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The MapDirectionsRenderer component wraps the google.maps.DirectionsRenderer class from the Google Maps JavaScript API. This can easily be used with the MapDirectionsService that wraps google.maps.DirectionsService which is designed to be used with Angular by returning an Observable response and works inside the Angular Zone.

The MapDirectionsService, like the google.maps.DirectionsService, has a single method, route. Normally, the google.maps.DirectionsService takes two arguments, a google.maps.DirectionsRequest and a callback that takes the google.maps.DirectionsResult and google.maps.DirectionsStatus as arguments. The MapDirectionsService route method takes the google.maps.DirectionsRequest as the single argument, and returns an Observable of a MapDirectionsResponse, which is an interface defined as follows:

export interface MapDirectionsResponse {
  status: google.maps.DirectionsStatus;
  result?: google.maps.DirectionsResult;

The most common use-case for the component and class would be to use the MapDirectionsService to request a route between two points on the map, and then render them on the map using the MapDirectionsRenderer.

Loading the Library

Using the MapDirectionsService requires the Directions API to be enabled in Google Cloud Console on the same project as the one set up for the Google Maps JavaScript API, and requires an API key that has billing enabled. See here for details.


// google-maps-demo.component.ts
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {GoogleMap, MapDirectionsRenderer, MapDirectionsService} from '@angular/google-maps';

  selector: 'google-map-demo',
  templateUrl: 'google-map-demo.html',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [GoogleMap, MapDirectionsRenderer],
export class GoogleMapDemo {
  center: google.maps.LatLngLiteral = {lat: 24, lng: 12};
  zoom = 4;

  readonly directionsResults$: Observable<google.maps.DirectionsResult|undefined>;

  constructor(mapDirectionsService: MapDirectionsService) {
    const request: google.maps.DirectionsRequest = {
      destination: {lat: 12, lng: 4},
      origin: {lat: 14, lng: 8},
      travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING
    this.directionsResults$ = mapDirectionsService.route(request).pipe(map(response => response.result));
<!-- google-maps-demo.component.html -->
<google-map height="400px" width="750px" [center]="center" [zoom]="zoom">
  @if (directionsResults$ | async; as directionsResults) {
    <map-directions-renderer [directions]="directionsResults" />