DBV Technologies

DBV Technologies

Recherche en biotechnologie

Châtillon, France 16 284 abonnés

On a mission to advance epicutaneous immunotherapy using our innovative technology platform, Viaskin™

À propos

DBV Technologies is opening up a decisive new approach to the treatment of food allergy demonstrating a significant level of protection, and is associated with an unprecedented safety profile and level of convenience. DBV Technologies has developed a unique, proprietary, worldwide-patented technology, the Viaskin® patch. Food allergies represent a true handicap in everyday life for millions of people and thus constitute a major unmet medical need. DBV Technologies collaborates closely in its clinical and preclinical programs with the leaders experts in food allergies around the world to be The Expert in Food Allergy through a new mechanism of action with a proprietary technology.

Site web
Recherche en biotechnologie
Taille de l’entreprise
51-200 employés
Siège social
Châtillon, France
Société cotée en bourse
Allergy, Food and pediatric allergy et Specific immunotherapy


Employés chez DBV Technologies


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DBV Technologies 7 rounds en tout

Dernier round

Capital après introduction en Bourse

192 213 954,00 $US

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