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YANG Data Model for Segment Routing Policy

Document Type Active Internet-Draft (spring WG)
Authors Syed Kamran Raza , Tarik Saleh , Zhuang Shunwan , Daniel Voyer , Muhammad Durrani , Satoru Matsushima , Vishnu Pavan Beeram
Last updated 2024-03-04
Replaces draft-raza-spring-sr-policy-yang
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Intended RFC status (None)
Yang Validation 0 errors, 1 warnings
Additional resources Yang catalog entry for ietf-sr-policy-types@2019-11-04.yang
Yang catalog entry for ietf-sr-policy@2019-11-04.yang
Yang impact analysis for draft-ietf-spring-sr-policy-yang
Mailing list discussion
Stream WG state WG Document
Associated WG milestone
Dec 2019
SR policies YANG model sent to IESG
Document shepherd (None)
IESG IESG state I-D Exists
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
Telechat date (None)
Responsible AD (None)
Send notices to (None)
SPRING Working Group                                        K. Raza, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                  T. Saleh
Intended status: Standards Track                           Cisco Systems
Expires: 5 September 2024                                     Z. Shunwan
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                                D. Voyer
                                                             Bell Canada
                                                              M. Durrani
                                                           S. Matsushima
                                                               V. Beeram
                                                        Juniper Networks
                                                            4 March 2024

               YANG Data Model for Segment Routing Policy


   This document defines a YANG data model for Segment Routing (SR)
   Policy that can be used for configuring, instantiating, and managing
   SR policies.  The model is generic and applies equally to the MPLS
   and SRv6 instantiations of SR policies.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Specification of Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  YANG Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.1.  Types and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     4.2.  SR Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.2.1.  Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       4.2.2.  State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       4.2.3.  Notification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Pending Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  YANG Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  YANG Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     7.1.  Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     7.2.  SR Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  62
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
   Appendix A.  Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64

1.  Introduction

   The Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) [RFC6241] defines
   mechanisms to manage network devices.  YANG [RFC6020] is a modular
   language that represents data structures in an XML tree format, and
   is used as a data modeling language for NETCONF.

   Segment Routing (SR), as defined in [RFC8402], allows a headend node
   to steer a packet flow along any topological path and/or service
   chain.  The headend node is said to steer a flow into a Segment
   Routing Policy (SR Policy).  An SR policy is a framework that enables
   instantiation of an ordered list of segments on a node for
   implementing a policy [RFC9256].

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   This document introduces a YANG data model for SR policy framework
   for instantiating, configuring and managing SR policies along with
   its attributes.  It is also expected that other companion models,
   such as BGP SR Policy [I-D.ietf-idr-segment-routing-te-policy], will
   be defined and/or augmented accordingly in their respective areas.

   This model defines the following constructs for managing an SR

   *  Configuration

   *  Operational State

   *  Notifications

   *  Executables (Actions)

   This document expects and requires the reader to be well familiar
   with the concepts and constructs of an SR policy [RFC9256] as well as
   the YANG modeling language and its presentation [RFC6020].

2.  Specification of Requirements

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119]
   [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown

3.  Building Blocks

   Before looking into the YANG model for SR policy, it is important to
   recall and highlight the major building blocks and constructs that
   constitute and contribute to an SR policy, as described in [RFC9256].

   *  policy: specifies constructs to allow a headend node to setup SR
      path(s) as an ordered list of segments for a given color and
      endpoint.  The endpoint and the color are used to automate the
      steering of service or transport routes on an SR Policy.  For a
      given headend, the key for an SR policy is (color, endpoint) where
      endpoint is an IP address that could be also NULL.

   *  candidate-path: is the unit for signalling of an SR Policy to a
      headend via protocols (such as PCEP, BGP, CLI etc.).  A candidate
      path is either dynamic or explicit type, where an explicit
      candidate path is associated with one or more segment-lists and
      dynamic candidate path expresses optimization objectives and set
      of constraints.  An SR Policy is associated with one or more

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      candidate paths and the preference of the candidate path is used
      to select the best candidate path for an SR Policy.  A candidate
      path is valid if it is usable (e.g. when its constituents SIDs are
      reachable).  An "active" candidate path is the selected path (for
      forwarding) that is valid and determined to be the best path of
      the SR Policy.  A candidate path is keyed by (protocol-origin,
      originator, discriminator).

   *  segment-list: specifies ordered list of segments to traverse,
      where a segment can be specified in various forms (refer section 4
      of [RFC9256]).  The list is sorted by the index of the segment.  A
      segment-list is used and referred by an explicit type of
      candidate-path.  A segment-list is keyed by its name.

   *  binding-sid: An SR policy is associated with a BSID to provide
      benefits of scaling, network opacity and service independence.

4.  YANG Model

   The modeling in this document complies with the Network Management
   Datastore Architecture (NMDA) [RFC8342].  The operational state data
   is combined with the associated configuration data in the same
   hierarchy [RFC8407].  When protocol states are retrieved from the
   NMDA operational state datastore, the returned states cover all
   "config true" (rw) and "config false" (ro) nodes defined in the

   For SR policy YANG specification, this document defines following new
   YANG modules:

     | Module Name          | Purpose                                |
     | ietf-sr-policy-types | defines common and basic types related |
     |                      | to an SR policy and related constructs |
     | ietf-sr-policy       | defines the model for SR policy        |
     |                      | instantiation, configuration, and      |
     |                      | management                             |

                                  Table 1

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4.1.  Types and Definitions

   SR policy common types and definitions are defined in the new module
   "ietf-sr-policy-types".  The main types defined in this module

   *  dataplane-type: A union to specify MPLS or IPv6 as the dataplane
      type for SR.

   *  sid-value-type: A Union to specify SID value for SR-MPLS or SRv6

   *  binding-sid-alloc-mode: Enum to define explicit or dynamic alloc
      mode types for a BSID.

   *  protocol-origin-type: The base identity along with its children
      specify protocol origin (e.g.  PCEP) for an SR policy.

   *  explicit-binding-sid-rule-type: Enum to specify BSID alloc
      enforcement/rule when doing explicit alloc request.

   *  binding-sid-oper-state: An Enum representing various operational
      states for a BSID.

   *  policy-admin-state: An Enum for admin state of an SR policy.

   *  policy-oper-state: An Enum for operational state of an SR policy.

   *  segment-type: The base identity along with its children define
      various types for a "segment" of a Segment list.

   *  candidate-path-not-selected-reason: The base identity along with
      its children to specify reason for not selecting a candidate path
      as the best/active path.

   *  policy-down-reason: The base identity along with its children to
      specify reason for a policy becoming (or remaining) operationally

   *  binding-sid-unavailable-reason: The base identity along with its
      children to specify reason for a BSID's unavailability.

   The associated YANG specification for this module is captured in
   Section 7.1.

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4.2.  SR Policy

   The base SR policy model is captured in ietf-sr-policy module.  This
   base module augments "/rt:routing" and specifies the configuration,
   operational state, executables/rpcs, and notification events required
   to manage SR policies.

   The associated YANG specification for this module is captured in
   Section 7.2.

4.2.1.  Configuration

   In terms of configuration hierarchy, SR policy configuration tree has
   following two main areas:

   *  attributes: container that defines common constructs that could be
      used across policies.  Examples of such a construct include
      segment-lists, affinity-map etc.  In future revision of this
      document, it is expected that this container will have more
      constructs defined.

   *  policies: container that defines list of policies with their
      attributes such as BSID, candidate-paths etc.

   Following diagram depicts high level yang organization and hierarchy
   for an SR policy specification:

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      + attributes
      |   + affinity-map
      |   |  ....
      |   |
      |   + segment-lists
      |   |    segment-list* [name]
      |   |        segments
      |   |            segment* [index]
      |   |                ...
      |   + explicit-binding-sid-rules
      |        ...
      + policies
           policy* [color endpoint]
              + ...
              + binding-sid
              | ...
              + candidate-paths
                  candidate-path* [protocol-origin originator discriminator]
                      + ...
                      + type
                          + explicit
                          |   segment-lists
                          |        segment-list* [ref]
                          |             ...
                          + dynamic

                   Figure 1: SR Policy - Hierarchy

   The complete YANG tree can be found in Figure 3.

