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executable file
95 lines (69 loc) · 4.11 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
95 lines (69 loc) · 4.11 KB


OpenDigitalRadio Encoder Manager is a tools to run and configure ODR Encoder easly with a WebGUI.

Note about version V5.0.1

Bug fixes

  • use yaml.safe_load instead yaml.load to avoid crash on recent python version

Note about version V5.0.0


  • ODR-AudioEnc v3.0.0
  • ODR-SourceCompanion v1.0.0
  • ODR-PadEnc v3.0.0

New Feature / Change

  • Add odr-padenc raw-slides option
  • Add additional supervisor option by encoder (only via editing config file at this time)
  • Display ODR tools version
  • ODR-padenc socket support
  • Change supervisor stderr logging
  • Communication between odr-audioenc/odr-sourcecompanion use socket instead fifo

Bug fixes

  • Solve issue with SNMP request on AVT with last firmware (ClockSource)


  • (root) Install requirement (debian/stretch) : apt install python3-cherrypy3 python3-jinja2 python3-serial python3-yaml supervisor python3-pysnmp4
  • (root) Add odr user : adduser odr
  • (root) Add odr user to dialout group : usermod -a -G dialout odr
  • (root) Add odr user to audio group : usermod -a -G audio odr
  • (user) Got to odr user home : cd /home/odr/
  • (user) Clone git repository : git clone
  • (user) Rename sample config : mv /home/odr/ODR-EncoderManager/config.json.sample /home/odr/ODR-EncoderManager/config.json
  • (root) Make the symlink: ln -s /home/odr/ODR-EncoderManager/supervisor-encoder.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/odr-encoder.conf
  • (root) Make the symlink: ln -s /home/odr/ODR-EncoderManager/supervisor-gui.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/odr-gui.conf
  • (root) Edit /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf and add this section :
port = 8900
username = user ; Auth username
password = pass ; Auth password
  • (root) Restart supervisor : /etc/init.d/supervisor restart
  • (root) Start WEB server : supervisorctl reread; supervisorctl update ODR-encoderManager
  • Go to : http://<ip_address>:8080
  • Login with user joe and password secret


  • You can edit global configuration, in particular path in this files :
    • config.json
    • supervisor-gui.conf
  • If you want to change supervisor XMLRPC login/password, you need to edit /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf and config.json files

How to set DLS / DL+ / SLS

Set DLS / DL+ for all encoder To set a text metadata used for DLS, use http GET or POST on the Encoder Manager API from your automation software.


As an alternative DLS+ tags are automatically activated if you use artist & title parameters:


Many radio automation software can send this information to Encoder Manager API by using a call of this type (for example)

http://{ip}:8080/api/setDLS?dls=%%artist%% - %%title%%

%%artist%% - %%title%% should be replaced with the expression expected from your radio automation software.

At each events on your playlist (when a track start) the radio automation software will send via this url the appropriate metadata to Encoder Manager API. It will be reflected on the DAB signal.

Set DLS / DL+ for specific encoder (from version V4.0.0) If you want to update DLS / DL+ for a specific encoder, you need to find the uniq_id on Encoder > Manage page under Information button


Set SLS for all encoder To send slide used for SLS, use http POST on the Encoder Manager API.

curl -X POST -F 'slide_file=@"live.jpg"' http://{ip}:8080/api/setSLS

Set SLS for specific encoder If you want to update SLS for a specific encoder, you need to find the uniq_id on Encoder > Manage page under Information button

curl -X POST -F 'uniq_id={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}' -F 'slide_file=@"{file.jpg}"' http://{ip}:8080/api/setSLS


  • To use the reboot api (/api/reboot), you need to allow odr user to run shutdown command by adding the line bellow at the end of /etc/sudoers file :
odr     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown