You might have heard I’ve got a new book coming out called You Deserve a Tech Union. It’s coming out on August 15. That’s so soon! I’m freaking out a little, honestly! Here’s the cover!

You Deserve a Tech Union, a book by Ethan Marcotte. The cover’s background is a deep rose red color, with the title set in imposing white capital letters.

(I just know that whenever I get my hands on a physical copy of this book, I’m gonna have several emotions at once.)

Anyway. Given that I have…well, let’s say I’ve parted ways with the channel I once relied on for promoting new work, I thought of a few ways that you — yes, you! — could help support about the book. I mean, only if that’s something you’d like to do. If not: that’s cool, too!

Here’s what I thought of!

Buy the book

Okay, yeah, this one’s probably a little obvious. But really: buy the book, if you can! It’s due out on August 15th, and preorders are an excellent way to support it.

In terms of where you preorder the book? Well, you’ve got options galore. I mean, you can buy it directly from A Book Apart, if you’d like. But thanks to ABA’s new distribution channels, you can preorder the book from booksellers all over the world: from places like Barnes & Noble or; from Blackwell’s or Foyles in the UK, or from Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus in Germany. You can even buy it from Amazon, if that’s more your thing — and from your preferred country, even!

Ask your local bookstore to stock it

Don’t care for that ol’ internet? Done with “websites”? Frankly, I get it. But! ABA’s distribution setup means bookstores can purchase You Deserve a Tech Union, too. If this sounds interesting to you, it’d mean the world if you asked your favorite local bookstore if they’d put a few copies on their shelves.

(Need the ISBN? Here you go: 978-1-952616-60-0)

Ask your library to order it

I love my local library; I bet you love yours, too. If you think You Deserve a Tech Union would be a good — and free! — resource to your community, you can ask your library if they’d be willing to purchase it.

(Seriously, did you know this was a thing? I didn’t! Like, I just learned my local library’s got a dedicated webpage for patrons to recommend books for purchase. Maybe your library has one too!)

Talk it up on social media

If you’ve preordered the book, I deeply appreciate it; if you’ve read any of my posts, my interview about the book, or the free sample chapter? I deeply appreciate that, too. If you felt like sharing any of those links on your favorite social media site(s) to spread the word about the book? Well, I’d be over the moon.1

I feel weird about the entirety of this post, mind you, but this section feels…weirder, somehow. After all, I used to be able to manage this myself, back when Twitter was a site I could use. I’m still figuring out how best to share updates across nineteen different sites and services; if you felt like helping get the word out on your preferred social network? Well, like I said: I’d appreciate it, and you.

Mention it to friends

Maybe more than anything else, I’d love it if you mentioned the book to your friends, your coworkers — basically, to folks you know and trust. If you know anyone who’s curious about unions, or someone who’s talked about organizing their workplace, please do let them know about the book. I think an encouraging word from a friend probably goes a long way.

  1. I’ve been using the hashtag #YDATUbook, which I mention only in case that’s a thing that’s interesting or useful to you, I’m not gonna be hashtag cop about this ↩︎