[APP][15OCT2011-v0.2.7] LateReader: WM Read It Later Application...

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Retired Recognized Developer
The SSL issue some of you faced lately is fixed in v0.2.7, please try and give feedback. Thanks.
Late Reader is a Windows Mobile application for reading your Read It Later lists. Actually this application does (or aims) more than just reading your list. You can search, sort your list, download pages for offline reading. Share your list items with others. And more.


Please note that this is a .NET application and requires .NET CF 3.5+ to be installed on your device.

Below you can find the change log.

Late Reader v0.2.7
- FIXED SSL issue
- improved graphics thanks to drast-x
- no more fullscreen
- some more fixes

Late Reader v0.2.0

- [FIXED] SIP auto activate/deactivate when focus enters/exits text boxes
- [FIXED] Storage Card is not always detected correctly, especially when you have mapped network folders
- Item Title/Tags editing
- Application Settings UI
- Show progress info during syncing
- Archieve
- Day and night color shemes for Currently Reading view
- Reading bg color/fgcolor selection
- Kinetic scrolling in reading list
- Full screen option in Currently Reading view
- Statusbar for displaying number of items ec. in the list
- Touch based page up/page down style navigation as an option (suggested by sirhc7)
- D-Pad support in Currently Reading view
- Summary info about Reading List on the main screen
- Download all page texts as an option
- Much faster filter/sort

Late Reader v0.1.0

- C# API wrapper for RIL web based API
- Login
- Signup
- Reading List UI
- Page Text rendering (I am doing this from scratch as the .NET WebBrowser component seems to be unusable for me)
- Currently Reading (Remembers what you were reading last time)
- Syncing with the RIL server
- Storing the list and Page Texts for offline viewing
- favicon image display in reading list
- Mark as Read/Unread functionality in the reading list
- Search in reading list
- Sorting in reading list
- Kinetic scrolling in Page Text display
- Currently reading context menu
-fontsize: tiny, small, normal, large, huge
-show more/less (depending on the current mode),
-show full in browser
-update pagetext (download again)​
- Threaded syncing
- Use of codepages in Currently Reading view
- Get only list as an option
-Show whether pagetext is available with an icon
-Let the user mark items for downloading with the next sync
-By default do not download READ item page text
-Make this an option​
- [FIXED]reading list does not update after a sync (at least the sorting is not applied)
- [FIXED]currently reading mode (less/more) is not stored
- [FIXED]When no text is available in Currently Reading Panel a message indicating less mode is shown, but sometimes the same thing happens in more mode as well
- [FIXED]Better rendering of PRE/CODE tags
- [FIXED]Every form is displayed as a separate app in task managers, we should have only one item instead
- [FIXED]Some items are displayed twice in All view (maybe read items?)
- [FIXED]max mode of main form is sometimes hindered with the title bar (especially after a long running sync operation)

Planned Features

- Better UI
- Better rendering (more html tag support) in the Page Text display
- Pinch zooming in the reading list and Page Text display
- Image download/display option in the Page Text display
- Better Application icon
- Share (twitter, facebook, email)
- ! Paging in currently reading (better memory management)
- Currently reading context menu - share (twitter, facebook, email)
- Shake based URL add (with a translucent form with two buttons: "Read It Later" and "Open Late Reader")
-for Opera 10
-for other browsers later
- Tags Chooser (like in blog page tags)
- Better rendering of long words (words longer than a line should be splitted)
- Page transition effects (from main form to reading list, reading list to currently reading)
- check connection state and open upon user approval during
-open in external browser
-share via email,facebook,twitter
-update pagetext
- Rotate/auto rotate
- Reading list button animation (Button down effect)
- Store currently reading scrollposition
- Performance improvement
-Optimize justified text rendering
-Decrease memory usage (easily reaches 5-6 MB currently)
- Handle "Login Needed" response type for page text downloading
- Handle "Next Page" in a response to pagetext downloading
-Add option to download next page as well
-Add option to select max number of next pages to follow (depth of download)
-Display next page following the normal text page in the "Currently Reading" view
- Option to delete pagetexts of read pages
- Faster "mark for download" with a switch control (suggested by spyrale)
- D-Pad support (I did not add this from the beginning because I do not have a device with a D-PAD, only HD2 and HD)
- rendering non-text elements, at least the simple tables, small figures (suggested by leoparis)
- dictionary integration (suggested by leoparis)
- AppToDate support (suggested by sirhc7)
- copy text to clipboard (suggested by sirhc7)
- highlight text (suggested by sirhc7)
- add note to selected text (suggested by sirhc7)
- configurable gesture based actions
- configurable page region tap actions (suggested by sirhc7)
- option to select from one of the installed browser apps, when using "open in external browser" (suggested by spyrale)

- error messages generated by RILAPI are not displayed at all (maybe not generated correctly?)
- favicon is not correctly drawn (transparency issue)
- <LINK> tag defined favicons are not currently downloaded
- password entry is not masked (with asterisk)

  • First of all thanks to xda-developers forum user zefiltrin (hugocbp) for the idea (see his thread), also thanks to other members on that thread for their comments
  • LateReader uses Sense SDK, and I must admit that this wonderful library freed me from hundreds of lines of custom drawing code.
  • I used Majestic12 HTML parser for parsing page texts
  • Finally I must thank to the makers of Read It Later

This application is provided freely, but it is not open source software. You can use the software freely. Decompiling is not permitted.
I might do this open source, but at least it is closed source now. So please respect this and do not decompile it.


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Jun 18, 2007
Getting Null Reference Exception. Could not add anything to the list as the add button is grayed out.:confused:
Error and phone details are attached..:(


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Retired Recognized Developer
Thanks for the very fast response.
Currently Add function is not available. You can use the Read It Later web browser plugins for adding items to your list. Actually this would be the typical usage scenario: Add from a browser, then sync to your WM device. But I will also try to make adding on the device as usable as possible (shake based Opera integration, etc.)

I will investigate your problem tomorrow as it is the middle of the night here (04:38 AM :(), and I need to have some sleep before I go to work :)

In the meantime, can you provide answers to the following questions in order to make the analysis easier:
- which device are you using?
- which version of the .NET CF are you using (3.5+ is a requirement, I should add this to the first post I guess)
- do you have a storage card installed?

By the way, I tested the app with a HD2 and a HD, and it works without a problem.
finally you made it :D thanks a lot, will test later :)

played a little, only one word: AWESOME. i have only one request that you have not planned, perhaps: a checkbox (or a switch) to mark for download it will be faster then long tapping on the item :D thanks vizier, you are a master!
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Retired Recognized Developer
finally you made it :D thanks a lot, will test later :)

played a little, only one word: AWESOME. i have only one request that you have not planned, perhaps: a checkbox (or a switch) to mark for download it will be faster then long tapping on the item :D thanks vizier, you are a master!

It was not very easy to allocate time for this project most of the time, but yes finally we have something to start with. Thank you for your support.

Also I think your suggestion can improve the usability of LateReader, I will add marking for download with a switch to the list of planned items.


New member
Mar 31, 2007
- which version of the .NET CF are you using (3.5+ is a requirement, I should add this to the first post I guess)

What is .NET CF 3.5+ ??? I never heard of this Plus-Version and I could not find it in the internet. I have installed .NET CF 3.5 (without +) and up to now it seems to work on my Omnia Pro. Great app !!! Looking forward to the next version.
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Retired Recognized Developer
What is .NET CF 3.5+ ??? I never heard of this Plus-Version and I could not find it in the internet. I have installed .NET CF 3.5 (without +) and up to now it seems to work on my Omnia Pro. Could app !!! Looking forward to the next version.

3.5+ means 3.5 or newer :)
I am glad it worked for you after installing CF 3.5.:cool:


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2010
Belo Horizonte
It is really nice to see how my unpretencious topic really became an app.

I had some personal problems lately and couldn't give my feedback or thank your, but Thank you!

