response (certificate) and holds the corresponding private key.

   The registrar-agent sends the pledge enroll status without
   modification to the registrar with an HTTP-over-TLS POST using the
   registrar endpoint "/.well-known/brski/enrollstatus".  The Content-
   Type header is kept as application/jose+json as described in
   Figure 14 and depicted in the example in Figure 16.

   The registrar MUST verify the signature of the pledge enroll status.
   Also, the registrar SHALL validate that the pledge is an accepted
   device in his domain based on the contained product-serial-number in
   the LDevID certificate referenced in the header of the enroll status.
   The registrar SHOULD log this event.  In case the pledge enroll
   status indicates a failure, the pledge was unable to verify the
   received LDevID certificate and therefore signed the enroll status
   with its IDevID credential.  Note that the verification of a
   signature of the status information is an addition to the described
   handling in section 5.9.4 of [RFC8995].

   According to [RFC8995] section 5.9.4, the registrar SHOULD respond
   with an HTTP 200 OK in the success case or fail with HTTP 4xx/5xx
   status codes as defined by the HTTP standard.  Based on the failure
   case the registrar MAY decide that for security reasons the pledge is
   not allowed to reside in the domain.  In this case the registrar MUST
   revoke the certificate.  The registrar-agent may use the response to
   signal success / failure to the service technician operating the
   registrar agent.  Within the server log the registrar SHOULD capture
   this telemetry information.

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6.4.  Request Pledge-Status by Registrar-Agent from Pledge

   The following assumes that a registrar-agent may need to query the
   status of a pledge.  This information may be useful to solve errors,
   when the pledge was not able to connect to the target domain during
   the bootstrapping.  The pledge MAY provide a dedicated endpoint to
   accept status-requests.


   *  Registrar-agent: possesses LDevID (RegAgt), list of serial numbers
      of pledges to be queried and a list of corresponding manufacturer
      trust anchors to be able to verify signatures performed with the
      IDevID credential.

   *  Pledge: may already possess domain credentials and LDevID(Pledge),
      or may not possess one or both of these.

   +--------+                     +-----------+
   | Pledge |                     | Registrar-|
   |        |                     | Agent     |
   |        |                     | (RegAgt)  |
   +--------+                     +-----------+
       |                                |
       |<--- pledge-status request -----|
       |                                |
       |---- pledge-status response --->|
       |                                |

    Figure 18: Pledge-status handling between registrar-agent and pledge

6.4.1.  Pledge-Status - Trigger (Registrar-Agent to Pledge)

   The registrar-agent requests the pledge-status via HTTP POST on the
   defined pledge endpoint: "/.well-known/brski/pledge-status"

   The registrar-agent Content-Type header for the pledge-status request
   is: application/jose+json.  It contains information on the requested
   status-type, the time and date the request is created, and the
   product serial-number of the pledge contacted as shown in Figure 19.
   The pledge-status request is signed by registrar-agent using the
   LDevID(RegAgt) credential.

   The following Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) [RFC8610]
   explains the structure of the format for the pledge-status request.
   It is defined following the status telemetry definitions in BRSKI
   [RFC8995].  Consequently, format and semantics of pledge-status
   requests below are for version 1.  The version field is included to

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   permit significant changes to the pledge-status request and response
   in the future.  A pledge or a registrar-agent that receives a pledge-
   status request with a version larger than it knows about SHOULD log
   the contents and alert a human.

     status-request = {
         "version": uint,
         "created-on": tdate ttime,
         "serial-number": text,
         "status-type": text

                 Figure 19: CDDL for pledge-status request

   The status-type defined for BRSKI-PRM is "bootstrap".  This indicates
   the pledge to provide current status information regarding the
   bootstrapping status (voucher processing and enrollment of the pledge
   into the new domain).  As the pledge-status request is defined
   generic, it may be used by other specifications to request further
   status information, e.g., for onboarding to get further information
   about enrollment of application specific LDevIDs or other parameters.
   This is out of scope for this specification.

   Figure 20 below shows an example for querying pledge-status using
   status-type bootstrap.

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   # The registrar-agent request of "pledge-status" in general JWS
     serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(status-request)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "status-request" representation in JSON syntax
     "version": 1,
     "created-on": "2022-08-12T02:37:39.235Z",
     "serial-number": "pledge-callee4711",
     "status-type": "bootstrap"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [

       Figure 20: Example of registrar-agent request of pledge-status
                        using status-type bootstrap

6.4.2.  Pledge-Status - Response (Pledge - Registrar-Agent)

   If the pledge receives the pledge-status request with status-type
   "bootstrap" it SHALL react with a status response message based on
   the telemetry information described in section Section 6.3.

   The pledge-status response Content-Type header is application/

   The following CDDL explains the structure of the format for the
   status response, which is :

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     status-response = {
       "version": uint,
         "factory-default" /
         "voucher-success" /
         "voucher-error" /
         "enroll-success" /
         "enroll-error" /
         "connect-success" /
       ?"reason" : text,
       ?"reason-context" : { $$arbitrary-map }

                 Figure 21: CDDL for pledge-status response

   Different cases for pledge bootstrapping status may occur, which
   SHOULD be reflected using the status enumeration.  This document
   specifies the status values in the context of the bootstrapping
   process and credential application.  Other documents may enhance the
   above enumeration to reflect further status information.

   The pledge-status response message is signed with IDevID or LDevID,
   depending on bootstrapping state of the pledge.

   *  "factory-default": Pledge has not been bootstrapped.  Additional
      information may be provided in the reason or reason-context.  The
      pledge signs the response message using its IDevID(Pledge).

   *  "voucher-success": Pledge processed the voucher exchange
      successfully.  Additional information may be provided in the
      reason or reason-context.  The pledge signs the response message
      using its IDevID(Pledge).

   *  "voucher-error": Pledge voucher processing terminated with error.
      Additional information may be provided in the reason or reason-
      context.  The pledge signs the response message using its

   *  "enroll-success": Pledge has processed the enrollment exchange
      successfully.  Additional information may be provided in the
      reason or reason-context.  The pledge signs the response message
      using its LDevID(Pledge).

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   *  "enroll-error": Pledge enrollment response processing terminated
      with error.  Additional information may be provided in the reason
      or reason-context.  The pledge signs the response message using
      its IDevID(Pledge).

   The reason and the reason-context SHOULD contain the telemetry
   information as described in section Section 6.3.

   As the pledge is assumed to utilize the bootstrapped credential
   information in communication with other peers, additional status
   information is provided for the connectivity to other peers, which
   may be helpful in analyzing potential error cases.

   *  "connect-success": Pledge could successfully establish a
      connection to another peer.  Additional information may be
      provided in the reason or reason-context.  The pledge signs the
      response message using its LDevID(Pledge).

   *  "connect-error": Pledge connection establishment terminated with
      error.  Additional information may be provided in the reason or
      reason-context.  The pledge signs the response message using its

   The pledge-status responses are cumulative in the sense that connect-
   success implies enroll-success implies voucher-success.

   Figure 22 provides an example for the bootstrapping-status

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   # The pledge "status-response" in General JWS Serialization syntax
     "payload": "BASE64URL(status-response)",
     "signatures": [
         "protected": "BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header))",
         "signature": "base64encodedvalue=="

   # Decoded payload "status-response" representation in JSON syntax
     "version": 1,
     "status": "enroll-success",
     "reason-context": {
       "additional" : "JSON"

   # Decoded "JWS Protected Header" representation in JSON syntax
     "alg": "ES256",
     "x5c": [
     "typ": "jose+json

                Figure 22: Example of pledge-status response

   In case "factory-default" the pledge does not possess the domain
   certificate resp. the domain trust-anchor.  It will not be able to
   verify the signature of the registrar-agent in the bootstrapping-
   status request.  In cases "vouchered" and "enrolled" the pledge
   already possesses the domain certificate (has domain trust-anchor)
   and can therefore validate the signature of the registrar-agent.  If
   validation of the JWS signature fails, the pledge SHOULD respond with
   the HTTP 403 Forbidden status code.  The HTTP 406 Not Acceptable
   status code SHOULD be used, if the Accept header in the request
   indicates an unknown or unsupported format.  The HTTP 415 Unsupported
   Media Type status code SHOULD be used, if the Content-Type of the
   request is an unknown or unsupported format.  The HTTP 400 Bad
   Request status code SHOULD be used, if the Accept/Content-Type
   headers are correct but nevertheless the status-request cannot be
   correctly parsed.

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7.  Artifacts

7.1.  Voucher Request Artifact

   The following enhancement extends the voucher-request as defined in
   [RFC8995] to include additional fields necessary for handling
   bootstrapping in the pledge-responder-mode.

7.1.1.  Tree Diagram

   The following tree diagram is mostly a duplicate of the contents of
   [RFC8995], with the addition of the fields agent-signed-data, the
   registrar-proximity-certificate, and agent-signing certificate.  The
   tree diagram is described in [RFC8340].  Each node in the diagram is
   fully described by the YANG module in Section Section 7.1.2.

   module: ietf-voucher-request-prm

    grouping voucher-request-prm-grouping
     +-- voucher
        +-- created-on?                               yang:date-and-time
        +-- expires-on?                               yang:date-and-time
        +-- assertion?                                enumeration
        +-- serial-number                             string
        +-- idevid-issuer?                            binary
        +-- pinned-domain-cert?                       binary
        +-- domain-cert-revocation-checks?            boolean
        +-- nonce?                                    binary
        +-- last-renewal-date?                        yang:date-and-time
        +-- prior-signed-voucher-request?             binary
        +-- proximity-registrar-cert?                 binary
        +-- agent-signed-data?                        binary
        +-- agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert?  binary
        +-- agent-sign-cert?                          binary

7.1.2.  YANG Module

   The following YANG module extends the [RFC8995] Voucher Request to
   include a signed artifact from the registrar-agent (agent-signed-
   data) as well as the registrar-proximity-certificate and the agent-
   signing certificate.

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-voucher-request-prm@2022-07-05.yang"
   module ietf-voucher-request-prm {
     yang-version 1.1;

     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-voucher-request-prm";
     prefix vrprm;

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     import ietf-restconf {
       prefix rc;
         "This import statement is only present to access
          the yang-data extension defined in RFC 8040.";
       reference "RFC 8040: RESTCONF Protocol";

     import ietf-voucher-request {
       prefix vcr;
         "This module defines the format for a voucher request,
             which is produced by a pledge as part of the RFC8995
             onboarding process.";
         "RFC 8995: Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure";

      "IETF ANIMA Working Group";

      "WG Web:   <>
       WG List:  <>
       Author:   Steffen Fries
       Author:   Eliot Lear
       Author:   Thomas Werner
       Author:   Michael Richardson

      "This module defines the format for a voucher-request form the
       pledge in responder mode. It bases on the voucher-request
       defined in RFC 8995, which is a superset of the voucher itself.
       It provides content to the MASA for consideration
       during a voucher-request.

       The key words 'MUST', 'MUST NOT', 'REQUIRED', 'SHALL', 'SHALL
       'MAY', and 'OPTIONAL' in this document are to be interpreted as
       described in BCP 14 (RFC 2119) (RFC 8174) when, and only when,
       they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

       Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
       authors of the code. All rights reserved.

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       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
       without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
       to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
       set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
       Relating to IETF Documents

       This version of this YANG module is part of RFC xxxx; see the
       RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     revision 2022-07-05 {
        "Initial version";
        "RFC XXXX: BRSKI for Pledge in Responder Mode";

     // Top-level statement
     rc:yang-data voucher-request-prm-artifact {
       // YANG data template for a voucher-request.
       uses voucher-request-prm-grouping;
     // Grouping defined for future usage
     grouping voucher-request-prm-grouping {
         "Grouping to allow reuse/extensions in future work.";
       uses vcr:voucher-request-grouping {

         augment voucher {
           description "Base the voucher-request-prm upon the
             regular one";

           leaf agent-signed-data {
             type binary;
               "The agent-signed-data field contains a JOSE [RFC7515]
                object provided by the Registrar-Agent to the Pledge.

                This artifact is signed by the Registrar-Agent
                and contains a copy of the pledge's serial-number.";

           leaf agent-provided-proximity-registrar-cert {
             type binary;
               "An X.509 v3 certificate structure, as specified by
                RFC 5280, Section 4, encoded using the ASN.1

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                distinguished encoding rules (DER), as specified
                in ITU X.690.
                The first certificate in the registrar TLS server
                certificate_list sequence (the end-entity TLS
                certificate; see RFC 8446) presented by the
                registrar to the registrar-agent and provided to
                the pledge.
                This MUST be populated in a pledge's voucher-request
                when an agent-proximity assertion is requested.";
               "ITU X.690: Information Technology - ASN.1 encoding
                rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER),
                Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished
                Encoding Rules (DER)
                RFC 5280: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
                Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
                RFC 8446: The Transport Layer Security (TLS)
                Protocol Version 1.3";

           leaf-list agent-sign-cert{
             type binary;
             min-elements 1;
               "An X.509 v3 certificate structure, as specified by
                RFC 5280, Section 4, encoded using the ASN.1
                distinguished encoding rules (DER), as specified
                in ITU X.690.
                This certificate can be used by the pledge,
                the registrar, and the MASA to verify the signature
                of agent-signed-data. It is an optional component
                for the pledge-voucher request.
                This MUST be populated in a registrar's
                voucher-request when an agent-proximity assertion
                is requested.
                It is defined as list to enable inclusion of further
                certificates along the certificate chain if different
                issuing CAs have been used for the registrar-agent
                and the registrar.";
               "ITU X.690: Information Technology - ASN.1 encoding
                rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER),
                Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished
                Encoding Rules (DER)
                RFC 5280: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
                Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

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   Examples for the PVR are provided in Section 6.2.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document requires the following IANA actions.

8.1.  BRSKI .well-known Registry

   IANA is requested to enhance the Registry entitled: "BRSKI Well-Known
   URIs" with the following endpoints:

  URI                        Description                       Reference
  pledge-voucher-request     create pledge-voucher-request     [THISRFC]
  pledge-enrollment-request  create pledge-enrollment-request  [THISRFC]
  pledge-voucher             supply voucher response           [THISRFC]
  pledge-enrollment          supply enrollment response        [THISRFC]
  pledge-cacerts             supply CA certificates to pledge  [THISRFC]
  pledge-status              query pledge status               [THISRFC]
  requestenroll              supply PER to registrar           [THISRFC]
  wrappedcacerts             request wrapped CA certificates   [THISRFC]

9.  Privacy Considerations

   In general, the privacy considerations of [RFC8995] apply for BRSKI-
   PRM also.  Further privacy aspects need to be considered for:

   *  the introduction of the additional component registrar-agent

   *  no transport layer security between registrar-agent and pledge

   The credential used by the registrar-agent to sign the data for the
   pledge should not contain any personal information.  Therefore, it is
   recommended to use an LDevID certificate associated with the
   commissioning device instead of an LDevID certificate associated with
   the service technician operating the device.  This avoids revealing
   potentially included personal information to Registrar and MASA.

   The communication between the pledge and the registrar-agent is
   performed over plain HTTP.  Therefore, it is subject to disclosure by
   a Dolev-Yao attacker (a "oppressive observer")[onpath].  Depending on
   the requests and responses, the following information is disclosed.

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   *  the Pledge product-serial-number is contained in the trigger
      message for the PVR and in all responses from the pledge.  This
      information reveals the identity of the devices being bootstrapped
      and allows deduction of which products an operator is using in
      their environment.  As the communication between the pledge and
      the registrar-agent may be realized over wireless link, this
      information could be easily be eavesdropped, if the wireless
      network is unencrypted.  Even if the wireless network is
      encrypted, if it uses a network-wide key, then layer-2 attacks
      (ARP/ND spoofing) could insert on-path observer into the path.

   *  the Timestamp data could reveal the activation time of the device.

   *  the Status data of the device could reveal information about the
      current state of the device in the domain network.

10.  Security Considerations

   In general, the security considerations of [RFC8995] apply for BRSKI-
   PRM also.  Further security aspects are considered here related to:

   *  the introduction of the additional component registrar-agent

   *  the reversal of the pledge communication direction (push mode,
      compared to BRSKI)

   *  no transport layer security between registrar-agent and pledge

10.1.  Denial of Service (DoS) Attack on Pledge

   Disrupting the pledge behavior by a DoS attack may prevent the
   bootstrapping of the pledge to a new domain.

   A DoS attack with a faked registrar-agent may block the bootstrapping
   of the pledge due to state creation on the pledge (the pledge may
   produce a voucher, and refuse to produce another one).  One
   mitigation may be that the pledge does does not limited the number of
   voucher requests it creates until at least one has finished, or a
   single onboarding state may expire after a certain time.

10.2.  Misuse of acquired PVR and PER by Registrar-Agent

   A registrar-agent that uses previously requested PVR and PER for
   domain-A, may attempt to onboard the device into domain-B.  This can
   be detected by the domain registrar while PVR processing.  The domain
   registrar needs to verify that the "proximity-registrar-cert" field
   in the PVR matches its own registrar EE certificate.  In addition,
   the domain registrar needs to verify the association of the pledge to

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   its domain based on the product-serial-number contained in the PVR
   and in the IDevID certificate of the pledge.  (This is just part of
   the supply chain integration) Moreover, the domain registrar verifies
   if the registrar-agent is authorized to interact with the pledge for
   voucher-requests and enroll-requests, based on the LDevID(RegAgt)
   certificate data contained in the PVR.

   Misbinding of a pledge by a faked domain registrar is countered as
   described in BRSKI security considerations [RFC8995] (section 11.4).

10.3.  Misuse of Registrar-Agent Credentials

   Concerns on misusage of an registrar-agent with a valid
   LDevID(RegAgt), may be addressed by utilizing short-lived
   certificates (e.g., valid for a day) to authenticate the registrar-
   agent against the domain registrar.  The LDevID(RegAgt) certificate
   may be acquired by a prior BRSKI run for the registrar-agent, if an
   IDevID is available on registrar-agent.  Alternatively, the LDevID
   may be acquired by a service technician from the domain PKI system in
   an authenticated way.

   In addition it is required that the LDevID(RegAgt) certificate is
   valid for the complete bootstrapping phase.  This avoids that a
   registrar-agent could be misused to create arbitrary "agent-signed-
   data" objects to perform an authorized bootstrapping of a rouge
   pledge at a later point in time.  In this misuse "agent-signed-data"
   could be dated after the validity time of the LDevID(RegAgt)
   certificate, due to missing trusted timestamp in the registrar-agents
   signature.  To address this, the registrar SHOULD verify the
   certificate used to create the signature on "agent-signed-data".
   Furthermore the registrar also verifies the LDevID(RegAgt)
   certificate used in the TLS handshake with the registrar-agent.  If
   both certificates are verified successfully, the registrar-agent's
   signature can be considered as valid.

10.4.  Misuse of mDNS to obtain list of pledges

   To discover a specific pledge a registrar-agent may request the
   service name in combination with the product-serial-number of a
   specific pledge.  The pledge reacts on this if his product-serial-
   number is part of the request message.

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   If the registrar-agent performs DNS-based Service Discovery without a
   specific product-serial-number, all pledges in the domain react if
   the functionality is supported.  This functionality enumerates and
   reveals the information of devices available in the domain.  The
   information about this is provided here as a feature to support the
   commissioning of devices.  A manufacturer may decide to support this
   feature only for devices not possessing a LDevID or to not support
   this feature at all, to avoid an enumeration in an operative domain.

