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Today’s changelog brings you GraphQL and webhook support for project status updates and project custom field changes directly in the webhook event!

Using GraphQL and webooks with project status updates

Following our release earlier this year for project status updates, you can now interact with project status updates using GraphQL and webhooks. This unlocks new ways to automate how you provide and gather project status update information.


There is a new ProjectV2StatusUpdate GraphQL object to interact with project status updates, so you can view, create, update, and delete status updates.

Below is an example query to create a new project status update.

mutation {
    input: {projectId: "0123456", body: "We wrapped up our bug bash following the beta rollout. We're back on track for our GA date in August! 🚀", startDate: "2024-06-03", targetDate: "2024-08-09", status: ON_TRACK}
  ) {
    statusUpdate {


Project status updates are included in the new projects_v2_status_update webhook event, so you can understand and be notified when a new project status update is provided.

You must be subscribed to this event from the organization settings page to receive this information.
organization settings for webhook event

Below is an example of a webhook event.

    "action": "edited",
    "projects_v2_status_update": {
        "id": 32633,
        "node_id": "PVTSU_lADOBH2n9s4Ajp6VzX95",
        "project_node_id": "PVT_kwDOBH2n9s4Ajp6V",
        "creator": {
        "body": "We've kicked off this project and are feeling confident in our rollout plan. More updates and demos to come next week!",
        "start_date": "2024-06-24",
        "target_date": "2024-08-16",
        "status": "ON_TRACK",
        "created_at": "2024-06-24T20:27:48Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-06-24T20:30:47Z"
    "changes": {
        "body": {
            "from": "We're still planning this out and are kicking off soon.",
            "to": "We've kicked off this project and are feeling confident in our rollout plan. More updates and demos to come next week!"
        "status": {
            "from": "INACTIVE",
            "to": "ON_TRACK"
        "start_date": {
            "from": null,
            "to": "2024-06-24"
        "target_date": {
            "from": null,
            "to": "2024-08-16"
    "organization": {
    "sender": {

Using webhooks for project custom field changes

Project custom field changes are now included directly in the project_v2_item webhook event when a project item’s fields are edited, removing the need to send an additional GraphQL query. This gives you the previous and current field values to understand how project fields change over time and how long they have a particular value, allowing you to understand how long an item was In progress before moving to Done status.

Below is an example of the webhook which includes the previous and current value for single select, text, number, iteration, and date project custom fields using the changes parameter.

"changes": {
    "field_value": {
        "field_node_id": "PVTSSF_lADOBH2n9s4Aje1Izgb1kEs",
        "field_type": "single_select",
        "field_name": "Status",
        "project_number": 18,
        "from": {
            "id": "f75ad846",
            "name": "Todo",
            "color": "GREEN",
            "description": "This item hasn't been started"
        "to": {
            "id": "47fc9ee4",
            "name": "In Progress",
            "color": "YELLOW",
            "description": "This is actively being worked on"

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Added the convertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssue GraphQL mutation to convert drafts to issues
  • Fixed an error message when resizing columns in the table layout
  • Fixed errors when migrating a classic project to the new Projects experience
  • Fixed a bug where updating an issue in the project side panel didn’t reflect in the project view
  • Fixed the rendering of special characters in a single-select field description from the table layout cell dropdown
  • Fixed a bug where a space could not be added in project chart titles

✍️ Tell us what you think!

Join the conversation in the community discussion to share your feedback.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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Today’s changelog brings you a new workflow to auto-close issues in Projects!

🪄 Auto-close issue project workflow

The auto-close issue workflow allows you to automatically close issues when their project status is changed to “Done” ✅ or any custom status you define (🙅 say goodbye to repetitive clicks).

Implementing the new workflow

For existing projects anyone with write or admin access can enable the new auto-close issue workflow on the workflows page.

For new projects the auto-close issue workflow will be enabled by default.

✍️ Tell us what you think!

Join the conversation in the community discussion to share your feedback.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Enterprise Managed Users can now use public project templates and copy public projects.
  • Changed the behavior to apply a secondary sort field from the view configuration menu and also the table column menu.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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When we first introduced GitHub Projects, we set a limit of 1,200 items per project to keep projects snappy and encourage tracking of only active work. Your feedback over the years has been invaluable, and we heard you loud and clear – sometimes, 1,200 items just isn’t enough for those growing, scaling projects. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce the private beta of Projects without Limits, which will enable unlimited issue limits on your projects.

While this feature is still under development, the private beta currently supports the table, board, and roadmap layouts. Stay tuned for upcoming support for other beloved features such as slice by, swimlanes, mobile support, Projects API, and insights.

If you’re a project admin and your project is nearing the item limit while exclusively using our supported features, this banner will appear over your project.

To join the private beta waitlist, click the Join waitlist button. If space is available, your project will be granted beta access.

For questions and feedback, please visit our Community Discussion.

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Today's changelog brings you project status updates and an updated issues side panel in Projects!

🟢 Project status updates

You can now provide high level details on the status, timing, and progress of your project, directly from the project! This makes it easy to know and share with others how your work is progressing, any risks, and a history of when and why something changed, all in the same place where you're tracking your work.

You can access status updates from the Project details panel, where you can also add a short description or README with additional project information. Select Add update to give your project a Status, Start date, or Target date, along with additional details or mentioning another user or team. You can also edit, delete, or copy a link to a specific update to make it easy to share with others.

Once you add a status update to a project, you'll find it visible in the project header and the project index pages, so you can quickly find and access the high level details for all of your projects in a single place and drill in for more information.

project index page showing the description and start / end dates next to the project name

For more details, check out the documentation.

🛝 Issues side panel in Projects

Projects has an updated issues side panel which matches the design of issues reached from a repository. In addition to providing a consistent experience, this update also means that issues accessed from a project have all timeline events and include any other projects the issue is a part of, making it easier to manage issues from either a project or a repository.

The image shows a project with an open issue page in a side panel

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug where labels were being unexpectedly changed on issues when adding them to a project
  • Improved the workflow name editing experience by providing a dialog
  • Improved keyboard focus and navigation on the Insights and Workflows pages

✍️ Tell us what you think!

Join the conversation in the community discussion to share your feedback.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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Today's changelog brings you the general availability (GA) of organization project templates.

🎨 Organization project templates

We've shipped exciting updates that allow you to quickly create, share, and use project templates for your organizations, making it easy to get started with a new project and share inspiration and best practices with others.

🔄 Creating a project template

You can create a project template a few different ways:

  1. Using New template from the "Templates" section found in your organization, team, or repository "Projects" pages
  2. Converting a project to a template by toggling Make template from the project settings page
  3. Making a copy of an existing project or project template

templates section on the Projects index page

Once you set up your project template, any views, fields, workflows, insights, and draft items will be included when using the template or making a copy of it.

With a growing number of project templates within an organization, organization administrators can designate a set of recommended templates from the organization settings page. These will appear as "Recommended" templates when creating a new project, so they are surfaced more prominently to help guide you in the right direction when getting started.

organization recommended templates

Improved experience when creating a project

When you create a new project, you'll notice an improved experience to browse and search across all available templates and choose one to quickly get started. You will find a new set of "Featured" templates provided by GitHub to help you get started depending on your use case for a project, such as the "Team planning" or "Feature release" templates, as well as separate sections for templates from your organization and starting from scratch.

✍️ Tell us what you think!

Join the conversation in the community discussion to share your feedback.

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the documentation.

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Today's changelog introduces a new global page to find all of your projects!

🌐 Global Projects page

You will now find all of your relevant and commonly used projects in a single place at This page is found from the global navigation menu under Projects and can be used to find projects you've recently viewed or created, regardless of the organization or where they live. No more searching across organizations and tabs for the project you are looking for!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved the table column ... menu and configuration options
  • Included Field sum configurations when copying a project or using a project template
  • Fixed a bug where uploaded files were not rendering in the project README or draft items
  • Fixed a bug where items could not be added to an empty roadmap view with a Group by field
  • Fixed a bug where invalid chart configurations prevented copying a project or using a project template
  • Fixed a bug where setting a project as a template gave an error message

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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We are excited to announce a significant update to the comment box used in GitHub issues, discussions, and pull requests, aiming to refine and enhance how you interact and collaborate. This release is a testament to our ongoing efforts to provide an exceptional user experience, making GitHub more intuitive, consistent, and accessible across the platform.

A screenshot of the new comment box

The updated comment box is designed to integrate seamlessly with the existing GitHub environment, ensuring a familiar yet improved experience for all users. Highlights and improvements include:

  • Enhanced User Experience: The newly revamped comment box brings an elevated experience to a wider range of users across various devices. With this update, we've enhanced the responsiveness and streamlined the markup to better accommodate keyboard and screen reader users. This ensures a uniform and smooth user experience across issues, discussions, and pull requests, promoting seamless communication and collaboration.
  • Consistency and Familiarity: Our design philosophy for the new comment box was clear: keep it familiar, make it better. We’ve developed the updated version to closely resemble the original while enhancing it with improved accessibility, consistency, and ease of use across various screen sizes. The transition for you will be smooth, with no disruptions to your workflow.
  • Commitment to Accessibility: This update contributes to our continuous journey to make GitHub more accessible to everyone. The comment box now aligns more closely with our accessibility commitment, enhancing the experience in features such as issues, pull requests, and discussions. Check out our Accessibility Commitment to learn more about how we are making GitHub more inclusive.

We are excited for you to experience the new comment box and we welcome feedback to continue improving GitHub for everyone.

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Today's changelog brings you improvements to project templates (public beta), including new templates pages and the ability to create a template with a single click!

🏠 Find projects templates from your organization's Projects page

You'll now find all project templates in the "Templates" section of your organization's Projects page. This allows you to quickly find, filter, and open all available templates right alongside your projects.

You can also create templates using New template, in addition to converting an existing project into a template by toggling Make template on the project's settings page.

Create, set up, and reuse templates to make getting started with new projects a breeze!

organization templates page

In order to find templates that are relevant to you and your teams, you can now link project templates and create them directly from your team and repository "Projects" pages. This allows you to link relevant templates for quick and easy access the same way that you can link or create projects from these locations.

✍️ Tell us what you think!

We’ve got more improvements planned for project templates but we want to hear from you, so be sure to drop a note in the discussion and let us know how we can improve! Check out the documentation for more details.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved the project collaborators suggestions to differentiate between teams and users
  • Fixed a bug where you could not download an empty project view with Export view data
  • Fixed a border contrast issue in the Workflows page

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Today’s Changelog brings you updates to project templates and historical charts, sticky group headers, and color improvements!

We’re continuing to make improvements to project templates for organizations (public beta). 👏

You can now view the project template that was used when a project was created. Once a template is used to create a new project, you can find and link back to the template from the project settings page in the “Templates” section. This allows you to reference the history of how a project was created and view any improvements made to the template since then.

templates settings page

You can also now use the CLI to mark a project as a template for members of your organization to use when getting started. The command will look like this:

gh project mark-template 1 --owner That-Lady-Dev

Check out the documentation for more details, and as well as the project CLI documentation to see all the possibilities of interacting with your projects from the terminal.

Be sure to drop a note in the feedback discussion to let us know how we can continue to improve project templates.

📜 Sticky group headers

Group headers are now sticky when scrolling through your project view. For example, if you have swimlanes on your board, scrolling to other columns and items will maintain the group name in view, making it easy for you to keep your place.

🎨 Updated colors for single select fields

The colors for single select fields have been updated, so you’ll now see the same colors within the field picker and on your project views.

single select field colors

➕ Create issues in board repository groups

You can now create issues when grouped by Repository on the board layout. Click Create new issue or start typing the title to get started.

creating issue in repository groups

📊 Updates to historical charts

Historical charts (available for GitHub Team and Enterprise Cloud plans) now show the state changes of your project items over time, allowing you to see how items have been opened and closed over time. This allows you to visualize the progress of your items over time, showing how much work has been completed and how much is left to do.

historical chart

Historical charts no longer support a Group by field.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Included the Slice by field configuration when you copy a project or use a project template
  • Improved the contrast of the roadmap today marker
  • Fixed the alignment between the filter bar and board columns
  • Fixed a bug where you could not copy a project or use a template if there were invalid disabled workflows
  • Fixed a bug where the view configuration menu alignement shifted when resizing a window
  • Updated the error message when setting a large column limit on board columns

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Today’s Changelog brings you the brand new slice by, updates to issue forms, and a group menu across layouts!

🍕 Slice by

You can now slice by field values in your project views! Configuring a Slice by field allows you to quickly toggle through and review your project items broken down by a field, saving you additional filters and views to quickly understand the state and details of your project. While you can slice by your issue and project fields to customize your view, some helpful slice by views include:
– Single select fields to view items broken up by status, priority, or team
Labels to group items by repository labels
Assignees to see who is working on what


Select a Slice by field from the view configuration menu. This will pull the field values into the panel on the left, allowing you to click through the values in the list to adjust the items shown in the view.

See it in action on the GitHub public roadmap, and check out the documentation for more details.

📋 Updates to issue forms

You can now configure custom issue forms to automatically add an issue to a project as well as set defaults for drop downs by adding a YAML form definition file to the /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder in your repository.

issue form yaml syntax

For more comprehensive instructions on syntax for issue forms, check out the documentation.

We’re looking to improve the experience around issue forms and templates. If you have any feedback 👉 drop a comment in our community discussion!

Group menu for item and group actions

We’ve added a group menu to quickly take action on items in a group or on the group itself. Click ... from the group header on your tables, boards, or roadmaps to archive or delete all items in a group, edit the group details directly, hide the group from the view, or delete it from your project.

group menu

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed keyboard navigation and focus when navigating to Make a copy from the project ... menu
  • Fixed group header spacing on the roadmap layout
  • Fixed a bug where using the @next filter qualifier for iteration fields was referencing the incorrect iteration
  • Fixed a bug with the numerical Field sum decimal precision

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what’s on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Today's Changelog brings you board swimlanes and the ability to create issues in repository groups!

🏊 Board swimlanes

You can now configure swimlanes on your boards by selecting a Group by field from the view configuration menu. This allows you to break up your items by different workstreams, team members, or priorities, similar to groups on tables and roadmaps. Drag and drop your items between columns and groups to quickly make adjustments, or add a new item directly.


➕ Create issues in repository groups

You can now create issues when grouped by Repository on the table and roadmap layout. Click Create new issue or start typing the title to get started.


See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Today's Changelog includes updates to project templates, a pinned item side panel, and pull request support in tasklists!

🎨 Project template updates

Since we announced the public beta of project templates for organizations, we've made improvements to what is included in a template. Any configured workflows (other than the Auto-add to project workflow), project insights, and custom fields for draft items are now included when you use a project template or make a copy of a project.

Select a template when creating a new project to see a preview of what is included.

template dialog

As we continue to build out more functionality for project templates we would love your feedback and to hear more about your experiences and requests. Check out the documentation for more details.

📌 Pinned item side panel

You can now pin the item side panel in your project by selecting the pin icon in the top right corner. This allows for triage mode where you can interact with the project view while an item remains open in the side panel.


🏗 Tasklists: pull request support + bug fixes and improvements

Tasklists now support pull requests as items and you can create tasklists inside of pull requests! If you have already been putting tasklists into pull requests only to have them fail on you, failure no more. ✨

We've also made the following improvements to tasklists:

  • You can now drag and drop issues between groups when grouped by Tracked by
  • Text in issue hovercards for issues with tasklists now correctly renders issue descriptions
  • We improved the rendering of tasklists in email notifications
  • Tasklists no longer cause legacy task lists to be "off by 1"
  • Clicking Esc after selecting a single-line metadata menu now maintains the focus
  • Long URLs no longer extend past the borders of tasklists

🤸 Reorder fields in settings

You can now reorder your custom fields in the project settings by dragging and dropping them in the list to update the order that they appear in the item side panel and on the issue page. Once you've rearranged your fields, open an issue in the side panel to see your changes!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Using Delete or pasting an empty value now clears the cell on the table layout
  • You can now undo drag and drop actions and archiving of an item using Command/Ctrl + Z
  • Fixed a bug where switching between views autoscrolled you to the right

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today's Changelog brings you sorting improvements, the ability to select a template or form when creating a new issue from your project and adding a new option to a single select field from the side panel!

🗄 Improvements to sorting fields

You can now sort items in a view using two different fields. Select Sort by in the view menu and select a primary sort field, and then hold down Alt (Option on MacOS) to select the secondary sort field.

Accessing issue templates in Projects

When creating a new issue directly from a project, you can now choose an issue template or form to apply.

Simply use the + button in the project omnibar and select Create new issue to get started.

image shows a number of options for different issue templates and forms

Adding a new single-select field option from the side panel

We've updated the side panel so that you can add a new option when editing a single-select field. Start typing and you'll be prompted to add a new option if the text doesn't match an existing option.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Items can now be dragged into collapsed groups in the roadmap layout
  • Empty cells can now be copied and pasted in the table layout
  • Export view data now includes the URL for issues and pull requests
  • Emojis now render in the browser tab title
  • Fixed a bug where you could not copy and paste Assignee information outside of a project
  • Fixed a bug where you could not use Tab to navigate Assignee values on board items
  • Your classic project link now has a working URL after completing migration

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Swiftly add content to new issues on GitHub Mobile

Introducing a new way of adding metadata while creating issues on GitHub Mobile

We are excited to enhance the Issue creation experience for GitHub Mobile by introducing a comprehensive Property Bar. This feature allows you to conveniently add assignees, labels, milestones, and projects while creating Issues on GitHub Mobile.

This powerful addition ensures that you have the necessary tools at your fingertips to create your issues with all relevant metadata even quicker than before.

Read more about GitHub Mobile and send us your feedback to help us improve.

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Today's Changelog brings you copy and paste improvements, updates to the API in projects and a flurry of tasklist updates.

📋 Copy and paste improvements

Copying table cells has been updated from plain text to rich text! Rich formatting like bold, inline code and links will now be maintained when copying and pasting data from a project. This allows better direct pasting when working across applications like Excel, Sheets, and GitHub Markdown editors. We've also made other small improvements like updating the CSV format to export tab-separated, instead of comma-separated files as well as, copying GitHub handles instead of full names.

🌐 Updated title tab in browser 

By popular demand, we've updated the tab title bar in your browser to display Issue nameView nameProject name in that order. This also applies to bookmarks and social titles!

💅 Support filtering on field schema in ProjectsV2SingleSelectField

Returning all of the options for a single select field can make our API's response hard for users to parse. You can now filter the options array by name when using GraphQL to fetch only the contents of a single select field that you care about!

query {
  organization(login:"github") {
    projectV2(number:6051) {
      creator {
        ... on User { login }
      field(name:"Status") {
        ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
          options(names:["On hold ⏰", "Done"]) {

🎨 Tasklist redesign, accessibility improvements

Tasklists got a refresh! Alongside making the drag and drop functionality a bit more discoverable, we've added separators between items in your tasklist and made other small design tweaks.

As part of this redesign, tasklists are now more easily read by screen readers and can be navigated with tab as well as the arrow keys. We've moved previously inaccessible actions, like converting a draft task to an issue or clicking the assignee placeholder to edit assignees, into the three dot menu for each task.

➕ Bulk add tasklist issues to projects

You can now add any new items which have appeared in your issue's tasklist with a click of a button! Simply group by the Tracked by field and add all of the missing children directly and automatically to your project.

⭐ Add to project from projects side panel

Has this ever happened to you? You're managing issues in your project and you use the breadcrumb navigation to to open an issue you want to edit but you find its not yet in the project so you can't access project fields?! 😖

Well, fear not, we've added the ability to quickly add any issue you open in the projects side panel to your project so you can more easily edit project metadata on your issues!

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Hiding columns in board view no longer errors for column names with multiple words
  • Improved performance on dragging rows
  • Fixed wrapping format when editing custom fields in the View menu
  • The Select column action is now available for non-editable columns
  • Users can now select more than 50 cells at a time
  • Fixed a bug so that if all characters are deleted in a draft issue title and the draft is closed, the title will revert back to the state before all characters were deleted
  • As part of the work towards removing the 1200 item limit on projects. Table row numbers will now always show in ascending order for the items in the view. Rather than showing a global number which may have included spaces for items filtered out of the view.
  • Resolved a bug in tasklists where merged pull requests were showing as "closed," reverted back to showing issue icons, full pull request support coming soon!
  • When creating a new field in a view, we’ve updated the behaviour to confirm on cancel so that new field is not lost with user clicks outside of the dialog
  • Fixed styling of the Transfer issue alert when dragging across groups is visually broken

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today's Changelog brings you board column limits, an improved item menu to move your board items and updates to Issue hierarchy powered by tasklists!

🔢 Board column limits

You can now set column limits on the board layout to help you limit your work in progress as well as promote focus on the items that really matter. Column limits are based off of the number of items in a column, and are unique to each board view.

To configure a limit, set the value from the column's ... menu. If you exceed the limit, the value will be highlighted in red.

As always, we'd love to hear from you! Let us know your feedback in our community discussion.

Updated menu to move board items

Following our support for bulk updates and keyboard shortcuts, we've made it even easier to move the items on your boards. Select the item ... menu to move an item to the top or bottom of a column, or to a different column altogether.

➕ Add tasklist button

a picture of the same issue in projects and in issues which shows the new add tasklist button on the bottom left of the issue description

You may have noticed a new button has appeared on issues and the projects side-panel! You can now easily add tasklists to your issues without ever having to enter your issue's Markdown.

📁 Drag and drop improvements in table layout

Items can be dragged into collapsed groups in the table layout. Items can also be dragged and dropped across groups when sorting is enabled.

🏗️ Export project view as a CSV file

You can now download a view by selecting the view menu and clicking Download CSV.

Screenshot 2023-06-15 at 2 42 26 PM

👀 Upcoming change to insights

Historical charts will no longer support group by values. We will be phasing historical charts out over the next couple of months and no new accounts will be added to the existing support.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a permissions bug when reordering fields within a group
  • Single select edit option modal updates preview label text
  • Updated icon color of Make a copy icon
  • Fixed visual bug on Delete project and Issue transfer modals
  • Can now delete a project if there is an emoji in the name
  • Issue title created using the Add item bar now populates in the issue create modal
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for metadata edits (improvements to this coming soon!)
  • Tasklists now throw an error (instead of silently failing) when formatting is incorrect
  • Fixed a bug where tasklist name changes were not being persisted
  • Fixed a regression where tasklists did not show the preview title when adding issues
  • Fixed a regression in the tasklist omnibar which broke the autocomplete functionality
  • Fixed a bug preventing users from selecting multiple rows in the table
  • Fixed a bug where users couldn't copy assignees table cells

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today's Changelog brings you project templates, support for tasklists on mobile, and bulk edit support on boards!

🎨 Project templates for organizations

Project templates for organizations are now in public beta! Building upon the recently released ability to copy an existing project you can now create, save and reuse projects with templates, helping you save time and create a consistent approach to managing your projects.

To get started with project templates:

  • Project admins will see a new option Make template on the settings page that will set the project as a template.
  • If you want to keep your current project, but think it will make a great template, admins and write access users will see the option to Copy as template, which will create a new version without your issues and pull requests as a template.
  • To see all templates, simply search for is:template on the projects page.
  • When creating a new project, you will see available templates in the sidebar.

image shows a number of project template options when starting a new project

As we continue to build out more functionality for project templates we would love your feedback and to hear more about your experiences and requests. Check out the docs for more details.

📱 Tasklists on Mobile


Tasklists now render on mobile! View progress on your initiatives, epics, umbrella issues (or whatever your team calls them) on the go!

Tasklists are currently in private beta, and you can sign your organization up on the waitlist.

💪 ⌨️ Bulk updates and keyboard navigation on boards

Kanban enthusiasts rejoice! We've added the ability for users to bulk update cards on their boards with either mouse drag and drop or keyboard navigation. To select more than one card, simply hold Ctrl/Command and click on the cards you wish to move. For keyboard warriors, tab to the card you wish to drag, hold shift and navigate to other cards you wish to update, and press enter to select and move the selected cards.

For more detailed information, find a full list of keyboard shortcuts in the docs.

👁️ Persistent collapsed groups on tables and roadmaps

When you collapse a group in the table or roadmap layout, the group will remain collapsed when you return to the view. This is only the case for your view and will not be applied for anyone else.

🎨 Updates to single-select color options

If other values in this field already have a color, a color will be auto-assigned to any new values added to the field.

📋 Copying values in tables

You can now select and copy a range of cells. Use Ctrl/Command + a keyboard command once to select a row and twice to select all cells, and Ctrl/Command + c to copy values. You can then paste values in other text editors using Ctrl/Command + v.

✨ Bug fixes & improvements

Tasklists bug fixes and improvements:

  • Updated the iconography for "saving" tasklists
  • Set a limit of 512 characters for draft tasks
  • Fixed a bug where users were seeing a red error banner with the message "An error occured while loading your tasklist."

Other changes include:

  • Updated the Auto-archive workflow confirmation dialog to show number of items archived
  • Fixed inconsistent text highlighting in code search filter input
  • Added the ability to exit the label dialog without using a mouse

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Previously, all attached (drag-and-dropped) images and videos on GitHub Issues, Pull Requests, Discussions, and wikis were available to view without authentication if you knew their direct URL. Now, future attachments associated with private repositories can only be viewed after logging in. This doesn’t apply retroactively to existing attachments, which are obfuscated by having a long, unguessable URL.

Email notifications sent from private repositories will no longer display images; each image is replaced by a link to view it on the web. Content inside a Git repository is not affected by this change and has always required authentication for private repositories.

Learn more about attaching files.

Questions or suggestions? Join the conversation in the community discussion.

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Today's Changelog brings you an easy way to set base project permissions and tasklists improvements!

🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏾 Set Base Permissions in Projects

Organization admins can now set default project permissions. Project admins can always update permissions on their projects, but by changing the base permission, organization admins can change the default between admin, read, write or no access upon project creation.

🐞 Tasklists Bug Fixes

Thanks to your continued feedback we continue to make improvements for our tasklist users week over week!

  • Fixed a bug in projects where navigating to an item in the tasklist, going back to the parent, then navigating back to the same item was resulting in a strange and broken display
  • Fixed a bug where interacting with meta-data edits on tasklists too quickly resulted in users being pushed to a nonsensical blank page
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on labels in tasklists sometimes changed their order
  • Fixed a bug related to converting issues where sometimes draft tasks were not displayed as an issue until after the page was refreshed
  • Fixed a bug where users were unable to make changes to item meta-data after dragging and dropping items in the tasklist
  • Fixed a bug where converting too many issues at once sometimes broke tasklists
  • Fixed a bug where dragging and dropping while the tasklist was syncing resulted in the drag and drop not being registered
  • Fixed a bug where changing meta-data while converting an issue made the meta-data not reflect on the tasklist
  • Fixed a bug where pressing ESC when changing metadata resulted in weird UI

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved speed on copy and paste behavior in the table view
  • Fixed omnibar margins and positioning in the roadmap layout
  • Workflow save button validation check now works without needing to refresh the page
  • Fixed several filter bar bugs
    • Clicking on the assignee icon no longer removes the assignee:@me filter
    • Clicking on milestones with a no longer ? depopulates the filter

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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Today's Changelog brings you bulk editing in the table layout and improvements to tasklists!

🦖 Bulk editing in tables

You can now update multiple cells in a column at once!

Update a range of cells in any column by dragging the small blue rectangle in the bottom right of any cell up or down. You can also use keyboard commands to paste values into multiple cells at the same time.

  • 1⃣ Copy a value, using Command+C (Mac) or Ctrl+C (Windows)
  • 2⃣ Select a range of cells by clicking on a cell, holding Shift and clicking a different cell in the column or select non-neighboring cells by clicking a cell and selecting multiple cells while holding down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows)
  • 3⃣ Paste values into selected cells, using Command+V (Mac) or Ctrl+V (Windows)

✅ Tasklist lockless editing & live Projects updates

The hierarchy team has been hard at work improving tasklist performance on issues and in the Projects sidepanel speeding up editing and control of tasks by 2x! We call this class of improvements "lockless editing" and we're working on baking this approach into all tasklist operations in the future.

We've also improved the speed of tasklists updates reflecting in your projects. Changes to the Tracked by and Tracks columns, which could previously take minutes are now reflected in real-time. 🎉

🐞 Tasklist bug fixes and improvements

  • Added a confirmation dialog when selecting the "Delete Tasklist" option in the three-dot-menu
  • Added a toast to prevent users adding more than 1,200 items to their project (the current project limit) when grouped by Tracked by
  • Improved logic and handling of issues with long titles and multiple labels
  • Fixed the item state icon when a Tracked by issue is closed as not planned
  • Increased the width of the Tracked by filter suggestion so users can now read the entire issue title without truncation
  • Added support for issue deletion and transfers within tasklists and issues with tasklists
  • When filtering by Tracked By in your project, items added will now show up in the last tasklist of the issue you are filtering by
  • The tasklist button in the Markdown toolbar now accepts other kinds of list types as well as titles when highlighting text and clicking the tasklist button
  • Fixed an error where some users weren't able to see issues with tasklists in the Tracked by search menu in the project filter
  • Fixed a bug where private issues were being displayed when grouped by Tracked by
  • Fixed a bug where completion data for the Tracks column was stuck in a loading state
  • Fixed an error where tasks were sometimes "reverting" to previous state after a user action
  • Fixed a bug where users who did not have write-access to the repository, but did have write-access to the issue were not able to access the tasklist omnibar
  • Fixed incorrect display of the Tracked by pill in the project item side-panel

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Enabled scrolling on the project description panel
  • Added the Repository field pill to board items when toggling it from the Fields menu
  • Fixed project and workflow filtering to support unmatched quotes
  • Fixed a rendering issue when displaying multiple field sums
  • Fixed a bug where some Mermaid diagrams were not rendering in the projects side-panel
  • Fixed a bug where leading whitespaces caused a filter to error

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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