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Transport and Services Working Group (tsvwg)

WG Name Transport and Services Working Group
Acronym tsvwg
Area Web and Internet Transport (wit)
State Active
Charter charter-ietf-tsvwg-07 Approved
Status update Show Changed 2019-02-05
Document dependencies
Additional resources GitHub
Issue tracker
Zulip Stream
Personnel Chairs Gorry Fairhurst, Marten Seemann
Area Director Zaheduzzaman Sarker
Mailing list Address
To subscribe
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

The Transport and Services Working Group (TSVWG) is the forum for development and publication of RFCs dealing with transport-layer topics that are not in scope of an existing working group or do not justify the formation of a new working group.

A non-exhaustive list of transport topics includes mechanisms that deal with packetization and reassembly, ports, maximum transmission unit discovery, reordering, congestion control, loss detection and recovery, queue management, explicit congestion notification, multihoming, stream multiplexing, and quality of service (including DSCP and RSVP). Transport-layer protocols include TCP, QUIC, SCTP, UDP, and DCCP. TSVWG maintains these protocols and mechanisms in the absence of a specialized working group.

The TSVWG mailing list is an open discussion forum for such work items, when they arise. The working group meets if there are active proposals that require discussion. The working group milestones are updated as needed to reflect the current work items and their associated milestones, with the approval of the responsible AD.

The currently active TSVWG work items mostly fall under the following topics:

(A) Maintenance and extension of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP), as these do not have dedicated working groups.

(B) Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN), as the working group improves existing directives for tunnelling and observes the recently launched experiment with Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S).

(C) Maintenance of IP Differentiated Services (DiffServ) mechanisms, which involves mostly advisory documents on the use of DiffServ in specific application scenarios. Other work items related to DiffServ require Area Director approval.

Work in TSVWG must satisfy four conditions:
(1) WG consensus on the suitability and projected quality of the proposed work item.
(2) A core group of WG participants with sufficient energy and expertise to advance the work item according to the proposed schedule.
(3) Commitment from the WG as a whole to provide sufficient and timely review of the proposed work item.
(4) Agreement by the AD, who, depending on the scope of the proposed work item, may decide that an IESG review of adoption is needed first.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Mar 2025 Submit "DTLS over SCTP" as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-dtls-over-sctp-bis
Mar 2025 Submit "Authenticated Chunks for the SCTP" as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc4895-bis
Dec 2024 Submit "User Ports for Experiments " for publication as a Proposed Standard RFC. draft-ietf-tsvwg-usr-exp
Nov 2024 Submit "Operational Guidance for Deployment of L4S in the Internet" as an Informational RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-l4sops
Jul 2024 Submit "Careful convergence of congestion control from retained state" for publication as a Proposed Standard RFC. draft-ietf-tsvwg-careful-resume
Dec 2023 Submit "A Non-Queue-Building Per-Hop Behavior (NQB PHB) for Differentiated Services" as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-nqb
Dec 2023 Submit " Transport Options for UDP" as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options
Dec 2023 Submit "Datagram PLPMTUD for UDP Options" for publication as a Proposed Standard RFC. draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options-dplpmtud

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submit " DCCP Extensions for Multipath Operation with Multiple Addresses" as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-multipath-dccp
Done Submit 'Guidelines for Adding Congestion Notification to Protocols that Encapsulate IP' as a BCP RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-encap-guidelines
Done Submit 'Propagating Explicit Congestion Notification Across IP Tunnel Headers Separated by a Shim' as a Proposed Standard RFC draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim