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Confianza a través de la fuerza

Confianza a través de la fuerza

- You may have heard the phrases fill the room or project your voice, which are synonyms for volume and power. As we've learned from researchers in our previous lesson, two elements most correspond to charisma and to dynamic speaking, something we might call presence. The first is varying your pitch and the second is varying your volume. Let's discuss how to do this both in virtual and in-person meetings. The first, virtual. So it's odd but you don't really know what you sound like in virtual meetings because you're not actually in everyone's living room or office. I mean, you can hear others whose microphones are really bad. And if you have an older computer with a microphone that isn't as good as newer models, you can sound hollow or tinny and far away from us, your audience. In fact, if I had to listen to you for long periods of time, it would be exhausting. So one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to purchase a good quality microphone. I use a rather large one…
