

Fertigung für Verteidigung und Raumfahrt

Düsseldorf, Nordrhein Westfalen 236.247 Follower:innen



Die börsennotierte Rheinmetall AG mit Sitz in Düsseldorf steht als integrierter Technologiekonzern für ein ebenso substanzstarkes wie international erfolgreiches Unternehmen, das mit einem innovativen Produkt- und Leistungsspektrum auf unterschiedlichen Märkten aktiv ist. Rheinmetall ist ein führendes internationales Systemhaus der Verteidigungsindustrie und zugleich Treiber zukunftsweisender technologischer und industrieller Innovationen auf den zivilen Märkten. Die Ausrichtung auf Nachhaltigkeit ist integraler Bestandteil der Rheinmetall-Strategie. Bis 2035 will das Unternehmen CO2-Neutralität erreichen. Durch unsere Arbeit auf unterschiedlichen Feldern übernehmen wir bei Rheinmetall Verantwortung in einer sich dramatisch verändernden Welt. Mit unseren Technologien, unseren Produkten und Systemen schaffen wir die unverzichtbare Grundlage für Frieden, Freiheit und für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Sicherheit. Informationen zu Ihren Karrieremöglichkeiten finden Sie unter: www.rheinmetall.com/karriere IMPRESSUM https://www.rheinmetall.com/Impressum-Datenschutz DATENSCHUTZ: https://rheinmetall.com/de/rheinmetall_ag/service/datenschutz_socialmedia/index.php

Fertigung für Verteidigung und Raumfahrt
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Düsseldorf, Nordrhein Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Technologie, Technology, Automotive, Automobilzulieferer, Mobilität, Umweltschonende Mobilität, Nachhaltige Mobilität, Mobility, Sensors, Actuators, Materials, Trade, Motorservice, Kolbenschmidt, Pierburg, Security, Threat-appropriate security technology, tanks, psa, Persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Rüstung, Verteidigung, bedrohungsgerechte Sicherheitstechnik, Sicherheitstechnik, Weapon, Ammunition, Weapon and Ammunition, Electronic Solutions, Cyber Security, Information Technology, IT, Vehicle Systems, Vehicles, Wehrtechnik, Heerestechnik, Defence, Military Engineering, Top Employer und Top Arbeitgeber


Beschäftigte von Rheinmetall


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    As an employer, it is important for us to support and train our employees in dealing with diversity in their daily work. The result is equal opportunities for all. Carina Sembritzki, who has been working in our Internal Audit team at Rheinmetall since 2021, is part of our diverse team. Since the age of two, she has been severely handicapped by hearing loss bordering on deafness. She is open about her disability and draws conclusions that are important for everyone. "Of course, there are situations in everyday life where I have to overcome special challenges. These include conversations with a lot of background noise, such as in the cafeteria or on the phone abroad. However, I never see this as something negative, but rather as "something" that can teach you a lot about yourself and other people. I always remind myself that my hearing loss is not as present and obvious to others as it is to me. It helps to be extra open about it and also leads to nice and interesting conversations. That gives you self-confidence and self-awareness. Rheinmetall has a very liberal approach to this issue. During the hiring process, employees were only asked what they needed to do their jobs properly. This includes a headset and an office with no background noise. "To be honest, it was never an issue otherwise," she says. "Owning up to your disability also means owning up to yourself. You can only be helped if you are open about what you need.This is the prerequisite for finding solutions.If you don't hear well or can't follow a conversation, it's helpful to make people aware of that and communicate it openly. People are more aware of me and speak louder and slower, for example, which has a very positive effect on me because it makes my everyday life easier.And as mentioned above, overcoming difficult situations brings a lot of self-confidence and self-assurance". She does not (yet) see a real "corporate culture for people with severe disabilities" at Rheinmetall. Although it is known that there are representatives for severely disabled employees within the prescribed framework, few details are known beyond that. Christian Schulte, Senior Expert Diversity at Rheinmetall, has set himself the task of changing this."I believe that much more can be done here. Both internally and externally in terms of communication, but also in terms of substance." Carina Sembritzki has a lot of ideas."A common network, exchange of ideas, mutual support, maybe even a buddy for newcomers and so on... I have a lot of ideas!" Her hearing loss does not define her limits, but her possibilities. She has learned to be proud of her individuality and to go her own way with confidence.  We will support her if necessary. And with this interview, she will hopefully inspire many people, both inside and outside Rheinmetall, to follow their own path openly and confidently. Learn more on the Rheinmetall website: https://lnkd.in/e7FnqGwu #rheinmetall #inclusion #respect