   Please take note of the following important points regarding the

   *  This model supports both MPLS and SRv6 dataplane for SR -- i.e.
      items like segments and BSID can be defined as MPLS label or SRv6

   *  Specification of a segment supports all the types defined in SR
      policy base specification document

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   *  The above model supports explicit BSID specification on SR policy
      level as the main mode of specification.  The model also allows
      explicit BSID per candidate-path as an if-feature capability that
      is optional for implementations

   *  The above model will be extended in future revisions of this
      document to enhance constraints specification for dynamic type of
      candidate-path, as well as add traffic-steering controls.

4.2.2.  State

   As per NMDA model, the state related to configuration items specified
   in earlier Section 4.2.1 can be retrieved from the same tree.  This
   section defines the other operational state items related to SR

   In addition to configured state, the operational state corresponding
   to the SR policy includes:

   *  policy operational state

   *  policy up/down timestamps

   *  policy BSID info such as alloc mode, actual value in-use,
      operational state, and forwarding stats

   *  Per candidate-path info such as:

      -  Whether candidate-path is the best candidate-path

      -  In case of non-best, the reason for such non-selection

      -  Type of candidate-path - explicit or dynamic

      -  Per segment-list information - such as validity of the segment-
         list, as well as forwarding state for a valid segment-list.
         The forwarding state is represented in terms of per forwarding
         path info that includes nexthop address, outgoing interface,
         protection information, and encapsulation (label stack or SRv6
         SID stack) etc.

   The complete YANG tree can be found in Figure 3.

4.2.3.  Notification

   This model defines a list of notifications to inform an operator of
   important events detected regarding an SR policy.  These events
   include events related to:

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   *  policy status: policy operational state changes

   *  Candidate-path active status and changes

   *  Explicit Binding SID collision/unavailability events

   Following is a simplified graphical representation of the data model
   for SR policy notifications:

module: ietf-sr-policy

    +---n sr-policy-oper-state-change-event
    |  +--ro policy-name-ref?         -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
    |  +--ro policy-color-ref?        -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
    |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?     -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
    |  +--ro policy-new-oper-state?   sr-policy-types:policy-oper-state
    |  +--ro policy-down-reason?      identityref
    +---n sr-policy-candidate-path-change-event
    |  +--ro policy-name-ref?       -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
    |  +--ro policy-color-ref?      -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
    |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
    |  +--ro existing-preference?   uint32
    |  +--ro new-preference?        uint32
    +---n sr-policy-binding-sid-unavailable-event
    |  +--ro policy-name-ref?                -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
    |  +--ro policy-color-ref?               -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
    |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?            -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
    |  +--ro policy-binding-sid-value-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/binding-sid/value
    |  +--ro reason?                         identityref
    +---n sr-policy-candidate-path-binding-sid-mismatch-event
       +--ro policy-color-ref?                                    -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
       +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?                                 -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
       +--ro existing-candidate-path-protocol-origin-ref?         -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/protocol-origin
       +--ro existing-candidate-path-preference-ref?              -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/preference
       +--ro existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/binding-sid/dataplane
       +--ro existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-value-ref?       -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/binding-sid/value
       +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-protocol-origin?          uint8
       +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-preference?               uint32
       +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane?    sr-policy-types:dataplane-type
       +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-value?        sr-policy-types:sid-value-type

               Figure 2: SR Policy - Notification Tree

5.  Pending Items

   Following are the items that will be addressed in future revisions of
   this document:

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   *  Configuration and Specification of:

      -  Traffic steering over SR policy

      -  ODN templates

      -  Spray policy

   *  Executables (RPC actions)

6.  YANG Tree

   Using the building blocks described in Section 3, following is the
   complete graphical representation of the data model for SR policy:

module: ietf-sr-policy
augment /rt:routing:
   +--rw segment-routing
      +--rw traffic-engineering
         +--rw attributes
         |  +--rw segment-lists
         |  |  +--rw segment-list* [name]
         |  |     +--rw name        string
         |  |     +--rw segments
         |  |        +--rw segment* [index]
         |  |           +--rw index       uint32
         |  |           +--rw type        identityref
         |  |           +--rw sr-mpls
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-A
         |  |           |  |  +--rw value?   rt-types:mpls-label
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-C
         |  |           |  |  +--rw ipv4-address?   inet:ipv4-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw algorithm?      uint8
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-D
         |  |           |  |  +--rw ipv6-address?   inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw algorithm?      uint8
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-E
         |  |           |  |  +--rw ipv4-address?           inet:ipv4-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw interface-identifier?   uint32
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-F
         |  |           |  |  +--rw local-ipv4-address?    inet:ipv4-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw remote-ipv4-address?   inet:ipv4-address
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-G
         |  |           |  |  +--rw local-ipv6-address?            inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw local-interface-identifier?    uint32
         |  |           |  |  +--rw remote-ipv6-address?           inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw remote-interface-identifier?   uint32
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-H

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         |  |           |     +--rw local-ipv6-address?    inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |     +--rw remote-ipv6-address?   inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           +--rw srv6
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-B
         |  |           |  |  +--rw value?           srv6-types:srv6-sid
         |  |           |  |  +--rw sid-behavior?    identityref
         |  |           |  |  +--rw sid-structure
         |  |           |  |     +--rw locator-block-length?   srv6-types:srv6-locator-block-len
         |  |           |  |     +--rw locator-node-length?    srv6-types:srv6-locator-node-len
         |  |           |  |     +--rw function-length?        srv6-types:srv6-function-len
         |  |           |  |     +--rw argument-length?        srv6-types:srv6-argument-len
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-I
         |  |           |  |  +--rw ipv6-address?   inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw algorithm?      uint8
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-J
         |  |           |  |  +--rw local-ipv6-address?            inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw local-interface-identifier?    uint32
         |  |           |  |  +--rw remote-ipv6-address?           inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |  |  +--rw remote-interface-identifier?   uint32
         |  |           |  +--rw Type-K
         |  |           |     +--rw local-ipv6-address?    inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           |     +--rw remote-ipv6-address?   inet:ipv6-address
         |  |           +--rw validate?   boolean
         |  +--rw explicit-binding-sid-rules* [index]
         |     +--rw index    uint32
         |     +--rw rule     sr-policy-types:explicit-binding-sid-rule-type
         +--rw policies
            +--rw policy* [color endpoint]
               +--rw name?               sr-policy-types:name-type
               +--rw color               sr-policy-types:color-type
               +--rw endpoint            inet:ip-address
               +--rw description?        string
               +--rw admin-state?        sr-policy-types:policy-admin-state
               +--rw priority?           uint8
               +--ro oper-state?         sr-policy-types:policy-oper-state
               +--ro transition-count?   uint32
               +--ro up-time?            yang:date-and-time
               +--ro down-time?          yang:date-and-time
               +--rw binding-sid
               |  +--rw dataplane?       sr-policy-types:dataplane-type
               |  +--rw value?           sr-policy-types:sid-value-type
               |  +--rw srv6
               |  |  +--rw locator-name?    srv6-types:locator-name-type
               |  |  +--rw sid-behavior?    identityref
               |  |  +--rw sid-structure
               |  |     +--rw locator-block-length?   srv6-types:srv6-locator-block-len
               |  |     +--rw locator-node-length?    srv6-types:srv6-locator-node-len
               |  |     +--rw function-length?        srv6-types:srv6-function-len

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               |  |     +--rw argument-length?        srv6-types:srv6-argument-len
               |  +--ro alloc-mode?      sr-policy-types:binding-sid-alloc-mode
               |  +--ro allocated-sid?   sr-policy-types:sid-value-type
               |  +--ro oper-state?      sr-policy-types:binding-sid-oper-state
               +--ro counters
               |  +--ro pkts?     yang:counter64
               |  +--ro octets?   yang:counter64
               +--rw candidate-paths
                  +--rw candidate-path* [protocol-origin originator-asn originator-node-address discriminator]
                     +--rw protocol-origin            identityref
                     +--rw originator-asn             uint32
                     +--rw originator-node-address    sr-policy-types:node-address-type
                     +--rw discriminator              uint32
                     +--rw preference                 uint32
                     +--rw name?                      string
                     +--rw description?               string
                     +--rw drop-upon-invalid?         boolean
                     +--rw admin-state?               boolean
                     +--rw binding-sid {capability-candidate-path-binding-sid}?
                     |  +--rw dataplane?   sr-policy-types:dataplane-type
                     |  +--rw value?       sr-policy-types:sid-value-type
                     |  +--rw srv6
                     |     +--rw locator-name?    srv6-types:locator-name-type
                     |     +--rw sid-behavior?    identityref
                     |     +--rw sid-structure
                     |        +--rw locator-block-length?   srv6-types:srv6-locator-block-len
                     |        +--rw locator-node-length?    srv6-types:srv6-locator-node-len
                     |        +--rw function-length?        srv6-types:srv6-function-len
                     |        +--rw argument-length?        srv6-types:srv6-argument-len
                     +--rw (type)?
                     |  +--:(explicit)
                     |  |  +--rw segment-lists
                     |  |     +--rw segment-list* [name-ref]
                     |  |        +--rw name-ref    -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/attributes/segment-lists/segment-list/name
                     |  |        +--rw weight?     uint32
                     |  |        +--ro is-valid?   boolean
                     |  +--:(dynamic)
                     |  |  +--rw segment-list
                     |  |  |  +--rw segment-list-dataplane-type    sr-policy-types:dataplane-type
                     |  |  |  +--ro is-valid?                      boolean
                     |  |  +--rw optimization-objectives
                     |  |  |  +--rw minimize-metric
                     |  |  |     +--rw metric-type?   sr-policy-types:metric-type
                     |  |  |     +--rw margin
                     |  |  |        +--rw type?             sr-policy-types:margin-type
                     |  |  |        +--rw value?            uint32
                     |  |  |        +--ro computed-value?   uint32
                     |  |  +--rw constraints

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                     |  |     +--rw srlg
                     |  |     |  +--rw exclude-any*   string
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-any*   string
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-all*   string
                     |  |     +--rw affinity
                     |  |     |  +--rw exclude-any*   string
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-any*   string
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-all*   string
                     |  |     +--rw ip-address
                     |  |     |  +--rw exclude*       inet:ip-address
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-any*   inet:ip-address
                     |  |     |  +--rw include-all*   inet:ip-address
                     |  |     +--rw upper-bounds
                     |  |     |  +--rw cumulative-metric
                     |  |     |  |  +--rw metric-type?   sr-policy-types:metric-type
                     |  |     |  |  +--rw value?         uint32
                     |  |     |  +--rw max-sids?            uint32
                     |  |     +--rw segment-rules
                     |  |     |  +--rw sid-algorithm?                sr-policy-types:sid-algorithm-type
                     |  |     |  +--rw sid-protection-eligibility?   sr-policy-types:sid-protection-eligibility-type
                     |  |     +--rw disjoint-path
                     |  |     |  +--rw disjointness-type?         te-types:te-path-disjointness
                     |  |     |  +--rw association-group-id       uint16
                     |  |     |  +--rw association-source         inet:ip-address
                     |  |     |  +--rw association-extended-id?   yang:hex-string
                     |  |     +--rw bandwidth
                     |  |     |  +--rw requested?   uint32
                     |  |     |  +--ro reserved?    uint32
                     |  |     +--rw max-sids?        uint32
                     |  +--:(composite)
                     |     +--rw constituent-policies
                     |        +--rw constituent-policy* [color]
                     |           +--rw color     sr-policy-types:color-type
                     |           +--rw weight?   uint32
                     +--ro is-best-candidate-path?    boolean
                     +--ro non-selection-reason?      identityref
                     +--ro is-active?                 boolean
                     +--ro is-valid?                  boolean
                     +--ro forwarding-paths
                        +--ro forwarding-path* [path-id]
                           +--ro path-id              uint8
                           +--ro next-hop-address?    inet:ip-address
                           +--ro next-hop-table-id?   uint32
                           +--ro interface?           if:interface-ref
                           +--ro sid-list
                           |  +--ro (dataplanetype)?
                           |     +--:(mpls)
                           |     |  +--ro labels* [index]

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                           |     |     +--ro index    uint32
                           |     |     +--ro label?   rt-types:mpls-label
                           |     +--:(srv6)
                           |        +--ro sids* [index]
                           |           +--ro index    uint32
                           |           +--ro sid?     srv6-types:srv6-sid
                           +--ro is-protected?        boolean
                           +--ro is-pure-backup?      boolean
                           +--ro backup-path-id?      uint8
                           +--ro weight?              uint32
   +---n sr-policy-oper-state-change-event
   |  +--ro policy-name-ref?         -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
   |  +--ro policy-color-ref?        -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
   |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?     -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
   |  +--ro policy-new-oper-state?   sr-policy-types:policy-oper-state
   |  +--ro policy-down-reason?      identityref
   +---n sr-policy-candidate-path-change-event
   |  +--ro policy-name-ref?       -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
   |  +--ro policy-color-ref?      -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
   |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
   |  +--ro existing-preference?   uint32
   |  +--ro new-preference?        uint32
   +---n sr-policy-binding-sid-unavailable-event
   |  +--ro policy-name-ref?                -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/name
   |  +--ro policy-color-ref?               -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
   |  +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?            -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
   |  +--ro policy-binding-sid-value-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/binding-sid/value {capability-candidate-path-binding-sid}?
   |  +--ro reason?                         identityref
   +---n sr-policy-candidate-path-binding-sid-mismatch-event
      +--ro policy-color-ref?                                    -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/color
      +--ro policy-endpoint-ref?                                 -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/endpoint
      +--ro existing-candidate-path-protocol-origin-ref?         -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/protocol-origin
      +--ro existing-candidate-path-preference-ref?              -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/preference
      +--ro existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane-ref?   -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/binding-sid/dataplane {capability-candidate-path-binding-sid}?
      +--ro existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-value-ref?       -> /rt:routing/sr-policy:segment-routing/traffic-engineering/policies/policy/candidate-paths/candidate-path/binding-sid/value {capability-candidate-path-binding-sid}?
      +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-protocol-origin?          uint8
      +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-preference?               uint32
      +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane?    sr-policy-types:dataplane-type
      +--ro conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-value?        sr-policy-types:sid-value-type

                   Figure 3: SR Policy - YANG Tree

7.  YANG Specification

   Following are actual YANG definition for the modules defined earlier
   in the document.

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7.1.  Types

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-sr-policy-types@2024-03-04.yang"
   module ietf-sr-policy-types {
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sr-policy-types";

     prefix "sr-policy-types";

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix "inet";

     import ietf-routing-types {
       prefix "rt-types";

     import ietf-srv6-types {
       prefix "srv6-types";

     organization "IETF SPRING Working Group";

         "WG Web:   <>
          WG List:  <>
          Editor:   Kamran Raza
          Editor:   Robert Sawaya
          Editor:   Zhuang Shunwan
          Editor:   Daniel Voyer
          Editor:   Muhammad Durrani
          Editor:   Satoru Matsushima
          Editor:   Pavan Vishnu Beeram

       "This YANG module defines the essential types for the management
        of SR policy module.
        Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject

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        to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

       This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the
       RFC itself for full legal notices.";

       // RFC Editor: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
       // this note

     revision 2024-03-04 {
       // RFC Editor: replace the above date 2024-03-04 with the date of
       // publication and remove this note.

