Del curso: Inglés de negocios: Gramática y vocabulario para llamadas telefónicas

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Ahora ya sabes llevar a cabo una conversación telefónica

Ahora ya sabes llevar a cabo una conversación telefónica

- [Tom] Okay, well, I just have one phone call left to make. You'll like this one, ssh. (telephone dialing) (telephone ringing) - [Steve] Flying Sharks, Steve speaking, how may I help you? - [Tom] Steve? Hi, it's Tom. - [Steve] Tom, hi, so did I do a good job? - [Tom] Oh, you were fantastic, really great! I believed you myself. Thank you very much. You really helped us today. - [Steve] No problem, Tom. It was my pleasure. Hey, did you get in contact with David? He's been complaining about all the messages on his voicemail. - [Tom] Yeah, I know. I think I'm in trouble over that. By the way, would you say thanks to Mary too? She was great. - [Steve] Certainly, she enjoyed it actually. So what did you guys do all day then? - [Tom] Everything, everything you need to make telephone calls in English. You know, how to ask to speak to someone, how to call back, telephone numbers, wrong numbers, taking and leaving messages, contact details, absolutely everything! - [Steve] And did you tell…
