Software supply chain security

The term "software supply chain" refers to the end-to-end process of developing and delivering software, from the development to deployment and maintenance. Software supply chain security, or "S3C" for short, is the practice for protecting the components and processes of the supply chain.

S3C is a fundamental change in how organizations approach software security. Traditionally in the software industry, security and compliance has been mostly an afterthought, left to the software delivery or release phase. With S3C, security is integrated into the entire software development lifecycle, from the inner loop of development and testing, to the outer loop of shipping and monitoring.

Following industry best practices for software supply chain conduct is important because it helps organizations protect their software from security threats, compliance risks, and other vulnerabilities. Implementing a software supply chain security framework improves visibility, collaboration, and traceability of a project across stakeholders. This helps organizations detect, respond to, and remediate threats more effectively.

Securing the software supply chain

Building a secure software supply chain involves several key steps, such as:

  • Identify the software components and dependencies you use to build and run your applications.
  • Automate security testing throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • Monitor your software supply chain for security threats.
  • Implement security policies that govern how software is built, and the components it contains.

Managing the software supply chain is a complex task, especially in the modern day where software is built using multiple components from different sources. Organizations need to have a clear understanding of the software components they use, and the security risks associated with them.

Docker Scout

Docker Scout is a platform designed to help organizations secure their software supply chain. It provides tools and services for identifying and managing software assets and policies, and automated remediation of security threats.

Unlike traditional security tools that focus on scheduled, point-in-time scans at specific stages in the software development lifecycle, Docker Scout uses a modern event-driven model that spans the entire software supply chain. This means that when a new vulnerability affecting your images is disclosed, your updated risk assessment is available within seconds, and earlier in the development process.

Docker Scout works by analyzing the composition of your images to create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). The SBOM is cross-referenced against the security advisories to identify CVEs that affect your images. Docker Scout integrates with over 20 different security advisories, and updates its vulnerability database in real-time. This ensures that your security posture is represented using the latest available information.