10.5.  YANG Module Security Considerations

   The enhanced voucher-request described in section Section 7.1 is
   bases on [RFC8995], but uses a different encoding based on
   [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher].  Therefore similar considerations as
   described in [RFC8995] section 11.7 (Security Considerations) apply.
   The YANG module specified in this document defines the schema for
   data that is subsequently encapsulated by a JOSE signed-data Content-
   type as described in [I-D.ietf-anima-jws-voucher].  As such, all of
   the YANG-modeled data is protected against modification.  The use of
   YANG to define data structures via the "yang-data" statement, is
   relatively new and distinct from the traditional use of YANG to
   define an API accessed by network management protocols such as
   NETCONF [RFC6241] and RESTCONF [RFC8040].  For this reason these
   guidelines do not follow the template described by [RFC8407] section
   3.7 (Security Considerations Section).

11.  Acknowledgments

   We would like to thank the various reviewers, in particular Brian E.
   Carpenter, Oskar Camenzind, and Hendrik Brockhaus for their input and
   discussion on use cases and call flows.  Special thanks to Esko Dijk
   for the in deep review and the improving proposals.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

              Werner, T. and M. Richardson, "JWS signed Voucher
              Artifacts for Bootstrapping Protocols", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-anima-jws-voucher-05, 24
              October 2022, <

              Watsen, K., Richardson, M., Pritikin, M., Eckert, T. T.,
              and Q. Ma, "A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping
              Protocols", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-

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              anima-rfc8366bis-00, 31 January 2022,

              Watsen, K., Housley, R., and S. Turner, "Conveying a
              Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in a Secure Zero Touch
              Provisioning (SZTP) Bootstrapping Request", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-sztp-csr-14,
              2 March 2022, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC6762]  Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "Multicast DNS", RFC 6762,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6762, February 2013,

   [RFC6763]  Cheshire, S. and M. Krochmal, "DNS-Based Service
              Discovery", RFC 6763, DOI 10.17487/RFC6763, February 2013,

   [RFC7030]  Pritikin, M., Ed., Yee, P., Ed., and D. Harkins, Ed.,
              "Enrollment over Secure Transport", RFC 7030,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7030, October 2013,

   [RFC7515]  Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web
              Signature (JWS)", RFC 7515, DOI 10.17487/RFC7515, May
              2015, <>.

   [RFC8040]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF
              Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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   [RFC8366]  Watsen, K., Richardson, M., Pritikin, M., and T. Eckert,
              "A Voucher Artifact for Bootstrapping Protocols",
              RFC 8366, DOI 10.17487/RFC8366, May 2018,

   [RFC8610]  Birkholz, H., Vigano, C., and C. Bormann, "Concise Data
              Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to
              Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and
              JSON Data Structures", RFC 8610, DOI 10.17487/RFC8610,
              June 2019, <>.

   [RFC8995]  Pritikin, M., Richardson, M., Eckert, T., Behringer, M.,
              and K. Watsen, "Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
              Infrastructure (BRSKI)", RFC 8995, DOI 10.17487/RFC8995,
              May 2021, <>.

12.2.  Informative References

              "Abstract BRSKI-PRM Protocol Overview", April 2022,

              von Oheimb, D., Fries, S., Brockhaus, H., and E. Lear,
              "BRSKI-AE: Alternative Enrollment Protocols in BRSKI",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-anima-brski-
              ae-02, 3 June 2022, <

              Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "IEEE
              802.1AR Secure Device Identifier", IEEE 802.1AR, June

   [onpath]   "can an on-path attacker drop traffic?", n.d.,

   [RFC2986]  Nystrom, M. and B. Kaliski, "PKCS #10: Certification
              Request Syntax Specification Version 1.7", RFC 2986,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2986, November 2000,

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   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, DOI 10.17487/RFC6125, March
              2011, <>.

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC7252]  Shelby, Z., Hartke, K., and C. Bormann, "The Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7252,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7252, June 2014,

   [RFC8340]  Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams",
              BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018,

   [RFC8407]  Bierman, A., "Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of
              Documents Containing YANG Data Models", BCP 216, RFC 8407,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8407, October 2018,

   [RFC8792]  Watsen, K., Auerswald, E., Farrel, A., and Q. Wu,
              "Handling Long Lines in Content of Internet-Drafts and
              RFCs", RFC 8792, DOI 10.17487/RFC8792, June 2020,

   [RFC9052]  Schaad, J., "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE):
              Structures and Process", STD 96, RFC 9052,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9052, August 2022,

   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

   [RFC9238]  Richardson, M., Latour, J., and H. Habibi Gharakheili,
              "Loading Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) URLs from QR
              Codes", RFC 9238, DOI 10.17487/RFC9238, May 2022,

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Appendix A.  Examples

   These examples are folded according to [RFC8792] Single Backslash

A.1.  Example Pledge Voucher Request - PVR (from Pledge to Registrar-

   The following is an example request sent from a Pledge to the
   Registrar-agent, in "General JWS JSON Serialization".
   The message size of this PVR is: 4649 bytes

   =============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================


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              Figure 23: Example Pledge Voucher Request - PVR

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A.2.  Example Parboiled Registrar Voucher Request - RVR (from Registrar
      to MASA)

   The term parboiled refers to food which is partially cooked.  In
   [RFC8995], the term refers to a Pledge voucher-request (PVR) which
   has been received by the Registrar, and then has been processed by
   the Registrar ("cooked"), and is now being forwarded to the MASA.

