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Congestion Control and

Loss Recovery

Presenter: Ian Swett

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QUIC CC is based on TCP CC

  • Based on IETF RFCs and academic papers
    • Sections on ack ambiguity do not apply to QUIC
    • Delayed ack issues are corrected for by QUIC’s ack
  • QUIC embodies the spirit of the papers, but the details are different
  • QUIC decouples when to transmit data from what to transmit

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QUIC defaults come from Linux defaults

  • TCP Cubic
  • Fast Retransmit with a dupack threshold of 3
    • Threshold is FACK style
  • RTO with a min of 200ms and a max RTO of 60s
  • F-RTO
    • QUIC replaces undo with post-ack CWND reduction

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Including all the new improvements

  • TLP
    • Always 2 TLPs before RTO
  • Early Retransmit with ¼ RTT timer
  • PRR
  • Pacing
    • Initial burst of 10 packets
    • Send at 2x BDP during slow start
    • Send at 1.25x BDP during congestion avoidance

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Loss Recovery: QUIC today



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How does QUIC’s loss recovery work?

  • Each packet has a monotonically increasing packet number
    • No ack ambiguity with retransmits
  • Up to 256 NACK ranges (as opposed to SACK ranges)
  • FACK with a 3 packet threshold
  • Early Retransmit with timer
  • Always sends 2 TLPs before the first RTO

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QUIC makes constant progress

  • Each new ack provides new unambiguous information
  • Can exit timeout mode upon the first ack
  • No SACK reneging
  • Recovers from multiple lost retransmissions trivially

Continuous progress even with 50% retransmit rate

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Conducted at scale between Chrome and Google servers (including GGC)

Most experiments are enabled with tags in the COPT field of the CHLO.�See crypto_protocol.h in Chromium for a list of tags.

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0-RTT’s impact

  • About 75% connections are 0-RTT connections
  • Accounts for between 50 to 80% of the median latency improvements
  • 0-RTT helps more when Chrome’s pre-connect isn’t able to predict the host
  • No significant effect on other transport stats

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Connection Pooling

  • QUIC’s connection pooling is equivalent to HTTP/2’s
  • Improves latency about 10% vs disabling it
  • No latency metrics were worse
  • Could be improved with better connection pooling via Alt-Svc

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Packet Pacing

  • Similar to Linux kernel’s fq qdisc
  • Pacing does
    • improve tail page load latency
    • reduce retransmits ~25%
  • Pacing does not
    • change median page load latency
    • change YouTube QoE

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IW10 vs IW32

  • QUIC defaults to 32, similar to HTTP/2 default
  • 30% of QUIC’s "time to playback" gains for YouTube due to IW32
  • IW10 had equal or slightly worse latency, even at the 95%
  • IW10 decreased retransmit rate slightly
    • IW10 without pacing had higher retransmit rate than IW32 with pacing
  • (Invoked with IW10 connection option. IW03, IW20, and IW50 also available)

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Reno vs Cubic

  • QUIC defaults to Cubic, similar to Linux
  • Latency across all services is extremely similar between Reno and Cubic
  • QoE is extremely similar between Reno and Cubic
  • Retransmits are ~20% lower with Reno than Cubic
  • (Reno available with the RENO connection option)

Why not default to Reno?

We’re thinking about it...

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1 vs 2 Connection Emulation

  • QUIC defaults to 2-connection emulation
  • 2-connection shows large improvements in YouTube QoE
  • 1- vs 2-connection has a negligible effect on median page load latency
    • 2-connection shows slight improvement in tail latency
  • Retransmits are 20% higher with 2-connection

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Tail Loss Probe

  • QUIC defaults to 2 TLPs before RTO
  • Disabling TLP has no effect on median latency
  • TLP improves 95% latency almost 1%
  • TLP Improves YouTube rebuffer rate almost 1%
  • Disabling TLP reduces retransmits 5%

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Time based loss detection

  • QUIC defaults to FACK with a fixed dupack threshold of 3
  • Time-based loss detection waits ¼ RTT after the first NACK for the packet to be lost
  • Shows no significant improvements vs FACK on user-facing networks

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