Jens Oliver Meiert

Pontevedra, Galicia / Galiza, España Información de contacto
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  • Upgrade Your HTML V—New Examples to Optimize Your Markup

    Frontend Dogma

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML V,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes more examples of HTML to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    In this edition, find tables from the past; new HTML elements; (not) being managed by code; law and order in scripts; “hidden” and seek; preload requests; intermissions; mysterious chapter names; keyboard shortcuts; microdata; and plenty of appreciation…

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML V,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes more examples of HTML to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    In this edition, find tables from the past; new HTML elements; (not) being managed by code; law and order in scripts; “hidden” and seek; preload requests; intermissions; mysterious chapter names; keyboard shortcuts; microdata; and plenty of appreciation for the craft of HTML.

    “There are ways to improve performance by showing extra care about what you add to your HTML document, and anticipating the content. Going beyond the basics and into the nuances of HTML syntax and semantics is the value you’ll find in these pages, knowledge shared with you by Jens.”—Stephanie Eckles

    → This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

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  • The Web Development Glossary 3K—More Than 3,000 Terms and Concepts for the Well-Rounded Developer

    Frontend Dogma

    “The Web Development Glossary” is the largest of its kind. With more than 3,000 terms and explanations (“3K”), it is the book to try and extend your web development and web platform knowledge.

    The glossary covers key terms and concepts of the Web, beginning with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality and testing, internationalization, localization, frameworks and editors and tooling.

    The glossary then includes other disciplines of interest and…

    “The Web Development Glossary” is the largest of its kind. With more than 3,000 terms and explanations (“3K”), it is the book to try and extend your web development and web platform knowledge.

    The glossary covers key terms and concepts of the Web, beginning with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality and testing, internationalization, localization, frameworks and editors and tooling.

    The glossary then includes other disciplines of interest and relevance to the modern developer, like computer science, design, typography, usability and user experience, information and project management and more.

    It goes beyond web development to feed all your curiosity, about the Web and the technologies and processes used to build it. And still it is a glossary, of several thousand terms for developers, based on careful research as well as established sources, like Wikipedia, but also MDN Web Docs.

    This new edition of “The Web Development Glossary” includes almost a thousand additional terms as well as major usability updates, like improved source and cross-reference navigation.

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  • The Problems With All the Good Things—A Chat With AI That Questions Everything

    Here are two observations that you’ve likely made in your life:

    One, you’ve noticed how easy it is to find fault. If you haven’t found fault yourself, then you know others who find this wrong and that wrong and that other thing wrong as well.

    Two, you’ve learned about things generally deemed desirable and good, things not connected with fault, whether these are states of being or possessions or activities.

    Now, if you put the first observation to the test (looking for…

    Here are two observations that you’ve likely made in your life:

    One, you’ve noticed how easy it is to find fault. If you haven’t found fault yourself, then you know others who find this wrong and that wrong and that other thing wrong as well.

    Two, you’ve learned about things generally deemed desirable and good, things not connected with fault, whether these are states of being or possessions or activities.

    Now, if you put the first observation to the test (looking for fault), would the second still hold (that there are things without fault)?

    Would there be nothing to complain about; would there be nothing wrong with all those things desirable and good?

    This question is what this little book is exploring, by interviewing OpenAI’s ChatGPT about the problems, with many good things.

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  • Upgrade Your HTML IV—10 More Examples to Improve Your Markup

    Frontend Dogma

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML IV,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 more examples of HTML from actual websites in order to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    Apart from discussing the appropriate use and the subtleties of HTML elements, this edition covers general topics like conformance, maintainability, and the balancing of optimization vectors. It also covers topics like…

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML IV,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 more examples of HTML from actual websites in order to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    Apart from discussing the appropriate use and the subtleties of HTML elements, this edition covers general topics like conformance, maintainability, and the balancing of optimization vectors. It also covers topics like attribute minimization, void elements, metadata, table buttons and button links, and even CSS art.

    “Optimizing and minimizing HTML and checking if there are more appropriate elements or attributes to use is a helpful exercise, because it can improve accessibility while you learn about new features.”—Simon Pieters

    → This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

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  • The Little Book of Little Books—HTML and CSS Frameworks, Coding Guidelines, Quality Control

    “The Little Book of Little Books” consists of three booklets, originally released in 2015 and 2016. They have been lightly updated and edited (with permission and release by the former publisher, O’Reilly).

    “The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks” provides guidance for the development and use of web frameworks. It was written during a time when frameworks were used by linking to their style sheets. While times have changed, it’s the author’s conviction that the principles outlined in the…

    “The Little Book of Little Books” consists of three booklets, originally released in 2015 and 2016. They have been lightly updated and edited (with permission and release by the former publisher, O’Reilly).

    “The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks” provides guidance for the development and use of web frameworks. It was written during a time when frameworks were used by linking to their style sheets. While times have changed, it’s the author’s conviction that the principles outlined in the book still hold, and that it provides unique views to the advantage of everyone working with frameworks.

    “The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines” outlines the benefits of coding standards and discusses them on the basis of the Google HTML/CSS Style Guide. It was written during a time when there was little tooling to format code automatically. Back in 2012, the author had revised and published the Google guidelines; many years later, he maintains that the modern frontend developer and their craft still benefit from such standards.

    “The Little Book of Website Quality Control” reviews quality assurance and control and offers a comprehensive collection of tools. It was written during a time when there were few automated testing options, with a focus on web-based manual testing. The author believes this has been one of his weakest books, ponders why he didn’t do better, but likes the idea that, over time, he can make updates that make it a little less shallow.

    → This is the book if you want to travel back in time for a complementary perspective on frameworks, coding guidelines, quality control—and the craft of web development.

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  • Upgrade Your HTML III—10 More Examples to Improve Your Markup

    Frontend Dogma

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists. It stands for everything that leads to more effective and efficient use of HTML.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML III,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    Apart from discussing the appropriate use and subtleties of HTML elements, this edition touches on code consistency, class use, bundler output, but…

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists. It stands for everything that leads to more effective and efficient use of HTML.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML III,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to analyze, explain, and improve the respective markup.

    Apart from discussing the appropriate use and subtleties of HTML elements, this edition touches on code consistency, class use, bundler output, but also poem markup, link types,—and even declaration repetition.

    “[The purpose of the book is to] use judgement in adding ‘features’ into your code and even to reconsider what you might have used for no good reason, or for reasons that are no more valid.”—Jukka K. Korpela

    → This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

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  • Upgrade Your HTML II—10 More Examples to Improve Your Markup

    Frontend Dogma

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML II,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to review and condense the respective markup.

    Keep document structures simpler, use semantically more appropriate markup, write less HTML, question certain techniques, deal more intelligently with third-party code—there are many ways to improve HTML code.

    “While his approach is…

    “Upgrade Your HTML” is the book series for HTML craftspeople and minimalists.

    In “Upgrade Your HTML II,” HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to review and condense the respective markup.

    Keep document structures simpler, use semantically more appropriate markup, write less HTML, question certain techniques, deal more intelligently with third-party code—there are many ways to improve HTML code.

    “While his approach is radical in some cases, the message counts: analyze, scrutinize, optimize.”—Manuel Matuzović (HTMHell)

    → This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

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  • The Web Development Glossary—More Than 2,000 Key Terms for Developers

    Frontend Dogma

    “The Web Development Glossary” is probably the largest of its kind. With more than 2,000 terms and explanations it acquaints and reunites you with the major standards and concepts of the Web, with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality, internationalization, localization, editors and tooling and more.

    The glossary then goes beyond web development, touching on computer science, design, typography, usability and user experience, information as well as…

    “The Web Development Glossary” is probably the largest of its kind. With more than 2,000 terms and explanations it acquaints and reunites you with the major standards and concepts of the Web, with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility, security, performance, code quality, internationalization, localization, editors and tooling and more.

    The glossary then goes beyond web development, touching on computer science, design, typography, usability and user experience, information as well as project management, other disciplines of interest and relevance to the modern developer. It goes beyond, inspiring the curiosity to learn more about the Web and the people creating and using it. And still it is a glossary, of a couple of thousand terms for developers, leaning on (and giving back to) Wikipedia and the MDN Web Docs.

    → This is the book if you choose to extend and validate your web and software development knowledge.

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  • Upgrade Your HTML—10 Examples to Improve Your Markup

    Frontend Dogma

    HTML is super-popular. Everyone can write HTML. Or can they? In the spirit that everything can be tweaked and optimized, “Upgrade Your HTML” is a first light book in a playful series to review and improve real-life examples of HTML.

    Not shyly but always constructively does Jens Oliver Meiert, someone who has written a lot of HTML and who makes his own life difficult so that he can write even more HTML, go through ten samples to ponder and upgrade the respective markup.