   The following is an example Registrar voucher-request (RVR) sent from
   the Registrar to the MASA, in "General JWS JSON Serialization".  Note
   that the previous PVR can be seen in the payload as "prior-signed-
   voucher-request".  The message size of this RVR is: 13257 bytes

   =============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================


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             Figure 24: Example Registrar Voucher Request - RVR

A.3.  Example Voucher Response (from MASA to Pledge, via Registrar and

   The following is an example voucher response from MASA to Pledge via
   Registrar and Registrar-agent, in "General JWS JSON Serialization".
   The message size of this Voucher is: 1916 bytes

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   =============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================


               Figure 25: Example Voucher Response from MASA

A.4.  Example Voucher Response, MASA issued Voucher with additional
      Registrar signature (from MASA to Pledge, via Registrar and

   The following is an example voucher response from MASA to Pledge via
   Registrar and Registrar-agent, in "General JWS JSON Serialization".
   The message size of this Voucher is: 3006 bytes

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   =============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================


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       Figure 26: Example Voucher Response from MASA, with additional
                            Registrar signature

Appendix B.  History of Changes [RFC Editor: please delete]

   Proof of Concept Code available

   From IETF draft 04 -> IETF draft 05:

   *  Restructured document to have a distinct section for the object
      flow and handling and shortened introduction, issue #72

   *  Added security considerations for using mDNS without a specific
      product-serial-number, issue #75

   *  Clarified pledge-status responses are cumulative, issue #73

   *  Removed agent-sign-cert from trigger data to save bandwidth and
      remove complexity through options, issue #70

   *  Changed terminology for LDevID(Reg) certificate to registrar EE
      certificate, as it does not need to be an LDevID, issue #66

   *  Added new protected header parameter (created-on) in PER to
      support freshness validation, issue #63

   *  Removed reference to CAB Forum as not needed for BRSKI-PRM
      specifically, issue #65

   *  Enhanced error codes in section 5.5.1, issue #39, #64

   *  Enhanced security considerations and privacy considerations, issue

   *  Issue #50 addressed by referring to the utilized enrollment

   *  Issue #47 MASA verification of LDevID(RegAgt) to the same
      registrar EE certificate domain CA

   *  Reworked terminology of "enrollment object", "certification
      object", "enrollment request object", etc., issue #27

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   *  Reworked all message representations to align with encoding

   *  Added explanation of MASA requiring domain CA cert in section
      5.5.1 and section 5.5.2, issue #36

   *  Defined new endpoint for pledge bootstrapping status inquiry,
      issue #35 in section Section 6.4, IANA considerations and section
      Section 5.3

   *  Included examples for several objects in section Appendix A
      including message example sizes, issue #33

   *  PoP for private key to registrar certificate included as
      mandatory, issues #32 and #49

   *  Issue #31, clarified that combined pledge may act as client/server
      for further (re)enrollment

   *  Issue #42, clarified that Registrar needs to verify the status
      responses with and ensure that they match the audit log response
      from the MASA, otherwise it needs drop the pledge and revoke the

   *  Issue #43, clarified that the pledge shall use the create time
      from the trigger message if the time has not been synchronized,

   *  Several editorial changes and enhancements to increasing

   From IETF draft 03 -> IETF draft 04:

   *  In deep Review by Esko Dijk lead to issues #22-#61, which are bein
      stepwise integrated

   *  Simplified YANG definition by augmenting the voucher request from
      RFC 8995 instead of redefining it.

   *  Added explanation for terminology "endpoint" used in this
      document, issue #16

   *  Added clarification that registrar-agent may collect PVR or PER or
      both in one run, issue #17

   *  Added a statement that nonceless voucher may be accepted, issue

   *  Simplified structure in section Section 3.1, issue #19

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   *  Removed join proxy in Figure 1 and added explanatory text, issue

   *  Added description of pledge-CAcerts endpoint plus further handling
      of providing a wrapped CA certs response to the pledge in section
      Section 6.3; also added new required registrar endpoint (section
      Section 6.2 and IANA considerations) for the registrar to provide
      a wrapped CA certs response, issue #21

   *  utilized defined abbreviations in the document consistently, issue

   *  Reworked text on discovery according to issue #23 to clarify scope
      and handling

   *  Added several clarifications based on review comments

   From IETF draft 02 -> IETF draft 03:

   *  Updated examples to state "base64encodedvalue==" for x5c

   *  Include link to SVG graphic as general overview

   *  Restructuring of section 5 to flatten hierarchy

   *  Enhanced requirements and motivation in Section 4

   *  Several editorial improvements based on review comments

   From IETF draft 01 -> IETF draft 02:

   *  Issue #15 included additional signature on voucher from registrar
      in section Section 6.2 and section Section 5.2 The verification of
      multiple signatures is described in section Section 6.3

   *  Included representation for General JWS JSON Serialization for

   *  Included error responses from pledge if it is not able to create a
      pledge-voucher request or an enrollment request in section
      Section 6.1

   *  Removed open issue regarding handling of multiple CSRs and
      enrollment responses during the bootstrapping as the initial
      target it the provisioning of a generic LDevID certificate.  The
      defined endpoint on the pledge may also be used for management of
      further certificates.

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   From IETF draft 00 -> IETF draft 01:

   *  Issue #15 lead to the inclusion of an option for an additional
      signature of the registrar on the voucher received from the MASA
      before forwarding to the registrar-agent to support verification
      of POP of the registrars private key in section Section 6.2 and
      Section 6.3.

   *  Based on issue #11, a new endpoint was defined for the registrar
      to enable delivery of the wrapped enrollment request from the
      pledge (in contrast to plain PKCS#10 in simple enroll).

   *  Decision on issue #8 to not provide an additional signature on the
      enrollment-response object by the registrar.  As the enrollment
      response will only contain the generic LDevID certificate.  This
      credential builds the base for further configuration outside the
      initial enrollment.

   *  Decision on issue #7 to not support multiple CSRs during the
      bootstrapping, as based on the generic LDevID certificate the
      pledge may enroll for further certificates.

   *  Closed open issue #5 regarding verification of ietf-ztp-types
      usage as verified via a proof-of-concept in section

   *  Housekeeping: Removed already addressed open issues stated in the
      draft directly.

   *  Reworked text in from introduction to section pledge-responder-

   *  Fixed "serial-number" encoding in PVR/RVR

   *  Added prior-signed-voucher-request in the parameter description of
      the registrar-voucher-request in Section 6.2.

   *  Note added in Section 6.2 if sub-CAs are used, that the
      corresponding information is to be provided to the MASA.

   *  Inclusion of limitation section (pledge sleeps and needs to be
      waked up.  Pledge is awake but registrar-agent is not available)
      (Issue #10).

   *  Assertion-type aligned with voucher in RFC8366bis, deleted related
      open issues.  (Issue #4)

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   *  Included table for endpoints in Section 5.3 for better

   *  Included registrar authorization check for registrar-agent during
      TLS handshake in section Section 6.2.  Also enhanced figure
      Figure 9 with the authorization step on TLS level.

   *  Enhanced description of registrar authorization check for
      registrar-agent based on the agent-signed-data in section
      Section 6.2.  Also enhanced figure Figure 9 with the authorization
      step on pledge-voucher-request level.

   *  Changed agent-signed-cert to an array to allow for providing
      further certificate information like the issuing CA cert for the
      LDevID(RegAgt) certificate in case the registrar and the
      registrar-agent have different issuing CAs in Figure 9 (issue
      #12).  This also required changes in the YANG module in
      Section 7.1.2

   *  Addressed YANG warning (issue #1)

   *  Inclusion of examples for a trigger to create a pledge-voucher-
      request and an enrollment-request.

   From IETF draft-ietf-anima-brski-async-enroll-03 -> IETF anima-brski-

   *  Moved UC2 related parts defining the pledge in responder mode from
      draft-ietf-anima-brski-async-enroll-03 to this document This
      required changes and adaptations in several sections to remove the
      description and references to UC1.

   *  Addressed feedback for voucher-request enhancements from YANG
      doctor early review in Section 7.1 as well as in the security
      considerations (formerly named ietf-async-voucher-request).

   *  Renamed ietf-async-voucher-request to IETF-voucher-request-prm to
      to allow better listing of voucher related extensions; aligned
      with constraint voucher (#20)

   *  Utilized ietf-voucher-request-async instead of ietf-voucher-
      request in voucher exchanges to utilize the enhanced voucher-

   *  Included changes from draft-ietf-netconf-sztp-csr-06 regarding the
      YANG definition of csr-types into the enrollment request exchange.

   From IETF draft 02 -> IETF draft 03:

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   *  Housekeeping, deleted open issue regarding YANG voucher-request in
      Section 6.1 as voucher-request was enhanced with additional leaf.

   *  Included open issues in YANG model in Section 5.1 regarding
      assertion value agent-proximity and csr encapsulation using SZTP
      sub module).

   From IETF draft 01 -> IETF draft 02:

   *  Defined call flow and objects for interactions in UC2.  Object
      format based on draft for JOSE signed voucher artifacts and
      aligned the remaining objects with this approach in Section 6 .

   *  Terminology change: issue #2 pledge-agent -> registrar-agent to
      better underline agent relation.

