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All posts by date

  1. 2024

    1. May 2024

    2. April 2024

    3. March 2024

    4. February 2024

      1. Collective.
        Posted on

        A prominent investor got excited about collective bargaining. I did too! (But probably for different reasons.)

        Filed under:
        tech unions
    5. January 2024

      1. Reviewed.
        Posted on

        My book was reviewed in Labor Notes. I’m still pinching myself.

        Filed under:
  2. 2023

    1. December 2023

      1. Broadly.
        Posted on

        I’m excited to share a change in You Deserve a Tech Union’s pricing.

        Filed under:
    2. November 2023

    3. October 2023

      1. In medias.
        Posted on

        Writin’ up — for you, but also for me — a few book events from last week.

        Filed under:
      2. Minetta.
        Posted on

        I went to a conference last weekend, and it was wonderful. In fact, I’m still thinking about it — and about what can happen next.

        Filed under:
    4. September 2023

    5. August 2023

    6. June 2023

      1. Blurbs.
        Posted on

        Blurbs are starting to come in for You Deserve a Tech Union, along with several emotions.

        Filed under:
        a book apart
    7. March 2023

  3. 2022

    1. December 2022

    2. August 2022

    3. July 2022

    4. June 2022

    5. January 2022

  4. 2021

    1. September 2021

    2. August 2021

    3. June 2021

    4. May 2021

    5. April 2021

    6. March 2021

    7. February 2021

  5. 2020

    1. December 2020

    2. October 2020

    3. September 2020

    4. August 2020

    5. July 2020

    6. June 2020

      1. On context.
        Posted on

        I read these two essays some time ago, and I keep returning to them. I bet you’ll like them too.

        Filed under:
    7. May 2020

    8. April 2020

    9. March 2020

    10. February 2020

    11. January 2020

  6. 2019

    1. December 2019

    2. October 2019

    3. August 2019

    4. July 2019

    5. May 2019

    6. April 2019

    7. March 2019

    8. January 2019

  7. 2018

    1. December 2018

    2. November 2018

    3. October 2018

    4. September 2018

      1. Revamp.
        Posted on

        Google’s Accelerated Mobile Project (AMP) has announced it’s moving to a more open governance model, which is great. I still have some questions.

        Filed under:
        google amp
    5. August 2018

      1. Bits.
        Posted on

        What we talk about when we talk about what we talk about when we talk about web performance.

        Filed under:
    6. July 2018

      1. In the pocket.
        Posted on

        “The first level of reality is that nitty-gritty stuff, the direct action and immediate experience, the sort of thing I like to call vernacular reality.” — Ursula Franklin

        Filed under:
      2. Fractional.
        Posted on

        The more I work with CSS Grid, the more I’ve realized I’m a big fan of the fr unit. And it’s subtly changed how I think about grids.

        Filed under:
        css grid
    7. June 2018

    8. May 2018

    9. April 2018

    10. March 2018

      1. Campaign.
        Posted on

        The Google AMP team has announced they’d like to make the web faster — even for folks who don’t use AMP. That’s wonderful news. But I have some questions.

        Filed under:
        google amp
    11. February 2018

    12. January 2018

  8. 2017

    1. December 2017

    2. November 2017

      1. A new bag.
        Posted on

        On a friend’s recommendation, I bought a Tom Bihn backpack for traveling. I really like it.

        Filed under:
        tom bihn
    3. October 2017

    4. September 2017

    5. August 2017

    6. July 2017

    7. June 2017

    8. May 2017

    9. April 2017

    10. March 2017

    11. February 2017

    12. January 2017

  9. 2016

    1. December 2016

  10. 2015

    1. November 2015

  11. 2014

    1. December 2014

    2. August 2014

    3. February 2014

    4. January 2014

  12. 2013

    1. November 2013

    2. February 2013

  13. 2011

    1. September 2011

    2. June 2011

    3. March 2011

  14. 2010

    1. October 2010

    2. September 2010

  15. 2009

    1. March 2009

  16. 2008

    1. October 2008

  17. 2007

    1. February 2007

  18. 2005

    1. August 2005

  19. 2004

    1. August 2004

  20. 2003

    1. July 2003

    2. June 2003

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