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Allure framework integration for Playwright Test framework

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Use your favorite node package manager to install the package:

npm i -D allure-playwright


Just add allure-playwright into Playwright configuration file:

module.exports = {
  reporter: "allure-playwright",

Or use the reporter with another ones:

module.exports = {
  reporter: [["line"], ["allure-playwright"]];

Or pass the same value via command line:

npx playwright test --reporter=line,allure-playwright

Specify location for allure results:

Mac / Linux

ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR=my-allure-results npx playwright test --reporter=line,allure-playwright


set ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR=my-allure-results
npx playwright test --reporter=line,allure-playwright

Generate Allure Report:

allure generate my-allure-results -o allure-report --clean

Open Allure Report:

allure open allure-report

Reporter options

Some reporter settings can set by following options:

Option Description Default
outputFolder Path to results folder. ./allure-results
detail Hide pw:api and hooks steps in report. See below true
suiteTitle Use test title instead of allure.suite(). See below true
links Allure Runtime API links templates. See below undefined

Options Usage

module.exports = {
  reporter: [
        detail: true,
        outputFolder: "my-allure-results",
        suiteTitle: false,

Options for Allure TestOps compatibility

After exporting test results into Allure TestOps, the results may contain extra steps with Playwright’s API calls, as well as collisions in the name of the suits.

Hooks and API calls

By default, each step of the test.step() functions contains subsections Playwright’s API methods calls.

The report looks like:

> Before Hooks
  > browserContext.newPage

> Open
  > page.goto(

> Expect page text
  > expect.toBeVisible

> After Hooks
  > browserContext.close

To hide steps with Before / After hooks and API calls page / expect / browser set the option detail: false

Suite title

By default, the reporter uses the test file path as the suite name.

If tests uses the allure.suite() and it's value must be used in Allure TestOps custom fields, then set the option suiteTitle: false

Providing extra information

Tests extra information can be provided by labels:

  • label
  • link
  • id
  • epic
  • feature
  • story
  • suite
  • parentSuite
  • subSuite
  • owner
  • severity
  • tag
  • issue
  • tms

Labels Usage

import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { label } from "allure-js-commons";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await label("labelName", "labelValue");

Links Usage

import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { link, issue } from "allure-js-commons";

test("basic test", async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
  await link("", "link-type", "playwright-site"); // link with name and type
  await issue("Issue Name", "");

You can also configure links formatters to make usage much more convenient. %s in urlTemplate parameter will be replaced by given value.

module.exports = {
  reporter: [
        detail: true,
        outputFolder: "my-allure-results",
+        links: [
+          {
+            type: "issue",
+            urlTemplate: "",
+            nameTemplate: "Issue: %s",
+          },
+          {
+            type: "tms",
+            urlTemplate: ""
+          },
+          {
+            type: "custom",
+            urlTemplate: ""
+          },
+        ]

Then you can assign link using shorter notation:

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {issue, tms, link} from "allure-js-commons";

test("basic test", async () => {
  await issue("Issue Name", "352");
  await tms("Task Name", "352");
  await link("352", "Link name", "custom");

Id Usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure, LabelName} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {

Epics Usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.epic("Some Epic");

Stories Usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.story("Some Story");

Screenshot usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.attachment("basic-page-screen", await page.screenshot(), {
    contentType: "image/png",

Attachments Usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

export const TODO_ITEMS = ["buy some cheese", "feed the cat", "book a doctors appointment"];

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.attachment("TODO_ITEMS", JSON.stringify(TODO_ITEMS), {
    contentType: "application/json",

Steps usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

export const TODO_ITEMS = ["buy some cheese", "feed the cat", "book a doctors appointment"];

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.step("Visit todolist page", async () => {
    await page.goto("");

  await allure.step("Create 1st todo.", async () => {
    await page.locator(".new-todo").fill(TODO_ITEMS[0]);
    await page.locator(".new-todo").press("Enter");

  await expect(
    page.locator(".view label"),
    "Make sure the list only has one todo item.",

Parameters usage

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.parameter("parameterName", "parameterValue");

Also parameter takes an third optional parameter with the hidden and excluded options: mode: "hidden" | "masked" - masked hide parameter value to secure sensitive data, and hidden entirely hide parameter from report

excluded: true - excludes parameter from the history

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";
import {allure} from "allure-playwright";

test("basic test", async ({page}, testInfo) => {
  await allure.parameter("parameterName", "parameterValue", {mode: "masked", excluded: true});

Selective test execution

Allure allow you to execute only a subset of tests. This is useful when you want to run only a specific test or a group of tests.

To enable this feature, you need to add the following code to your playwright.config.js:

+ import { testPlanFilter } from "allure-playwright/dist/testplan";
export default {
  reporter: [
  projects: [
      name: "chromium",
+  grep: testPlanFilter()

Allure will read ALLURE_TESTPLAN_PATH environment variable and read testplan from the specified file.

EnvironmentInfo usage

Allure allows you to add environment information to the report. This is useful when you want to add some additional information to the report.

to enable this feature, you need to add the following field to your playwright.config.js:

export default {
  reporter: [
+        environmentInfo: {
+          E2E_NODE_VERSION: process.version,
+          E2E_OS: process.platform,
+        },

Visual comparisons usage

Allure allows you to add visual comparisons to the report. This is useful when you want to add some additional information to the report.

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";

test("screendiff", async ({page}) => {
  await page.goto("");
  await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot();

If screenshots don't match, the report shows difference between them.


Passing metadata from test title

You also can pass allure metadata from test title. This is useful when you need to set allureId for the tests with failing before hooks. Just add{idValue} for the allureId or @allure.label.{labelName}={labelValue} for other types of labels.

import {test, expect} from "@playwright/test";

test("test with allureId", async ({}) => {
test("tst with severity @allure.label.severity=critical", async ({}) => {
test("test with epic @allure.label.epic=login", async ({}) => {
test("test with strangeLabel @allure.label.strangeLabel=strangeValue", async ({}) => {

Warning Note that changing title can cause creating new testcases in history. To fix this please add{yourTestCaseId} to the test name if you passing allure metadata from test title