         "Alignment with SR policy architecture RFC9256";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Model for Segment-routing Policy Types";
        // RFC Editor: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
        // this note

     revision "2022-03-28" {
         "Alignment with SR policy architecture";

     revision "2019-11-04" {
         "New editor added";

     revision "2019-07-08" {
         "Dynamic TE candidate-path support";

     revision "2018-07-01" {
         "Initial version";

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     /* Identities */
     identity candidate-path-not-selected-reason {
         "Base identity for which reasons for not selecting
         candidate path are derived from";
     identity candidate-path-not-selected-not-best {
       base candidate-path-not-selected-reason;
         "Higher preference path exists";
     identity candidate-path-not-selected-no-valid-segment-list {
       base candidate-path-not-selected-reason;
         "Candidate path has no valid segment list(s)";
     identity candidate-path-not-selected-empty-segment-list {
       base candidate-path-not-selected-reason;
         "Candidate path has empty segment list(s)";
     identity candidate-path-not-selected-invalid-binding-sid {
       base candidate-path-not-selected-reason;
         "Candidate path has invalid binding SID";

     identity policy-down-reason {
         "Base identity for the reasons why SR policy is operationally
     identity policy-down-reason-admin-down {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy is administrately down";
     identity policy-down-reason-no-source-address {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy has no source address";
     identity policy-down-reason-no-endpoint {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy has no end-point";
     identity policy-down-reason-no-candidate-path {

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       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy has no candidate path";
     identity policy-down-reason-no-valid-candidate-path {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy has no valid candidate path";
     identity policy-down-reason-candidate-path-invalid-segment-list {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy's candidate path has invalid segment list";
     identity policy-down-reason-policy-unconfigured {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy is unconfigured";
     identity policy-down-reason-policy-color-endpoint-updated {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy's color and end-point are updated";
     identity policy-down-reason-local-label-setup-failed {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy's local label setup (allocation/rewrite)
     identity policy-down-reason-forwarding-rewrite-failed {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Policy's forwarding rewrite installation failed";
     identity policy-down-reason-internal-error {
       base policy-down-reason;
       description "Infra related internal error";

     identity binding-sid-unavailable-reason {
         "Base identity for binding sid unavailable reason types";
     identity binding-sid-allocation-error {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "SID allocator returned an error";
     identity binding-sid-already-exists {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "Binding sid already exists/allocated";
     identity binding-sid-internal-error {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "Internal error with binding sid allocation";

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     identity binding-sid-color-endpoint-conflict {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "Binding sid already allocated by another sr-policy
       with different color/endpoint";
     identity binding-sid-rewrite-error {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "Binding sid forwarding rewrite error";
     identity binding-sid-outside-srlb-range {
       base binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
       description "Binding sid outside SRLB range";

     identity segment-type {
         "Base identity for the segment type";
     identity segment-type-A {
       base segment-type;
       description "SR-MPLS Label";
     identity segment-type-B {
       base segment-type;
       description "SRv6 SID";
     identity segment-type-C {
       base segment-type;
       description "IPv4 Prefix with optional SR Algorithm";
     identity segment-type-D {
       base segment-type;
       description "IPv6 Global Prefix with optional SR Algorithm for
     identity segment-type-E {
       base segment-type;
       description "IPv4 Prefix with Local Interface ID";
     identity segment-type-F {
       base segment-type;
       description "IPv4 Addresses for link endpoints as Local,
       Remote pair";
     identity segment-type-G {
       base segment-type;

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         "IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for link endpoints as Local,
         Remote pair for SR-MPLS";
     identity segment-type-H {
       base segment-type;
         "IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as Local,
         Remote pair for SR-MPLS";
     identity segment-type-I {
       base segment-type;
         "IPv6 Global Prefix with optional SR Algorithm for SRv6";
     identity segment-type-J {
       base segment-type;
         "IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for link endpoints as Local,
         Remote pair for SRv6";
     identity segment-type-K {
       base segment-type;
         "IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for

     identity protocol-origin-type {
       description "Base identity for originating protocol type";
     identity protocol-origin-type-pcep {
       base protocol-origin-type;
         "PCEP used as signalling mechanism for the candidate path";
     identity protocol-origin-type-bgp {
       base protocol-origin-type;
         "BGP used as signalling mechanism for the candidate path";
     identity protocol-origin-type-local {
       base protocol-origin-type;
         "CLI, Yang model via Netconf, gRPC, etc used for candidate path

     /* Typdefs */

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     typedef sid-value-type {
       type union {
         type rt-types:mpls-label;
         type srv6-types:srv6-sid;
       description "The SID value type";

     typedef binding-sid-oper-state {
       type enumeration {
         enum ALLOC-PENDING {
           value 1;
           description "SID allocation pending for Binding SID";
         enum PROGRAMMED {
           value 3;
           description "Binding SID is programmed in forwarding";
         enum CONFLICT {
           value 4;
           description "Binding SID is in-conflict state with
           regards to SID allocation. This also means that SID
           allocation is pending";
         "Binding SID operational state type";

     typedef policy-admin-state {
       type enumeration {
         enum UP {
           value 1;
           description "SR policy is administratively up";
         enum DOWN {
           value 2;
           description "SR policy is administratively down";
       description "SR policy admin state";

     typedef policy-oper-state {
       type enumeration {
         enum UP {
           value 1;
           description "SR policy is operationally up";

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         enum DOWN {
           value 2;
           description "SR policy is operationally down";
       description "SR policy oper state";

     typedef metric-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum te { value 1; description "TE metric"; }
         enum igp { value 2; description "IGP metric"; }
         enum latency { value 3; description "Latency metric"; }
       description "Metric type";

     typedef margin-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum absolute { value 1; description "Absolute value"; }
         enum relative { value 2; description "Relative value"; }
       description "Margin type";

     typedef dataplane-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum mpls {
           value 1;
           description "Segment-routing MPLS";
         enum srv6 {
           value 2;
           description "Segment-routing v6";
       description "Dataplane type of the segments";

     typedef binding-sid-alloc-mode {
       type enumeration {
         enum explicit {
           value 1;
           description "Explicitly specified BSID";
         enum dynamic {
           value 2;

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           description "Dynamically allocated BSID";
       description "binding SID allocation mode";

     typedef explicit-binding-sid-rule-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum enforce-srlb {
           value 1;
               "Explicit Binding SID is enforced with no
                fallback if label does not fall in SRLB or
                if no SRLB is configured";
         enum fallback-dynamic {
           value 2;
               "Explicit Binding SID falls back to dynamic in
               case explicit label is not available.";
       description "Explicit binding sid rule types";

     typedef sid-protection-eligibility-type {
       type enumeration {
         enum protected-preferred {
           value 1;
           description "Prefer protected SID";
         enum protected-only {
           value 2;
           description "Protected SID only";
         enum unprotected-preferred {
           value 3;
           description "Prefer unprotected SID";
         enum unprotected-only {
           value 4;
           description "Unprotected SID only";
       description "Types for SID protection eligibility";

     typedef node-address-type {

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       type inet:ipv6-address;
       description "Originator node address";

     typedef sid-algorithm-type {
         type uint8 {
           range "0..255";
       description "SID algorithm type";

     typedef color-type {
       type uint32 {
         range "1..4294967295";
       description "SID algorithm type";

     typedef name-type {
       type string {
         length "1..59";
       description "Policy name type";

                    Figure 4: ietf-sr-policy-types.yang

7.2.  SR Policy

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-sr-policy@2024-03-04.yang"
   module ietf-sr-policy {

     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sr-policy";

     prefix "sr-policy";

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix "inet";

     import ietf-interfaces {
       prefix if;

     import ietf-routing {
       prefix "rt";

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     import ietf-routing-types {
       prefix "rt-types";

     import ietf-yang-types {
       prefix "yang";

     import ietf-srv6-types {
       prefix "srv6-types";

     import ietf-sr-policy-types {
       prefix "sr-policy-types";

     import ietf-te-types {
       prefix "te-types";

     organization "IETF SPRING Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
       WG List:  <>

       Editor:   Kamran Raza

       Editor:   Robert Sawaya

       Editor:   Zhuang Shunwan

       Editor:   Daniel Voyer

       Editor:   Muhammad Durrani

       Editor:   Satoru Matsushima

       Editor:   Pavan Vishnu Beeram

Raza, et al.            Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 25]
Internet-Draft        YANG Data Model for SR Policy           March 2024

       "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions
       for SR policy module.

       Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
       authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

       Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
       without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
       to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
       set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
       Relating to IETF Documents

       This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see the
       RFC itself for full legal notices.";

       // RFC Editor: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
       // this note

     revision 2024-03-04 {
       // RFC Editor: replace the above date 2024-03-04 with the date of
       // publication and remove this note.

         "Alignment with SR policy architecture RFC9256";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Model for Segment-routing Policy";
        // RFC Editor: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
        // this note

     revision "2022-03-28" {
         "Alignment with SR policy architecture";

     revision "2019-11-04" {
         "Changes in keys for policy and its candidate paths";

     revision "2019-07-08" {

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         "Dynamic TE candidate-path support";

     revision "2018-07-01" {
         "Initial version";

     // TODO: Move this grouping to ietf-srv6-types
     grouping srv6-sid-structure {
       description "SRv6 SID structure grouping";

       leaf locator-block-length {
         type srv6-types:srv6-locator-block-len;
         description "SRv6 SID locator block length in bits";
       leaf locator-node-length {
         type srv6-types:srv6-locator-node-len;
         description "SRv6 SID locator node length in bits";
       leaf function-length {
         type srv6-types:srv6-function-len;
         description "SRv6 SID function length in bits";
       leaf argument-length {
         type srv6-types:srv6-argument-len;
         description "SRv6 SID argument length in bits";

     grouping srv6-sid-type-b-config {
       description "SRv6 SID Type-B config grouping";

       leaf sid-behavior {
         type identityref {
           base srv6-types:srv6-endpoint-type;
         description "SRv6 SID behavior";

       container sid-structure {
         description "SRv6 SID structure";
         uses srv6-sid-structure;
         // uses srv6-types:srv6-sid-structure;

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     grouping segment_config {
       description "Segment properties grouping";
       leaf index {
         type uint32;
         description "Segment index";
       leaf type {
         type identityref {
           base sr-policy-types:segment-type;
         mandatory true;
         description "Segment type";

       container sr-mpls {
         description "SR-MPLS specific types";

         container Type-A {
             "Segment declared by MPLS label";
           leaf value {
             type rt-types:mpls-label;
             description "MPLS label value";

         container Type-C {
             "Segment declared by IPv4 Prefix with optional SR Algorithm
             for SR-MPLS";
           leaf ipv4-address {
             type inet:ipv4-address;
             description "Segment IPv4 address";
           leaf algorithm {
             type uint8;
             description "Prefix SID algorithm identifier";

         container Type-D {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Global Prefix with optional
             SR Algorithm for SR-MPLS";
           leaf ipv6-address {

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             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment IPv6 address";
           leaf algorithm {
             type uint8;
             description "Prefix SID algorithm identifier";

         container Type-E {
             "Segment declared by IPv4 Prefix with Local Interface ID -
           leaf ipv4-address {
             type inet:ipv4-address;
             description "Node IPv4 address";
           leaf interface-identifier {
             type uint32;
             description "local interface identifier";

         container Type-F {
             "Segment declared by IPv4 Addresses for link endpoints
             as Local, Remote pair - SR-MPLS";
           leaf local-ipv4-address {
             type inet:ipv4-address;
             description "Segment local IPv4 adjacency address";
           leaf remote-ipv4-address {
             type inet:ipv4-address;
             description "Segment remote IPv4 adjacency address";

         container Type-G {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for
             link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SR-MPLS";
           leaf local-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Local link IPv6 address";
           leaf local-interface-identifier {
             type uint32;
             description "Local interface identifier";

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           leaf remote-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Remote link IPv6 address";
           leaf remote-interface-identifier {
             type uint32;
             description "Remote interface identifier";

         container Type-H {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as
             Local, Remote pair for SR-MPLS";
           leaf local-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment local IPv6 adjacency address";
           leaf remote-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment remote IPv6 adjacency address";
       } // sr-mpls

       container srv6 {
         description "SRv6 specific types";

         container Type-B {
             "Segment declared by SRv6 SID value";
           leaf value {
             type srv6-types:srv6-sid;
             description "SRv6 SID value";

           // TODO FIX: uses srv6-types:srv6-sid-type-b-config;

         container Type-I {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Global Prefix with optional
             SR Algorithm for SRv6";
           leaf ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment IPv6 prefix";

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           leaf algorithm {
             type uint8;
             description "Prefix SID algorithm identifier";
         container Type-J {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for
             link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SRv6";
           leaf local-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Local link IPv6 address";
           leaf local-interface-identifier {
             type uint32;
             description "Local interface identifier";
           leaf remote-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Remote link IPv6 address";
           leaf remote-interface-identifier {
             type uint32;
             description "Remote interface identifier";
         container Type-K {
             "Segment declared by IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as
             Local, Remote pair for SRv6";
           leaf local-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment local IPv6 adjacency address";
           leaf remote-ipv6-address {
             type inet:ipv6-address;
             description "Segment remote IPv6 adjacency address";
       } // srv6

       leaf validate {
         type boolean;
         default 'false';
           "Indicates whether the segment should be validated.
           The default applies to all segments other than the first
           segment. For the first segment, validation is always done.";

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     grouping segment-properties {
         "SR segment properties grouping";
       uses segment_config;

     grouping attributes {
         "Grouping containing attributes applicable to all SR policies";

       container attributes {
           "Attributes applicable to SR policies";

         /*      uses srlg;
                 uses affinity-mapping;
          */ // TODO: Beyond the scope of this model
         uses segment-lists;
         uses explicit-binding-sid-rules;

     grouping segment-lists {
         "Segment lists grouping";
       container segment-lists {
         description "Segment-lists properties";

         list segment-list {
           key "name";
           description "Segment-list properties";
           leaf name {
             type string;
             description "Segment-list name";
           container segments {
               "Segments for given segment list";

             list segment {
               key "index";
               description "Configure Segment/hop at the index";
               uses segment-properties;

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     grouping binding-sid_config {
         "Binding SID configuration properties grouping";
       leaf dataplane {
         type sr-policy-types:dataplane-type;
         description "Binding SID dataplane type";
       leaf value {
         type sr-policy-types:sid-value-type;
         description "Binding SID value";

       container srv6 {
         description "SRv6 BSID";

         leaf locator-name {
           type string;
           // type srv6-types:locator-name-type;
           description "Locator name used to allocate SRv6 binding SID";
         uses srv6-types:srv6-sid-type-b-config;

     grouping forwarding-counters {
         "Grouping for counters";
       container counters {
         config false;
           "Counters containing stats related to forwarding";

         leaf pkts {
           type yang:counter64;
           description "Number of packets forwarded";
         leaf octets {
           type yang:counter64;
           units "byte";
           description "Number of bytes forwarded";

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     grouping binding-sid_state {
         "Binding SID state properties grouping";
       leaf alloc-mode {
         type sr-policy-types:binding-sid-alloc-mode;
         config false;
         description "Binding SID type";
       leaf allocated-sid {
         type sr-policy-types:sid-value-type;
         config false;
         description "Allocated SID value for the Binding SID";
       leaf oper-state {
         type sr-policy-types:binding-sid-oper-state;
         config false;
           "Binding SID operational state";

     grouping binding-sid-properties {
         "Binding SID properties grouping";
       container binding-sid {
         description "Binding Segment ID";
         uses binding-sid_config;
         uses binding-sid_state;

     grouping mpls-label-stack {
         "Grouping for MPLS label stack";

       list labels {
         key "index";
           "Stack containing MPLS labels";

         leaf index {
           type uint32;
           description "A unique ID of an MPLS label in labels list";
         leaf label {
           type rt-types:mpls-label;
             "MPLS label value";

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     grouping srv6-sid-stack {
         "Grouping for SRv6 label stack";

       list sids {
         key "index";
           "Stack containing SRv6 SIDs";

         leaf index {
           type uint32;
           description "A unique ID of an SRv6 sid in sid list";
         leaf sid {
           type srv6-types:srv6-sid;
             "SRv6 sid value";

     grouping path-forwarding_state {
       description "Policy Forwarding path information";
       leaf path-id {
         type uint8;
         description "Primary path id";
       leaf next-hop-address {
         type inet:ip-address;
         description "Nexthop address";
       leaf next-hop-table-id {
         type uint32;
         description "Table ID for nexthop address";
       leaf interface {
         type if:interface-ref;
         description "Outgoing interface handle";
       container sid-list {
           "Outgoing sid stack";
         choice dataplanetype {

