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Cómo reducir la ansiedad al hablar (parte 1)

Cómo reducir la ansiedad al hablar (parte 1)

- Let's now talk about how to reduce speaking anxiety. I'll move through these examples quickly. If you remember, the first example of speaking anxiety was related to the room or space. Are you more nervous about speaking in person or virtually? To a small room or to many people? Now, some people have difficulty making eye contact in person, making a connection with others. Eye contact flusters a lot of them. But whether a person is 20 feet away or directly across the table from you, you don't actually need to look in their eyes. If they're in the front row, look between them and the person next to them. They'll each think that you're looking at their neighbor and if you're across the table from someone, you can look at the tip of their nose instead of their eyes. You'll still understand and see their facial expressions that they make and they'll never know that you aren't really looking them in the eye directly. So much about public speaking anxiety is about the unknown. Now, if you…
