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Weekly Topics

Each week of Devtoberfest will have a focus topic. All the tech talks, external experts, featured tutorials, and coding challenges within a certain week will related to the focus topic.

Week 1

Calendar Week 40

Oct 4 - 8

Welcome to Devtoberfest

Topic Owner: Kevin Muessig

Devtoberfest! A celebration for Developers by Developers.

The first week of Devtoberfest is all about learning more about the event and an introduction to the Grand Prize raffle. You will learn how you can participate in Devtoberfest, how you can win prizes and join a whole set of amazing sessions being held by the SAP Developer Advocates as well as exciting guest speakers.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 2

Calendar Week 41

Oct 11 - 15

Best Practices

Topic Owner: DJ Adams

When discovering and learning about any new technical topic, whether an SAP specific one, or a more general computing topic, there is always so much to read, so much to delve into. As well as trying to work out what's relevant, what will get you started, it's also useful to know what's considered good practice, and (implicitly) what patterns and approaches to avoid.

In this Devtoberfest week we have the chance to think about best practices in three main areas:

  • ABAP
  • the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP)
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

We have speakers from whom we can learn, speakers who are experts in these areas and indeed are product owners or developers.

We also have a special guest who will give us some important and inspiring insights into best practices when it comes to cloud and the cloud-native destination towards which we're all traveling in our own ways.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 3

Calendar Week 42

Oct 18 - 22

Cloud Native

Topic Owner: Josh Bentley

Cloud Native can mean a lot of things to a lot of delopers depending on the application deign and the solution the application is helping to provide. We can all agree that front-end, back-end and full stack developer are not going away, but they are becoming immersed into the Cloud Native and Serverless world.

In this topic week we will look at drilling into what a microservice is and how best to use them. Then we explore serverless app design and how to make your cloud native journey a success.

For the tutorial content of this week there will be a heavy focus on SAP Kyma within BTP.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 4

Calendar Week 43

Oct 25 - 29


Topic Owner: Thomas Jung

Security, as a topic, has an interesting place for most developers. While it's universally agreed to be an important topic; too often in the development process it becomes an afterthough or something left to "the security team".

In this topic week we want to look some general security topics that impacts all types of developers. We will look at how to protect your applications from hackers, how to deal with the Cloud Native security implications and how to write more secure code.

For the tutorial and code challenge content of this week there will be a special focus on security within ABAP and the Node.js/JavaScript areas.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 5

Calendar Week 44

Nov 1 - 5

Data && Analytics

Topic Owner: Vitaliy Rudnytskiy

Times were never more exciting for developers working with data. Data analysts, data scientists and data engineers all have important role in building the Enterprise Data Landscape of today and for tomorrow using SAP technologies.

During this week you will have a chance to hear, discuss and compare different points of view based on the wealth of experience of our presenters from and outside of the SAP ecosystem.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 6

Calendar Week 45

Nov 8 - 12


Topic Owner: Marius Obert

The frontend is the only project component that your business users will ever interact with directly. Consequentially, its implementation will shape the first impression of your project - So make it count!

In this topic week, we look at some general trends topics that impact your web-based frontend. Each session will focus on upcoming industry trends and relate SAP's frameworks and services to its developer ecosystem. As this topic area to so incredibly wide, we'll concentrate on web-based frontends.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.