People of Boston! Hello!

Do you work in tech? Are you curious about unions?

If you said “yes” to either of those questions, well: let’s have a good old-fashioned meetup about it!

 — okay, wait, sorry. I know that all sounds a little familiar. Didn’t we just do this?

Well, you’re right. We did! Last Tuesday, roughly twenty tech workers met up in a Somerville bar to talk about collective power, organizing, and what it means to form a union.

What’s more, it was really goddamned great. Rand and I said a few words, and then the attendees had a host of good questions: we chatted about different kinds of bargaining, some things I learned while working on the book, and some tips for getting started on your organizing journey. It was, in short, a marvelous time.

But we’re not done yet. In fact, my cohost (and veteran labor organizer) Rand Wilson and I want to keep this conversation going — and we’re going to have another meetup to do just that.


On Monday 18 December at 7pm, come to Aeronaut Brewing in Somerville for an evening of discussion and networking. I’ll be talking a bit about You Deserve a Tech Union, but just a bit. For most of the evening, we’ll be chatting together about unions, the path to forming your own, and the challenges (and possibilities) of organizing in the tech industry.

If you couldn’t make it last week, we’d love for you to join us. And if you did join us last week? Well, we hope you can join us again, to help us keep the momentum going.

Sound like fun? We’d love to have you! If you can join us, please RSVP on the Google Form! (And if you happen know anyone in or near Boston who’d be interested, please share this post with them!)