   *  Terminology change: issue #3 PULL/PUSH -> pledge-initiator-mode
      and pledge-responder-mode to better address the pledge operation.

   *  Communication approach between pledge and registrar-agent changed
      by removing TLS-PSK (former section TLS establishment) and
      associated references to other drafts in favor of relying on
      higher layer exchange of signed data objects.  These data objects
      are included also in the pledge-voucher-request and lead to an
      extension of the YANG module for the voucher-request (issue #12).

   *  Details on trust relationship between registrar-agent and
      registrar (issue #4, #5, #9) included in Section 5.1.

   *  Recommendation regarding short-lived certificates for registrar-
      agent authentication towards registrar (issue #7) in the security

   *  Introduction of reference to agent signing certificate using SKID
      in agent signed data (issue #37).

   *  Enhanced objects in exchanges between pledge and registrar-agent
      to allow the registrar to verify agent-proximity to the pledge
      (issue #1) in Section 6.

   *  Details on trust relationship between registrar-agent and pledge
      (issue #5) included in Section 5.1.

   *  Split of use case 2 call flow into sub sections in Section 6.

   From IETF draft 00 -> IETF draft 01:

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   *  Update of scope in Section 3.1 to include in which the pledge acts
      as a server.  This is one main motivation for use case 2.

   *  Rework of use case 2 in Section 5.1 to consider the transport
      between the pledge and the pledge-agent.  Addressed is the TLS
      channel establishment between the pledge-agent and the pledge as
      well as the endpoint definition on the pledge.

   *  First description of exchanged object types (needs more work)

   *  Clarification in discovery options for enrollment endpoints at the
      domain registrar based on well-known endpoints do not result in
      additional /.well-known URIs.  Update of the illustrative example.
      Note that the change to /brski for the voucher related endpoints
      has been taken over in the BRSKI main document.

   *  Updated references.

   *  Included Thomas Werner as additional author for the document.

   From individual version 03 -> IETF draft 00:

   *  Inclusion of discovery options of enrollment endpoints at the
      domain registrar based on well-known endpoints in new section as
      replacement of section 5.1.3 in the individual draft.  This is
      intended to support both use cases in the document.  An
      illustrative example is provided.

   *  Missing details provided for the description and call flow in
      pledge-agent use case Section 5.1, e.g. to accommodate
      distribution of CA certificates.

   *  Updated CMP example in to use lightweight CMP instead of CMP, as
      the draft already provides the necessary /.well-known endpoints.

   *  Requirements discussion moved to separate section in Section 4.
      Shortened description of proof of identity binding and mapping to
      existing protocols.

   *  Removal of copied call flows for voucher exchange and registrar
      discovery flow from [RFC8995] in UC1 to avoid doubling or text or

   *  Reworked abstract and introduction to be more crisp regarding the
      targeted solution.  Several structural changes in the document to
      have a better distinction between requirements, use case
      description, and solution description as separate sections.
      History moved to appendix.

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   From individual version 02 -> 03:

   *  Update of terminology from self-contained to authenticated self-
      contained object to be consistent in the wording and to underline
      the protection of the object with an existing credential.  Note
      that the naming of this object may be discussed.  An alternative
      name may be attestation object.

   *  Simplification of the architecture approach for the initial use
      case having an offsite PKI.

   *  Introduction of a new use case utilizing authenticated self-
      contain objects to onboard a pledge using a commissioning tool
      containing a pledge-agent.  This requires additional changes in
      the BRSKI call flow sequence and led to changes in the
      introduction, the application example,and also in the related
      BRSKI-PRM call flow.

   From individual version 01 -> 02:

   *  Update of introduction text to clearly relate to the usage of
      IDevID and LDevID.

   *  Update of description of architecture elements and changes to
      BRSKI in Section 5.

   *  Enhanced consideration of existing enrollment protocols in the
      context of mapping the requirements to existing solutions in
      Section 4.

   From individual version 00 -> 01:

   *  Update of examples, specifically for building automation as well
      as two new application use cases in Section 3.1.

   *  Deletion of asynchronous interaction with MASA to not complicate
      the use case.  Note that the voucher exchange can already be
      handled in an asynchronous manner and is therefore not considered
      further.  This resulted in removal of the alternative path the
      MASA in Figure 1 and the associated description in Section 5.

   *  Enhancement of description of architecture elements and changes to
      BRSKI in Section 5.

   *  Consideration of existing enrollment protocols in the context of
      mapping the requirements to existing solutions in Section 4.

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   *  New section starting with the mapping to existing enrollment
      protocols by collecting boundary conditions.


   Esko Dijk

Authors' Addresses

   Steffen Fries
   Siemens AG
   Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
   81739 Munich

   Thomas Werner
   Siemens AG
   Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
   81739 Munich

   Eliot Lear
   Cisco Systems
   Richtistrasse 7
   CH-8304 Wallisellen
   Phone: +41 44 878 9200

   Michael C. Richardson
   Sandelman Software Works

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