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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 9, 2024. It is now read-only.

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Directory structure:


- old/
The old attempt at lindbergh emulation which got less and less stable over time as it had to hook various functions

- fs/
The emulated lindbergh filesystem

- ld/
Lindbergh Libraries (Preloaded path)

This readme

- fusefs/
The fuse filesystem emulation

- preload/
The preload library

[Filesystem emulator:]

- fsentries.c
Emulation of lindbergh device files

- fusefslog.c / fusefslog.h
Log entries for the fuse filesystem

- fuseparams.h
Sets API version for fuse.h and defines structure for the private_data of fuse

[Emulation library:]

- main.c
Main entrance point for the emulator library where I hook the staticly linked functions for JVS and the dongle

- io.c / io.h
IO Emulation and SIGSEGV handling

- nvidiagl.c
Some functions from common GL Extensions accross Lindbergh games

- linker.h
A quick linker wrapper for dynamicly loading functions

- context.h
A x86 ucontext union for easier access


- Later-1: Run a fuse-fs which mirrors the root but adds custom lindbergh fs entries. These FS entries are emulated by the filesystem emulator directly
  - NVIDIA graphics card
  - Later-?: /dev/lbb Baseboard
  - If necessary: /dev/tts/0 COM-Port (I have seen /dev/ttyS0 instead before)
  - If necessary: /dev/tts/1 COM-Port (I have seen /dev/ttyS1 instead before)
  - /dev/i2c/0 EEPROM (Interpreted (100% of captured traffic known, implemented as in chip datasheet) and file backed)
  - If necessary, only fake necessary parts: /dev/hda ATA-device
  - If necessary, only fake existence: /etc/creative/* Creative soundcard files
  - If necessary, only fake existence: /dev/emu10kxSoundcard
  - If necessary, only fake existence: /dev/emupia Soundcard
  - If necessary, only fake necessary parts: /proc/bus/pci/00/1f.0 This might be the graphics card - can't remember (//Edit: This seems to be the LPC?!)
  - Hide /dev/js* (some games might want debug input, so it would get the same input via js and emulated JVS (using the same js))
- Run a preloaded bash (possibly in a chroot?) which then hooks:
  - amJvs and amDongle functions + anything else which talks to the baseboard for now
  - signal functions, exit if the app calls these. Later I should make sure that the original function is called after mine if there was nothing to emulate
  - iopl (Block any hardware access and install a signal handler instead!)
  - GLUT: so we can run windowed
  - GLX to provide unsupported NVIDIA extensions
  - Later-2: GLX so we have full control over opengl
- Also preload the custom SEGAAPI-lib.
- Later-3: preload library: everytime the game wants to change that make sure we get the signal first
- In the signal handler wait for in/out instructions and emulate them
- Later-4: Drop amJvs and amDongle emulation and move to fuse
- Later-5: Replace fuse-fs with hooks