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À propos

Avec Bene Bono, vos courses ont de l’impact !

Bene Bono ce sont des courses engagées jusqu’à 40% moins cher.

Concrètement, nous proposons chaque semaine une sélection de produits top qualité, directement sauvés du gaspillage et à prix mini.

En Faisant Vos Courses Avec Bene Bono, Vous

  • aidez producteurs et fabricants à valoriser leurs produits,
  • reprenez le pouvoir sur votre consommation en participant concrètement à la réduction du gaspillage,
  • faites de sacrées économies sans compromettre la qualité de vos courses

Comment ça marche ?

  • 200% sauvé du gaspi : direct producteur et fabricant, produits qui n’auraient pas été vendus, car ils ne respectent pas certaines normes absurdes de la distribution (taille, forme, couleur, surproduction, etc.).
  • 100% qualité : tous nos produits sont sélectionnés en accord avec notre rigoureuse politique qualité (goût, tenue, pas d’ingrédients néfastes ou controversés, éthique, pas de serre chauffée pour les fruits et légumes, …), fruits et légumes bio et français et en direct producteur donc frais.
  • 100% flexible : abonnement sans aucun engagement (on n’est pas Free, mais on a tout compris), courses livrées chaque semaine, arrêt à tout moment, si absence ou empêchement, sauter en 1 clic.

Aujourd’hui, ce sont plus de 2100 tonnes de produits sauvés, grâce à (presque) 20 000 clients déjà conquis. Demain, ce seront des milliers de tonnes de produits sauvés, livrés partout en Europe !

Start-up en développement (plusieurs millions d’ARR), focus sur sa mission, et avec l’ambition de créer une team de choc en France et à l’étranger (en Espagne aujourd’hui mais dans toute l’Europe demain), nous sommes déjà plus de 80 Benies (les salariés de Bene Bono) et nous continuons de recruter pour nous développer… Le bon endroit pour allier plaisir de travailler en équipe, opportunité de progresser rapidement et impact déterminant sur l’environnement


💕 Un petit mot sur nos valeurs, qui nous tiennent très (très) à cœur chez Bene Bono.

Save what’s good : nous luttons contre le gaspillage, pour le bien des producteurs, des consommateurs et de la planète,

Save tons : pour mener cette lutte à grande échelle, nous avons l’ambition d’être le réflexe des Européens pour des produits de qualité moins chers,

Better every day: nous questionnons et améliorons en permanence nos idées et façons de faire,

Value time : nous optimisons notre ressource la plus précieuse - notre temps -, pour avoir le maximum d’impact.

Feel safe : Nous créons ensemble un environnement bienveillant, pour que chacun s’y plaise et se développe

Descriptif du poste


At Bene Bono, your grocery shopping makes a difference!

Bene Bono offers environmentally & socially shopping with prices up to 40% lower.

In concrete terms, we provide a weekly selection of top-quality products directly saved from waste at discounted prices.

By Shopping With Bene Bono, You

  • Support producers and manufacturers in upgrading their products,
  • Take control of your consumption by actively participating in waste reduction efforts,
  • Save money without compromising the quality of your groceries.


  • 200% saved from waste: products directly sourced from producers and manufacturers that would have otherwise gone unsold due to arbitrary distribution standards (size, shape, color, overproduction, etc.),
  • 100% top quality: all our products adhere to our rigorous quality policy (taste, freshness, no harmful or controversial ingredients, ethical sourcing, no heated greenhouses for fruits and vegetables, etc.), including organic and locally sourced fruits and vegetables,
  • 100% flexibility: subscription with no commitment (we're not like Free, but we understand), weekly deliveries, easy skip option for when you're away or unable to receive the delivery.

Today, we have already saved over 2600 tons of products, thanks to 23,000 satisfied customers. Tomorrow, we aim to save thousands of tons of products and deliver them across Europe!

As a fast-growing startup (with millions in ARR), we are focused on our mission and have the ambition to build an exceptional team in France and abroad (currently in Spain, but throughout Europe in the future). We already have more than 80 team members, called "Benies," and we continue to hire to support our growth. It's the perfect place to enjoy working as a team, have rapid career growth opportunities, and make a significant impact on the environment.


💕 A few words about our values, which are deeply important to us at Bene Bono.

Save what's good: We fight against waste for the benefit of producers, consumers, and the planet.