    • The image shows Carina Sembritzki, Internal Auditor at Rheinmetall, standing in an office. She is quoted as saying: "My hearing loss is not a weakness, but a strength. It has taught me to be open and self-confident and shows that being different is not a negative thing - it is a source of pride and strength."
  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    Meet Rheinmetall’s latest evolution of tactical recovery trucks: The HX 8x8 based wrecker offers an unrivalled combination of tactical chassis and high-end recovery capabilities.   Available in various configurations from 6x6 to 10x10, the family is designed to recover and tow light to heavy trucks, armored wheeled and tracked vehicles.   Lifting, winching, towing – the HX is taking you there, getting the job done, backed by a unique blend of best in class recovery capabilities and a proven global track record. https://lnkd.in/exMPmqa8 #Rheinmetall #HX #recovery #tactical #trucks

  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    Rheinmetall has finalized a framework-contract with the Bundeswehr concerning the delivery of 70mm-practice rockets. The German Armed Forces want to procure rockets with a possible order value of over €100m. An initial order worth a mid-double-digit million euro amount was booked in the second quarter of 2024. It is foreseen to deliver the pilot lot in 2024. Upon acceptance of the delivery, the serial production will commence between 2025 and 2029. Concerning the development, qualification and production of the unguided 70mm-rockets, Rheinmetall cooperates with the Belgian subsidiary FZ of the Thales Group. The rockets are also in use as armament of the combat helicopter Tiger. The helicopter can fire the unguided rockets out of a firing pod for possible engagements at infantry targets, positions or unprotected and lightly armoured vehicles. The now ordered practice-rockets allow combat helicopter crews to operate in realistic training scenarios. Once more, the newly placed commissions underline Rheinmetall’s leading technological position for munition development and production in Europe. https://lnkd.in/ghmnZxEY #Rheinmetall

    Missile Framework-contract for Rheinmetall:  Bundeswehr orders 70mm-practice rockets for combat  helicopters

    Missile Framework-contract for Rheinmetall: Bundeswehr orders 70mm-practice rockets for combat helicopters


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    With its turbochargers under the turbo by Intec brand, Motorservice offers high-quality replacement part solutions for any vehicle application. Each turbocharger is completely dismantled and cleaned with great care. All individual parts are checked to determine whether they can be reused – which conserves natural resources and protects the environment. 🌱 🌍 #aftermarket #motorservice #rheinmetall

  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    750 women, one mission: Our women@Rheinmetall network wants to actively help shape the future of Rheinmetall – with project ideas from within the community.  The mission of the community is clearly defined for the next few years: To create a space where the femininity and potential of every person is seen as a key contribution to Rheinmetall’s business success. Today you can read why Michaela Neues joined the core team of women@Rheinmetall. Michaela Neues from Recruitment has been a member of the community since 2018. Neues first heard about women@Rheinmetall from her manager Monica Wertheim, who has brought women@Rheinmetall to life. She was a believer from the start and especially enjoyed the virtual events. “I remember ‘Talk & Learns’ with a lot of inspiring women. Or all our virtual conferences with large numbers of participants. Seeing what so many women here have been able to achieve is frankly fantastic – for all employees, not just for women.” Neues has been working as the core team’s communications specialist for a year now. She can’t wait for the call for projects phase in June: “I’m so excited to see what kinds of ground-breaking project ideas our employees suggest and how we can make them a reality down the line.” Find out more about our shapers of change: https://lnkd.in/dmkGqfCK More insights into our women@Rheinmetall network: https://lnkd.in/eh_yty-s #womenatrheinmetall #rheinmetall #career #femaleempowerment #diversity

    Women@Rheinmetall - Shapers of Change

    Women@Rheinmetall - Shapers of Change


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

    236.247 Follower:innen

    750 women, one mission: Our women@Rheinmetall network wants to actively help shape the future of Rheinmetall – with project ideas from within the community.  The mission of the community is clearly defined for the next few years: To create a space where the femininity and potential of every person is seen as a key contribution to Rheinmetall’s business success. Today you can read why Michaela Neues joined the core team of women@Rheinmetall. Michaela Neues from Recruitment has been a member of the community since 2018. Neues first heard about women@Rheinmetall from her manager Monica Wertheim, who has brought women@Rheinmetall to life. She was a believer from the start and especially enjoyed the virtual events. “I remember ‘Talk & Learns' with a lot of inspiring women. Or all our virtual conferences with large numbers of participants. Seeing what so many women here have been able to achieve is frankly fantastic – for all employees, not just for women.” Neues has been working as the core team’s communications specialist for a year now. She can’t wait for the call for projects phase in June: “I’m so excited to see what kinds of ground-breaking project ideas our employees suggest and how we can make them a reality down the line.” Find out more about our shapers of change here: https://lnkd.in/dmkGqfCK More insights into our women@Rheinmetall network: https://lnkd.in/eh_yty-s #womenatrheinmetall #rheinmetall #career #femaleempowerment #diversity

