Recreating the THX “Deep Note” in JavaScript

By Chris Coyier on

I love that Alexander Keliris saw a paper sketch of that cool THX sound you hear in movie theaters and coded it using Tone.js. Sounds great I think. Great example of getting nerdsniped by an idea. I also saw Lea Rosema needed some short/simple 8-bit sounds recently and got nerdsniped into making them herself.


By Chris Coyier on

First I read Nikhil Suresh’s angry rant about AI, then I read Frank M Taylor’s angry rant about front-end development. I agree and disagree with different points in each, like any good rant. Something that struck me is that, well, I don’t think either of them are actually particularly angry, it’s actually a schtick. I […]

Mesh Gradients

By Chris Coyier on

CSS has linear, radial, and conic gradients, that can all do interesting and complex things… but not quite this, at least not on their own: That’s what we’ve been calling a Mesh Gradient. There are all sorts of ways to pull it off, like using multiple backgrounds with radial gradients placed at different locations, or […]