Save tons: To tackle this issue on a large scale, we aim to become Europeans' go-to choice for high-quality, affordable products.

Better every day: We constantly question and improve our ideas and practices.

Value time: We optimize our most precious resource—our time—to maximize our impact.

Feel safe: Together, we create a nurturing environment where everyone feels comfortable and can grow.

Job Description

We're on the lookout for an amazing Senior Finance Manager to join the Bene Bono team, aimed at reinforcing our finance team and preparing us for an exciting future of growth towards a 100M€ revenue goal. This role is designed to work closely with our CFO, Thomas (since 10/2022), and our Finance Officer, Alaeddine (since 02/2023), providing a unique opportunity to shape the future of Bene Bono's finance function on its path to profitability.

The Key Responsibilities Of The Role Includes

  • Monthly Closing: Take charge of producing and refining our monthly accounting reports for both our French and Spanish entities, including comprehensive P&L, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.
  • Yearly Closing: Collaborate with our accountants to generate consolidated financial accounts and oversee the annual audit process with our auditors.
  • Finance Ops & Processes: Ensure our processes (such as expense validation, cash flow management, and management reporting) and our toolkit (currently Pennylane, Spendesk, Pivot, Odoo) are optimally configured to support Bene Bono's growth trajectory.
  • Financial Planning: Develop quarterly budgets and take ownership of our 5-year Business Plan.
  • Performance Controlling: Analyze monthly performance against budget, identify discrepancies, and communicate findings in operational terms. Prepare materials for investors and board members.
  • Financing: Engage in upcoming financing activities, including fundraising, securing non-dilutive instruments, and arranging working capital financing.

Additionally, a valid residence permit allowing work in France is a necessary requirement.

Required Profile

We're looking for someone with a minimum of 4 years of hands-on experience supporting teams in a fast-paced environment.

We expect a deep-rooted understanding and practical experience with the three crucial financial statements: the Profit & Loss statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow statement. This knowledge should extend beyond mere familiarity, providing you with a comprehensive ability to both prepare and analyze these documents with precision.

Your proficiency with Excel or Gsheet should enable you to manipulate data swiftly and accurately, ensuring integrity and reliability in your work.

But it's not all about the numbers !

You're meticulous in your work because you know the devil's in the details. You've got a knack for spotting trends, gaps or patterns making complex issues seem like a walk in the park.

Your business intuition is top-notch, helping you see beyond the numbers to what really matters.

And when it comes to navigating the exciting world of a fast-growing company, you're as savvy as they come, ready to lead the charge in shaping new processes and tackling challenges head-on.

We value diverse profiles at Bene Bono! We take great pleasure in welcoming individuals with unconventional backgrounds, rich stories, and multiple life experiences. So, don't hesitate to send us your application!

You know Bene Bono is the right fit for you if...

🥕 You want your work to have an impact! And not just any impact: a positive impact on the environment and a community of producers, suppliers, and consumers on a large scale.

🌍 You crave to join a rapidly growing startup that doesn't shy away from its European ambitions (France, Spain, and soon across Europe) #helloitsme🎶

🧗 You're not afraid to get your hands on the pasta (is that a saying?), but you also want to evolve within a well-funded startup supported by renowned investors (€8M raised in 2022 from Stride in the UK, Project A in Germany, and Kima in France).

🤝 Joining a people-focused company that prioritizes diversity is essential to you. You want the freedom and opportunity to make a real impact.


  • Introductory call with Laure (People Team) or Thomas (CFO) to get to know each other, present Bene Bono and the role.
  • Interview with Thomas, CFO, on a financial analysis and modelling case study prepared in advance.
  • Meet Claire (COO) and Grégoire (CEO), two of the co-founders.
  • Reference calls & meet-the-team moment and job offer 🤞


Start: ASAP

Warehouse locations: Orly, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux

Office located in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris, with a flexible approach to remote work (approximately 40% remote work) + possibility of full telecommuting if needed.

Occasional visits to our producers and suppliers.

A friendly team that takes great pride in its values!

Enjoy good organic products with a free monthly basket and discounts on baskets and grocery items 🍒

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (BSPCE) for all permanent employees.

Informations complémentaires

  • Type de contrat : CDI
  • Lieu : Paris
  • Télétravail partiel possible
  • Niveau hiérarchique

  • Type d’emploi

  • Fonction

    Finance et Ventes
  • Secteurs

    Technologie, information et Internet

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