Inspired by Jonnie Hallman, Simon and Robin both added “Reply via email” links to their RSS feeds. I think this is a really clever idea, so I’ve just added reply links to my RSS feed. If you have some thoughts or feedback on a post, use that reply link to share them with me.

My contact page is still workin’ fine, mind you — this is just something extra I’m trying out for now. If it’s not useful to folks, or if it gets to be too much to manage, I might remove the links. And as Robin said, I can’t promise a reply to every single message, but you can bet I’ll read each one.

As an aside, this is what I love best about blogging: someone writing down an idea they had, then a few others experimenting with it, and finding that idea a wider audience. It always feels so damned nice to watch that conversation happen, post by post, person by person.