
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia 295.913 Follower:innen


RWE ist Gestalter und Schrittmacher der grünen Energiewelt. Mit ihrer Investitions- und Wachstumsoffensive Growing Green trägt RWE maßgeblich zum Gelingen der Energiewende und zur Dekarbonisierung des Energiesystems bei. Für das Unternehmen arbeiten weltweit rund 20.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in fast 30 Ländern. Im Bereich Erneuerbare Energien ist RWE bereits heute eines der führenden Unternehmen. In den Jahren 2024 bis 2030 wird RWE weltweit 55 Milliarden Euro in Offshore- und Onshore-Wind, Solarenergie, Speichertechnologien, flexible Erzeugung und Wasserstoffprojekte investieren. Bis zum Ende der Dekade wächst das grüne Portfolio des Unternehmens auf mehr als 65 Gigawatt an Erzeugungskapazität. Es wird perfekt ergänzt um den globalen Energiehandel. RWE dekarbonisiert ihr Geschäft im Einklang mit dem 1,5-Grad-Reduktionspfad und steigt 2030 aus der Kohle aus. Bis 2040 wird RWE klimaneutral sein. Ganz im Sinne des Purpose – Our energy for a sustainable life.

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Power Generation, Renewable Energies, Gas Fleet, Energy Trading und Hydrogen


Beschäftigte von RWE


  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    Follow along to explore the exciting learning and development opportunities colleagues at RWE receive🌟 At RWE, we believe in the power of continuous learning to drive innovation and success. Keeping professional expertise up to date is key to long-term achievement 📚 Your energy has impact. Use it for good. Join #TeamRWE today #OurEnergyHasImpact #Hiring

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    It's a wrap on our latest international Floating Wind Deep Dive event in Stavanger, Norway! More than 50 delegates joined us for an educational workshop, focused on the technical and environmentalaspects of floating offshore wind, and an offshore visit to the Marine Energy Test Centre (METCentre) to see our TetraSpar Demonstrator in action! This event enabled these stakeholders to learn about this new innovative technology, with the aim of ensuring a collaborative approach to developing our floating wind projects and a better understanding to inform decision-making. Thank you to all who attended and shared their expertise in floating wind technology and environmental consenting processes!

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  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    It’s a first! We have been granted exclusive seabed rights for an offshore development project close to the Kent Islands in the Bass Strait, Australia’s first designated offshore wind zone. An exciting development which marks our entry into the country's offshore wind market. The lease we’ve been awarded can potentially host a wind farm with a capacity of up to 2 gigawatts. This would allow us to power the equivalent of up to 1.6 million Australian homes with green electricity. Subject to the planning and approvals process, secured offtake as well as grid connection, commissioning is expected in the first half of the 2030s.

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  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    Standing in awe of a turbine, a young Cornelia (Conny) thought, "Wow! I want to be part of this!" – the thrill of massive machines generating electricity sparked a dream.⚡️ At RWE, we celebrate mothers like Conny who chase those dreams and develop their leadership skills. Embracing the challenges of motherhood, Conny has thrived in her career thanks to our flexible work arrangements.  That initial spark propelled her to join the RWE graduate program at 27. From there, she explored different paths in Investor Relations and Consulting before finding her perfect fit in Renewables.  Read her story:    #TeamRWE #PowerLooksGoodOnYou #OurEnergyHasImpact 

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    Big news for hydrogen in Germany! We are excited to share that two of our large #hydrogen projects have been granted a total of over 619 million euros in funding by the German and state governments. The projects are our electrolyser plant for generating green hydrogen in Lingen and our hydrogen storage project in Gronau-Epe.   Additionally, an electrolyser project in Rostock, in which we are participating, has been granted 199 million euros.   This marks a milestone on the way towards industrial-scale hydrogen projects. We have laid the groundwork, now it’s time to get going.

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    A solar farm from sunrise to sunset – a constant shining light in the energy transition. We are already a major player in solar, operating plants all over the world, including in the U.S., Australia, and Germany. By 2030 we intend to grow our solar capacity to 16 GW. We're on a sunny journey – one solar farm at a time.

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    Batteries 🤝 Renewables expansion! On our battery projects, teamwork truly makes the dream work! Experts from various RWE operating companies combine their skills along the entire project chain to bring them to life. The battery development team handles planning, then the project management team leads construction. Once operational, the battery operation and maintenance team ensures reliability. Finally, our colleagues from Supply & Trading market our powerful battery solutions. Christian Jürgen Müller Christoph Kielhorn, Oliver Ghali, Michael Garasinski, Dr.-Ing. Lisa Willenberg 

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    Can’t make it as a pro cricketer🏏? The next obvious choice might just be one of our RWE Graduate Programmes. 🎓 Our programmes boast international rotations, fostering flexibility and a truly global perspective. Plus, you'll be welcomed by supportive and collaborative teams. Ready to join us as a graduate in Singapore? Your energy has impact. Use it for good. Join #TeamRWE today Sarthak Ranasaria #OurEnergyHasImpact #Hiring

  • Unternehmensseite von RWE anzeigen, Grafik

    295.913 Follower:innen

    We're going big: Our UK offshore wind farm Sofia, will be one of the largest wind farms in the world and a real biggie in terms of numbers. Once completed, 100 turbines will be up and running, each standing 252 meters tall! And what's more, Sofia will be located 195 km off the UK coast on a site that is 593 square kilometres in area. It will boast a capacity of 1.4 gigawatts and will be capable of powering up to 1.2 million UK homes. Commissioning is planned for 2026.

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