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7. Important notes & limitations

Giampaolo Gabba edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 1 revision
  • The sharedTransitions:Transition.Name in source and destination page needs to match in order to display the animated transition
  • You can animate multiple views at once, just remember that every Transition Name in a page needs to be unique
  • You can animate the same element in multiple, subsequent pages

iOS Notes

  • Full shape layout transition is supported (eg: different corner radius between starting and ending views)
  • You can pop the page using a PanGesture on the left side of the screen

Android X:

To enable AndroidX support, use Xamarin.Forms 4.5+ and target API 29.

Android Limitations

  • TabbedPage inside MasterDetailPage is not currently supported
  • When animating layouts (frame, stacklayouts....) i suggest to dont use a background transition other than "Fade" (or "None"). Android doesnt play well with background animation + shared transitions of layouts
  • Shape layout transitions are not well supported (they play well only on pushing Frames). I suppose there is some problem with clipping, maybe we can adjust this making a custom SharedTransition callback and play with shapes & clip, but i didnt find yet a way to do this (playng with shapes & clip i mean, create a custom callback is easy). IF anyone want to help it will be SUPER-welcome!