Custom Post Type UI


Custom Post Type UI proporciona una interfaz fácil de usar para registrar y gestionar los tipos de contenidos personalizados y taxonomías para tu web.

Custom Post Type UI Extended

CPTUI ayuda a crear tipos de contenido personalizados, pero mostrar ese contenido puede ser todo un nuevo reto. ha sido desarrollado para ayudarte a mostrar tu contenido creado. Mira nuestra página de diseños para ver ejemplos de diseños disponibles con Custom Post Type UI Extended.

Desarrollo del plugin

El desarrollo de Custom Post Type UI se gestiona en GitHub, con versiones oficiales publicadas en El repositorio de GitHub se puede encontrar en Por favor, usa la pestaña de soporte de para posibles fallos, problemas o ideas de mejoras.


  • Añadida nueva pantalla y pestaña de tipo de contenido.
  • Añadida nueva pantalla y pestaña de taxonomía
  • Registered post types and taxonomies from CPTUI
  • Pantalla de herramientas.
  • Pantalla de ayuda/soporte.


Admin Installer via search

  1. Ve a la pantalla «Añadir nuevo plugin» y busca «custom post type ui».
  2. Haz clic en el botón “Instalar ahora”.
  3. Activa el plugin.
  4. Ve al menú “CPTUI”.

Admin Installer via zip

  1. Ve a la pantalla de Añadir nuevo plugin y haz clic en el botón “Subir plugin”.
  2. Haz clic en el botón «Examinar…» y selecciona el archivo zip en tu ordenador.
  3. Haz clic en el botón “Instalar ahora”.
  4. Una vez se haya subido, activa Custom Post Type UI.


  1. Sube la carpeta de Custom Post Type UI al directorio de plugins en tu instalación de WordPress.
  2. Activa el plugin.
  3. Ve al menú “CPTUI”.

¡Eso es todo! Ahora puedes empezar a crear fácilmente tipos de contenido personalizados y taxonomías en WordPress.


Documentación para el usuario

Por favor, mira


13 de mayo de 2024
The Custom Post Type UI plugin is reliable and is constantly updated. The User Interface means I do not have to write PHP everytime I need to edit a Post Type.
10 de mayo de 2024
I use this plugin whenever I need to register custom post types or custom taxonomies. It is very easy to use.
26 de enero de 2024 6 respuestas
I did not have any real issues with this plugin until it decided to create an additional and new plugin without my knowledge or consent. When I tried to talk to the developer about this, they simply didn’t care or want to get to the bottom of how and why this happened. Got to the bottom of the mystery, it’s just a shame I had to deal with someone that refuses to be help and was rude about it first
18 de enero de 2024
Plugin works as described, does the work well and support is fast. The team deserves 5 stars!
Leer todas las 268 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Custom Post Type UI» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


«Custom Post Type UI» está traducido en 17 idiomas. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.

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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios

1.17.1 – 2024-06-27

  • Fixed: Missed re-showing of autolabel fill links for js enabled browsers.

1.17.0 – 2024-06-17

  • Added: «sidebars» as a reserved slug for post types.
  • Added: Blueprint for trying Custom Post Type UI on before installation.
  • Updated: Reworked javascript files to be more modular with the build process.

1.16.0 – 2024-04-08

  • Added: Added a wpml-config.xml file.
  • Updated: Added «search_terms» to disallowed taxonomy list.
  • Updated: Began converting our javascript away from jQuery dependency.
  • Updated: tested up to WP 6.5

1.15.1 – 2023-11-08

  • Fixed: Fixed up some Right-to-Left language styling issues.
  • Fixed: Fixing forgot to update about page and some PHP constants for CPTUI version.

1.15.0 – 2023-11-06

  • Added: Checkbox to indicate you intend to migrate a post type into CPTUI in event of matching slugs. Props @ramsesdelr
  • Added: «item_trashed» post type label support from WordPress 6.3
  • Updated: confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.4.
  • Updated: PHP8 compatibility.
  • Updated: Minimum WordPress version to version 6.3, minimum PHP version to 7.4.

1.14.0 – 2023-08-07

  • Added: «Scroll to top» links in CPTUI pages. Props @aslamatwebdevstudios
  • Added: Remembers toggled states for CPTUI settings panels. Props @aslamatwebdevstudios and @ramsesdelr
  • Updated: Notes about slugs for both post types and taxonomies.
  • Updated: Support/FAQ section with more accurate links.

1.13.7 – 2023-07-11

  • Fixed: «themes» marked as reserved taxonomy slug. Causes issues with featured image metabox.
  • Fixed: PHP notice around sort parameter.

1.13.6 – 2023-05-30

  • Fixed: Prevent PHP errors for dynamic WordPress hooks.
  • Fixed: Prevent PHP errors from array_key_exist() checks on non arrays.
  • Updated: Removed Maintainn graphic and added WP Search with Algolia Pro graphic.
  • Updated: Fixed a lot of text escaping for translation-ready content.

1.13.5 – 2023-03-27

  • Fixed: Security issue in CPTUI Debug Info screen.
  • Fixed: Added empty() check for can_export parameters.
  • Updated: Changed textdomain loading from plugins_loaded to init.

1.13.4 – 2022-12-16

  • Fixed: Character encoding issue on CPTUI setting save in conjunction with PHP8 compatibility.

1.13.3 – 2022-12-15

  • Fixed: Multiple PHP8 compatibility notices and warnings.
  • Fixed: «Invalid argument for foreach» based notices around labels.
  • Updated: Added taxonomy PHP global sanitization for 3rd party parameters.

1.13.2 – 2022-11-29

  • Fixed: Removed forcing of underscores in place of dashes for taxonomy slugs. Yay!
  • Actualizado: probado hasta WP 6.1.1
  • Actualizado: Enlaces a la documentación en la sección de preguntas frecuentes de

1.13.1 – 2022-09-08

  • Fixed: Various issues caused by a misplaced output for ob_get_clean() outside of function.

1.13.0 – 2022-09-07

  • Added: Notes regarding featured image and post format support also needing add_theme_support to work.
  • Fixed: Issues around double quotes and JSON export with the post type description field
  • Fixed: Issues around HTML markup being removed from post type description field stemming from 1.10.x release
  • Fixed: Pluralization issue with our UI for some field labels
  • Updated: Code separation and quality cleanup.
  • Updated: Plugin branding.