Vialto Partners Denmark

Vialto Partners Denmark

Virksomhedskonsulent og -tjenester

Om os

Vialto Partners is focused on transforming the global mobility ecosystem to support multinational organizations and their employees. The organization sparks growth and creates meaningful impact for businesses and individuals in more than 150 countries, supported by a team of over 6,000 dedicated immigration, tax, human resources and technology professionals. Vialto Partners offers clients: Tax solutions: Strategic tax planning, preparation and cross-border compliance services, including tax equalization and employment structures. Immigration services: Immigration-related consulting, processing and compliance services informed by knowledge of government regulations and rapidly changing immigration laws. Compensation and rewards: Integrated, end-to-end payroll and compensation management and reporting to ensure holistic global reporting, local compliance and overall cost-effectiveness. Dynamic work strategy and services: Design and implementation of real-time mobility strategies and services—from mobility managed services to remote work and business travel solutions. Vialto Partners is reimagining the future of global mobility, driving the mobility ecosystem forward to create a more connected, integrated and efficient supply chain to meet and exceed the evolving challenges and complexities of global workforce management. #vialtopartners

Virksomhedskonsulent og -tjenester
5.001 – 10.000 medarbejdere


Medarbejdere hos Vialto Partners Denmark


  • Congratulations to our new Graduates 🎓 We are proud of our Vialto Partners trainees who have successfully completed their master’s degrees this summer. ✅ Pernille Boesen - Københavns Universitet - University of CopenhagenVictoria Rasmussen - Copenhagen Business SchoolJacob Julius G. - Københavns Universitet - University of CopenhagenLaurits Skov Veileborg - Copenhagen Business SchoolAndreas O. Rønberg - Aarhus University Trainees at Vialto Partners have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the corporate world while enrolled in university. They provide invaluable assistance to their teams while contributing to the youthful atmosphere in the offices. From all of Vialto Partners DK - congratulations 🎉

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  • Election insights 💡 Prior to the EU Parliament Election in June, Vialto Partners shared insights on what this election may mean for mobility in the EU Member States. Read the full article here to learn how the EU parliamentary elections could lead to the rise of the Chief Mobility Officer: With the UK General Election being just around the corner, our UK team has prepared a thorough microsite where we follow the parties' campaigns and policy statements closely. They provide expert commentary and analysis, designed to help you and your colleagues position your organisation for the change ahead from a mobility perspective.    Visit the microsite here: #vialtopartners #globalmobility #EU #UK #GeneralElection #ParliamentElection

  • We recently shared the news of the Danish Parliament having adopted an amendment to the immigration law regarding the bank account requirements. Our immigration team followed the progress closely and was quick to publish a news alert summarising the changes the amendment brings. You can find the newsletter here: Now, our immigration lead, Julie Klint Torp,  has put the changes into some context and published an article in DANSK HRs 'HR-Chefen'. The article exemplifies how the amendment can be exploited by employers and make Denmark a destination for foreign workers. Read the full article below or find it in HR-Chefen 3rd edition 2024 (NB! The article is in Danish) Feel free to reach out to us for more information or questions. #globalmobility #vialtopartners #immigration

  • News alert📣 The Danish government proposes a new strategy for entrepreneurs. The Danish government has presented a new proposal with the aim of providing improved conditions and stronger support for start-ups and entrepreneurs in Denmark. The proposal covers 5 focus areas with a total of 41 initiatives. Amongst these are relevant changes to current taxation levels and capital requirements for start-ups and entrepreneurs. We will monitor the progression of this proposal closely. For questions or a deeper discussion on this matter, feel free to message us directly here on Linkedin or reach out to your usual point of contact at Vialto Partners.  #vialtopartners #globalmobility #entrepreneur #iværksætterudspil

  • Immigration alert 📢 Changes to the Bank Account Requirements ❗ The Danish Parliament has today adopted an amendment to the immigration law regarding the requirement of receiving salary to a Danish bank account. The amendment affects Danish employers but has different implications depending on an employee’s residence and work permit. Summarising the two most notable changes: 🟣For Fast Track Certified employers  Employers are no longer required to pay salary to a Danish bank account if employees hold a work permit under the Fast Track Scheme or the Researcher Scheme. 🔵For Non-Fast Track Certified employers  The deadline for opening a Danish bank account is extended to 180 days as opposed to the prior 90 days. Read our full newsletter on the amendment in the attached document. Feel free to contact us for further discussion. #vialtopartners #globalmobility #immigration

  • Last week, Adam Rewucha participated in the annual conference on EU social security law held by the Academy of European Law ERA in Germany. With Adam’s expertise as Global social security lead in Northern Europe, he gave a presentation on how to manage commuter cases that are not covered by the new EU Framework Agreement on social security for teleworkers. As Denmark has not signed this Framework Agreement, it is especially important for Danish employers to understand the possibilities available. Adam remarks: “Despite the circumstance that Denmark has not opted into new EU-rules on social security for teleworkers, the traditional EU social security coordination rules leave much more room for flexibility than perhaps traditionally considered. Danish employers that wish to allow cross-border commuters to work 2 days from home per week, still have some room for manoeuvring this without being liable for social security contributions abroad. This regards for example commuters living in Northern Germany commuting into Denmark as well as long-distance commuters flying into Denmark.” If you wish to discuss further on the above topic, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. #vialtopartners #globalmobility #socialsecurity

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  • Great news! 🇩🇰🇸🇪 We are happy to announce that Denmark and Sweden have agreed on updates concerning the Øresund agreement on tax that are expected to enter into force already from 2025. The changes will result in simplified rules for Øresund commuters and hopefully ease the current administrative burden for employers and employees in the region. We would be happy to share this update in more detail - please reach out if you have any questions to Jenny Dalin and Evelina Kerr on our team who are Øresund commuters themselves.

    Idag firar Öresundsregionen att Sverige och Danmark har nått en överenskommelse om nytt skatteavtal. “Äntligen! Många har väntat på ett nytt skatteavtal mellan Sverige och Danmark. Dagens avtal är inte anpassat till dagens arbetsmarknad.” resonerar Gisela Sjodahl och Ida TitlandVialto Partners i Malmö som dagligen arbetar med kunder som har anställda på båda sidor om Öresund. Ett nytt skatteavtal kommer att innebära att det blir enklare att arbeta på bägge sidor av sundet med förhoppningsvis mindre administration för både arbetstagaren och arbetsgivaren. Idag går det bra att distansarbeta om du är anställd i det privata näringslivet, så länge arbetstagare över en tremånadersperiod jobbar minst 50 procent i det land de har sin anställning. För offentliganställda finns det ingen möjlighet alls till distansarbete. Med det nya avtalet ska fortfarande halva tiden förläggas i arbetslandet, men istället beräknas över en tolvmånadersperiod. Nu omfattas även offentliganställda pendlare enligt samma regler vilket är mycket positivt för regionen. Under de drygt 20 år som det nuvarande avtalet varit gällande har det hänt en hel del på arbetsmarknaden. “Det här avtalet gör att det blir enklare för pendlare att distansarbeta om man bor i Sverige men jobbar i Danmark. Det här innebär att vi får en bättre fungerande arbetsmarknad i Öresundsregionen och skapar förutsättningar för fler jobb och högre tillväxt”. Det säger finansminister Elisabeth Svantesson i samband med att överenskommelsen offentliggjordes i samband med det danska statsbesöket i Sverige. Nu påbörjas teknisk granskning av avtalet i båda länderna för att möjliggöra ett undertecknande under sommaren. Ambitionen är att avtalet ska kunna träda i kraft 2025. Vi återkommer så snart vi vet mer! #öresundsregionen #globalmobility

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  • Eyes on the ball ⛳ Having fun together enhances our team spirit, which we carry back to the office, helping us collaborate effectively to deliver exceptional value and the best possible service for our clients. This is why, #teamVialtoDK spent a night testing our precision skills with a round of mini golf followed by a cosy dinner to connect and socialise with each other.  #vialtopartners #globalmobility

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