    If you’re a…

    HTML is super-popular. Everyone can write HTML. Or can they? In the spirit that everything can be tweaked and optimized, “Upgrade Your HTML” is a first light book in a playful series to review and improve real-life examples of HTML.

    Not shyly but always constructively does Jens Oliver Meiert, someone who has written a lot of HTML and who makes his own life difficult so that he can write even more HTML, go through ten samples to ponder and upgrade the respective markup.

    If you’re a web developer, you know HTML. Check out and follow “Upgrade Your HTML” to nod (or shake your head) exploring old and new problems surrounding uses of the beloved HyperText Markup Language.

    → This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.

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  • Das kleine Buch der HTML-/CSS-Frameworks

    Frontend Dogma

    HTML-/CSS-Frameworks wie Bootstrap prägen den Alltag in der Webentwicklung. Warum und wann aber sollte man ein Framework verwenden? Wann ergibt es Sinn, selbst ein Framework zu entwickeln? »Das kleine Buch der HTML-/CSS-Frameworks« teilt grundlegende Gedanken sowie Tipps und Tricks zu sowohl Gebrauch als auch Entwicklung von Frameworks.

    → Das ist das Buch, wenn es Sie reizt, mehr aus Frameworks rauszuholen – unabhängig davon, ob Sie diese benutzen oder selbst entwickeln.

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  • 199 Love Haiku—The Poetry of Haiku Haiku Love

    This is not a typical poetry book. It is a selection of short poems that originated in a mistaken and later free interpretation of haiku, which then took on a life of its own. It is a selection of 199 short poems about love, romance, joy, drama, despair, and freedom.

    → This is the book if you appreciate select personal drama and openness.

    For information about the author, Jens Oliver Meiert, visit For information about Jens’s poetry and the poetry of Haiku Haiku Love…

    This is not a typical poetry book. It is a selection of short poems that originated in a mistaken and later free interpretation of haiku, which then took on a life of its own. It is a selection of 199 short poems about love, romance, joy, drama, despair, and freedom.

    → This is the book if you appreciate select personal drama and openness.

    For information about the author, Jens Oliver Meiert, visit For information about Jens’s poetry and the poetry of Haiku Haiku Love, visit

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  • CSS Optimization Basics

    Frontend Dogma

    Are you unsure about your style sheets’ quality, or whether you’ve maxed out your options? “CSS Optimization Basics” covers the necessary mindsets, discusses the main optimization methods, and presents useful resources to write higher-quality CSS.

    → This is the book if you care about the craft of writing CSS, and enjoy optimizing style sheets.

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  • The Little Book of Website Quality Control


    Why bother with quality control when building a website? Simple. Quality control (QC) helps you determine whether your site meets your own expectations and, more important, whether it meets professional best practices. Without QC, you have no way of telling whether your site is any good prior to unleashing it upon the world. QC can save you time, money, and a lot of anxiety.

    This short book covers QC for several website aspects—such as security, functionality, and code quality—and…

    Why bother with quality control when building a website? Simple. Quality control (QC) helps you determine whether your site meets your own expectations and, more important, whether it meets professional best practices. Without QC, you have no way of telling whether your site is any good prior to unleashing it upon the world. QC can save you time, money, and a lot of anxiety.

    This short book covers QC for several website aspects—such as security, functionality, and code quality—and provides links to many useful tools that can help you in each of these areas. Author Jens Oliver Meiert also explores important areas of QC in practice, which requires training and is dependent on team mindset, automation, and enforcement.

    Due to key differences in approach, this ebook focuses specifically on quality control for websites rather than web apps.

    This ebook covers:

    * Security
    * Accessibility
    * Usability
    * Performance
    * Functionality
    * Maintainability
    * Semantics
    * Validation
    * Design consistency and layout
    * Typography
    * Code quality
    * Coding standard compliance

    Jens Oliver Meiert is a former senior developer and tech lead at Google, Aperto, and GMX, where he architected internal frameworks that married fast development with high quality code. He’s the author of several books, including The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks and The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines (both O’Reilly).

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  • How to Work on Oneself—A Sketch

    How can we learn more effectively? How can we best work on ourselves? How do we grow? That is the subject of this brief book, this short sketch by interim philosopher and world traveler, Jens Oliver Meiert. A light treatise on personal growth, he goes over 20 paths to get to know ourselves, for “we are okay as we are, but we can always improve.”

    → This is the book if you opt to explore different ways of driving yourself a little crazy.

