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My How to help lemon tree wasdamaged in a hail storm?

My How to help lemon tree wasdamaged in a hail storm?

My lemon tree was damaged in a hail storm, it stripped most of the leaves, stripped bark and broke the pot it was in. I put it in a new pot. Is there anything else I should do for it?

My lemon tree was in a hail storm

My lemon tree was damaged in a hail storm, it stripped most of the leaves, stripped bark and broke the pot it was in. I put it in a new pot. Is there anything else I should do for it?

How to help lemon tree damaged in a hail storm?

My lemon tree was damaged in a hail storm, it stripped most of the leaves, stripped bark and broke the pot it was in. I put it in a new pot. Is there anything else I should do for it?

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My lemon tree was in a hail stoormstorm

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My lemon tree was in a hail stoorm

My lemon tree was damaged in a hail storm, it stripped most of the leaves, stripped bark and broke the pot it was in. I put it in a new pot. Is there anything else I should do for it?