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Deploying in ephemeral for troubleshooting and local testing

In order to reserve a namespace, follow these steps:

  1. Install bonfire
pip install crc-bonfire
  1. Log into
oc login --token=${TOKEN} --server=
  1. Reserve a namespace
NAMESPACE=$(bonfire namespace reserve)

Testing the local version of the dvo-writer

  1. Deploy the dvo-writer
bonfire deploy -c deploy/test-dvo-writer.yaml -n $NAMESPACE --component dvo-writer ccx-data-pipeline

Testing the local version of the cache-writer

  1. Deploy the cache-writer and Redis workloads
bonfire deploy -c deploy/test-cache-writer.yaml -n $NAMESPACE ccx-data-pipeline
  1. Test that you can read and write from Redis

Spin up a container:

oc --namespace $NAMESPACE run test -i --rm \ \

And run:

export REDISCLI_AUTH="rNOp(B^!Y1tRpGL50w_6rAv~"
redis-cli -h ccx-redis -p 6379 ping; echo $?
redis-cli -h ccx-redis -p 6379 SET mykey "Hello\nWorld";
redis-cli -h ccx-redis -p 6379 GET mykey;

You can also check that the metrics are exposed:

curl ccx-redis-metrics:9121/metrics

Don't worry if you can't see the command prompt. Just write and execute commands. Then exit with CTRL+D.

  1. Test the cache-writer

Visit $NAMESPACE/deployments/ccx-cache-writer-db-writer/pods and check the logs.

You can also check the metrics are exported from inside the debug pod from the previous step:

oc --namespace $NAMESPACE run test -i --rm \ \

curl ccx-cache-writer-prometheus-exporter:9000/metrics
  1. Delete the namespace
bonfire namespace release $NAMESPACE