Okay, I’m excited about this one.

Starting today, my publisher’s announced a change to You Deserve a Tech Union’s pricing. Namely, if you use the discount code UNION, you’ll get 50% off the book when you buy it direct from A Book Apart.1

Now, if you’re able to pay full price for the book, I’ll be deeply grateful. But when I decided to write about the need for unions in tech, I wanted to make sure that this book was available as broadly as possible. I don’t want cost to be a barrier to reading this book. And from the outset, A Book Apart’s been really supportive of that. When the book first went up for preorders, they added a note to the product page about pricing accommodations. But now, there’s no need to email them: if you want or need a discount, the code’s just right there, available for you to use. And I hope you do.

Anyway. I’m real, real proud of You Deserve a Tech Union, and I would love to see it reach as many people as possible. I hope this discount can help it do just that.

Now, if the book’s already reached you? Well, that means the world to me. What’s more, I really hope the book’s useful to you. Because really, you do deserve a tech union. And I hope this book can help you — even in a small way — to finding your way to forming one.

  1. Just to underline this tiny point: this code can be used when you buy You Deserve a Tech Union on A Book Apart’s website. It won’t work on external sellers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble or Bookshop.org, or from your local bookstore. (Even though you can still buy the book from each of those places! Or, heck, ask your library to carry it!) ↩︎