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  • The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines


    A proper plan can improve your code, including your HTML documents and CSS style sheets. Jens Oliver Meiert explores the theory and practice of coding guidelines and shows, using Google’s HTML and CSS standards as a particular example, how consistency and care can make the code base you create today much easier to deal with when you—or someone else—work on it [tomorrow].

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  • Journey of J.—Around the World in 557 Days, 1,017 Photos, and 291 Personal Notes

    “Journey of J.” is a unique blend of photo journal and introspective diary, an unusual testament to 557 days of travel around the world. In this report, Jens Oliver Meiert shares 1,017 photographic impressions, and juxtaposes 291 personal observations. From simplified to deep, the result is a particular perspective of what happened in the traveler’s and adventurer’s life and in the 48 countries visited from 2013 to 2015.

    → This is the book if you enjoy authentic traveler reports of…

    “Journey of J.” is a unique blend of photo journal and introspective diary, an unusual testament to 557 days of travel around the world. In this report, Jens Oliver Meiert shares 1,017 photographic impressions, and juxtaposes 291 personal observations. From simplified to deep, the result is a particular perspective of what happened in the traveler’s and adventurer’s life and in the 48 countries visited from 2013 to 2015.

    → This is the book if you enjoy authentic traveler reports of journeys gone well.

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  • On Web Development—Articles 2005–2015

    “On Web Development” bundles 134 articles and the last 11 years of technical writings by Jens Oliver Meiert ( Freshly reordered and commented, the articles cover processes and maintenance, HTML and CSS, standards, as well as development and design in general; they include coding basics and principles, carefully scathing criticism, and tips and tricks and trivia.

    → This is the book if you opt for convenient access to a Google tech lead’s early web development learnings and…

    “On Web Development” bundles 134 articles and the last 11 years of technical writings by Jens Oliver Meiert ( Freshly reordered and commented, the articles cover processes and maintenance, HTML and CSS, standards, as well as development and design in general; they include coding basics and principles, carefully scathing criticism, and tips and tricks and trivia.

    → This is the book if you opt for convenient access to a Google tech lead’s early web development learnings and teachings.

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  • The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks


    With the speed of web development today, it’s little wonder that so many frameworks are available, since they come with a promise of saving development and design time. But using the wrong framework, or wrongly using the right framework, can be costly. This concise book shares higher-level ideas around web development frameworks that govern HTML and CSS code, whether you’re looking at an external option or planning to build your own.

    Author Jens Meiert outlines various principles…

    With the speed of web development today, it’s little wonder that so many frameworks are available, since they come with a promise of saving development and design time. But using the wrong framework, or wrongly using the right framework, can be costly. This concise book shares higher-level ideas around web development frameworks that govern HTML and CSS code, whether you’re looking at an external option or planning to build your own.

    Author Jens Meiert outlines various principles, methods, and practices that you can use to make sure your framework has the functionality you need without bloated code to slow you down.

    * Choose a framework that can be tailored and extended.
    * Stick to framework ground rules: follow the documentation and don’t overwrite framework code.
    * Build a framework by means of a prototype: a static internal website that includes all the page types and elements you need.
    * Focus on quality assurance during the development process, and quality control to find and fix framework issues.
    * Diligently maintain and update your framework, whether it’s for internal or external use.
    * Anchor your documentation right where development happens.

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  • 100 Things I Learned as an Everyday Adventurer

    This is the book that the most boring person would write when they discovered life’s possibilities. Meet Jens, a hectic, neurotic self-proclaimed adventurer, and his very individual account of one hundred different activities he tried over the course of three years (2010–2013). From rafting to security guard certifications to crocheting, everything had a lesson, and these lessons are shared in this book. Look forward to the German answer to Winston Wolfe explaining one way to live…

    This is the book that the most boring person would write when they discovered life’s possibilities. Meet Jens, a hectic, neurotic self-proclaimed adventurer, and his very individual account of one hundred different activities he tried over the course of three years (2010–2013). From rafting to security guard certifications to crocheting, everything had a lesson, and these lessons are shared in this book. Look forward to the German answer to Winston Wolfe explaining one way to live life.

    → This is the book if you decide to break out of your routines and discover the abundance of what you can do in your free time.

