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Releases: GeoNode/geonode


19 Sep 07:36
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Security fixes


You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


11 Aug 09:52
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Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade to geonode-importer 1.0.5 which fixes the import with filenames longer then 63 chars
  • Fixed parsing and rendering of ISO TC211 spatial representetion type

You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


08 Aug 14:03
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Software upgrades

  • Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10
  • Upgrade to Django 3.2.20

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed direct download URL not working in some cases when local files are not available
  • Fixed assignment of regions crossing the dateline
  • Fixed harvesting of ArcGIS REST ImageServer services
  • Fixed some italian translations

You can see the full list of closed PRs here.


05 Jun 14:51
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New features

New upload engine

GeoNode integrates a brand new importer module based on GDAL/OGR, which offers increased robustness and reliability to the upload UI and API services. GeoPackage (vector), GeoJSON, KML/KMZ formats and a new CSV handler have been implemented.

Thesaurus faceting and date filtering

If thesaurus and thesaurus keywords are configured and assigned to resources, they will be available inside the filters panel, along with the number of associated resources.
Date filtering (from/top) has also been added.

Time series configurable after the upload

The configuration of (potential) time series at upload time was confusing for users, and not very robust.
With the new importer, the optional configuration of vector time series can be done afterward, through the Settings tab inside the Metadata editing page
Only vector fomats that provide date(time) fields natively are supported. Conversion from string fields is not implemented.

Linked resources

This restore a functionality available in previous versions of GeoNode.
A tab inside the info panel has been added where relationships between datasets, maps and documents are reported.

Vector dataset attributes

A tab inside the info panel has been added showing the attributes of vector datasets

Remote documents

The API has been extended to permit the creation of document resources referencing remote URLs

ISO-19115 XML upload via API

The API now supports the upload of a metadata XML file along with the resource data

Software upgrades

Security and Bug Fixes

You can see the full list of closed issues here.

System requirements

Python >3.9 is required to run GeoNode 4.1.0, since many of its dependencies have dropped support for older versions.


23 Feb 17:40
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Change Log

4.0.3 (2023-02-23)

Breaking Changes

What's Changed

Enhancements and Features

  • [Fixes #10684] Remote Services with the same prefix create layers which won't be allow to edit metadata by @afabiani in #10682


Bug Fixes

  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10462] GeoNode is vulnerable to an XML External Entity (XXE) injection by @github-actions in #10466
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10464] Fix code scanning alert - Uncontrolled data used in path expression by @github-actions in #10468

Dependencies Updates

  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump boto3 from 1.26.28 to 1.26.32 by @github-actions in #10450
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump dj-database-url from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 by @github-actions in #10451
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Update numpy requirement from ==1.23.* to ==1.24.* by @github-actions in #10452
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump drf-spectacular from 0.24.2 to 0.25.1 by @github-actions in #10453
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump coverage from 6.5.0 to 7.0.0 by @github-actions in #10454
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump wandb from 0.13.6 to 0.13.7 by @github-actions in #10455
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump pytz from 2022.6 to 2022.7 by @github-actions in #10456
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump pymupdf from 1.21.0 to 1.21.1 by @github-actions in #10457
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Backport 4.1.x] Bump lxml from 4.9.1 to 4.9.2 by @github-actions in #10458

Security Updates

Full Changelog: 4.0.2...4.0.3


20 Dec 10:47
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Breaking Changes


  • Python upgrade 3.9/3.10/3.11
  • Django upgrade 3.2.16
  • GeoServer 2.20.5
  • GDAL 3.3.2/3.4.1

What's Changed

Enhancements and Features

  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10070] Let the resource manager handle also raw sld by @github-actions in #10095
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10104] Sort resource APIs with created date by @github-actions in #10122
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10075] Improvements to the upload time step UI by @github-actions in #10111
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10091] improve thumbnails quality by @github-actions in #10110
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10120] Celery autoscale values are too low and wrongly positi… by @github-actions in #10126
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10138] Render pdf thumbnails from top margin by @github-actions in #10141
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10168] Add 'executions' field to concrete instance endpoints by @github-actions in #10170
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10192] Include source into the ExecutionRequest model by @github-actions in #10207
  • [4.0.x][Fixes #10208] Add a custom hook at the end of the permissions assign by @mattiagiupponi in #10212
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10251] improve feedback to the user and UI experience of batch permisisons assignment by @github-actions in #10282
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10270] Document creation via API v2 by @github-actions in #10298
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10303] automatic periodic TaskResult removal by @github-actions in #10319
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [CLA] Add MalteIwanicki to clabot by @github-actions in #10382
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Create by @github-actions in #10329


Bug Fixes

  • [Fixes #10024] Wrong default style when creating layer by @etj in #10025
  • [Backport 4.0.x] add installation type to issue template by @github-actions in #10043
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10040] Remove auto-generated thumbnail for documents by @github-actions in #10052
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10041] Review the thumbnail scaling process by @github-actions in #10069
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10055] Modify Metadata form with permissions check by @github-actions in #10076
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10113] Data retriver keep kmz files even if is unzipped by @github-actions in #10115
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10073] Unable to view Maps tab in Recent activities by @github-actions in #10109
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #7852] Update catalog and background layers url configuration in and related files by @github-actions in #10129
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10130] Data retriever dont assign the folder/file permissions… by @github-actions in #10133
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10134] New simple renderer to generate thumbnails for PDFs by @github-actions in #10136
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10142] storage_manager copy dont assign the folder/file permi… by @github-actions in #10154
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10171] Dynamic rendering of document_detail view template by @github-actions in #10173
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Fix migrations 4x by @github-actions in #10177
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10198] uwsgi library update by @github-actions in #10200
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10195] Backup and restore procedure is not successful by @github-actions in #10203
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10204] restore mapstore catalog settings by @github-actions in #10206
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10251] Review geonode management command set_layers_permissions by @github-actions in #10253
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10263] non admin user in fresh instance cannot create resources_ by @github-actions in #10265
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10217] fix ip whitelisting by @github-actions in #10230
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Fix broken test by @github-actions in #10267
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10214] metadata_only filter not working properly by @github-actions in #10269
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10287] The "set_layer_permissions" management command does not behave correctly with "AnonyousUser" by @github-actions in #10289
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10302] Incorrect permissions assigned on cloning a resource by @github-actions in #10328
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #9041] Docker NGINX listen on ports 80/443 by @github-actions in #10340
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10376] Time serie dataset, missing permissions by @github-actions in #10391

Dependencies Updates

  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump smart-open from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 by @github-actions in #10033
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump drf-spectacular from 0.24.1 to 0.24.2 by @github-actions in #10101
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump boto3 from 1.26.26 to 1.26.28 by @github-actions in #10415
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Update idna requirement from <2.11,>=2.5 to >=2.5,<3.5 by @github-actions in #10036
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump pyjwt from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 by @github-actions in #10246
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Dependencies] Align setup.cfg to requirements.txt by @github-actions in #10418
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump pyopenssl from 22.0.0 to 22.1.0 by @github-actions in #10059
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Update setuptools requirement from <65.6.0,>=59.1.1 to >=59.1.1,<65.7.0 by @github-actions in #10332
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Fixes #10066][Depencendies] Security audit and checks by @github-actions in #10072
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump sherlock from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0 by @github-actions in #10119
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump coverage from 6.4.4 to 6.5.0 by @github-actions in #10112
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump pytz from 2022.4 to 2022.6 by @github-actions in #10239
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump protobuf from 4.21.6 to 4.21.7 by @github-actions in #10106
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump invoke from 1.7.1 to 1.7.3 by @github-actions in #10103
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Snyk] Security upgrade django from 3.2.15 to 3.2.16 by @github-actions in #10100
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump wandb from 0.13.5 to 0.13.6 by @github-actions in #10409
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Update django-invitations requirement from <1.9.4 to <2.0.1 by @github-actions in #10097
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump django-mptt from 0.13.4 to 0.14.0 by @github-actions in #10090
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump shapely from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5.post1 by @github-actions in #10157
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump dropbox from 11.35.0 to 11.36.0 by @github-actions in #10311
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump pip from 22.3 to 22.3.1 by @github-actions in #10274
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump sqlalchemy from 1.4.44 to 1.4.45 by @github-actions in #10405
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump oauthlib from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 by @github-actions in #10209
  • [Backport 4.0.x] [Snyk] Security upgrade nginx from 1.23.0-alpine to 1.23.2-alpine by @github-actions in #10249
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump webdriver-manager from 3.8.4 to 3.8.5 by @github-actions in #10337
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump psutil from 5.9.3 to 5.9.4 by @github-actions in #10310
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump psycopg2 from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5 by @github-actions in #10245
  • [Backport 4.0.x] Bump django-select2 from 7.11.0 to 8.0.0 by @github-actions in https://gith...
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14 Sep 07:59
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Change Log

4.0.1 (2022-09-14)

  • Wed Sep 14 08:53:37 2022 +0200: afabiani [Dependencies] Bump django-geonode-mapstore-client to version 4.0.4
  • Tue Sep 13 11:52:50 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Dependencies] Align setup.cfg to requirements.txt (#10019) (#10021)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:50:19 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump oauthlib from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 (#9998) (#10009)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:49:57 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump jsonschema from 4.15.0 to 4.16.0 (#9999) (#10010)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:49:31 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump pytest-splinter from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 (#10000) (#10011)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:49:01 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump dropbox from 11.33.0 to 11.34.0 (#10001) (#10012)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:48:14 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump django-select2 from 7.10.0 to 7.10.1 (#10006) (#10013)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:47:11 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Update pyproj requirement from <3.3.0 to <3.5.0 (#10002) (#10014)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:45:45 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump sqlalchemy from 1.4.40 to 1.4.41 (#10005) (#10015)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:45:15 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump twisted from 22.4.0 to 22.8.0 (#10007) (#10016)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:44:49 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump ipython from 8.4.0 to 8.5.0 (#10004) (#10017)
  • Tue Sep 13 09:44:28 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump boto3 from 1.24.66 to 1.24.70 (#10003) (#10018)
  • Fri Sep 9 17:53:24 2022 +0200: Giovanni Allegri switched to client 4.0.x (#9994)
  • Fri Sep 9 17:23:58 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi Revert "Update (#9991)" (#9992)
  • Fri Sep 9 15:56:39 2022 +0200: Giovanni Allegri Update (#9991)
  • Fri Sep 9 14:59:58 2022 +0200: Giovanni Allegri merge 4.x history
  • Fri Sep 9 12:21:18 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9987] Avoid call to delete the style if is the default one (#9988) (#9990)
  • Fri Sep 9 12:19:09 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [Fixes #9987] Avoid call to delete the style if is the default one (#9988)
  • Thu Sep 8 15:36:44 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9970] User has perms return 403 (#9982) (#9983)
  • Wed Sep 7 15:29:05 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [Fixes #9970] User has perms return 403 (#9982)
  • Wed Sep 7 12:45:49 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9960] Unable to edit style for cloned datasets (#9974) (#9981)
  • Wed Sep 7 11:40:53 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Fixes #9960] Unable to edit style for cloned datasets (#9974)
  • Wed Sep 7 11:40:34 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [#Fixes #9970] fix tests (#9979) (#9980)
  • Wed Sep 7 11:40:06 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [#Fixes #9970] Fix users has perms (#9973) (#9978)
  • Wed Sep 7 11:39:28 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [#Fixes #9970] fix tests (#9979)
  • Wed Sep 7 10:47:42 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [#Fixes #9970] Fix users has perms (#9973)
  • Wed Sep 7 10:37:23 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump djangorestframework to version 3.12.0 (#9975) (#9976)
  • Wed Sep 7 09:59:34 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani Bump djangorestframework to version 3.12.0 (#9975)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:58:50 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [dependencies] Align "setup.cfg" to the "requirements.txt" file (#9967) (#9969)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:57:25 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump jsonschema from 4.14.0 to 4.15.0 (#9959) (#9961)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:57:11 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump boto3 from 1.24.61 to 1.24.66 (#9958) (#9962)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:56:55 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 (#9957) (#9963)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:56:38 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump psutil from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 (#9956) (#9964)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:55:57 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump pylibmc from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 (#9955) (#9965)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:55:41 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 (#9954) (#9966)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:07:52 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [#Fixes #9944] Unable to clone a resource (#9948) (#9968)
  • Tue Sep 6 13:06:50 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [#Fixes #9944] Unable to clone a resource (#9948)
  • Tue Sep 6 11:12:46 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [dependencies] Align "setup.cfg" to the "requirements.txt" file (#9967)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:15:34 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump tqdm from 4.64.0 to 4.64.1 (#9954)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:15:14 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump pylibmc from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 (#9955)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:14:57 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump psutil from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 (#9956)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:14:41 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3 (#9957)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:14:25 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump boto3 from 1.24.61 to 1.24.66 (#9958)
  • Tue Sep 6 10:14:09 2022 +0200: dependabot[bot] Bump jsonschema from 4.14.0 to 4.15.0 (#9959)
  • Mon Sep 5 12:17:44 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani Create codeql-analysis.yml
  • Thu S...
  • Read more


    14 Sep 13:03
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    Change Log

    3.3.3 (2022-09-14)

  • Wed Sep 7 18:15:34 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Fixes #9972] SECURITY - Outdated requirements.txt for branch 3.3.x (#9984)
  • Tue Aug 30 15:13:17 2022 +0300: NAGGINDA MARTHA -[Fixes #9921] Original Layer / Dataset not offered as Download on layer detail page (#9942)
  • Fri Aug 26 12:17:21 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Fixes #9913] 3.3.X - Update django-markdownify package to 0.9.2 in requirements.txt (#9915)
  • Wed Jul 27 13:12:59 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Align letsencrypt docker container to geonode-project (#9717) (#9769)
  • Thu Jul 21 15:26:34 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] fix: scripts/docker/nginx/Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities (#9712) (#9713)
  • Thu Jul 21 15:25:38 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9718] fix renaming of CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL (#9719) (#9720)
  • Fri Jul 15 12:26:49 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9673] Proxy must use OGC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT instead of an hardcoded one (#9674) (#9675)
  • Fri Jul 15 10:27:13 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9669] Updatelayers unexpectedly fails if layer is 'None' (#9670) (#9671)
  • Thu Jul 14 13:14:15 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Backport to 3.3.x][Fixes #9662][Docker] Wrong healthcheck on Django container (#9666)
  • Tue Jul 12 11:00:13 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Backport to 3.3.x][Fixes #9637] Performance scalability issues with Thumbnail generation (#9641)
  • Thu Jul 7 06:32:41 2022 +0000: David Quartey Added mapstore timeline expanded setting (#9615)
  • Tue Jul 5 16:03:12 2022 +0200: Alessio Fabiani [Dependencies] Align "setup.cfg" to "requirements.txt" (#9589)
  • Tue Jul 5 15:49:04 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes] Geoserver Dockerfile, build failed (#9600) (#9602)
  • Mon Jul 4 13:03:55 2022 +0300: NAGGINDA MARTHA -[Fixes #9518] br/restore call to migrate always fails (#9586)
  • Mon Jul 4 09:54:38 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Bump gn-arcrest from 10.5.4 to 10.5.5 (#9571) (#9574)
  • Fri Jul 1 12:03:45 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [Fixes #9562] Inconsistency information on layer upload along with an XML (#9563)
  • Wed Jun 22 15:52:45 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [Fixes #9531] Provide priority to _update_geofence_rule method (#9532)
  • 4.0.0post1

    22 Aug 13:09
    Choose a tag to compare

    Change Log

    4.0.0post1 (2022-08-22)

  • Mon Aug 22 11:14:29 2022 +0200: afabiani Bump django-geonode-mapstore-client to version 4.0.3
  • Mon Aug 22 11:14:29 2022 +0200: afabiani Bump to version 4.0.0post1
  • Wed Aug 17 12:51:54 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] Add test on extra metadta (#9859) (#9860)
  • Tue Aug 16 14:33:44 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9838] forever loading state on index site (API returns 403) (#9841) (#9857)
  • Wed Aug 10 17:59:38 2022 +0200: github-actions[bot] [Fixes #9842] Extra metadata endpoint return 403 even if the user has… (#9843) (#9844)
  • Tue Aug 9 12:29:52 2022 +0200: mattiagiupponi [Fixes #9799] Thesaurus selectbox performance in metadata editor is very slow (#9800) (#9836)
  • Fri Aug 5 19:46:48 2022 +0200: afabiani Bump to version 4.0.1dev
  • Fri Aug 5 19:46:32 2022 +0200: afabiani "Bump django-geonode-mapstore-client to version 4.x"
  • 4.0.0 (2022-08-05)

    Breaking Changes


    Full Changelog


    4.0.0rc1 (2022-07-01)

    Breaking Changes


    Full Changelog


    4.0.0rc0 (2022-04-20)

    Breaking Changes


    Full Changelog



    05 Aug 17:44
    Choose a tag to compare

    Change Log

    4.0.0 (2022-08-05)

    Breaking Changes


    Full Changelog
