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How to Update Myanmar Tools in Package Repos

This document describes the steps required to update Myanmar Tools in package repositories such as Maven Central and npm.


Version tags apply to the entire repository. It is therefore essential that you maintain the stability of all projects when making a release. For example, if you are making a Java-specific change, you shouldn't commit changes that break other clients, even if you intend to fix them later.

We use semantic versioning: change the small digit for minor bug fixes, the middle digit for larger bug fixes or minor feature improvements, and the large digit for major feature improvements that could also break backwards compatibility.


You must have write access to the Github repo, and you must also have write access for this project on the corresponding package repository.

Releasing to npm (Node.JS)

  1. Create an account at
  2. On the command line, sign in using npm login.
  3. Save the desired version to publish in package.json and commit.
  4. Ensure that the working directory is clean. Commit or stash any lingering changes.
  5. Run npm publish in the clients/js directory.
  6. All done; make sure that the package got updated by visiting

Releasing to Google Hosted Libraries (Browser JS)

A Google engineer needs to perform this task. For more details, see go/zawgyi/releasing.

Releasing to Maven Central (Java)

Requesting Access to Maven Central

  1. Create an account at I recommend generating a random password that you haven't used anywhere else because you will be saving it in plaintext in step 3.
  2. If you don't already have a public/private key pair created with gpg, you'll need to get one. a. Install the gnupg package if it isn't already installed. b. Run gpg --gen-key. I recommend generating a random password that you haven't used anywhere else because you will be saving it in plaintext in step 3. c. You'll need to register your new public key with a number of public key servers: - - - d. Use gpg --armor --export your-email, where your-email is the email you provided when creating the key. Copy all the text output, including "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----", and paste and submit on each of the above sites.
  3. Save all this information in ~/.m2/settings.xml, which you may need to create. Boilerplate:

NOTE: If you don't want to save your username and password in plaintext, this video has instructions on how to generate a token to be used instead.

Pusing to Maven Central

  1. Edit clients/java/pom.xml with the new version number. Keep the "-SNAPSHOT" tag.
  2. Make sure that your working copy is clean. Commit or stash any lingering changes.
  3. Run mvn release:prepare from the clients/java directory. Choose the default for the first and third questions Maven will ask you. On the second question, use the tag name but add a +java to the end of it (for example, v1.1.0+java); this is to distringuish tags for releases in different client languages. This command is a black box that does a lot of work, including making commits to Github with the new version tag.
  4. Confirm that there are two new commits on master, both prefixed with "[maven-release-plugin]". If you don't see these commits, you may need to update the plugin; see
  5. Once you've confirmed everything is okay, run mvn release:perform.

Update Documentation

The file clients/java/ has a version hard-coded in two places: the example pom.xml and gradle dependency blocks. Once the release has been performed, you should update those lines.

Releasing to RubyGems and PHP Composer/Packagist

There is an account "google-myanmar-tools-user" that has push access to each of these two repositories. All Googlers on the project can perform pushes using the accounts. For information on accessing the accounts, see go/valentine.