This is an awesome app that was missing for WM and it really helped me A LOT.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2009
Wow. thanks a lot. have been looking for a Read It later application for windows mobile. :)

Just curious, is there any way to mark all the "readings" for offline reading, so that they would be downloaded when sync. Or do i have to click on every one of them slowly? Thanks!


Retired Recognized Developer
Wow. thanks a lot. have been looking for a Read It later application for windows mobile. :)

Just curious, is there any way to mark all the "readings" for offline reading, so that they would be downloaded when sync. Or do i have to click on every one of them slowly? Thanks!

Actually in the previous release (I posted on another thread) the default sync behaviour was to download all items. However, this caused problems with people having huge lists with hundreds of items. So I decided to make this an option, and the default behaviour is to download only marked items.

You see, downloading all of the items is an option. But the problem is we will have the "Options" user interface in the next release.

If you want to try this option with the current version, actually it is possible. Just do the following:
1. Close LateReader applcation
2. open \Storage Card\Program Files\LateReader\Data\Latereader.xml file with an editor (PHM Notepad or MADE should do this easily)
3. Scroll to the end of file. There you will see a line like this:
4. Change false to true, thats all

I hope this helps. If you screw up anything, just delete all the files under Data folder and restart the application.

As I said before, in the next release (which will be in a few days I hope) we will have the settings/options UI.

Thank you for your comments.


Retired Recognized Developer
It is really nice to see how my unpretencious topic really became an app.

I had some personal problems lately and couldn't give my feedback or thank your, but Thank you!

This is an awesome app that was missing for WM and it really helped me A LOT.

Hey man,
it is very nice to hear from you. I was thinking that you did not like the application at all, and that would be the reason why you become silent all of a sudden. :D

Anyway, I hope you settled your personal problems.

What about the applications performance with your huge list, would you share your experiences please.

If you did not start that thread I would not even know that there is something called Read It Later. Thanks again.:cool:


Jan 23, 2009
Hi Vizier,

first of all thanks a lot for this perfect app.
Everything works fine on my Touch Pro2 (WM 6.1) except the sync of a deleted item from the reading list.
Example: An item has been added to the reading list on the PC. Than it has been read on the PocketPC and moved to the list "Read". After a sync it has been deleted on the PC. Sync again and...: It is still in the list "Read" on the PocketPC. Sync again, no changes. The item is not back on the PC, but still exists on the PocketPC.
How can I delete it from the PocketPC.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best regards,



Dec 9, 2007
Scrolling pages

Hi Vizier,

Thanks so much for this app - just what I've been hoping for! One request: is there some way to add navigation one screen page at a time by either touching the screen (as in mobipocket, Vade Mecum) - possibly touch bottom half for page-down and upper half for page-up, or via the volume buttons? Kinetic scrolling is imprecise and not very fluid on my HD.

But the app is great - looking forward to the next release (and the Options button)!

Thanks again!


Retired Recognized Developer
Hi Vizier,

Thanks so much for this app - just what I've been hoping for! One request: is there some way to add navigation one screen page at a time by either touching the screen (as in mobipocket, Vade Mecum) - possibly touch bottom half for page-down and upper half for page-up, or via the volume buttons? Kinetic scrolling is imprecise and not very fluid on my HD.

But the app is great - looking forward to the next release (and the Options button)!

Thanks again!

Yes, for some reason (unknown to me at the moment) kinetic scrolling in the Currently Reading screen does not work at all on the HD. I do not think it is a memory or CPU issue, may be something related to the WM version. Are you using 6.1 or 6.5?
Anyway I am investigating this issue, but no luck so far.

I will add page up/page down style navigation as an option. I will update the first post with this. Thanks.

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    Latest beta with graphics from drast-x...

    I guess this is enough for waiting a response from drast-x.
    Here you have the latest beta.
    As I said before, you should thank to drast-x for the graphics.

    Hi again,
    I am waiting for a response from drast-x, I will upload it after that.

    With the latest NAND builds, HD2 became very much like a native Android phone. There are very small annoyances specific to different builds, but overall I feel very comfortable with my Android HD2. :)