cPanel & WHM version 116 for CloudLinux 9

Last modified: December 21, 2023


In cPanel & WHM version 116, we added experimental support for the CloudLinux™ 9 operating system.

  • CloudLinux 9 is an experimental operating system for cPanel & WHM version 116.
  • We do not recommend using this operating system in production environments. You may encounter unexpected errors if you use CloudLinux 9 in a production environment.
  • Do not attempt to install an older version of cPanel & WHM on this operating system.

We’ve written this document for advanced WHM users who are familiar with installing this operating system on their servers. For more information, read our Installation Guide documentation.

We tested cPanel & WHM version 116 in the CloudLinux 9 environment.

Changes that impact functionality

These are the biggest changes in CloudLinux 9 that affect functionality in cPanel & WHM version 116:

Additional Documentation