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  • Webdesign mit CSS, 2nd Edition


    Standardkonformes Webdesign muss nicht zu langweiligen Designs führen, sondern ermöglicht durchaus originelle Ideen. Dieses Buch bietet Anregungen und Beispiele für auf CSS basierende Designs, die zur eigenen Inspiration studiert, aber auch sofort angewendet und für die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können. Das Buch wendet sich an Webdesigner, Autoren und Entwickler, die sich mit den XHTML- und CSS-Standards prinzipiell auskennen und nun auf der »Designleiter« ein paar Stufen höher…

    Standardkonformes Webdesign muss nicht zu langweiligen Designs führen, sondern ermöglicht durchaus originelle Ideen. Dieses Buch bietet Anregungen und Beispiele für auf CSS basierende Designs, die zur eigenen Inspiration studiert, aber auch sofort angewendet und für die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können. Das Buch wendet sich an Webdesigner, Autoren und Entwickler, die sich mit den XHTML- und CSS-Standards prinzipiell auskennen und nun auf der »Designleiter« ein paar Stufen höher klettern wollen.

    * 30 praxisnahe Designbeispiele: Die Designbeispiele reichen von Spaltenlayouts und Navigationen über Tabellen und Formulare bis zu Image-Maps, abgerundeten Ecken und Pullquotes.

    * Workshop-Charakter: Jedes Kapitel zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie die vorgegebene Designidee mit CSS und XHTML umgesetzt wird.

    * Zugänglichkeit und Barrierefreiheit: Bei der Umsetzung der Designs wurde auf größtmögliche Zugänglichkeit und Barrierefreiheit Wert gelegt.

    * Browser-Kompatibilität: Die Designs sind mit mindestens 95% der gegenwärtig benutzten Browser-Versionen kompatibel.

    * Standardgerechte Code-Beispiele zur freien Verwendung: Die CSS- und XHTML-Beispieldateien aller 30 Designs können heruntergeladen und frei verwendet werden.

    Otros autores
    • Ingo Helmdach
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  • Webdesign mit CSS


    Standardkonformes Webdesign muss nicht zwangsläufig zu langweiligen Designs führen, sondern ermöglicht durchaus originelle Ideen. Dieses Buch bietet Anregungen und Beispiele für auf CSS basierende Designs, die zur eigenen Inspiration studiert, aber auch sofort angewendet und für die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können. Das Buch wendet sich an Webdesigner, Autoren und Entwickler, die sich mit den XHTML- und CSS-Standards prinzipiell auskennen und nun auf der »Designleiter« ein paar…

    Standardkonformes Webdesign muss nicht zwangsläufig zu langweiligen Designs führen, sondern ermöglicht durchaus originelle Ideen. Dieses Buch bietet Anregungen und Beispiele für auf CSS basierende Designs, die zur eigenen Inspiration studiert, aber auch sofort angewendet und für die eigenen Bedürfnisse angepasst werden können. Das Buch wendet sich an Webdesigner, Autoren und Entwickler, die sich mit den XHTML- und CSS-Standards prinzipiell auskennen und nun auf der »Designleiter« ein paar Stufen höher klettern wollen.

    * 26 praxisnahe Designbeispiele: Die Designbeispiele reichen von Spaltenlayouts und Navigationen über Tabellen und Formulare bis zu Image-Maps, abgerundeten Ecken und Pullquotes.

    * Workshop-Charakter: Jedes Kapitel zeigt Schritt für Schritt, wie die vorgegebene Designidee mit CSS und XHTML umgesetzt wird. Nebenbei werden am praktischen Beispiel nützliche Fähigkeiten im Repertoire von Webdesignern demonstriert, zum Beispiel Bildersatztechniken.

    * Zugänglichkeit und Barrierefreiheit: Bei der Umsetzung der Designs wurde auf größtmögliche Zugänglichkeit und Barrierefreiheit Wert gelegt.

    * Browser-Kompatibilität: Die Designs sind mit mindestens 95% der gegenwärtig benutzten Browser-Versionen kompatibel. Wo notwendig, zeigen die Autoren, wie Sie geschickt mit den CSS-Problemkindern unter den Webbrowsern umgehen können.

    * Standardgerechte Code-Beispiele zur freien Verwendung: Die Code-Beispiele wurden mit großer Sorgfalt erarbeitet und geprüft. Die CSS- und XHTML-Beispieldateien aller 26 Designs können heruntergeladen und frei verwendet werden.

    Otros autores
    • Ingo Helmdach
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  • Round Table

    Founding Member (2016), Vice-President (2017/2018), and President (2018/2019) of Round Table 233 Alster-Milchstraße Hamburg, Germany

  • ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)


  • IxDA (Interaction Design Association)


  • UPA (Usability Professionals’ Association)



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