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             "Outgoing sids dataplane choice";
           case mpls {
             uses mpls-label-stack;
           case srv6 {
             uses srv6-sid-stack;
       leaf is-protected {
         type boolean;
         description "Is this path protected ?";
       leaf is-pure-backup {
         type boolean;
         description "Is this path a pure backup ?";
       leaf backup-path-id {
         type uint8;
         description "Backup path id";
       leaf weight {
         type uint32;
         description "Path's weight for W-ECMP balancing";

     grouping cpath-cmn-properties {
         "Common properties of the candidate path";

       leaf is-active {
         type boolean;
         config false;
           "True if the candidate path is valid and used to forward
           traffic, False otherwise";

       leaf is-valid {
         type boolean;
         config false;
           "True if at least one segment-list is valid,
           False otherwise";

       container forwarding-paths {

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         config false;
           "Forwarding state of paths";
         list forwarding-path {
           key "path-id";
           description "Forwarding path";
           uses path-forwarding_state;

     grouping explicit-path-properties {
         "Explicit path properties of the candidate path";
       container segment-lists {
           "Path segment list(s) properties";
         list segment-list {
           key "name-ref";
           description "SR policy candidate path segment lists";

           leaf name-ref {
             type leafref {
               path "/rt:routing/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
                 + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
                 + "sr-policy:attributes/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-lists/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-list/"
                 + "sr-policy:name";
             description "Reference to segment-list name";
           leaf weight {
             type uint32;
             default 1;
             description "Segment-list weighted loadshare";
           leaf is-valid {
             type boolean;
             config false;
               "True if the segment-list is valid, False otherwise";

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     grouping affinity-mapping {
       description "Affinity-map grouping";

       container affinity-map {
           "Mapping of affinity names to bit position";
         list affinity {
           key "name";
           unique "bit-position";
           leaf name {
             type string;
               "Name of the affinity";
           leaf bit-position {
             type uint16;
               "The affinity entry in this list is mapped to the this
               bit-position in the affinity bitmap";

           description "Affinity";

     grouping srlg {
       description "SRLG grouping";

       container srlgs {
         description "SRLG";
         list srlg {
           key "name";

           leaf name {
             type string;
               "Name of the SRLG";

           leaf description {
             type string;
               "Description of the SRLG";
           leaf value {
             type uint32;
             mandatory true;

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               "The associated value (for advertisements etc.) ";

           description "SRLG";

     grouping cpath-optimization-objs {
       description "Candidate-path optimization objective grouping";

       container optimization-objectives {
           "Optimization objectives for the dynamic path computation";
         container minimize-metric {
           description "The metric for which the path is optimized";
           leaf metric-type {
             type sr-policy-types:metric-type;
             description "Metric type";

           container margin {
               "The margin by which two paths with similar metric-type
               would be considered equal";
             leaf type {
               type sr-policy-types:margin-type;
               description "Margin type";
             leaf value {
               type uint32;
               description "Margin value";
             leaf computed-value {
               config false;BSID";

         leaf locator-name {
           type string;
           // type srv6-types:locator-name-type;
           description "Locator name used to allocate SRv6 binding SID";
         uses srv6-types:srv6-sid-type-b-config;

     grouping forwarding-counters {

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         "Grouping for counters";
       container counters {
         config false;
           "Counters containing stats related to forwarding";

         leaf pkts {
           type yang:counter64;
           description "Number of packets forwarded";
         leaf octets {
           type yang:counter64;
           units "byte";
           description "Number of bytes forwarded";

     grouping binding-sid_state {
         "Binding SID state properties grouping";
       leaf alloc-mode {
         type sr-policy-types:binding-sid-alloc-mode;
         config false;
         description "Binding SID type";
       leaf allocated-sid {
         type sr-policy-types:sid-value-type;
         config false;
         description "Allocated SID value for the Binding SID";
       leaf oper-state {
         type sr-policy-types:binding-sid-oper-state;
         config false;
           "Binding SID operational state";

     grouping binding-sid-properties {
         "Binding SID properties grouping";
       container binding-sid {
         description "Binding Segment ID";
         uses binding-sid_config;
         uses binding-sid_state;

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     grouping mpls-label-stack {
         "Grouping for MPLS label stack";

       list labels {
         key "index";
           "Stack containing MPLS labels";

         leaf index {
           type uint32;
           description "A unique ID of an MPLS label in labels list";
         leaf label {
           type rt-types:mpls-label;
             "MPLS label value";

     grouping srv6-sid-stack {
         "Grouping for SRv6 label stack";

       list sids {
         key "index";
           "Stack containing SRv6 SIDs";

         leaf index {
           type uint32;
           description "A unique ID of an SRv6 sid in sid list";
         leaf sid {
           type srv6-types:srv6-sid;
             "SRv6 sid value";

     grouping path-forwarding_state {
       description "Policy Forwarding path information";
       leaf path-id {
         type uint8;
         description "Primary path id";

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       leaf next-hop-address {
         type inet:ip-address;
         description "Nexthop address";
       leaf next-hop-table-id {
         type uint32;
         description "Table ID for nexthop address";
       leaf interface {
         type if:interface-ref;
         description "Outgoing interface handle";
       container sid-list {
           "Outgoing sid stack";
         choice dataplanetype {
             "Outgoing sids dataplane choice";
           case mpls {
             uses mpls-label-stack;
           case srv6 {
             uses srv6-sid-stack;
       leaf is-protected {
         type boolean;
         description "Is this path protected ?";
       leaf is-pure-backup {
         type boolean;
         description "Is this path a pure backup ?";
       leaf backup-path-id {
         type uint8;
         description "Backup path id";
       leaf weight {
         type uint32;
         description "Path's weight for W-ECMP balancing";

     grouping cpath-cmn-properties {
         "Common properties of the candidate path";

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       leaf is-active {
         type boolean;
         config false;
           "True if the candidate path is valid and used to forward
           traffic, False otherwise";

       leaf is-valid {
         type boolean;
         config false;
           "True if at least one segment-list is valid,
           False otherwise";

       container forwarding-paths {
           "Forwarding state of paths";

         config false;

         list forwarding-path {
           key "path-id";
           description "Forwarding path";
           uses path-forwarding_state;

     grouping explicit-path-properties {
         "Explicit path properties of the candidate path";
       container segment-lists {
           "Path segment list(s) properties";
         list segment-list {
           key "name-ref";
           description "SR policy candidate path segment lists";

           leaf name-ref {
             type leafref {
               path "/rt:routing/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
                 + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
                 + "sr-policy:attributes/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-lists/"
                 + "sr-policy:segment-list/"

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                 + "sr-policy:name";
             description "Reference to segment-list name";
           leaf weight {
             type uint32;
             default 1;
             description "Segment-list weighted loadshare";
           leaf is-valid {
             type boolean;
             config false;
               "True if the segment-list is valid, False otherwise";

     grouping affinity-mapping {
       description "Affinity-map grouping";

       container affinity-map {
           "Mapping of affinity names to bit position";
         list affinity {
           key "name";
           unique "bit-position";
           leaf name {
             type string;
               "Name of the affinity";
           leaf bit-position {
             type uint16;
               "The affinity entry in this list is mapped to the this
               bit-position in the affinity bitmap";

           description "Affinity";

     grouping srlg {
       description "SRLG grouping";

