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More Dorks Repository

Welcome to the More Dorks repository, a comprehensive collection of categorized dorks by vulnerability types for identifying security weaknesses in web applications.

Table of Contents


The More Dorks repository serves as a vital resource for security professionals, penetration testers, and developers involved in security assessment and testing of web applications. It offers an extensive collection of categorized dorks for identifying potential security weaknesses.


This repository aims to provide a structured catalog of dorks categorized by specific vulnerability types, assisting users in identifying potential security weaknesses in web applications. It's designed to streamline security assessment and testing efforts.

Categories of Dorks

The repository categorizes dorks into specific types, each representing common security vulnerabilities frequently encountered in web applications. Each category offers a targeted selection of dorks relevant to that specific vulnerability type.


  1. SQL Injection: Dorks for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Dorks targeting XSS vulnerabilities.
  3. Path Traversal: Dorks for identifying path traversal vulnerabilities.
  4. Local File Inclusion (LFI): Dorks related to LFI vulnerabilities.
  5. Remote File Inclusion (RFI): Dorks focused on RFI vulnerabilities.
  6. Error-based Injection: Dorks centered around error-based injection vulnerabilities.
  7. Time-Based Blind SQL Injection: Dorks related to time-based blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  8. Server-Side Template Injection: Dorks targeting server-side template injection.
  9. Directory Listing: Dorks designed to find directory listings.
  10. Command Injection: Dorks for identifying command injection vulnerabilities.
  11. XML External Entity (XXE): Dorks for XXE vulnerabilities.
  12. Authentication Bypass: Dorks aimed at identifying authentication bypass vulnerabilities.
  13. Header Injection: Dorks for finding header injection vulnerabilities.

Each category contains a range of dorks designed to uncover vulnerabilities specific to that type.

File Listings

Here are some of the important files and their actions in the repository:

  • Discord.txt
  • Files.txt
  • Gaming.txt
  • MIX1.txt
  • Minecraft.txt
  • RFI1.txt
  • Shoping10k.txt
  • best1.txt
  • best2.txt
  • best3.txt
  • best4.txt:
  • best5(8k).txt
  • best6(8k).txt
  • best7(5k).txt
  • best8.txt
  • ip+dorks.txt
  • sensitive1.txt

How to Use This Repository

The dorks are organized into folders based on their vulnerability categories. Users can navigate through these folders to explore specific dorks relevant to their security testing requirements. Each category folder contains a README file offering detailed information and examples for the dorks within that category.

Examples of Dorks

SQL Injection

  • SQL Injection to List Users:

    SELECT username, password FROM users
  • SQL Injection Error Messages:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

  • XSS Payload in URL Parameter:

  • XSS in Form Input:

    <img src=x onerror=alert('XSS')>

Exploring the GDorks Main Repository

The GDorks repository is a comprehensive resource that contains an extensive collection of dorks, categorized folders, and detailed documentation covering various cyber attack vectors, methods, and tools.


Contributions to this repository are encouraged! If you have additional dorks, examples, or documentation to share, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch with a descriptive name.
  3. Add your dorks or other content.
  4. Submit a pull request.

Contributions from the security community enrich the repository's depth and relevance.

Explore, learn, and contribute responsibly to improve security testing efforts.

Happy hunting for security vulnerabilities, and remember to conduct your tests ethically and responsibly.