    Women@Rheinmetall- Shapers of Change

    Women@Rheinmetall- Shapers of Change


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

    236.247 Follower:innen

    750 women, one mission: Our women@Rheinmetall network wants to actively help shape the future of Rheinmetall – with project ideas from within the community.  The mission of the community is clearly defined for the next few years: To create a space where the femininity and potential of every person is seen as a key contribution to Rheinmetall’s business success. Today you can read why Michaela Neues joined the core team of women@Rheinmetall. Michaela Neues from Recruitment has been a member of the community since 2018. Neues first heard about women@Rheinmetall from her manager Monica Wertheim, who has brought women@Rheinmetall to life. She was a believer from the start and especially enjoyed the virtual events. “I remember ‘Talk & Learns’ with a lot of inspiring women. Or all our virtual conferences with large numbers of participants. Seeing what so many women here have been able to achieve is frankly fantastic – for all employees, not just for women.” Neues has been working as the core team’s communications specialist for a year now. She can’t wait for the call for projects phase in June: “I’m so excited to see what kinds of ground-breaking project ideas our employees suggest and how we can make them a reality down the line.” Find out more about our shapers of change: https://lnkd.in/dmkGqfCK More insights into our women@Rheinmetall network: https://lnkd.in/eh_yty-s #womenatrheinmetall #rheinmetall #career #femaleempowerment #diversity

    Women@Rheinmetall - Shapers of Change

    Women@Rheinmetall - Shapers of Change


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    On 10 July 2024, Saxony's State Secretary Thomas Kralinski visited the production facility of Rheinmetall subsidiary Pierburg Pump Technology Ltd at its site in Hartha (Mittelsachsen district). Rheinmetall is planning to invest around €31m in this site to ensure production in the industrial sector even in times of transformation in the automotive industry towards modern, sustainable drive forms and “beyond automotive”. On the occasion of the visit, the State Secretary presented the company representatives with a funding notification totalling €7.66m. The funds are from the federal-state programme Joint Task for the Improvement of Regional Economic Structures (ger. Gemeinschaftsaufgabe Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur GRW). It was only in March 2024, that a new production hall was completed at the site for the production of innovative DC link capacitors, which are superior to standard market technologies thanks to their electrical properties and temperature stability. At the heart of these innovative capacitors are nano-layer units made of plastic and aluminium, which are to be manufactured on site in the future. This involves the development of brand new technologies, as the special high-vacuum chemical process and a product with a layer density of one thousandth of a millimetre constitute uncharted territory. It also requires close dialogue with other sites, experts from the joint venture partner PolyCharge in the USA and machine manufacturers. Once the current process for sample production has been completed this production line will be a ticket to the site's future. This is due to the capacitor’s capability of introducing an entirely new era in the electrification of the automotive and industrial markets, and is therefore one of Rheinmetall's most important strategic projects in the civil sector. Thomas Kralinski appreciates the innovative strength of the technology group and justifies the funding notification: “Pierburg Pump Technology has recognised the signs of the times. The company is acting foresightedly and is mastering the transformation of the supplier industry with clever concepts by broadening its base and tapping into new markets beyond the automotive sector with new technologies. I am delighted that our GRW funding is supporting this investment in rural areas and strengthening this traditional factory in the long run.” Christoph Müller (Division Head of Power Systems) is very delighted about the support by the Free State of Saxony and the personal visit of State Secretary Thomas Kralinski: “The site in Hartha has been in existence for over 100 years, and with Pierburg Pump Technology Ltd, has been an important part of the Read more... https://lnkd.in/gnhyGASD #Rheinmetall #Hartha #technology

    Saxon State Secretary for the Economy visits Rheinmetall's Pierburg Pump Technology site in Hartha

    Saxon State Secretary for the Economy visits Rheinmetall's Pierburg Pump Technology site in Hartha


  • Unternehmensseite von Rheinmetall anzeigen, Grafik

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    Blessed with great weather, Rheinmetall’s #RecoveryDays are in full swing. Delegations from nearly 20 nations have answered Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicle’s (#RMMV) call to learn about the latest evolution of #tactical #recovery #trucks based on the renowned #HX series. RMMV is dedicating an entire week to present with partners an unrivalled combination of tactical chassis and high-end recovery capabilities in parallel at two locations in Austria. From theory to actual lifting, winching, towing and driving in the challenging terrain of a gravel pit in the mountains. Available in various configurations from 6x6 to 10x10, the HX wreckers are designed to recover and tow light to heavy trucks, armoured wheeled and tracked vehicles. However, the lineup onsite is extending way beyond the HX family by including representatives of the #TGM, #TGS and #TGE militarized truck excellence as well as service, ambulance and Austrian Army #ÖBH logistic vehicles. #Rheinmetall #lifelinelogistics #handson #interoperability #bestinclass #takingresponsibility

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