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       container srlgs {
         description "SRLG";
         list srlg {
           key "name";

           leaf name {
             type string;
               "Name of the SRLG";

           leaf description {
             type string;
               "Description of the SRLG";
           leaf value {
             type uint32;
             mandatory true;
               "The associated value (for advertisements etc.) ";

           description "SRLG";

     grouping cpath-optimization-objs {
       description "Candidate-path optimization objective grouping";

       container optimization-objectives {
           "Optimization objectives for the dynamic path computation";
         container minimize-metric {
           description "The metric for which the path is optimized";
           leaf metric-type {
             type sr-policy-types:metric-type;
             description "Metric type";

           container margin {
               "The margin by which two paths with similar metric-type
               would be considered equal";
             leaf type {
               type sr-policy-types:margin-type;
               description "Margin type";

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             leaf value {
               type uint32;
               description "Margin value";
             leaf computed-value {
               type uint32;
               config false;
               description "Computed metric value";

     grouping cpath-constraints {
       description "Candidate-path constraints grouping";

       container constraints {
         description "Constraints for the dynamic path computation";

         container srlg { // the rule applies per link
           description "SRLG constraints on the computed dynamic path";

           leaf-list exclude-any {
             type string;
               "The link is excluded if it has any of these SRLG.";
           leaf-list include-any {
             type string;
               "The link is accepted if it has any of these SRLG";

           leaf-list include-all {
             type string;
               "The link is accepted if it has all these SRLG";

         container affinity {  // the rule applies per link
             "Affinity constraints on the computed dynamic path";

           leaf-list exclude-any {
             type string;

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               "The link is excluded if it has any of these affinities."

           leaf-list include-any {
             type string;
               "The link is accepted if it has any of these affinities";
           leaf-list include-all {
             type string;
               "The link is accepted if it has all these affinities";

         container ip-address {
           // the rule applies to e2e path and not per link
             "IP address constraints on the computed dynamic path";

           leaf-list exclude {
             type inet:ip-address;
               "Must exclude the links that has any of these IP
           leaf-list include-any {
             type inet:ip-address;
               "Must include atleast 1 link (or possibly more) with any
               of these IP addresses.";
           leaf-list include-all {
             type inet:ip-address;
               "Must include all the links that have any of these IP

         container upper-bounds {
             "Upper-bound constraints on the computed dynamic path";

           container cumulative-metric {

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               "Path is invalid if its metric exceeds this value";

             leaf metric-type {
               type sr-policy-types:metric-type;
               description "Metric type";

             leaf value { type uint32; description "Cumulative value"; }

           leaf max-sids {
             type uint32;
               "Path is invalid if it has more SIDs than this value";

         container segment-rules {
             "Constraints on the segments to be used in the path";
           leaf sid-algorithm {
             type sr-policy-types:sid-algorithm-type;
               "The prefix-sid algorithm to be used in

               path calculation";

           leaf sid-protection-eligibility {
             // currently applies to adj-sid segments only
             type sr-policy-types:sid-protection-eligibility-type;
             description "SID protection eligibility";

         container disjoint-path {
           description "Path disjointness constraints";

           leaf disjointness-type {
             type te-types:te-path-disjointness;
               "Type of disjointness computation used to find the path";

           leaf association-group-id {
             type uint16;
             mandatory true;
             description "Association group Id";

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           leaf association-source {
             type inet:ip-address;
             mandatory true;
             description "Association source address";

           leaf association-extended-id {
             type yang:hex-string;
               "Association extended identifier.";

         container bandwidth {
           description "Bandwidth constraints";

           leaf requested {
             type uint32;
               "Requested bandwidth expressed in bytes per second";
           leaf reserved {
             config false;
             type uint32;
               "Reserved bandwidth expressed in bytes per second";

         leaf max-sids {
           type uint32;
           description "Maximum number of SIDs in a segment-list";

     grouping dynamic-path-properties {
         "Dynamic path properties of the candidate path";
       container segment-list {
         leaf segment-list-dataplane-type {
           type sr-policy-types:dataplane-type;
           mandatory true;

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             "The dataplane type for the segment-list";
         leaf is-valid {
           type boolean;
           config false;
             "True if the segment-list is valid, False otherwise";

       uses cpath-optimization-objs;
       uses cpath-constraints;

     grouping composite-path-properties {
         "Composite path properties of the candidate path";

       container constituent-policies {
         description "Constituent SR policies";

         list constituent-policy {
           key "color";
           description "List of constituent SR policies";

           leaf color {
             type sr-policy-types:color-type;
               "Color associated with the constituent policy
               (the endpoint is same as the parent policy)";
           leaf weight {
             type uint32;
             default 1;
             description "Constituent policy weighted loadshare";

     grouping candidate-path_state {
         "Candidate path state properties grouping";
       leaf is-best-candidate-path {
         type boolean;
         default 'false';
         config false;

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           "True if the candidate path is the best candidate path,
           False otherwise";
       leaf non-selection-reason {
         type identityref {
           base sr-policy-types:candidate-path-not-selected-reason;
         config false;
           "Candidate path not selected reason";

     grouping policy-properties_config {
         "SR policy configuration grouping";
       leaf name {
         type sr-policy-types:name-type;
         description "SR policy name";
       leaf color {
         type sr-policy-types:color-type;
         description "Color associated with the policy";
       leaf endpoint {
         type inet:ip-address;
         description "Policy end point IP address";
       leaf description {
         type string;
         description "Description of the policy";
       leaf admin-state {
         type sr-policy-types:policy-admin-state;
         default 'UP';
           "SR policy administrative state, true for
           enabled, false for disabled";
       leaf priority {
         type uint8;
         default 128;
           "Priority considered when policy is recomputed due to
           topology changes";

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     grouping policy-properties_state {
         "SR policy property grouping";
       leaf oper-state {
         type sr-policy-types:policy-oper-state;
         config false;
           "SR policy operational state";
       leaf transition-count {
         type uint32;
         config false;
         description "Indicates number of up/down transitions";
       leaf up-time {
         type yang:date-and-time;
         config false;
         description "Policy up time in seconds";
       leaf down-time {
         type yang:date-and-time;
         config false;
         description "Policy down time in seconds";

     grouping policy-properties {
         "SR policy properties";
       uses policy-properties_config;
       uses policy-properties_state;
       uses binding-sid-properties;
       uses forwarding-counters;

     grouping candidate-path-type {
       description "Candidate path type grouping";
       choice type {
           "Type of candidate paths";
         case explicit {
             "Candidate path with explicitly defined set/s of
           uses explicit-path-properties;
         case dynamic {

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             "Candidate path with dynamic computed segment-lists";
           uses dynamic-path-properties;
         case composite {
             "Candidate path that groups SR policies each with explicit
             and/or dynamic candidate path with potentially different
             optimization objectives and constraints";
           uses composite-path-properties;


     grouping candidate-paths {
       description "SR policy candidate path grouping";
       container candidate-paths {
         description "SR policy candidate path(s) ";

         list candidate-path {
           key "protocol-origin originator-asn originator-node-address
           unique "preference";

           description "SR policy Candidate path(s) list entry";

           leaf protocol-origin {
             type identityref {
               base sr-policy-types:protocol-origin-type;
               "Instantiation mechanism used to create the candidate
           leaf originator-asn {
             type uint32;
               "The autonomous system number (ASN) of the provisioning
               node. If 2-byte ASNs are in use, the low-order 16 bits
               MUST be used, and the high-order bits MUST be set to 0";
           leaf originator-node-address {
             type sr-policy-types:node-address-type;
               "represented as a 128-bit value. IPv4 addresses MUST be
               encoded in the lowest 32 bits, and the high-order bits
               MUST be set to 0";

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           leaf discriminator {
             type uint32;
             description "Candidate path distinguisher";
           leaf preference {
             type uint32 {
               range "1..65535";
             mandatory true;
             description "Candidate path preference";
           leaf name {
             type string;
             description "Candidate path name";
           leaf description {
             type string;
             description "Candidate path description";
           leaf drop-upon-invalid {
             type boolean;
             description "Enable traffic dropping when LSP is invalid";
           leaf admin-state {
             type boolean;
             description "Shutdown the candidate-path";
           container binding-sid {
             if-feature capability-candidate-path-binding-sid;
               "Binding segment ID";
             uses binding-sid_config;

           uses candidate-path-type;
           uses candidate-path_state;
           uses cpath-cmn-properties;

     grouping policies {
       description "SR policy grouping";
       container policies {
         description "SR Policy container";

         list policy {
           key "color endpoint";

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           unique "name";

           description "SR Policy properties";

           uses policy-properties;
           uses candidate-paths;

     grouping explicit-binding-sid-rules {
         "Grouping for explicit binding sid rules";

       list explicit-binding-sid-rules {
         key "index";
           "Explicit binding sid rules applicable for all policies";
         leaf index {
           type uint32;
           description "Explicit binding SID rules list index";
         leaf rule {
           type sr-policy-types:explicit-binding-sid-rule-type;
           mandatory true;
           description "Explicit binding sid rule";

     augment "/rt:routing" {
         "This augments routing-instance configuration with
         segment-routing sr-policy.";
       container segment-routing {
         description "Main segment routing container";
         container traffic-engineering {
           description "Traffic-engineering container";

           uses attributes;

           uses policies;

     /* Notifications */

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     notification sr-policy-oper-state-change-event {
         "Notification event when the operational state of the SR policy

       leaf policy-name-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:name";
         description "Reference to sr-policy name";

       leaf policy-color-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:color";
         description "Reference to sr-policy color";

       leaf policy-endpoint-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:endpoint";
         description "Reference to sr-policy endpoint";

       leaf policy-new-oper-state  {
         type sr-policy-types:policy-oper-state;
         description "New operational state of the SR policy";

       leaf policy-down-reason {
         type identityref {

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           base sr-policy-types:policy-down-reason;
           "Down reason if the SR policy's new operational state is

     notification sr-policy-candidate-path-change-event {
         "Notification event when candidate path changes for SR policy";

       leaf policy-name-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:name";
         description "Reference to sr-policy name";

       leaf policy-color-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:color";
         description "Reference to sr-policy color";

       leaf policy-endpoint-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:endpoint";
         description "Reference to sr-policy endpoint";

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       leaf existing-preference {
         type uint32;
         description "Existing candidate path preference";

       leaf new-preference {
         type uint32;
         description "New candidate path preference";

     notification sr-policy-binding-sid-unavailable-event {
         "Notification event when the binding sid of sr-policy is

       leaf policy-name-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:name";
         description "Reference to sr-policy name";

       leaf policy-color-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:color";
         description "Reference to sr-policy color";

       leaf policy-endpoint-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:endpoint";

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         description "Reference to sr-policy endpoint";

       leaf policy-binding-sid-value-ref {
         if-feature capability-candidate-path-binding-sid;
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:binding-sid/"
             + "sr-policy:value";
         description "Reference to sr-policy binding-sid value";

       leaf reason {
         type identityref {
           base sr-policy-types:binding-sid-unavailable-reason;
           "Reason why the binding sid is unavailable";

     notification sr-policy-candidate-path-binding-sid-mismatch-event {
         "Notification event when binding sid of requested candidate
         path is different from the binding sid of the existing
         candidate path";

       leaf policy-color-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:color";
         description "Reference to sr-policy color";

       leaf policy-endpoint-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"

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             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:endpoint";
         description "Reference to sr-policy endpoint";

       leaf existing-candidate-path-protocol-origin-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-paths/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-path/"
             + "sr-policy:protocol-origin";
           "Reference to existing candidate path protocol origin";

       leaf existing-candidate-path-preference-ref {
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-paths/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-path/"
             + "sr-policy:preference";
         description "Reference to existing candidate path preference";

       leaf existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane-ref {
         if-feature capability-candidate-path-binding-sid;
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-paths/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-path/"

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             + "sr-policy:binding-sid/"
             + "sr-policy:dataplane";
           "Reference to existing candidate path binding sid dataplane

       leaf existing-candidate-path-binding-sid-value-ref {
         if-feature capability-candidate-path-binding-sid;
         type leafref {
           path "/rt:routing/"
             + "sr-policy:segment-routing/"
             + "sr-policy:traffic-engineering/"
             + "sr-policy:policies/"
             + "sr-policy:policy/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-paths/"
             + "sr-policy:candidate-path/"
             + "sr-policy:binding-sid/"
             + "sr-policy:value";
           "Reference to existing candidate path binding sid value";

       leaf conflicting-candidate-path-protocol-origin {
         type uint8;
         description "Conflicting candidate path protocol origin";

       leaf conflicting-candidate-path-preference {
         type uint32;
         description "Conflicting candidate path preference";

       leaf conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-dataplane {
         type sr-policy-types:dataplane-type;
           "Conflicting candidate path binding sid dataplane type";

       leaf conflicting-candidate-path-binding-sid-value {
         type sr-policy-types:sid-value-type;
         description "Conflicting candidate path binding sid value";

     /* Features */

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     feature capability-candidate-path-binding-sid {
         "This feature enables the capability of specifying binding-sid
         for a candidate path.";

                       Figure 5: ietf-sr-policy.yang

8.  Security Considerations

   The configuration, state, and notification data defined using YANG
   data models in this document are likely to be accessed via the
   protocols such as NETCONF [RFC6241] etc.

   Hence, YANG implementations MUST comply with the security
   requirements specified in section 15 of [RFC6020].  Additionally,
   NETCONF implementations MUST comply with the security requirements
   specified in sections 2.2, 2.3 and 9 of [RFC6241] as well as section
   3.7 of [RFC8341].

9.  IANA Considerations

   This document requests the registration of the following URIs in the
   IETF "XML registry" [RFC3688]:

    | URI                                              |Registrant|XML|
    | urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sr-policy-types |The IESG  |N/A|
    | urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sr-policy       |The IESG  |N/A|

                                  Table 2

   This document requests the registration of the following YANG modules
   in the "YANG Module Names" registry [RFC6020]:

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   |Name    | Namespace                         | Prefix  | Reference |
   |ietf-sr-| urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf- | sr-     | This      |
   |policy- | sr-policy-types                   | policy- | document  |
   |types   |                                   | types   |           |
   |ietf-sr-| urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf- | sr-     | This      |
   |policy  | sr-policy                         | policy  | document  |

                                 Table 3

10.  Acknowledgments

   The authors of this document/YANG model would like to acknowledge the
   contributions/reviews by Johnson Thomas, Clarence Filsfils, Siva
   Sivabalan, Tarek Saad, Kris Michielsen, Dhanendra Jain, Ketan
   Talaulikar, Bhupendra Yadav, and Bruno Decraene.

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3688]  Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004,

   [RFC6020]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for
              the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010,

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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   [RFC8341]  Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration
              Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018,

   [RFC8342]  Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Shafer, P., Watsen, K.,
              and R. Wilton, "Network Management Datastore Architecture
              (NMDA)", RFC 8342, DOI 10.17487/RFC8342, March 2018,

   [RFC8402]  Filsfils, C., Ed., Previdi, S., Ed., Ginsberg, L.,
              Decraene, B., Litkowski, S., and R. Shakir, "Segment
              Routing Architecture", RFC 8402, DOI 10.17487/RFC8402,
              July 2018, <>.

   [RFC8407]  Bierman, A., "Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of
              Documents Containing YANG Data Models", BCP 216, RFC 8407,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8407, October 2018,

   [RFC9256]  Filsfils, C., Talaulikar, K., Ed., Voyer, D., Bogdanov,
              A., and P. Mattes, "Segment Routing Policy Architecture",
              RFC 9256, DOI 10.17487/RFC9256, July 2022,

11.2.  Informative References

              Previdi, S., Filsfils, C., Talaulikar, K., Mattes, P., and
              D. Jain, "Advertising Segment Routing Policies in BGP",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-idr-segment-
              routing-te-policy-26, 23 October 2023,

Appendix A.  Contributors

   Robert Sawaya Cisco Systems Email:

Authors' Addresses

   Kamran Raza (editor)
   Cisco Systems

   Tarik Saleh
   Cisco Systems

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   Zhuang Shunwan
   Huawei Technologies

   Daniel Voyer
   Bell Canada

   Muhammad Durrani

   Satoru Matsushima

   Vishnu Pavan Beeram
   Juniper Networks

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